id ) { throw new MWException( "Unable to serialize an uninitialized EchoEvent" ); } return [ 'id', 'timestamp' ]; } public function __wakeup() { $this->loadFromID( $this->id ); } public function __toString() { return "EchoEvent(id={$this->id}; type={$this->type})"; } /** * Creates an EchoEvent object * @param array $info Named arguments: * type (required): The event type; * variant: A variant of the type; * agent: The user who caused the event; * title: The page on which the event was triggered; * extra: Event-specific extra information (e.g. post content) * * @throws MWException * @return EchoEvent|false False if aborted via hook or Echo DB is read-only */ public static function create( $info = [] ) { global $wgEchoNotifications; // Do not create event and notifications if write access is locked if ( wfReadOnly() || MWEchoDbFactory::newFromDefault()->getEchoDb( DB_MASTER )->isReadOnly() ) { return false; } $obj = new EchoEvent; static $validFields = [ 'type', 'variant', 'agent', 'title', 'extra' ]; if ( empty( $info['type'] ) ) { throw new MWException( "'type' parameter is mandatory" ); } if ( !isset( $wgEchoNotifications[$info['type']] ) ) { return false; } $obj->id = false; if ( isset( $info['timestamp'] ) && $info[ 'timestamp' ] !== null ) { $obj->timestamp = $info['timestamp']; } else { $obj->timestamp = wfTimestampNow(); } foreach ( $validFields as $field ) { if ( isset( $info[$field] ) ) { $obj->$field = $info[$field]; } } // If the extra size is more than 50000 bytes, that means there is // probably a problem with the design of this notification type. // There might be data loss if the size exceeds the DB column size of // event_extra. if ( strlen( $obj->serializeExtra() ) > 50000 ) { wfDebugLog( __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__ . ': event extra data is too huge for ' . $info['type'] ); return false; } if ( $obj->title ) { if ( !$obj->title instanceof Title ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Invalid title parameter' ); } $obj->setTitle( $obj->title ); } if ( $obj->agent && ! $obj->agent instanceof User ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Invalid user parameter" ); } if ( !Hooks::run( 'BeforeEchoEventInsert', [ $obj ] ) ) { return false; } // @Todo - Database insert logic should not be inside the model $obj->insert(); Hooks::run( 'EchoEventInsertComplete', [ $obj ] ); global $wgEchoUseJobQueue; EchoNotificationController::notify( $obj, $wgEchoUseJobQueue ); return $obj; } /** * Convert the object's database property to array * @return array */ public function toDbArray() { $data = [ 'event_type' => $this->type, 'event_variant' => $this->variant, 'event_deleted' => $this->deleted, 'event_extra' => $this->serializeExtra() ]; if ( $this->id ) { $data['event_id'] = $this->id; } if ( $this->agent ) { if ( $this->agent->isAnon() ) { $data['event_agent_ip'] = $this->agent->getName(); } else { $data['event_agent_id'] = $this->agent->getId(); } } if ( $this->pageId ) { $data['event_page_id'] = $this->pageId; } elseif ( $this->title ) { $pageId = $this->title->getArticleId(); // Don't need any special handling for title with no id // as they are already stored in extra data array if ( $pageId ) { $data['event_page_id'] = $pageId; } } return $data; } /** * Check whether the echo event is an enabled event * @return bool */ public function isEnabledEvent() { global $wgEchoNotifications; if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications[$this->getType()] ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Inserts the object into the database. */ protected function insert() { $eventMapper = new EchoEventMapper(); $this->id = $eventMapper->insert( $this ); $targetPages = self::resolveTargetPages( $this->getExtraParam( 'target-page' ) ); if ( $targetPages ) { $targetMapper = new EchoTargetPageMapper(); foreach ( $targetPages as $title ) { $targetPage = EchoTargetPage::create( $title, $this ); if ( $targetPage ) { $targetMapper->insert( $targetPage ); } } } } /** * @param int[]|int|false $targetPageIds * @return Title[] */ protected static function resolveTargetPages( $targetPageIds ) { if ( !$targetPageIds ) { return []; } if ( !is_array( $targetPageIds ) ) { $targetPageIds = [ $targetPageIds ]; } $result = []; foreach ( $targetPageIds as $targetPageId ) { // Make sure the target-page id is a valid id $title = Title::newFromID( $targetPageId ); // Try master if there is no match if ( !$title ) { $title = Title::newFromID( $targetPageId, Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE ); } if ( $title ) { $result[] = $title; } } return $result; } /** * Loads data from the provided $row into this object. * * @param stdClass $row row object from echo_event * @return bool Whether loading was successful */ public function loadFromRow( $row ) { $this->id = $row->event_id; $this->type = $row->event_type; // If the object is loaded from __sleep(), timestamp should be already set if ( !$this->timestamp ) { if ( isset( $row->notification_timestamp ) ) { $this->timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->notification_timestamp ); } else { $this->timestamp = wfTimestampNow(); } } $this->variant = $row->event_variant; try { $this->extra = $row->event_extra ? unserialize( $row->event_extra ) : []; } catch ( Exception $e ) { // T73489: unserializing can fail for old notifications LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Echo' )->warning( 'Failed to unserialize event {id}', [ 'id' => $row->event_id ] ); return false; } $this->pageId = $row->event_page_id; $this->deleted = $row->event_deleted; if ( $row->event_agent_id ) { $this->agent = User::newFromID( $row->event_agent_id ); } elseif ( $row->event_agent_ip ) { $this->agent = User::newFromName( $row->event_agent_ip, false ); } // Lazy load the title from getTitle() so that we can do a batch-load if ( isset( $this->extra['page_title'], $this->extra['page_namespace'] ) && !$row->event_page_id ) { $this->title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $this->extra['page_namespace'], $this->extra['page_title'] ); } if ( $row->event_page_id ) { $titleCache = EchoTitleLocalCache::create(); $titleCache->add( $row->event_page_id ); } if ( isset( $this->extra['revid'] ) && $this->extra['revid'] ) { $revisionCache = EchoRevisionLocalCache::create(); $revisionCache->add( $this->extra['revid'] ); } return true; } /** * Loads data from the database into this object, given the event ID. * @param int $id Event ID * @param bool $fromMaster * @return bool Whether it loaded successfully */ public function loadFromID( $id, $fromMaster = false ) { $eventMapper = new EchoEventMapper(); $event = $eventMapper->fetchById( $id, $fromMaster ); if ( !$event ) { return false; } // Copy over the attribute $this->id = $event->id; $this->type = $event->type; $this->variant = $event->variant; $this->extra = $event->extra; $this->pageId = $event->pageId; $this->agent = $event->agent; $this->title = $event->title; $this->deleted = $event->deleted; // Don't overwrite timestamp if it exists already if ( !$this->timestamp ) { $this->timestamp = $event->timestamp; } return true; } /** * Creates an EchoEvent from a row object * * @param stdClass $row row object from echo_event * @return EchoEvent|false */ public static function newFromRow( $row ) { $obj = new EchoEvent(); return $obj->loadFromRow( $row ) ? $obj : false; } /** * Creates an EchoEvent from the database by ID * * @param int $id Event ID * @return EchoEvent|false */ public static function newFromID( $id ) { $obj = new EchoEvent(); return $obj->loadFromID( $id ) ? $obj : false; } /** * Serialize the extra data for event * @return string */ public function serializeExtra() { if ( is_array( $this->extra ) || is_object( $this->extra ) ) { $extra = serialize( $this->extra ); } elseif ( is_null( $this->extra ) ) { $extra = null; } else { $extra = serialize( [ $this->extra ] ); } return $extra; } /** * Check if the event is dismissable for the given distribution type * * @param string $distribution notification distribution web/email * @return bool */ public function isDismissable( $distribution ) { global $wgEchoNotificationCategories; $category = $this->getCategory(); if ( isset( $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['no-dismiss'] ) ) { $noDismiss = $wgEchoNotificationCategories[$category]['no-dismiss']; } else { $noDismiss = []; } if ( !in_array( $distribution, $noDismiss ) && !in_array( 'all', $noDismiss ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Determine if the current user is allowed to view a particular * field of this revision, if it's marked as deleted. When no * revision is attached always returns true. * * @param int $field One of Revision::DELETED_TEXT, * Revision::DELETED_COMMENT, * Revision::DELETED_USER * @param User $user User object to check * @return bool */ public function userCan( $field, User $user ) { $revision = $this->getRevision(); // User is handled specially if ( $field === Revision::DELETED_USER ) { $agent = $this->getAgent(); if ( !$agent ) { // No user associated, so they can see it. return true; } elseif ( $revision && $agent->getName() === $revision->getUserText( Revision::RAW ) ) { // If the agent and the revision user are the same, use rev_deleted return $revision->userCan( $field, $user ); } else { // Use User::isHidden() return $user->isAllowedAny( 'viewsuppressed', 'hideuser' ) || !$agent->isHidden(); } } elseif ( $revision ) { // A revision is set, use rev_deleted return $revision->userCan( $field, $user ); } else { // Not a user, and there is no associated revision, so the user can see it return true; } } ## Accessors /** * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @return string */ public function getTimestamp() { return $this->timestamp; } /** * @return string */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getVariant() { return $this->variant; } /** * @return array */ public function getExtra() { return $this->extra; } public function getExtraParam( $key, $default = null ) { return isset( $this->extra[$key] ) ? $this->extra[$key] : $default; } /** * @return User|null */ public function getAgent() { return $this->agent; } /** * Check whether this event allows its agent to be notified. * * Notifying the agent is only allowed if the event's type allows it, or if the event extra * explicity specifies 'notifyAgent' => true. * * @return bool */ public function canNotifyAgent() { global $wgEchoNotifications; $allowedInConfig = $wgEchoNotifications[$this->getType()]['canNotifyAgent'] ?? false; $allowedInExtra = $this->getExtraParam( 'notifyAgent', false ); return $allowedInConfig || $allowedInExtra; } /** * @param bool $fromMaster * @return null|Title */ public function getTitle( $fromMaster = false ) { if ( $this->title ) { return $this->title; } elseif ( $this->pageId ) { $titleCache = EchoTitleLocalCache::create(); $title = $titleCache->get( $this->pageId ); if ( $title ) { $this->title = $title; return $this->title; } $this->title = Title::newFromID( $this->pageId, $fromMaster ? Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE : 0 ); return $this->title; } elseif ( isset( $this->extra['page_title'], $this->extra['page_namespace'] ) ) { $this->title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $this->extra['page_namespace'], $this->extra['page_title'] ); return $this->title; } return null; } /** * @return Revision|null */ public function getRevision() { if ( $this->revision ) { return $this->revision; } elseif ( isset( $this->extra['revid'] ) ) { $revisionCache = EchoRevisionLocalCache::create(); $revision = $revisionCache->get( $this->extra['revid'] ); if ( $revision ) { $this->revision = $revision; return $this->revision; } $this->revision = Revision::newFromId( $this->extra['revid'] ); return $this->revision; } return null; } /** * Get the category of the event type * @return string */ public function getCategory() { $attributeManager = EchoAttributeManager::newFromGlobalVars(); return $attributeManager->getNotificationCategory( $this->type ); } /** * Get the section of the event type * @return string */ public function getSection() { $attributeManager = EchoAttributeManager::newFromGlobalVars(); return $attributeManager->getNotificationSection( $this->type ); } /** * Determine whether an event can use the job queue, or should be immediate * @return bool */ public function getUseJobQueue() { global $wgEchoNotifications; if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications[$this->type]['immediate'] ) ) { return !(bool)$wgEchoNotifications[$this->type]['immediate']; } return true; } public function setType( $type ) { $this->type = $type; } public function setVariant( $variant ) { $this->variant = $variant; } public function setAgent( User $agent ) { $this->agent = $agent; } public function setTitle( Title $title ) { $this->title = $title; $pageId = $title->getArticleID(); if ( $pageId ) { $this->pageId = $pageId; } else { $this->extra['page_title'] = $title->getDBkey(); $this->extra['page_namespace'] = $title->getNamespace(); } } public function setExtra( $name, $value ) { $this->extra[$name] = $value; } /** * Get the message key of the primary or secondary link for a notification type. * * @param String $rank 'primary' or 'secondary' * @return String i18n message key */ public function getLinkMessage( $rank ) { global $wgEchoNotifications; $type = $this->getType(); if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications[$type][$rank . '-link']['message'] ) ) { return $wgEchoNotifications[$type][$rank . '-link']['message']; } return ''; } /** * Get the link destination of the primary or secondary link for a notification type. * * @param String $rank 'primary' or 'secondary' * @return String The link destination, e.g. 'agent' */ public function getLinkDestination( $rank ) { global $wgEchoNotifications; $type = $this->getType(); if ( isset( $wgEchoNotifications[$type][$rank . '-link']['destination'] ) ) { return $wgEchoNotifications[$type][$rank . '-link']['destination']; } return ''; } /** * @return string */ public function getBundleHash() { return $this->bundleHash; } /** * @param string $hash */ public function setBundleHash( $hash ) { $this->bundleHash = $hash; } /** * @return bool */ public function isDeleted() { return $this->deleted === 1; } public function setBundledEvents( $events ) { $this->bundledEvents = $events; } public function getBundledEvents() { return $this->bundledEvents; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function canBeBundled() { return true; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getBundlingKey() { return $this->getBundleHash(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function setBundledElements( $bundleables ) { $this->setBundledEvents( $bundleables ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getSortingKey() { return $this->getTimestamp(); } }