dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_MASTER ); $listeners = $this->getMethodListeners( __FUNCTION__ ); $row = $notification->toDbArray(); DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( new AtomicSectionUpdate( $dbw, __METHOD__, function ( IDatabase $dbw, $fname ) use ( $row, $listeners ) { $row['notification_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp( $row['notification_timestamp'] ); $dbw->insert( 'echo_notification', $row, $fname ); foreach ( $listeners as $listener ) { $dbw->onTransactionCommitOrIdle( $listener, $fname ); } } ) ); } /** * Extract the offset used for notification list * @param string|null $continue String Used for offset * @throws MWException * @return int[] */ protected function extractQueryOffset( $continue ) { $offset = [ 'timestamp' => 0, 'offset' => 0, ]; if ( $continue ) { $values = explode( '|', $continue, 3 ); if ( count( $values ) !== 2 ) { throw new MWException( 'Invalid continue param: ' . $continue ); } $offset['timestamp'] = (int)$values[0]; $offset['offset'] = (int)$values[1]; } return $offset; } /** * Get unread notifications by user in the amount specified by limit order by * notification timestamp in descending order. We have an index to retrieve * unread notifications but it's not optimized for ordering by timestamp. The * descending order is only allowed if we keep the notification in low volume, * which is done via a deleteJob * @param User $user * @param int $limit * @param string|null $continue Used for offset * @param string[] $eventTypes * @param Title[]|null $titles If set, only return notifications for these pages. * To find notifications not associated with any page, add null as an element to this array. * @param int $dbSource Use master or replica database * @return EchoNotification[] */ public function fetchUnreadByUser( User $user, $limit, $continue, array $eventTypes = [], array $titles = null, $dbSource = DB_REPLICA ) { $conds = [ 'notification_read_timestamp' => null ]; if ( $titles ) { $conds['event_page_id'] = $this->getIdsForTitles( $titles ); if ( !$conds['event_page_id'] ) { return []; } } return $this->fetchByUserInternal( $user, $limit, $continue, $eventTypes, $conds, $dbSource ); } /** * Get read notifications by user in the amount specified by limit order by * notification timestamp in descending order. We have an index to retrieve * unread notifications but it's not optimized for ordering by timestamp. The * descending order is only allowed if we keep the notification in low volume, * which is done via a deleteJob * @param User $user * @param int $limit * @param string|null $continue Used for offset * @param string[] $eventTypes * @param Title[]|null $titles If set, only return notifications for these pages. * To find notifications not associated with any page, add null as an element to this array. * @param int $dbSource Use master or replica database * @return EchoNotification[] */ public function fetchReadByUser( User $user, $limit, $continue, array $eventTypes = [], array $titles = null, $dbSource = DB_REPLICA ) { $conds = [ 'notification_read_timestamp IS NOT NULL' ]; if ( $titles ) { $conds['event_page_id'] = $this->getIdsForTitles( $titles ); if ( !$conds['event_page_id'] ) { return []; } } return $this->fetchByUserInternal( $user, $limit, $continue, $eventTypes, $conds, $dbSource ); } /** * Get Notification by user in batch along with limit, offset etc * * @param User $user the user to get notifications for * @param int $limit The maximum number of notifications to return * @param string|null $continue Used for offset * @param array $eventTypes Event types to load * @param array $excludeEventIds Event id's to exclude. * @param Title[]|null $titles If set, only return notifications for these pages. * To find notifications not associated with any page, add null as an element to this array. * @return EchoNotification[] */ public function fetchByUser( User $user, $limit, $continue, array $eventTypes = [], array $excludeEventIds = [], array $titles = null ) { $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $conds = []; if ( $excludeEventIds ) { $conds[] = 'event_id NOT IN ( ' . $dbr->makeList( $excludeEventIds ) . ' ) '; } if ( $titles ) { $conds['event_page_id'] = $this->getIdsForTitles( $titles ); if ( !$conds['event_page_id'] ) { return []; } } return $this->fetchByUserInternal( $user, $limit, $continue, $eventTypes, $conds ); } protected function getIdsForTitles( array $titles ) { $ids = []; foreach ( $titles as $title ) { if ( $title === null ) { $ids[] = null; } elseif ( $title->exists() ) { $ids[] = $title->getArticleId(); } } return $ids; } /** * @param User $user the user to get notifications for * @param int $limit The maximum number of notifications to return * @param string|null $continue Used for offset * @param array $eventTypes Event types to load * @param array $conds Additional query conditions. * @param int $dbSource Use master or replica database * @return EchoNotification[] */ protected function fetchByUserInternal( User $user, $limit, $continue, array $eventTypes = [], array $conds = [], $dbSource = DB_REPLICA ) { $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( $dbSource ); if ( !$eventTypes ) { return []; } // There is a problem with querying by event type, if a user has only one or none // flow notification and huge amount other notifications, the lookup of only flow // notification will result in a slow query. Luckily users won't have that many // notifications. We should have some cron job to remove old notifications so // the notification volume is in a reasonable amount for such case. The other option // is to denormalize notification table with event_type and lookup index. $conds = [ 'notification_user' => $user->getId(), 'event_type' => $eventTypes, 'event_deleted' => 0, ] + $conds; $offset = $this->extractQueryOffset( $continue ); // Start points are specified if ( $offset['timestamp'] && $offset['offset'] ) { $ts = $dbr->addQuotes( $dbr->timestamp( $offset['timestamp'] ) ); // The offset and timestamp are those of the first notification we want to return $conds[] = "notification_timestamp < $ts OR " . "( notification_timestamp = $ts AND notification_event <= " . $offset['offset'] . " )"; } $res = $dbr->select( [ 'echo_notification', 'echo_event' ], EchoNotification::selectFields(), $conds, __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'notification_timestamp DESC, notification_event DESC', 'LIMIT' => $limit, ], [ 'echo_event' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'notification_event=event_id' ], ] ); // query failure of some sort if ( !$res ) { return []; } /** @var EchoNotification[] $allNotifications */ $allNotifications = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { try { $notification = EchoNotification::newFromRow( $row ); if ( $notification ) { $allNotifications[] = $notification; } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $id = $row->event_id ?? 'unknown event'; wfDebugLog( 'Echo', __METHOD__ . ": Failed initializing event: $id" ); MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e ); } } $data = []; foreach ( $allNotifications as $notification ) { $data[ $notification->getEvent()->getId() ] = $notification; } return $data; } /** * Fetch EchoNotifications by user and event IDs. * * @param User $user * @param int[] $eventIds * @return EchoNotification[]|false */ public function fetchByUserEvents( User $user, array $eventIds ) { $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $result = $dbr->select( [ 'echo_notification', 'echo_event' ], EchoNotification::selectFields(), [ 'notification_user' => $user->getId(), 'notification_event' => $eventIds ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'echo_event' => [ 'INNER JOIN', 'notification_event=event_id' ], ] ); if ( $result ) { $notifications = []; foreach ( $result as $row ) { $notifications[] = EchoNotification::newFromRow( $row ); } return $notifications; } else { return false; } } /** * Fetch a notification by user in the specified offset. The caller should * know that passing a big number for offset is NOT going to work * @param User $user * @param int $offset * @return EchoNotification|false */ public function fetchByUserOffset( User $user, $offset ) { $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $row = $dbr->selectRow( [ 'echo_notification', 'echo_event' ], EchoNotification::selectFields(), [ 'notification_user' => $user->getId(), 'event_deleted' => 0, ], __METHOD__, [ 'ORDER BY' => 'notification_timestamp DESC, notification_event DESC', 'OFFSET' => $offset, 'LIMIT' => 1 ], [ 'echo_event' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'notification_event=event_id' ], ] ); if ( $row ) { return EchoNotification::newFromRow( $row ); } else { return false; } } /** * Batch delete notifications by user and eventId offset * @param User $user * @param int $eventId * @return bool */ public function deleteByUserEventOffset( User $user, $eventId ) { global $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery; $eventMapper = new EchoEventMapper( $this->dbFactory ); $userId = $user->getId(); $dbw = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_MASTER ); $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $lbFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory(); $ticket = $lbFactory->getEmptyTransactionTicket( __METHOD__ ); $domainId = $dbw->getDomainID(); $iterator = new BatchRowIterator( $dbr, 'echo_notification', 'notification_event', $wgUpdateRowsPerQuery ); $iterator->addConditions( [ 'notification_user' => $userId, 'notification_event < ' . (int)$eventId ] ); foreach ( $iterator as $batch ) { $eventIds = []; foreach ( $batch as $row ) { $eventIds[] = $row->notification_event; } $dbw->delete( 'echo_notification', [ 'notification_user' => $userId, 'notification_event' => $eventIds, ], __METHOD__ ); // Find out which events are now orphaned, i.e. no longer referenced in echo_notifications // (besides the rows we just deleted) or in echo_email_batch, and delete them $eventMapper->deleteOrphanedEvents( $eventIds, $userId, 'echo_notification' ); $lbFactory->commitAndWaitForReplication( __METHOD__, $ticket, [ 'domain' => $domainId ] ); } return true; } /** * Fetch ids of users that have notifications for certain events * * @param int[] $eventIds * @return int[]|false */ public function fetchUsersWithNotificationsForEvents( array $eventIds ) { $dbr = $this->dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( [ 'echo_notification' ], [ 'userId' => 'DISTINCT notification_user' ], [ 'notification_event' => $eventIds ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $res ) { $userIds = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $userIds[] = $row->userId; } return $userIds; } else { return false; } } }