Erik Bernhardson 425a4a09fa Catch exceptions formatting notifications
Provide users a better user experience by catching and logging
errors with Echo notifications.

Bug: 60906
Change-Id: Iee93a05c6eed468af8bbfa60249df0819c49c45b
2014-02-05 13:55:27 -08:00

332 lines
10 KiB

/*global window:false */
( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
mw.echo.overlay = {
* @param newCount formatted count
* @param rawCount unformatted count
updateCount: function ( newCount, rawCount ) {
var $badge = $( '.mw-echo-notifications-badge' );
$badge.text( newCount );
if ( rawCount !== '0' && rawCount !== 0 ) {
$badge.addClass( 'mw-echo-unread-notifications' );
} else {
$badge.removeClass( 'mw-echo-unread-notifications' );
configuration: mw.config.get( 'wgEchoOverlayConfiguration' ),
removeOverlay: function () {
$( '.mw-echo-overlay, .mw-echo-overlay-pokey' ).fadeOut( 'fast',
function () { $( this ).remove(); }
buildOverlay: function ( callback ) {
var notificationLimit,
$overlay = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay' ),
$prefLink = $( '#pt-preferences a' ),
count = 0,
api = new mw.Api( { ajax: { cache: false } } );
// Set notification limit based on height of the window
notificationLimit = Math.floor( ( $( window ).height() - 134 ) / 90 );
if ( notificationLimit < 1 ) {
notificationLimit = 1;
} else if ( notificationLimit > 8 ) {
notificationLimit = 8;
apiData = {
'action' : 'query',
'meta' : 'notifications',
'notformat' : 'flyout',
'notlimit' : notificationLimit,
'notprop' : 'index|list|count'
api.get( mw.echo.desktop.appendUseLang( apiData ) ).done( function ( result ) {
var notifications = result.query.notifications,
unread = [],
unreadTotalCount = result.query.notifications.count,
unreadRawTotalCount = result.query.notifications.rawcount,
$title = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay-title' ),
$ul = $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-notifications' ),
if ( unreadTotalCount !== undefined ) {
mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( unreadTotalCount, unreadRawTotalCount );
$ul.css( 'max-height', notificationLimit * 95 + 'px' );
$.each( notifications.index, function ( index, id ) {
var $wrapper,
data = notifications.list[id],
$li = $( '<li>' )
.data( 'details', data )
.data( 'id', id )
.attr( {
'data-notification-category': data.category,
'data-notification-type': data.type
} )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-notification' );
if ( !data['*'] ) {
$li.append( data['*'] )
.appendTo( $ul );
// Grey links in the notification title and footer (except on hover)
$li.find( '.mw-echo-title a, .mw-echo-notification-footer a' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
function() {
$( this ).find( '.mw-echo-title a' ).removeClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
function() {
$( this ).find( '.mw-echo-title a' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
// If there is a primary link, make the entire notification clickable.
// Yes, it is possible to nest <a> tags via DOM manipulation,
// and it works like one would expect.
if ( $li.find( '.mw-echo-notification-primary-link' ).length ) {
$wrapper = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-notification-wrapper' )
.attr( 'href', $li.find( '.mw-echo-notification-primary-link' ).attr( 'href' ) )
.click( function() {
if ( mw.echo.clickThroughEnabled ) {
// Log the clickthrough
mw.echo.logInteraction( 'notification-link-click', 'flyout',, data.type );
} );
} else {
$wrapper = $('<div>').addClass( 'mw-echo-notification-wrapper' );
$li.wrapInner( $wrapper );
mw.echo.setupNotificationLogging( $li, 'flyout' );
if ( ! ) {
$li.addClass( 'mw-echo-unread' );
unread.push( id );
// Set up each individual notification with a close box and dismiss
// interface if it is dismissable.
if ( $li.find( '.mw-echo-dismiss' ).length ) {
mw.echo.setUpDismissability( $li );
} );
if ( notifications.index.length > 0 ) {
if ( unreadRawTotalCount > unread.length ) {
titleText = mw.msg(
mw.language.convertNumber( unread.length ),
mw.language.convertNumber( unreadTotalCount )
overflow = true;
} else {
titleText = mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-title' );
overflow = false;
} else {
titleText = mw.msg( 'echo-none' );
// If there are more unread notifications than can fit in the overlay,
// but fewer than the maximum count, show the 'mark all as read' button.
// The only reason we limit it to the maximum is to prevent expensive
// database updates. If the count is more than the maximum, it could
// be thousands.
if ( overflow && unreadRawTotalCount < mw.echo.overlay.configuration['max-notification-count']
) {
// Add the 'mark all as read' button to the title area
$markReadButton = $( '<button>' )
.addClass( 'mw-ui-button' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-mark-read-button' )
.text( mw.msg( 'echo-mark-all-as-read' ) )
.click( function ( e ) {
e.preventDefault(); mw.echo.desktop.appendUseLang( {
'action' : 'echomarkread',
'all' : true,
'token': mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' )
} ) ).done( function ( result ) {
if ( result.query.echomarkread.count !== undefined ) {
count = result.query.echomarkread.count;
mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( count, result.query.echomarkread.rawcount );
// Reset header to 'Notifications'
$( '#mw-echo-overlay-title-text' ).html( mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-title' ) );
} );
} );
$title.append( $markReadButton );
// Add the header to the title area
$( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-title-text' )
.html( titleText )
.appendTo( $title );
// Add help button
$( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', mw.config.get( 'wgEchoHelpPage' ) )
.attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'echo-more-info' ) )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-moreinfo-link' )
.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
.click( function () {
mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-help-click', 'flyout' );
} )
.appendTo( $title );
// Insert the title area into the overlay
$title.appendTo( $overlay );
if ( $ul.find( 'li' ).length ) {
$ul.appendTo( $overlay );
$overlayFooter = $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-footer' );
// add link to notifications archive
$( '<a>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-link' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' )
.attr( 'href', mw.util.wikiGetlink( 'Special:Notifications' ) )
.text( mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-link' ) )
.click( function () {
mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-archive-link-click', 'flyout' );
} )
function() {
$( this ).removeClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
function() {
$( this ).addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
// add link to notification preferences
$( '<a>' )
.html( $prefLink.html() )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-pref-link' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' )
.attr( 'href', $prefLink.attr( 'href' ) + '#mw-prefsection-echo' )
.click( function () {
mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-prefs-click', 'flyout' );
} )
function() {
$( this ).removeClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
function() {
$( this ).addClass( 'mw-echo-grey-link' );
$overlay.append( $overlayFooter );
callback( $overlay );
// only need to mark as read if there is unread item
if ( unread.length > 0 ) { mw.echo.desktop.appendUseLang( {
'action' : 'echomarkread',
'list' : unread.join( '|' ),
'token': mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' )
} ) ).done( function ( result ) {
if ( result.query.echomarkread.count !== undefined ) {
count = result.query.echomarkread.count;
mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( count, result.query.echomarkread.rawcount );
} );
} ).fail( function () {
window.location.href = $( '#pt-notifications a' ).attr( 'href' );
} );
$( function () {
var $link = $( '#pt-notifications a' );
if ( ! $link.length ) {
$ function ( e ) {
var $target;
// log the badge click
mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-badge-link-click' );
$target = $( );
// If the user clicked on the overlay or any child, ignore the click
if ( $target.hasClass( 'mw-echo-overlay' ) || $ '.mw-echo-overlay *' ) ) {
if ( $( '.mw-echo-overlay' ).length ) {
function ( $overlay ) {
.appendTo( $( '#pt-notifications' ) );
// Create the pokey (aka chevron)
$overlay.before( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay-pokey' ) );
mw.hook( 'ext.echo.overlay.beforeShowingOverlay' ).fire( $overlay );
// Show the notifications overlay
// Make sure the overlay is visible, even if the badge is near the edge of browser window.
// 10 is an arbitrarily chosen "close enough" number.
// We are careful not to slide out from below the pokey (which is 21px wide) (200-21/2+1 == 189)
offset = $overlay.offset(),
width = $overlay.width(),
windowWidth = $( window ).width();
if ( offset.left < 10 ) {
$overlay.css( 'left', '+=' + Math.min( 189, 10 - offset.left ) );
} else if ( offset.left + width > windowWidth - 10 ) {
$overlay.css( 'left', '-=' + Math.min( 189, ( offset.left + width ) - ( windowWidth - 10 ) ) );
} );
$( 'body' ).click( function ( e ) {
if ( ! $( ).is( '.mw-echo-overlay, .mw-echo-overlay *, .mw-echo-overlay-pokey, #pt-notifications a' ) ) {
} );
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );