Erik Bernhardson 1667e25854 Use batch queries for users-watching-title
The new locateUsersWatchingTitle implementation could end up returning
thousands of users, currently on enwiki there are 25 titles with more
than 10k subscribed users and aprox 550 titles with more than 1k subscribed

This switches the user collection to an iterator based implementation so that
we no longer need to have the entire users list at any one time.

Change-Id: I3d3fa9328f348bb48682d3658622952ce82d3925
2014-08-15 10:44:55 -07:00

445 lines
12 KiB

* Provides components to update a tables rows via a batching process
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file
* @ingroup Maintenance
* Ties together the batch update components to provide a composable method
* of batch updating rows in a database. To use create a class implementing
* the EchoRowUpdateGenerator interface and configure the EchoBatchRowIterator and
* EchoBatchRowWriter for access to the correct table. The components will
* handle reading, writing, and waiting for slaves while the generator implementation
* handles generating update arrays for singular rows.
* Instantiate:
* $updater = new EchoBatchRowUpdate(
* new EchoBatchRowIterator( $dbr, 'some_table', 'primary_key_column', 500 ),
* new EchoBatchRowWriter( $dbw, 'some_table', 'clusterName' ),
* new MyImplementationOfEchoRowUpdateGenerator
* );
* Run:
* $updater->execute();
* An example maintenance script utilizing the EchoBatchRowUpdate can be located in the Echo
* extension file maintenance/updateSchema.php
* @ingroup Maintenance
class EchoBatchRowUpdate {
* @var EchoBatchRowIterator $reader Iterator that returns an array of database rows
protected $reader;
* @var EchoBatchRowWriter $writer Writer capable of pushing row updates to the database
protected $writer;
* @var EchoRowUpdateGenerator $generator Generates single row updates based on the rows content
protected $generator;
* @var callable $output Output callback
protected $output;
* @param EchoBatchRowIterator $reader Iterator that returns an array of database rows
* @param EchoBatchRowWriter $writer Writer capable of pushing row updates to the database
* @param EchoRowUpdateGenerator $generator Generates single row updates based on the rows content
public function __construct( EchoBatchRowIterator $reader, EchoBatchRowWriter $writer, EchoRowUpdateGenerator $generator ) {
$this->reader = $reader;
$this->writer = $writer;
$this->generator = $generator;
$this->output = function() {
}; // nop
* Runs the batch update process
public function execute() {
foreach ( $this->reader as $rows ) {
$updates = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$update = $this->generator->update( $row );
if ( $update ) {
$updates[] = array(
'primaryKey' => $this->reader->extractPrimaryKeys( $row ),
'changes' => $update,
if ( $updates ) {
$this->output( "Processing " . count( $updates ) . " rows\n" );
$this->writer->write( $updates );
$this->output( "Completed\n" );
* Accepts a callable which will receive a single parameter containing
* string status updates
* @param callable $output A callback taking a single string parameter to output
* @throws MWException
public function setOutput( $output ) {
if ( !is_callable( $output ) ) {
throw new MWException( 'Provided $output param is required to be callable.' );
$this->output = $output;
* Write out a status update
* @param string $text The value to print
protected function output( $text ) {
call_user_func( $this->output, $text );
* Interface for generating updates to single rows in the database.
* @ingroup Maintenance
interface EchoRowUpdateGenerator {
* Given a database row, generates an array mapping column names to updated value within the database row
* Sample Response:
* return array(
* 'some_col' => 'new value',
* 'other_col' => 99,
* );
* @param stdClass $row A row from the database
* @return array Map of column names to updated value within the database row. When no update is required
* returns an empty array.
public function update( $row );
* Updates database rows by primary key in batches. There are two options for writing to tables
* with a composite primary key.
* @ingroup Maintenance
class EchoBatchRowWriter {
* @var DatabaseBase $db The database to write to
protected $db;
* @var string $table The name of the table to update
protected $table;
* @var string $clusterName A cluster name valid for use with LBFactory
protected $clusterName;
* @param DatabaseBase $db The database to write to
* @param string $table The name of the table to update
* @param string|bool $clusterName A cluster name valid for use with LBFactory
public function __construct( DatabaseBase $db, $table, $clusterName = false ) {
$this->db = $db;
$this->table = $table;
$this->clusterName = $clusterName;
* @param array $updates Array of arrays each containing two keys, 'primaryKey' and 'changes'.
* primaryKey must contain a map of column names to values sufficient to uniquely identify the row
* changes must contain a map of column names to update values to apply to the row
public function write( array $updates ) {
foreach ( $updates as $update ) {
//echo "Updating: ";var_dump( $update['primaryKey'] );
//echo "With values: ";var_dump( $update['changes'] );
wfWaitForSlaves( false, false, $this->clusterName );
* Fetches rows batched into groups from the database in ascending order of the primary key(s).
* @ingroup Maintenance
class EchoBatchRowIterator implements RecursiveIterator {
* @var DatabaseBase $db The database to read from
protected $db;
* @var string $table The name of the table to read from
protected $table;
* @var array $primaryKey The name of the primary key(s)
protected $primaryKey;
* @var integer $batchSize The number of rows to fetch per iteration
protected $batchSize;
* @var array $conditions Array of strings containing SQL conditions to add to the query
protected $conditions = array();
* @var array $fetchColumns List of column names to select from the table suitable for use with DatabaseBase::select()
protected $fetchColumns = array( '*' );
* @var string $orderBy SQL Order by condition generated from $this->primaryKey
protected $orderBy;
* @var array $current The current iterator value
private $current = array();
* @var integer key 0-indexed number of pages fetched since self::reset()
private $key;
* @param DatabaseBase $db The database to read from
* @param string $table The name of the table to read from
* @param string|array $primaryKey The name or names of the primary key columns
* @param integer $batchSize The number of rows to fetch per iteration
* @throws MWException
public function __construct( DatabaseBase $db, $table, $primaryKey, $batchSize ) {
if ( $batchSize < 1 ) {
throw new MWException( 'Batch size must be at least 1 row.' );
$this->db = $db;
$this->table = $table;
$this->primaryKey = (array) $primaryKey;
$this->fetchColumns = $this->primaryKey;
$this->orderBy = implode( ' ASC,', $this->primaryKey ) . ' ASC';
$this->batchSize = $batchSize;
* @param string $condition Query conditions suitable for use with DatabaseBase::select
public function addConditions( array $conditions ) {
$this->conditions = array_merge( $this->conditions, $conditions );
* @param array $columns List of column names to select from the table suitable for use with DatabaseBase::select()
public function setFetchColumns( array $columns ) {
// If it's not the all column selector merge in the primary keys we need
if ( count( $columns ) === 1 && reset( $columns ) === '*' ) {
$this->fetchColumns = $columns;
} else {
$this->fetchColumns = array_unique( array_merge( $this->primaryKey, $columns ) );
* Extracts the primary key(s) from a database row.
* @param stdClass $row An individual database row from this iterator
* @return array Map of primary key column to value within the row
public function extractPrimaryKeys( $row ) {
$pk = array();
foreach ( $this->primaryKey as $column ) {
$pk[$column] = $row->$column;
return $pk;
* @return array The most recently fetched set of rows from the database
public function current() {
return $this->current;
* @return integer 0-indexed count of the page number fetched
public function key() {
return $this->key;
* Reset the iterator to the begining of the table.
public function rewind() {
$this->key = -1; // self::next() will turn this into 0
$this->current = array();
* @return boolean True when the iterator is in a valid state
public function valid() {
return (bool) $this->current;
* @return boolean True when this result set has rows
public function hasChildren() {
return $this->current && count( $this->current );
* @return RecursiveIterator
public function getChildren() {
return new EchoNotRecursiveIterator( new ArrayIterator( $this->current ) );
* Fetch the next set of rows from the database.
public function next() {
$res = $this->db->select(
'LIMIT' => $this->batchSize,
'ORDER BY' => $this->orderBy,
// The iterator is converted to an array because in addition to returning it
// in self::current() we need to use the end value in self::buildConditions()
$this->current = iterator_to_array( $res );
* Uses the primary key list and the maximal result row from the previous iteration to build
* an SQL condition sufficient for selecting the next page of results. All except the final
* key use `=` conditions while the final key uses a `>` condition
* Example output:
* array( '( foo = 42 AND bar > 7 ) OR ( foo > 42 )' )
* @return array The SQL conditions necessary to select the next set of rows in the batched query
protected function buildConditions() {
if ( !$this->current ) {
return $this->conditions;
$maxRow = end( $this->current );
$maximumValues = array();
foreach ( $this->primaryKey as $column ) {
$maximumValues[$column] = $this->db->addQuotes( $maxRow->$column );
$pkConditions = array();
// For example: If we have 3 primary keys
// first run through will generate
// col1 = 4 AND col2 = 7 AND col3 > 1
// second run through will generate
// col1 = 4 AND col2 > 7
// and the final run through will generate
// col1 > 4
while ( $maximumValues ) {
$pkConditions[] = $this->buildGreaterThanCondition( $maximumValues );
array_pop( $maximumValues );
$conditions = $this->conditions;
$conditions[] = sprintf( '( %s )', implode( ' ) OR ( ', $pkConditions ) );
return $conditions;
* Given an array of column names and their maximum value generate an SQL
* condition where all keys except the last match $quotedMaximumValues
* exactly and the last column is greater than the matching value in $quotedMaximumValues
* @param array $quotedMaximumValues The maximum values quoted with $this->db->addQuotes()
* @return string An SQL condition that will select rows where all columns match the
* maximum value exactly except the last column which must be greater than the provided
* maximum value
protected function buildGreaterThanCondition( array $quotedMaximumValues ) {
$keys = array_keys( $quotedMaximumValues );
$lastColumn = end( $keys );
$lastValue = array_pop( $quotedMaximumValues );
$conditions = array();
foreach ( $quotedMaximumValues as $column => $value ) {
$conditions[] = "$column = $value";
$conditions[] = "$lastColumn > $lastValue";
return implode( ' AND ', $conditions );