( function ( $, mw ) { 'use strict'; mw.echo.special = { notcontinue: null, header: '', processing: false, /** * Initialize the property in special notification page. */ initialize: function () { var skin = mw.config.get('skin'); // Convert more link into a button $( '#mw-echo-more' ) .button() // Override jQuery UI button margins .css( 'margin', '0.5em 0 0 0' ) .addClass( 'ui-button-blue' ) .click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( !mw.echo.special.processing ) { mw.echo.special.processing = true; mw.echo.special.loadMore(); } } ); mw.echo.special.notcontinue = mw.config.get( 'wgEchoNextContinue' ); mw.echo.special.header = mw.config.get( 'wgEchoDateHeader' ); // Set up each individual notification with eventlogging, a close // box and dismiss interface if it is dismissable. $( '.mw-echo-notification' ).each( function () { mw.echo.setupNotificationLogging( $( this ), 'archive' ); if ( $( this ).find( '.mw-echo-dismiss' ).length ) { mw.echo.setUpDismissability( this ); } } ); $( '#mw-echo-moreinfo-link' ).click( function () { mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-help-click', 'archive' ); } ); $( '#mw-echo-pref-link' ).click( function () { mw.echo.logInteraction( 'ui-prefs-click', 'archive' ); } ); // Convert subtitle links into header icons for Vector and Monobook skins if ( skin === 'vector' || skin === 'monobook' ) { $( '#mw-echo-moreinfo-link, #mw-echo-pref-link' ) .empty() .appendTo( '#firstHeading' ); $( '#contentSub' ).empty(); } }, /** * Load more notification records. */ loadMore: function () { var api = new mw.Api( { ajax: { cache: false } } ), curUri = new mw.Uri(), notifications, data, container, $li, that = this, unread = [], apiData; apiData = { 'action' : 'query', 'meta' : 'notifications', 'notformat' : 'html', 'notprop' : 'index|list', 'notcontinue': this.notcontinue, 'notlimit': mw.config.get( 'wgEchoDisplayNum' ) }; if ( curUri.query.uselang !== undefined ) { apiData.uselang = curUri.query.uselang; } api.get( apiData ).done( function ( result ) { container = $( '#mw-echo-special-container' ); notifications = result.query.notifications; unread = []; $.each( notifications.index, function ( index, id ) { data = notifications.list[id]; if ( that.header !== data.timestamp.date ) { that.header = data.timestamp.date; $( '
  • ' ).addClass( 'mw-echo-date-section' ).append( that.header ).appendTo( container ); } $li = $( '
  • ' ) .data( 'details', data ) .data( 'id', id ) .addClass( 'mw-echo-notification' ) .attr( { 'data-notification-category': data.category, 'data-notification-event': data.id, 'data-notification-type': data.type } ) .append( data['*'] ) .appendTo( container ); if ( !data.read ) { $li.addClass( 'mw-echo-unread' ); unread.push( id ); } mw.echo.setupNotificationLogging( $li, 'archive' ); if ( $li.find( '.mw-echo-dismiss' ).length ) { mw.echo.setUpDismissability( $li ); } } ); that.notcontinue = notifications['continue']; if ( unread.length > 0 ) { that.markAsRead( unread ); } else { that.onSuccess(); } } ).fail( function () { that.onError(); } ); }, /** * Mark notifications as read. */ markAsRead: function ( unread ) { var api = new mw.Api(), that = this; api.post( { 'action' : 'echomarkread', 'list' : unread.join( '|' ), 'token': mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' ) } ).done( function ( result ) { // update the badge if the link is enabled if ( result.query.echomarkread.count !== undefined && $( '#pt-notifications').length && typeof mw.echo.overlay === 'object' ) { mw.echo.overlay.updateCount( result.query.echomarkread.count ); } that.onSuccess(); } ).fail( function () { that.onError(); } ); }, onSuccess: function () { if ( !this.notcontinue ) { $( '#mw-echo-more' ).hide(); } this.processing = false; }, onError: function () { // Todo: Show detail error message based on error code $( '#mw-echo-more' ).text( mw.msg( 'echo-load-more-error' ) ); this.processing = false; } }; $( document ).ready( mw.echo.special.initialize ); } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );