Matthias Mullie f751e96839 Unread pages API
The query shouldn't be too expensive: it'll use an index to narrow
down the resultset for 1 user. After that, it'll be sorted based on
a grouped by value, but that should fit in memory: it'll never be
on more than 2000 entries, which is the max amount of notifications
per user.

Change-Id: I271ea7f7a6e010284739bfce02c4ec8a077148fc
2016-05-27 17:24:53 -07:00

206 lines
5.4 KiB

use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
abstract class ApiCrossWikiBase extends ApiQueryBase {
* @var EchoForeignNotifications
protected $foreignNotifications;
* @param ApiQuery $queryModule
* @param string $moduleName
* @param string $paramPrefix
public function __construct( ApiQuery $queryModule, $moduleName, $paramPrefix = '' ) {
parent::__construct( $queryModule, $moduleName, $paramPrefix );
$this->foreignNotifications = new EchoForeignNotifications( $this->getUser() );
* This will turn the current API call (with all of it's params) and execute
* it on all foreign wikis, returning an array of results per wiki.
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected function getFromForeign() {
$reqs = $this->getForeignRequestParams( $this->getRequestedForeignWikis() );
return $this->foreignRequests( $reqs );
* @return bool
protected function allowCrossWikiNotifications() {
global $wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications;
return $wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications;
* This is basically equivalent to $params['wikis'], but some added checks:
* - `*` will expand to "all wikis with unread notifications"
* - if `$wgEchoCrossWikiNotifications` is off, foreign wikis will be excluded
* @return array
protected function getRequestedWikis() {
$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
// if wiki is omitted from params, that's because crosswiki is/was not
// available, and it'll default to current wiki
$wikis = isset( $params['wikis'] ) ? $params['wikis'] : array( wfWikiID() );
if ( array_search( '*', $wikis ) !== false ) {
// expand `*` to all foreign wikis with unread notifications + local
$wikis = array_merge(
array( wfWikiID() ),
if ( !$this->allowCrossWikiNotifications() ) {
// exclude foreign wikis if x-wiki is not enabled
$wikis = array_intersect_key( array( wfWikiID() ), $wikis );
return $wikis;
* @return array Wiki names
protected function getRequestedForeignWikis() {
return array_diff( $this->getRequestedWikis(), array( wfWikiId() ) );
* @return array Wiki names
protected function getForeignWikisWithUnreadNotifications() {
return $this->foreignNotifications->getWikis();
* @param User $user
* @return string
protected function getCentralAuthToken( User $user ) {
$context = new RequestContext;
$context->setRequest( new FauxRequest( array( 'action' => 'centralauthtoken' ) ) );
$context->setUser( $user );
$api = new ApiMain( $context );
return $api->getResult()->getResultData( array( 'centralauthtoken', 'centralauthtoken' ) );
* @param array $wikis Wiki names
* @return array
protected function getForeignRequestParams( array $wikis ) {
$apis = $this->foreignNotifications->getApiEndpoints( $wikis );
if ( !$apis ) {
return array();
$reqs = array();
foreach ( $apis as $wiki => $api ) {
$reqs[$wiki] = array(
'method' => 'GET',
'url' => $api['url'],
'query' => $this->getForeignQueryParams( $wiki ),
return $reqs;
* @param string $wiki Wiki name
* @return array
protected function getForeignQueryParams( $wiki ) {
// use original request params, to forward them to individual wikis
$params = $this->getRequest()->getValues();
return array(
'centralauthtoken' => $this->getCentralAuthToken( $this->getUser() ),
// once all the results are gathered & merged, they'll be output in the
// user requested format
// but this is going to be an internal request & we don't want those
// results in the format the user requested but in a fixed format that
// we can interpret here
'format' => 'json',
// Only request data from that specific wiki, or they'd all spawn
// cross-wiki api requests...
$this->getModulePrefix() . 'wikis' => $wiki,
) + $params;
* @param array $reqs API request params
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected function foreignRequests( array $reqs ) {
$http = new MultiHttpClient( array() );
$responses = $http->runMulti( $reqs );
$results = array();
foreach ( $responses as $wiki => $response ) {
$statusCode = $response['response']['code'];
if ( $statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode <= 299 ) {
$parsed = json_decode( $response['response']['body'], true );
if ( $parsed ) {
$results[$wiki] = $parsed;
if ( !isset( $results[$wiki] ) ) {
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Echo' )->warning(
'Failed to fetch {module} from {wiki}. Response: {code} {response}',
'module' => $this->getModuleName(),
'wiki' => $wiki,
'code' => $response['response']['code'],
'response' => $response['response']['body'],
return $results;
* @return array
public function getAllowedParams() {
global $wgConf;
$params = array();
if ( $this->allowCrossWikiNotifications() ) {
$params += array(
// fetch notifications from multiple wikis
'wikis' => array(
ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI => true,
ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => wfWikiId(),
// `*` will let you immediately fetch from all wikis that have
// unread notifications, without having to look them up first
ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array_unique( array_merge( $wgConf->wikis, array( wfWikiId(), '*' ) ) ),
return $params;