bsitu e50f5a55a6 (bug 48821) Echo badge count always lags by 1
This bug was introduced during fixing the implicit database transaction,
the badge count logic happens before the transaction completes on idle,
moving the badge count code to only after a successful notification creation
should solve the issue

Change-Id: Ia564ed0d386e7cf2da1af3d23ae83d71ad472df5
2013-05-25 19:44:09 -07:00

106 lines
4.1 KiB

// @todo Fill in
class EchoNotifier {
* Record an EchoNotification for an EchoEvent
* Currently used for web-based notifications.
* @param $user User to notify.
* @param $event EchoEvent to notify about.
public static function notifyWithNotification( $user, $event ) {
global $wgEchoConfig, $wgEchoNotifications;
// Only create the notification if the user wants to recieve that type
// of notification and they are eligible to recieve it. See bug 47664.
$userWebNotifications = EchoNotificationController::getUserEnabledEvents( $user, 'web' );
if ( !in_array( $event->getType(), $userWebNotifications ) ) {
EchoNotification::create( array( 'user' => $user, 'event' => $event ) );
MWEchoEventLogging::logSchemaEcho( $user, $event, 'web' );
* Send a Notification to a user by email
* @param $user User to notify.
* @param $event EchoEvent to notify about.
* @return bool
public static function notifyWithEmail( $user, $event ) {
// No valid email address or email notification
if ( !$user->isEmailConfirmed() || $user->getOption( 'echo-email-frequency' ) < 0 ) {
return false;
// Final check on whether to send email for this user & event
if ( !wfRunHooks( 'EchoAbortEmailNotification', array( $user, $event ) ) ) {
return false;
// See if the user wants to receive emails for this category or the user is eligible to receive this email
if ( in_array( $event->getType(), EchoNotificationController::getUserEnabledEvents( $user, 'email' ) ) ) {
global $wgEchoEnableEmailBatch, $wgEchoNotifications, $wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationSenderName, $wgNotificationReplyName, $wgEchoBundleEmailInterval;
$priority = EchoNotificationController::getNotificationPriority( $event->getType() );
$bundleString = $bundleHash = '';
// We should have bundling for email digest as long as either web or email bundling is on, for example, talk page
// email bundling is off, but if a user decides to receive email digest, we should bundle those messages
if ( !empty( $wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['web'] ) || !empty( $wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['email'] ) ) {
wfRunHooks( 'EchoGetBundleRules', array( $event, &$bundleString ) );
if ( $bundleString ) {
$bundleHash = md5( $bundleString );
MWEchoEventLogging::logSchemaEcho( $user, $event, 'email' );
// email digest notification ( weekly or daily )
if ( $wgEchoEnableEmailBatch && $user->getOption( 'echo-email-frequency' ) > 0 ) {
// always create a unique event hash for those events don't support bundling
// this is mainly for group by
if ( !$bundleHash ) {
$bundleHash = md5( $event->getType() . '-' . $event->getId() );
MWEchoEmailBatch::addToQueue( $user->getId(), $event->getId(), $priority, $bundleHash );
return true;
$addedToQueue = false;
// only send bundle email if email bundling is on
if ( $wgEchoBundleEmailInterval && $bundleHash && !empty( $wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['email'] ) ) {
$bundler = MWEchoEmailBundler::newFromUserHash( $user, $bundleHash );
if ( $bundler ) {
$addedToQueue = $bundler->addToEmailBatch( $event->getId(), $priority );
// send single notification if the email wasn't added to queue for bundling
if ( !$addedToQueue ) {
// instant email notification
$toAddress = new MailAddress( $user );
$fromAddress = new MailAddress( $wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationSenderName );
$replyAddress = new MailAddress( $wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationReplyName );
// Since we are sending a single email, should set the bundle hash to null
// if it is set with a value from somewhere else
$event->setBundleHash( null );
$email = EchoNotificationController::formatNotification( $event, $user, 'email', 'email' );
$subject = $email['subject'];
$body = $email['body'];
UserMailer::send( $toAddress, $fromAddress, $subject, $body, $replyAddress );
MWEchoEventLogging::logSchemaEchoMail( $user, 'single' );
return true;