shivanshbindal9 c86a1a5cf3 Remove badgeicon module, use OOUI icon instead.
Now that OOUI's "alerts" icon pack includes all the icons we need, we can use it and get rid of the badgeicons module.

Bug: T139779
Change-Id: I8218530ed2cdd2d81c1fc24509f36ea2b6742bd9
2019-06-05 12:29:17 +05:30

271 lines
7.6 KiB

class SpecialNotifications extends SpecialPage {
* Number of notification records to display per page/load
const DISPLAY_NUM = 20;
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct( 'Notifications' );
* @param string $par
* @suppress SecurityCheck-DoubleEscaped Different members of $notifArray being conflated
public function execute( $par ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'echo-specialpage' )->text() );
$this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Notifications/Special:Notifications' );
$out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgNotificationsSpecialPageLinks', [
'preferences' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getLinkURL() . '#mw-prefsection-echo',
] );
$user = $this->getUser();
if ( $user->isAnon() ) {
// Redirect to login page and inform user of the need to login
$this->requireLogin( 'echo-notification-loginrequired' );
$out->addSubtitle( $this->buildSubtitle() );
$pager = new NotificationPager( $this->getContext() );
$pager->setOffset( $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'offset' ) );
$pager->setLimit( $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'limit', self::DISPLAY_NUM ) );
$notifications = $pager->getNotifications();
$noJSDiv = new OOUI\Tag();
$noJSDiv->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-nojs' ] );
// If there are no notifications, display a message saying so
if ( !$notifications ) {
// Wrap this with nojs so it is still hidden if JS is loading
new OOUI\LabelWidget( [ 'label' => $this->msg( 'echo-none' )->text() ] )
$out->addHTML( $noJSDiv );
$out->addModules( [ 'ext.echo.special' ] );
$notif = [];
foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) {
$output = EchoDataOutputFormatter::formatOutput( $notification, 'special', $user, $this->getLanguage() );
if ( $output ) {
$notif[] = $output;
// Add the notifications to the page (interspersed with date headers)
$dateHeader = '';
$unread = [];
$anyUnread = false;
$echoSeenTime = EchoSeenTime::newFromUser( $user );
$seenTime = $echoSeenTime->getTime();
$notifArray = [];
foreach ( $notif as $row ) {
if ( !$row['*'] ) {
$classes = [ 'mw-echo-notification' ];
if ( !isset( $row['read'] ) ) {
$classes[] = 'mw-echo-notification-unread';
if ( !$row['targetpages'] ) {
$unread[] = $row['id'];
if ( $seenTime !== null && $row['timestamp']['mw'] > $seenTime ) {
$classes[] = 'mw-echo-notification-unseen';
// Output the date header if it has not been displayed
if ( $dateHeader !== $row['timestamp']['date'] ) {
$dateHeader = $row['timestamp']['date'];
$notifArray[ $dateHeader ] = [
'unread' => [],
'notices' => []
// Collect unread IDs
if ( !isset( $row['read'] ) ) {
$anyUnread = true;
$notifArray[ $dateHeader ][ 'unread' ][] = $row['id'];
$li = new OOUI\Tag( 'li' );
->addClasses( $classes )
->setAttributes( [
'data-notification-category' => $row['category'],
'data-notification-event' => $row['id'],
'data-notification-type' => $row['type']
] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $row['*'] ) );
// Store
$notifArray[ $dateHeader ][ 'notices' ][] = $li;
$markAllAsReadFormWrapper = '';
// Ensure there are some unread notifications
if ( $anyUnread ) {
$markReadSpecialPage = new SpecialNotificationsMarkRead();
$markReadSpecialPage->setContext( $this->getContext() );
$markAllAsReadText = $this->msg( 'echo-mark-all-as-read' )->text();
$markAllAsReadLabelIcon = new EchoOOUI\LabelIconWidget( [
'label' => $markAllAsReadText,
'icon' => 'checkAll',
] );
$markAllAsReadForm = $markReadSpecialPage->getMinimalForm(
[ 'ALL' ],
$formHtml = $markAllAsReadForm->prepareForm()->getHTML( /* First submission attempt */ false );
$markAllAsReadFormWrapper = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-markAllReadButton' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $formHtml ) );
// Build the list
$notices = new OOUI\Tag( 'ul' );
$notices->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-notifications' ] );
$markReadSpecialPage = new SpecialNotificationsMarkRead();
$markReadSpecialPage->setContext( $this->getContext() );
foreach ( $notifArray as $section => $data ) {
// Heading
$heading = ( new OOUI\Tag( 'li' ) )->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-date-section' ] );
$dateTitle = new OOUI\LabelWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'mw-echo-date-section-text' ],
'label' => $section
] );
$heading->appendContent( $dateTitle );
// Mark all read button
if ( $data[ 'unread' ] !== [] ) {
// tell the UI to show 'unread' notifications only (instead of 'all')
$out->addJsConfigVars( 'wgEchoReadState', 'unread' );
$markReadSectionText = $this->msg( 'echo-specialpage-section-markread' )->text();
$markAsReadLabelIcon = new EchoOOUI\LabelIconWidget( [
'label' => $markReadSectionText,
'icon' => 'checkAll',
] );
// There are unread notices. Add the 'mark section as read' button
$markSectionAsReadForm = $markReadSpecialPage->getMinimalForm(
$data[ 'unread' ],
$formHtml = $markSectionAsReadForm->prepareForm()->getHTML( /* First submission attempt */ false );
$formWrapper = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-markAsReadSectionButton' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $formHtml ) );
$heading->appendContent( $formWrapper );
// These two must be separate, because $data[ 'notices' ]
// is an array
->appendContent( $heading )
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgument Phan troubles with variadic args
->appendContent( $data[ 'notices' ] );
$navBar = $pager->getNavigationBar();
$navTop = new OOUI\Tag();
$navBottom = new OOUI\Tag();
$container = new OOUI\Tag();
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-navbar-top' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $navBar ) );
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-navbar-bottom' ] )
->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $navBar ) );
// Put it all together
->addClasses( [ 'mw-echo-special-container' ] )
// Wrap with nojs div
$noJSDiv->appendContent( $container );
$out->addHTML( $noJSDiv );
$out->addModules( [ 'ext.echo.special' ] );
// For no-js support
$out->addModuleStyles( [
// We already load OOUI icons in the BeforePageDisplay hook, but not for minerva
] );
// Log visit
MWEchoEventLogging::logSpecialPageVisit( $user, $out->getSkin()->getSkinName() );
* Build the subtitle (more info and preference links)
* @return string HTML for the subtitle
public function buildSubtitle() {
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
$subtitleLinks = [];
// Preferences link
$subtitleLinks[] = Html::element(
'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getLinkURL() . '#mw-prefsection-echo',
'id' => 'mw-echo-pref-link',
'class' => 'mw-echo-special-header-link',
'title' => $this->msg( 'preferences' )->text()
$this->msg( 'preferences' )->text()
// using pipeList to make it easier to add some links in the future
return $lang->pipeList( $subtitleLinks );
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'users';