Matthew Flaschen cac85b635f Make plural support for large values (100 or more) explicit in l10n
This involves:

* Making this value no longer admin-configurable.
* Changing getNotificationCountForOutput to return only a single value
  Since there is no + in the formatted value anymore, we can actually
  use the same value for both.

  This is a B/C break, but hopefully worth it to simplify the method

  For now, the excess parameter is just marked unused.  It could be
  removed at some point if the translations are updated.

This must be merged at the same time as:
* Flow - Ibfa56b1af9e8c56b4c5f900e0d487bc09688b2a2
* MobileFrontend - Ibf784b279d56773a227ff261b75f2b26125bbb63 (well, MF
  can be merged first)
* translatewiki - I2a4b6938aed49e4101deb6b9351c43656a863490

Also, change 1 to One/one, per Siebrand on the task.  This can easily
be dropped/undone if we don't want it.

Also, remove reference to no-longer-existent notification-page-linked-bundle

Bug: T127288
Change-Id: Iabeaae747f99980c0610d552f6b38f89d940b890
2016-03-16 18:43:16 -04:00

349 lines
11 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
* Notification badge button widget for echo popup.
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.ButtonWidget
* @constructor
* @param {} model Notifications view model
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration object
* @cfg {number} [numItems=0] How many items are in the button display
* @cfg {boolean} [hasUnseen=false] Whether there are unseen items
* @cfg {boolean} [markReadWhenSeen=false] Mark all notifications as read on open
* @cfg {number} [popupWidth=450] The width of the popup
* @cfg {string|Object} [badgeIcon] The icons to use for this button.
* If this is a string, it will be used as the icon regardless of the state.
* If it is an object, it must include
* the properties 'unseen' and 'seen' with icons attached to both. For example:
* { badgeIcon: {
* unseen: 'bellOn',
* seen: 'bell'
* } }
* @cfg {string} [href] URL the badge links to
* @cfg {jQuery} [$overlay] A jQuery element functioning as an overlay
* for popups.
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget = function MwEchoUiNotificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget( model, config ) {
var buttonFlags, allNotificationsButton, preferencesButton, footerButtonGroupWidget, $footer;
config = config || {};
config.links = config.links || {};
// Parent constructor this, config );
// Mixin constructors this, config );
this.$overlay = config.$overlay || this.$element;
// Create a menu overlay
this.$menuOverlay = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-ui-NotificationBadgeWidget-overlay-menu' );
this.$overlay.append( this.$menuOverlay );
// View model
this.notificationsModel = model;
this.type = this.notificationsModel.getType();
this.maxNotificationCount = mw.config.get( 'wgEchoMaxNotificationCount' );
this.numItems = config.numItems || 0;
this.markReadWhenSeen = !!config.markReadWhenSeen;
this.badgeIcon = config.badgeIcon || {};
this.hasRunFirstTime = false;
this.currentUnreadCountInBadge = 0;
buttonFlags = [ 'primary' ];
if ( !!config.hasUnseen ) {
buttonFlags.push( 'unseen' );
this.badgeButton = new mw.echo.ui.BadgeLinkWidget( {
label: this.numItems,
flags: buttonFlags,
badgeIcon: config.badgeIcon,
// The following messages can be used here:
// tooltip-pt-notifications-alert
// tooltip-pt-notifications-message
title: mw.msg( 'tooltip-pt-notifications-' + this.type ),
href: config.href
} );
// Notifications widget
this.notificationsWidget = new mw.echo.ui.NotificationsWidget(
type: this.type,
$overlay: this.$menuOverlay,
markReadWhenSeen: this.markReadWhenSeen
// Footer
allNotificationsButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
icon: 'next',
label: mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-link' ),
href: config.links.notifications,
classes: [ 'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-footer-allnotifs' ]
} );
preferencesButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
icon: 'advanced',
label: mw.msg( 'mypreferences' ),
href: config.links.preferences,
classes: [ 'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-footer-preferences' ]
} );
footerButtonGroupWidget = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget( {
items: [ allNotificationsButton, preferencesButton ]
} );
$footer = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-footer' )
.append( footerButtonGroupWidget.$element );
this.popup = new OO.ui.PopupWidget( {
$content: this.notificationsWidget.$element,
$footer: $footer,
width: config.popupWidth || 500,
autoClose: true,
// Also ignore clicks from the nested action menu items, that
// actually exist in the overlay
$autoCloseIgnore: this.$element.add( this.$menuOverlay ),
head: true,
// The following messages can be used here:
// echo-notification-alert-text-only
// echo-notification-message-text-only
label: mw.msg( 'echo-notification-' + this.type + '-text-only' ),
classes: [ 'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-popup' ]
} );
// HACK: Add an icon to the popup head label
this.popupHeadIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget();
this.popup.$head.prepend( this.popupHeadIcon.$element );
this.setPendingElement( this.popup.$head );
this.updateIcon( !!config.hasUnseen );
// Mark all as read button
this.markAllReadButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
framed: false,
label: mw.msg( 'echo-mark-all-as-read' ),
classes: [ 'mw-echo-ui-notificationsWidget-markAllReadButton' ]
} );
// Hide the close button
this.popup.closeButton.toggle( false );
// Add the 'mark all as read' button to the header
this.popup.$head.append( this.markAllReadButton.$element );
this.markAllReadButton.toggle( false );
// Events
this.markAllReadButton.connect( this, { click: 'onMarkAllReadButtonClick' } );
this.notificationsModel.connect( this, {
updateSeenTime: 'updateBadge',
add: 'updateBadge',
unseenChange: 'updateBadge',
unreadChange: 'updateBadge'
} );
this.popup.connect( this, { toggle: 'onPopupToggle' } );
this.badgeButton.connect( this, {
click: 'onBadgeButtonClick'
} );
.prop( 'id', 'pt-notifications-' + this.type )
// The following classes can be used here:
// mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-alert
// mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-message
'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget ' +
'mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-' + this.type
/* Initialization */
OO.inheritClass( mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
OO.mixinClass( mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget, OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement );
/* Static properties */
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.static.tagName = 'li';
/* Events */
* @event allRead
* All notifications were marked as read
* @event finishLoading
* Notifications have successfully finished being processed and are fully loaded
/* Methods */
* Respond to badge button click
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.onBadgeButtonClick = function () {
if ( !this.popup.isVisible() ) {
// Force a new API request for notifications
this.notificationsModel.fetchNotifications( true );
* Update the badge icon with the read/unread versions if they exist.
* @param {boolean} hasUnseen Widget has unseen notifications
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.updateIcon = function ( hasUnseen ) {
var icon = typeof this.badgeIcon === 'string' ?
this.badgeIcon :
this.badgeIcon[ hasUnseen ? 'unseen' : 'seen' ];
this.badgeButton.setIcon( icon );
this.popupHeadIcon.setIcon( icon );
// Client-side version of NotificationController::getCappedNotificationCount.
* Gets the count to use for display
* @param {number} count Count before cap is applied
* @return {number} Count with cap applied
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.getCappedNotificationCount = function ( count ) {
if ( count <= this.maxNotificationCount ) {
return count;
} else {
return this.maxNotificationCount + 1;
* Update the badge state and label based on changes to the model
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.updateBadge = function () {
var unseenCount = this.notificationsModel.getUnseenCount(),
unreadCount = this.notificationsModel.getUnreadCount(),
nonBundledUnreadCount = this.notificationsModel.getNonbundledUnreadCount(),
// Update numbers and seen/unseen state
// If the popup is open, only allow a "demotion" of the badge
// to grey; ignore change of color to 'unseen'
if ( this.popup.isVisible() ) {
if ( !unseenCount ) {
this.badgeButton.setFlags( { unseen: false } );
this.updateIcon( false );
} else {
this.badgeButton.setFlags( { unseen: !!unseenCount } );
this.updateIcon( !!unseenCount );
// Update badge count
if ( !this.markReadWhenSeen || !this.popup.isVisible() || unreadCount < this.currentUnreadCountInBadge ) {
cappedUnreadCount = this.getCappedNotificationCount( unreadCount );
cappedUnreadCount = mw.language.convertNumber( cappedUnreadCount );
badgeLabel = mw.message( 'echo-badge-count', cappedUnreadCount ).text();
this.badgeButton.setLabel( badgeLabel );
// Check if we need to display the 'mark all unread' button
this.markAllReadButton.toggle( !this.markReadWhenSeen && nonBundledUnreadCount > 0 );
this.currentUnreadCountInBadge = unreadCount;
* Respond to 'mark all as read' button click
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.onMarkAllReadButtonClick = function () {
* Extend the response to button click so we can also update the notification list.
* @fires finishLoading
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.onPopupToggle = function ( isVisible ) {
var widget = this;
if ( this.promiseRunning ) {
if ( !isVisible ) {
// If the popup is closing, remove "initiallyUnseen" and leave
// Log the click event
if ( this.hasRunFirstTime ) {
// HACK: Clippable doesn't resize the clippable area when
// it calculates the new size. Since the popup contents changed
// and the popup is "empty" now, we need to manually set its
// size to 1px so the clip calculations will resize it properly.
// See bug report:
this.popup.$clippable.css( 'height', '1px' );
this.markAllReadButton.toggle( false );
this.promiseRunning = true;
// Always populate on popup open. The model and widget should handle
// the case where the promise is already underway.
.then( function () {
if ( widget.popup.isVisible() ) {
// Update seen time
// Mark notifications as 'read' if markReadWhenSeen is set to true
if ( widget.markReadWhenSeen ) {
widget.emit( 'finishLoading' );
} )
.always( function () {
// Pop pending
widget.promiseRunning = false;
} );
this.hasRunFirstTime = true;
* Get the notifications model attached to this widget
* @return {} Notifications model
mw.echo.ui.NotificationBadgeWidget.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.notificationsModel;
} )( mediaWiki, jQuery );