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( function () {
* A class defining Echo API instructions and network operations
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @cfg {number} [limit=25] Number of notifications to fetch
mw.echo.api.EchoApi = function MwEchoApiEchoApi( config ) {
config = config || {};
this.network = new mw.echo.api.NetworkHandler( config );
this.fetchingPromise = null;
this.limit = config.limit || 25;
this.fetchingPrioritizer = new mw.echo.api.PromisePrioritizer();
OO.initClass( mw.echo.api.EchoApi );
* Register a set of foreign sources.
* @param {Object} sources Object mapping source names to config objects
* @param {boolean} [unreadOnly=false] Fetch only unread notifications
* @param {number} [limit] Specific limit of notifications. Defaults to
* the default limit stated in the class.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.registerForeignSources = function ( sources, unreadOnly, limit ) {
limit = limit || this.limit;
for ( var s in sources ) {
this.network.setApiHandler( s, new mw.echo.api.ForeignAPIHandler( sources[ s ].url, {
unreadOnly: !!unreadOnly,
limit: limit
} ) );
* Register a set of local sources.
* @param {string[]} sources An array of source names
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.registerLocalSources = function ( sources ) {
var localHandler = this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' );
for ( var i = 0; i < sources.length; i++ ) {
this.network.setApiHandler( sources[ i ], localHandler );
* Fetch all pages with unread notifications in them per wiki
* @param {string[]} [sources=all] Requested sources
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved with an object
* of pages with the number of unread notifications per wiki
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchUnreadNotificationPages = function ( sources ) {
return this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' ).fetchUnreadNotificationPages( sources )
.then( function ( data ) {
return OO.getProp( data, 'query', 'unreadnotificationpages' );
} );
* Fetch notifications from a given source with given filters
* @param {string} type Notification type to fetch: 'alert', 'message', or 'all'
* @param {string} [source] The source from which to fetch the notifications.
* If not given, the local notifications will be fetched.
* @param {Object} [filters] Filter values
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved with all notifications for the
* requested types.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchFilteredNotifications = function ( type, source, filters ) {
source = source || 'local';
if ( source === 'local' ) {
return this.fetchNotifications( type, source, true, filters );
} else {
return this.fetchNotificationsFromRemoteSource( type, source, true, filters );
* Convert the filter object to the relevant API parameters.
* @param {Object} [filterObject] The filter object
* @param {string} [filterObject.continue] A continue variable
* defining the offset to fetch notifications
* @param {string} [filterObject.readState] Notification read
* state, 'all', 'read' or 'unread'
* @param {boolean} [filterObject.unreadFirst] Fetch unread notifications
* first in the sorting order.
* @param {boolean} [filterObject.bundle] Bundle local notifications
* @param {string|string[]} [filterObject.titles] Requested titles. To request notifications with no title,
* use null (standalone or as an array element).
* @return {Object} API parameter definitions to override
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.convertFiltersToAPIParams = function ( filterObject ) {
var overrideParams = {};
filterObject = filterObject || {};
if ( filterObject.continue ) {
overrideParams.notcontinue = filterObject.continue;
if ( filterObject.unreadFirst ) {
overrideParams.notunreadfirst = 1;
if ( filterObject.bundle ) {
overrideParams.notbundle = 1;
if ( filterObject.readState && filterObject.readState !== 'all' ) {
overrideParams.notfilter = filterObject.readState === 'read' ?
'read' :
if ( filterObject.titles ) {
var titles = Array.isArray( filterObject.titles ) ? filterObject.titles : [ filterObject.titles ];
if ( titles.indexOf( null ) !== -1 ) {
// Map null to '[]'
titles.splice( titles.indexOf( null ), 1, '[]' );
overrideParams.nottitles = titles;
return overrideParams;
* Fetch remote notifications from a given source. This skips the local fetching that is
* usually done and calls the remote wiki directly.
* @param {string} type Notification type to fetch: 'alert', 'message', or 'all'
* @param {string|string[]} [source] The source from which to fetch the notifications.
* If not given, the local notifications will be fetched.
* @param {boolean} [isForced] Force a refresh on the fetch notifications promise
* @param {Object} [filters] Filter values
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved with all notifications for the
* requested types.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchNotificationsFromRemoteSource = function ( type, source, isForced, filters ) {
var handler = this.network.getApiHandler( source );
if ( !handler ) {
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
return this.fetchingPrioritizer.prioritize( handler.fetchNotifications(
// For the remote source, we are fetching 'local' notifications
this.convertFiltersToAPIParams( filters )
) )
.then( function ( result ) {
return OO.getProp( result.query, 'notifications' );
} );
* Fetch notifications from the server based on type
* @param {string} type Notification type to fetch: 'alert', 'message', or 'all'
* @param {string|string[]} [sources] The source from which to fetch the notifications.
* If not given, the local notifications will be fetched.
* @param {boolean} [isForced] Force a refresh on the fetch notifications promise
* @param {Object} [filters] Filter values
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved with all notifications for the
* requested types.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchNotifications = function ( type, sources, isForced, filters ) {
sources = Array.isArray( sources ) ?
sources :
sources ?
[ sources ] :
return this.fetchingPrioritizer.prioritize( this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' ).fetchNotifications(
this.convertFiltersToAPIParams( filters )
) )
.then( function ( result ) {
return OO.getProp( result.query, 'notifications' );
} );
* Fetch notifications from several sources
* @param {string[]} sourceArray An array of sources to fetch from the group
* @param {string} type Notification type
* @param {boolean} bundle Bundle local notifications
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an object that maps wiki
* names to an array of their items' API data objects.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchNotificationGroups = function ( sourceArray, type, bundle ) {
var overrideParams = { notcrosswikisummary: false, notbundle: bundle };
return this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' ).fetchNotifications( type, sourceArray, true, overrideParams )
.then( function ( result ) {
var items = OO.getProp( result, 'query', 'notifications', 'list' ),
groups = {};
// Split the items to groups
for ( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
groups[ items[ i ].wiki ] = groups[ items[ i ].wiki ] || [];
groups[ items[ i ].wiki ].push( items[ i ] );
return groups;
} );
* Mark items as read in the API.
* @param {string[]} itemIds An array of item IDs to mark as read
* @param {string} source The source that these items belong to
* @param {boolean} [isRead] The read state of the item; true for marking the
* item as read, false for marking the item as unread
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the operation
* is complete, with the number of unread notifications still remaining
* for that type in the given source
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.markItemsRead = function ( itemIds, source, isRead ) {
// markasread is proxied via the local API
return this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' ).markItemsRead( source, itemIds, isRead );
* Mark all notifications for a given type as read in the given source.
* @param {string} source Symbolic name of notifications source
* @param {string} type Notifications type
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the operation
* is complete, with the number of unread notifications still remaining
* for that type in the given source
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.markAllRead = function ( source, type ) {
// markasread is proxied via the local API
return this.network.getApiHandler( 'local' ).markAllRead( source, type );
* Fetch the number of unread notifications for the given type in the given
* source.
* @param {string} source Notifications source
* @param {string} type Notification type
* @param {boolean} [localOnly] Fetches only the count of local notifications,
* and ignores cross-wiki notifications.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved with the number of
* unread notifications for the given type and source.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.fetchUnreadCount = function ( source, type, localOnly ) {
return this.network.getApiHandler( source ).fetchUnreadCount( type, localOnly );
* Update the seenTime property for the given type.
* We only need to update this in a single source for the seenTime
* to be updated globally - but we will let the consumer of
* this method override the choice of which source to update.
* @param {string} [type='alert,message'] Notification type
* @param {string} [source='local'] Notification source
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the operation is complete.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.updateSeenTime = function ( type, source ) {
source = source || 'local';
type = type || [ 'alert', 'message' ];
return this.network.getApiHandler( source ).updateSeenTime( type );
* Send a general query to the API. This is mostly for dynamic actions
* where other extensions may set up API actions that are unique and
* unanticipated.
* @param {Object} params API parameters
* @param {string} [source='local'] Requested source to query
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when the action
* is complete
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.queryAPI = function ( params, source ) {
source = source || 'local';
return this.network.getApiHandler( source )
.queryAPI( params );
* Check whether the API promise for fetch notification is in an error
* state for the given source and notification type.
* @param {string} source Notification source.
* @param {string} type Notification type
* @return {boolean} The API response for fetching notification has
* resolved in an error state, or is rejected.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.isFetchingErrorState = function ( source, type ) {
return this.network.getApiHandler( source ).isFetchingErrorState( type, [ source ] );
* Get the fetch notifications promise active for the current source and type.
* @param {string} source Notification source.
* @param {string} type Notification type
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when notifications are
* fetched from the API.
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.getFetchNotificationPromise = function ( source, type ) {
return this.network.getApiHandler( source ).getFetchNotificationPromise( type );
* Get the set limit for fetching notifications per request
* @return {number} Limit of notifications per request
mw.echo.api.EchoApi.prototype.getLimit = function () {
return this.limit;
}() );