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synced 2024-12-01 02:46:46 +00:00
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203 lines
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203 lines
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/*global window:false */
( function( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
mw.echo.overlay = {
'updateCount' : function( newCount ) {
// Accomodate '10' or '100+'. Numbers need to be
// passed as numbers for correct behavior of '0'.
if ( !isNaN( newCount ) ) {
newCount = Number( newCount );
if ( mw.echo.overlay.configuration['notifications-link-full'] ) {
$( '#pt-notifications > a' )
.text( mw.msg( 'echo-link' ) )
.badge( newCount, true, true );
} else {
$( '#pt-notifications > a' )
.text( '' )
.badge( newCount, true, true );
$( '#pt-notifications .mw-badge' ).css( 'margin-left', '-5px' );
mw.echo.overlay.notification_count = newCount;
'configuration' : mw.config.get( 'wgEchoOverlayConfiguration' ),
'buildOverlay' : function( callback ) {
var $overlay = $( '<div></div>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay' ),
$link = $( '#pt-notifications a' ),
$prefLink = $( '#pt-preferences a' ),
count = 0;
var Api = new mw.Api();
// Set notification limit based on height of the window
var notificationLimit = Math.floor( ( $( window ).height() - 134 ) / 85 );
if ( notificationLimit < 1 ) {
notificationLimit = 1;
Api.get( {
'action' : 'query',
'meta' : 'notifications',
'notformat' : 'flyout',
'notlimit' : notificationLimit,
'notprop' : 'index|list|count'
}, {
'ok' : function( result ) {
var notifications = result.query.notifications,
unread = [],
unreadTotalCount = result.query.notifications.count,
$title = $( '<div class="mw-echo-overlay-title"></div>' ),
$ul = $( '<ul class="mw-echo-notifications"></ul>' ),
titleText = '';
$ul.css( 'max-height', notificationLimit * 85 + 'px' );
$.each( notifications.index, function( index, id ) {
var data = notifications.list[id];
var $li = $( '<li></li>' )
.data( 'details', data )
.data( 'id', id )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-notification' )
.append( data['*'] )
.appendTo( $ul );
if ( !data.read ) {
$li.addClass( 'mw-echo-unread' );
unread.push( id );
} );
if ( notifications.index.length > 0 ) {
if ( unreadTotalCount > unread.length ) {
titleText = mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-title-overflow', unread.length, unreadTotalCount );
} else {
titleText = mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-title' );
} else {
titleText = mw.msg( 'echo-none' );
$title.html( $( '<a/>' ).attr( 'href', mw.util.wikiGetlink( 'Special:Notifications' ) ).text( titleText ) );
$title.appendTo( $overlay );
if ( $ul.find( 'li' ).length ) {
$ul.appendTo( $overlay );
var $overlayFooter = $( '<div/>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-footer' );
// only show 'All notifications...' link if there is notification
if ( notifications.index.length > 0 ) {
$( '<div/>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-link' )
.append( $link
.text( mw.msg( 'echo-overlay-link' ) )
// add link to notification preferences
$( '<div/>' )
.attr( 'id', 'mw-echo-overlay-pref-link' )
.append( $prefLink
.attr( 'href', $prefLink.attr( 'href' ) + '#mw-prefsection-echo' )
$overlay.append( $overlayFooter );
callback( $overlay );
// only need to mark as read if there is unread item
if ( unread.length > 0 ) {
Api.get( {
'action' : 'query',
'meta' : 'notifications',
'notmarkread' : unread.join( '|' ),
'notprop' : 'count'
}, {
'ok' : function( result ) {
if ( result.query.notifications.count !== undefined ) {
count = result.query.notifications.count;
mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( count );
} );
'err' : function() {
window.location.href = $link.attr( 'href' );
} );
mw.echo.overlay.notification_count = mw.echo.overlay.configuration['notification-count'];
$( function() {
mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( mw.echo.overlay.notification_count );
var $link = $( '#pt-notifications a' );
if ( ! $link.length ) {
$link.click( function( e ) {
var $target = $( e.target );
// If the user clicked on the overlay or any child,
// ignore the click
if ( $target.hasClass( 'mw-echo-overlay' ) ||
$target.is( 'mw-echo-overlay *' )
) {
var $overlay = $( '.mw-echo-overlay' );
if ( $overlay.length ) {
$overlay.fadeOut( 'fast',
function() { $overlay.remove(); }
$overlay = mw.echo.overlay.buildOverlay(
function( $overlay ) {
.appendTo( $( '#pt-notifications' ) );
// Figure out which footer link is first and pad it appropriately
// (Sometimes the 'All notifications' link doesn't exist)
if ( $( '#mw-echo-overlay-link' ).length ) {
$( '#mw-echo-overlay-link' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay-first-footer-link' );
} else {
$( '#mw-echo-overlay-pref-link' )
.addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay-first-footer-link' );
// Create the pokey (aka chevron)
$( '.mw-echo-overlay' ).before( $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-overlay-pokey' ) );
// Show the notifications overlay
} );
} );
$( 'body' ).click( function( e ) {
if ( ! $( e.target ).is( '.mw-echo-overlay, .mw-echo-overlay *, .mw-echo-overlay-pokey' ) ) {
$( '.mw-echo-overlay, .mw-echo-overlay-pokey' ).fadeOut( 'fast',
function() { $( this ).remove(); }
} );
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );