Siddharth VP 0d071e2a7b Avoid use of globals for reading config in hooks
Change-Id: I6d476773397438d7c78e1869e2afe3699ce4c092
2023-10-29 15:41:21 +05:30

26 lines
1,004 B

// phpcs:disable Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName.ClassConstantNotUpperCase
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications;
* A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables,
* to protect against typos.
* @since 1.41
class ConfigNames {
public const CrossWikiNotifications = 'EchoCrossWikiNotifications';
public const EnableEmailBatch = 'EchoEnableEmailBatch';
public const EnablePush = 'EchoEnablePush';
public const NotificationCategories = 'EchoNotificationCategories';
public const NotificationIcons = 'EchoNotificationIcons';
public const Notifications = 'EchoNotifications';
public const Notifiers = 'EchoNotifiers';
public const PerUserBlacklist = 'EchoPerUserBlacklist';
public const PollForUpdates = 'EchoPollForUpdates';
public const SecondaryIcons = 'EchoSecondaryIcons';
public const WatchlistEmailOncePerPage = 'EchoWatchlistEmailOncePerPage';
public const WatchlistNotifications = 'EchoWatchlistNotifications';