def get_new_username "EchoUserNew#{@random_string}" end def get_session_username "#{ENV['MEDIAWIKI_USER']}_#{}" end def get_session_username_b 'EchoUser' end Given(/^I am logged in as the user "(.*?)"$/) do |username| step 'the user "' + username + '" exists' visit(LoginPage).login_with(username, ENV['MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD']) end # Note Echo redefines this so that the user is unique to the current browser Given(/^I am logged in my non-shared account$/) do username = get_session_username step 'I am logged in as the user "' + username + '"' end Given(/^I am on the "(.+)" page$/) do |title| on(APIPage).create title, 'Test is used by Selenium web driver' visit(ArticlePage, using_params: { article_name: title }) end Given(/^I am using user agent "(.+)"$/) do |user_agent| @user_agent = user_agent @browser = browser(test_name(@scenario), user_agent: user_agent) $session_id = @browser.driver.instance_variable_get(:@bridge).session_id end Given(/^my user rights get changed$/) do @username = get_new_username client = on(APIPage).client client.log_in(ENV['MEDIAWIKI_USER'], ENV['MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD']) resp = client.query(action: 'query', list: 'users', ususers: @username, ustoken: 'userrights') data = @token = data['users'][0]['userrightstoken'] client.action('userrights', token_type: false, token: @token, add: 'bot', user: @username) end Given(/^the user "(.*?)" exists$/) do |username| on(APIPage).client.log_in(ENV['MEDIAWIKI_USER'], ENV['MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD']) begin on(APIPage).client.create_account(username, ENV['MEDIAWIKI_PASSWORD']) puts 'Successfully created user ' + username rescue MediawikiApi::ApiError puts 'Assuming in step that user ' + username + ' already exists since was unable to create.' end end Then(/^I am on the Special Notifications page$/) do expect(@browser.url).to match 'Special:Notifications' end Then(/^I see the first heading on the page says Notifications$/) do expect(on(ArticlePage).first_heading_span).to match 'Notifications' end