( function ( mw ) { QUnit.module( 'ext.echo.dm - mw.echo.dm.BundleNotificationItem' ); QUnit.test( 'Constructing the model', function ( assert ) { var bundledItems = [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { read: false, seen: false, timestamp: '201601010000' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { read: false, seen: false, timestamp: '201601010100' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010200' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 3, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010300' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 4, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010400' } ) ], bundle = new mw.echo.dm.BundleNotificationItem( 100, bundledItems, { modelName: 'foo' } ); assert.equal( bundle.getCount(), 5, 'Bundled items added to internal list' ); assert.equal( bundle.getName(), 'foo', 'Bundle name stored' ); assert.deepEqual( bundle.getAllIds(), [ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 ], 'All ids present' ); assert.equal( bundle.isRead(), false, 'Bundle with all unread items is unread' ); assert.equal( bundle.hasUnseen(), true, 'Bundle has unseen items' ); assert.deepEqual( ( function () { var findItems = bundle.findByIds( [ 1, 4 ] ); return findItems.map( function ( item ) { return item.getId(); } ); } )(), [ 4, 1 ], 'findByIds fetches correct items in the default sorting order' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Managing a list of items', function ( assert ) { var i, bundledItems = [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { read: false, seen: false, timestamp: '201601010000' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { read: false, seen: false, timestamp: '201601010100' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010200' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 3, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010300' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 4, { read: false, seen: true, timestamp: '201601010400' } ) ], bundle = new mw.echo.dm.BundleNotificationItem( 100, bundledItems, { name: 'foo' } ); assert.equal( bundle.hasUnseen(), true, 'Bundle has unseen' ); // Mark all items as seen for ( i = 0; i < bundledItems.length; i++ ) { bundledItems[ i ].toggleSeen( true ); } assert.equal( bundle.hasUnseen(), false, 'Bundle does not have unseen after all items marked as seen' ); assert.equal( bundle.isRead(), false, 'Bundle is unread' ); // Mark one item as read bundledItems[ 0 ].toggleRead( true ); assert.equal( bundle.isRead(), false, 'Bundle is still unread if it has some unread items' ); // Mark all items as read for ( i = 0; i < bundledItems.length; i++ ) { bundledItems[ i ].toggleRead( true ); } assert.equal( bundle.isRead(), true, 'Bundle is marked as read if all items are read' ); } ); } )( mediaWiki );