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synced 2024-12-19 19:30:57 +00:00
150 lines
12 KiB
150 lines
12 KiB
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"echo-desc": "Sõng-n-taag sẽn yaa sõma",
"prefs-echo": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sɛbã pʋgẽ",
"prefs-emailsettings": "Sõng-y n ges-y-yã",
"prefs-echosubscriptions": "Wilg-y-m-la yɛl nins sẽn maan-bã yelle",
"prefs-echocrosswiki": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sõsg ning sẽn yaa to-to wã",
"prefs-blocknotificationslist": "Sõng-n-taag sẽn pa mi a Zeova",
"prefs-mutedpageslist": "Pags sẽn pa tar sõor sẽn tõe n sõng tɩ b tall sõor sẽn pa tar pãng",
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"echo-mobile-notifications-filter-title": "Sõdg-y n bãng-y",
"echo-pref-show-poll-updates": "Wilg-y lɛbgr a taaba b sẽn wa n wa wã",
"echo-pref-show-poll-updates-help": "Wilg-y sõor nins b sẽn pa karem sõorã yʋy-gũbrã pʋgẽ, la y wilg sõor-kãnga sẽn wa n wa be zĩig ning fãa.",
"echo-pref-send-me": "Send me:",
"echo-pref-send-to": "Sõng-y-yã:",
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"echo-pref-web": "Webã",
"echo-pref-email": "E-mail",
"echo-pref-push": "Appãrã",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-never": "Da tʋm-y-m-la sɛb-zõos ye",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-immediately": "B sẽn wa n wa n togs ned kam fãa, b na n maana woto",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-daily": "Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ-dã",
"echo-pref-email-frequency-weekly": "Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ-dã",
"echo-pref-email-format-html": "HTML wã",
"echo-pref-email-format-plain-text": "sõsg sẽn yaa vẽenega",
"echo-pref-cross-wiki-notifications": "Wilg-y bũmb nins sẽn be wiki-rãmbã pʋgẽ wã",
"echo-pref-notifications-blacklist": "Da wilg-y nin-kãensã sẽn wa n togs bũmb ningã ye. ([[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Notifications#mute|learn more]])",
"echo-pref-notifications-page-linked-title-muted-list": "Pa wilg-y \"Page link\" sõss nins sẽn be seb-kãensã pʋgẽ ye. ([[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Notifications#mute|learn more]])",
"echo-pref-dont-email-read-notifications": "Pa segd n tall sõss nins b sẽn karemdã n wilg b sẽn na n gʋls-b to-to wã ye",
"echo-learn-more": "Bao n bãng bũmb a taab",
"echo-log": "B sẽn da maand bũmb ninsã",
"echo-new-messages": "Yãmb tara sõsg sõsg sull a ye",
"echo-category-title-edit-user-talk": "{{PLURAL:$1 to be deleted}}",
"echo-category-title-edit-user-page": "{{PLURAL:$1 to be posted}}",
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"echo-category-title-mention": "{{PLURAL:$1|Mention|Mentions}}",
"echo-category-title-mention-failure": "Ka paam ye {{PLURAL:$1|mention|mentions}}",
"echo-category-title-mention-success": "A paame{{PLURAL:$1|mention|mentions}}",
"echo-category-title-other": "{{PLURAL:$1|other}}",
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"echo-category-title-system-noemail": "{{PLURAL:$1|System}}",
"echo-category-title-system-emailonly": "{{PLURAL:$1|other}}",
"echo-category-title-user-rights": "{{PLURAL:$1}} Sõngd-y n bãng y sẽn tõe n maan bũmb ningã",
"echo-category-title-emailuser": "{{PLURAL:$1 E-mail sẽn yit nin-tɩrga a taab nengẽ wã pa nin-tɩrs a taab nengẽ ye}}",
"echo-category-title-article-reminder": "Page {{PLURAL:$1|reminder|reminders}}",
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"echo-category-title-minor-watchlist": "Sõng-y n tool-y neda",
"echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-talk": "Ned sã n wa rat n sõsd ne maam, bɩ y wilg-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-edit-user-page": "Ned sã n wa rat n toeem m sõssã, bɩ y togs-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-article-linked": "Ned sã n link-a ne seb-kãngã, bɩ a wilg-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-reverted": "Ned sã n lebg n lebg n wa n gʋls bũmb ning mam sẽn maandã, bɩ a wilg-m-la tɩ b pa le tõe n maan-a ye.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention": "Ned sã n wa rat n toeem m sõssã, bɩ y togs-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention-failure": "Fo sã n wa pa tõe n togs ned bũmb ning, bɩ f wilg-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-mention-success": "M sã n wa togs ned bũmb ning m sẽn maandã, bɩ y togs-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-user-rights": "Ned sã n wa rat n toeem m sõssã, bɩ y togs-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-emailuser": "Ned sã n tʋm-m e-mail, bɩ y togs-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-article-reminder": "M sã n sokẽ, bɩ y wilg-m tɩ d tara seb-kãngã.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-thank-you-edit": "M sã n wa paam m 1 soabã, 10 soabã, 100 soabã... b sẽn na n wilg-a wã.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-watchlist": "Ned sã n maand (sẽn pa sõor sẽn pa ta zĩigã) n toeem m sẽn getẽ wã, bɩ y wilg-m-la.",
"echo-pref-tooltip-minor-watchlist": "Ned sã n maand (sẽn pa sõor sẽn pa ta zĩigã) n toeem m sẽn getẽ wã, bɩ y wilg-m-la.",
"notifications": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sɛbã pʋgẽ",
"tooltip-pt-notifications-alert": "{{GENDER:|Your}}",
"tooltip-pt-notifications-notice": "{{GENDER:|Your}} gūls",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration": "Wilg-y y sẽn na n wilg tɩ y sẽn dat n maan bũmb ningã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-summary": "Yaa woto la d na n ges-yã, la d na yã bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ d tõe n paam n paam n bãng bũmb ning sẽn be sõssã pʋgẽ.",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-notifications-by-category-header": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sɛbã pʋgẽ",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-sorting-by-section-header": "Dɩtb sẽn yaa to-to",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-sorting-by-section-legend": "Sõsg ning b sẽn na n kõ-yã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-available-notification-methods-header": "Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ-dã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-available-notification-methods-by-category-legend": "Sõng-y-yã-yã-y-y-la y sẽn na n maan bũmb ning fãa sẽn yaa tɩlae ne-yã.",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-header": "D sẽn pa rat n togsã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-existing-users-legend": "Sõngdb sẽn be rũndã-rũndã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-enabled-default-new-users-legend": "Sõngdb a ye",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-mandatory-notification-methods-header": "Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ-dã",
"echo-displaynotificationsconfiguration-mandatory-notification-methods-by-category-legend": "Sõng-y-yã-yã-y-y-la y sẽn na n maan bũmb ning fãa sẽn yaa tɩlae ne-yã.",
"echo-specialpage": "Sõsg ning sẽn be sɛbã pʋgẽ",
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"echo-specialpage-pagefilterwidget-aria-label": "Sõdg-y-yã wiki wã la seb-neng ning sẽn pʋgdã",
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"echo-none": "Yãmb ka paam noobis ye.",
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"echo-api-failure-cross-wiki": "B zãaga b mens n pa tõe n paam n kẽ zĩ-kãng ye.",
"echo-notification-placeholder": "B pa na n wilg-y bũmb ye.",
"echo-notification-placeholder-filters": "B pa wilg tɩ b tara sor n na n maan b sẽn datã ye.",
"echo-notification-loginrequired": "Y segd n kẽe logtoɛɛmbẽ n na n yã y sõssã.",
"echo-notification-popup-loginrequired": "Sõng-y n kẽ n ges y lɛta.",
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"notification-dynamic-actions-unmute-page-linked-confirmation-description": "{{GENDER:$2_y}} tõe n zãaga y sẽn pa tar sõssã ne [$1 y sẽn dat n ges bũmb ningã] wakat fãa",
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"notification-dynamic-actions-unwatch-confirmation": "{{GENDER:$3 ye}} y pa le get \"$1\" seb-kãngã ye",
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"notification-link-text-expand-all": "Yãk-y n paas-y",
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"notification-header-edit-user-talk": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|left}} a message on <strong>{{GENDER:$3|your}} gõmd paala</strong>.",
"notification-header-edit-user-talk-with-section": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|left}} a message on<strong>{{GENDER:$3|your}} gõmd paala</strong>in \"</strong>$4</strong>\".",
"notification-compact-header-edit-user-page": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|edited}} {{GENDER:$3|your}} for Seb pūgē",
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"notification-compact-header-edit-user-talk-with-section": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|left}} {{GENDER:$3|you}} a message in\"</strong>$4</strong>\"",
"notification-header-page-linked": "<strong>$3</strong><strong>$4</strong> maana ligdã sẽn be dollars 4 n ta dollars 3.",
"notification-compact-header-page-linked": "A sẽn da tar ligdã ne <strong>$1</strong>.",
"notification-bundle-header-page-linked": "B yiisa ligdiid sẽn yit {{PLURAL:$5 ning sẽn be sɛb 5 ning sẽn be seb-neng 100=99+ pʋgẽ}} n ta <strong>$3</strong>.",
"notification-link-text-what-links-here": "Pag-kãngã link fãa",
"notification-header-mention-other": "$1 {{GENDER:$2| mentioned}} {{GENDER:$3|you}} on <strong>$4</strong> in \"<strong>$5</strong>\"",
"notification-header-mention-other-nosection": "$1 {{GENDER:$2| mentioned}} {{GENDER:$3|you}} on <strong>$4</strong>.",
"notification-link-text-view-edit": "Ges-y n tool-y neda",
"notification-link-article-reminder": "Seb-vão paalé",
"notification-timestamp-today": "Rũndã-rũndã",
"notification-timestamp-yesterday": "Sẽn yaa wa ne-a wã",
"notification-inbox-filter-read": "Karme",
"notification-inbox-filter-unread": "B pa karem ye",
"notification-inbox-filter-all": "Fãa",
"echo-notification-alert-text-only": "Dɩbg-yã",
"echo-notification-notice-text-only": "Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ",
"echo-date-today": "Rũndã-rũndã",
"echo-date-yesterday": "Sẽn yaa wa ne-a wã"