S Page b634890634 QA: Fix missing "Given I am logged in as a new user"
Echo browser tests pass, but are skipping
  Scenario: New user gets a sign up notification
because a step definition is missing.

I simply adapted
  ^I am logged in as a new user with no notifications$
and the scenario passes in chrome.

Change-Id: I9f2bd10d05b689eaacbf2890913786eb157d6af9
2014-09-10 15:26:53 +00:00

84 lines
2.8 KiB

def make_page_with_user( title, text, username )
client = on(APIPage).client
client.log_in(username, ENV["MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD"])
client.create_page(title, text)
def clear_notifications( username )
client = on(APIPage).client
step 'the user "' + username + '" exists'
client.log_in(username, ENV["MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD"])
client.action( 'echomarkread', token_type: 'edit', all: '1' )
def make_page_with_user_b( title, text )
username = get_session_username_b()
step 'the user "' + username + '" exists'
make_page_with_user( title, text, username )
def make_page_with_user_a( title, text )
make_page_with_user( title, text, get_session_username() )
Given(/^another user has linked to a page I created from another page$/) do
title = 'Selenium Echo link test ' + @random_string
make_page_with_user_a(title, "Selenium test page. Feel free to delete me.")
title2 = title + ' ' + @random_string
make_page_with_user_b(title2, "I am linking to [[" + title + "]].")
Given(/^another user writes on my talk page$/) do
make_page_with_user_b("User talk:" + get_session_username(),
"== Barnstar ==\nHello Selenium, here is a barnstar for all your testing! " + @random_string + "~~~~\n")
Given(/^another user @s me on "(.*?)"$/) do |title|
username = get_session_username().sub( '_', ' ' )
text = "@" + username + " Cho cho cho. ~~~~"
make_page_with_user_b(title, text)
Given(/^I come back from grabbing a cup of coffee$/) do
# Notifications can be extremely slow to trickle into beta labs so go to sleep for a bit
sleep 7
Given(/^another user mentions me on the wiki$/) do
title = 'Selenium Echo mention test ' + @random_string
username = get_session_username().sub( '_', ' ' )
text = "== The walrus ==\n[[User:" + username + "]]: Cho cho cho. ~~~~\n"
make_page_with_user_b(title, text)
Given(/^I am logged in as a new user$/) do
@username = get_new_username()
step 'I am logged in as the user "' + @username + '"'
Given(/^I am logged in as a new user with no notifications$/) do
@username = get_new_username()
clear_notifications( @username )
step 'I am logged in as the user "' + @username + '"'
Given(/^I am logged in with no notifications$/) do
# Mark all messages as read
client = on(APIPage).client
username = get_session_username()
step 'the user "' + username + '" exists'
client.log_in(username, ENV["MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD"])
client.action( 'echomarkread', token_type: 'edit', all: '1' )
step 'I am logged in my non-shared account'
step 'I have no new notifications'
Then(/^I have no new notifications$/) do
on(ArticlePage).flyout_link_element.when_present.class_name.should_not match 'mw-echo-unread-notifications'
Then(/^I have new notifications$/) do
on(ArticlePage).flyout_link_element.when_present.class_name.should match 'mw-echo-unread-notifications'