false ); public function __construct( $params ) { parent::__construct( $params ); // Title for archive page $this->title = array( 'message' => $params['title-message'], 'params' => $params['title-params'] ); // Set up default params if one is missing $params += $this->getDefaultParams(); // Title for the flyout $this->flyoutTitle = array( 'message' => $params['flyout-message'], 'params' => $params['flyout-params'] ); // Bundle title for both archive page and flyout $this->bundleTitle = array( 'message' => $params['bundle-message'], 'params' => $params['bundle-params'] ); // Notification payload data, eg, summary $this->payload = $params['payload']; // Notification email subject and body $this->email = array( 'subject' => array( 'message' => $params['email-subject-message'], 'params' => $params['email-subject-params'] ), 'body' => array( 'message' => $params['email-body-message'], 'params' => $params['email-body-params'] ), 'batch-body' => array( 'message' => $params['email-body-batch-message'], 'params' => $params['email-body-batch-params'] ), 'batch-bundle-body' => array( 'message' => $params['email-body-batch-bundle-message'], 'params' => $params['email-body-batch-bundle-params'] ) ); // Notification icon for the event type $this->icon = $params['icon']; } /** * Internal function that returns notification default params * * @return array */ protected function getDefaultParams() { return array( 'flyout-message' => $this->title['message'], 'flyout-params' => $this->title['params'], 'bundle-message' => '', 'bundle-params' => array(), 'payload' => array(), 'email-subject-message' => 'echo-email-subject-default', 'email-subject-params' => array(), 'email-body-message' => 'echo-email-body-default', 'email-body-params' => array( 'text-notification' ), 'email-body-batch-message' => 'echo-email-batch-body-default', 'email-body-batch-params' => array(), 'email-body-batch-bundle-message' => '', 'email-body-batch-bundle-params' => array(), 'icon' => 'placeholder' ); } /** * Formats a notification * * @param $event EchoEvent that the notification is for. * @param $user User to format the notification for. * @param $type string The type of notification being distributed (e.g. email, web) * @return array|string */ public function format( $event, $user, $type ) { global $wgEchoNotificationCategories; // Use the bundle message if use-bundle is true and there is a bundle message $this->generateBundleData( $event, $user, $type ); if ( $this->bundleData['use-bundle'] && isset( $this->bundleTitle['message'] ) ) { $this->title = $this->flyoutTitle = $this->bundleTitle; } if ( $this->outputFormat === 'email' ) { return $this->formatEmail( $event, $user, $type ); } if ( $this->outputFormat === 'text' ) { return $this->formatNotificationTitle( $event, $user )->text(); } // Assume html as the format for the notification $output = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => "mw-echo-icon mw-echo-icon-{$this->icon}" ), ' ' ); // Add the hidden dismiss interface if the notification is dismissable /* Disabling dismiss interface until there is consensus on how it should be implemented if ( $event->isDismissable( 'web' ) ) { $output .= $this->formatDismissInterface( $event, $user ); } */ // Build the notification title $content = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-title' ), $this->formatNotificationTitle( $event, $user )->parse() ) . "\n"; // Build the notification payload $payload = ''; foreach ( $this->payload as $payloadComponent ) { $payload .= $this->formatPayload( $payloadComponent, $event, $user ); } if ( $payload !== '' ) { $content .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-payload' ), $payload ) . "\n"; } // Add timestamp $content .= $this->formatTimestamp( $event->getTimestamp() ); $output .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-content' ), $content ) . "\n"; // The state div is used to visually indicate read or unread status. This is // handled in a separate element than the notification element so that things // like the close box won't inherit the greyed out opacity (which can't be reset). $output = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-state' ), $output ) . "\n"; return $output; } /** * Format notification dismiss interface * * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @return string */ protected function formatDismissInterface( $event, $user ) { $dismissTitle = wfMessage( 'echo-category-title-' . $event->getCategory() ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ) ->escaped(); $dismissMessage = wfMessage( 'echo-dismiss-message', $dismissTitle ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ) ->text(); $dismiss = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-dismiss-message' ), $dismissMessage ) . "\n"; $prefsMessage = wfMessage( 'echo-dismiss-prefs-message' ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ) ->text(); $dismiss .= Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-prefs-dismiss-message' ), $prefsMessage ) . "\n"; $dismiss = Xml::tags( 'div', array( 'class' => 'mw-echo-dismiss', 'style' => 'display:none;' ), $dismiss ) . "\n"; return $dismiss; } /** * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @return string */ protected function formatNotificationTitle( $event, $user ) { if ( $this->outputFormat === 'flyout' ) { return $this->formatFragment( $this->flyoutTitle, $event, $user ); } else { return $this->formatFragment( $this->title, $event, $user ); } } /** * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @param $type * @return string */ protected function formatEmail( $event, $user, $type ) { $subject = $this->formatFragment( $this->email['subject'], $event, $user )->text(); $body = preg_replace( "/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $this->formatFragment( $this->email['body'], $event, $user )->text() ); if ( $this->bundleData['use-bundle'] && $this->email['batch-bundle-body'] ) { $bodyKey = $this->email['batch-bundle-body']; } else { $bodyKey = $this->email['batch-body']; } $batchBody = preg_replace( "/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $this->formatFragment( $bodyKey, $event, $user )->text() ); return array( 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'batch-body' => $batchBody ); } /** * Creates a notification fragment based on a message and parameters * * @param $details array An i18n message and parameters to pass to the message * @param $event EchoEvent that the notification is for. * @param $user User to format the notification for. * @return string */ protected function formatFragment( $details, $event, $user ) { $message = wfMessage( $details['message'] ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ); $this->processParams( $details['params'], $event, $message, $user ); return $message; } /** * Formats the payload of a notification, child method overwriting this method should * always call this method in default case so they can use the payload defined in this * function as well * @param $payload string * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @return string */ protected function formatPayload( $payload, $event, $user ) { switch ( $payload ) { case 'summary': return $this->formatSummary( $event, $user ); break; default: return ''; } } /** * Generate links based on output format and passed properties * $event EchoEvent * $message Message * $props array */ protected function setTitleLink( $event, $message, $props = array() ) { if ( !$event->getTitle() ) { $message->params( wfMessage( 'echo-no-title' )->text() ); return; } $title = $event->getTitle(); $param = array(); if ( isset( $props['param'] ) ) { $param = (array)$props['param']; } if ( isset( $props['fragment'] ) ) { $title->setFragment( '#' . $props['fragment'] ); } if ( $this->outputFormat === 'html' || $this->outputFormat === 'flyout' ) { $class = array(); if ( isset( $props['class'] ) ) { $class['class'] = $props['class']; } if ( isset( $props['linkText'] ) ) { $linkText = $props['linkText']; } else { $linkText = htmlspecialchars( $title->getPrefixedText() ); } $message->rawParams( Linker::link( $title, $linkText, $class, $param ) ); } elseif ( $this->outputFormat === 'email' ) { $message->params( $title->getCanonicalURL( $param ) ); } else { $message->params( $title->getFullURL( $param ) ); } } /** * Get raw bundle data for an event so it can be manipulated * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @param $type string Notification distribution type: web/email * @return ResultWrapper|bool */ protected function getRawBundleData( $event, $user, $type ) { global $wgEchoBackend; // We should keep bundling for events as long as it has bundle // hash event for bundle-turned-off events as well, this is // mainly for historical data if ( !$event->getBundleHash() ) { return false; } return $wgEchoBackend->getRawBundleData( $user, $event->getBundleHash(), $type ); } /** * Construct the bundle data for an event, by default, the group iterator * is agent, eg, by user A and x others. custom formatter can overwrite * this function to use a differnt group iterator such as title, namespace * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @param $type string Notification distribution type */ protected function generateBundleData( $event, $user, $type ) { global $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount; $data = $this->getRawBundleData( $event, $user, $type ); if ( !$data ) { return; } $agents = array(); $agent = $event->getAgent(); if ( $agent ) { if ( $agent->isAnon() ) { $agents[$agent->getName()] = $agent->getName(); } else { $agents[$agent->getId()] = $agent->getId(); } } else { throw new MWException( "Agent is required for bundling notification!" ); } // Initialize with 1 for the agent of current event $count = 1; foreach ( $data as $row ) { $key = $row->event_agent_id ? 'event_agent_id' : 'event_agent_ip'; if ( !isset( $agents[$row->$key] ) ) { $agents[$row->$key] = $row->$key; $count++; } if ( $count > $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount + 1 ) { break; } } $this->bundleData['agent-other-count'] = $count - 1; if ( $count > 1 ) { $this->bundleData['use-bundle'] = true; } } /** * @return array */ public function getBundleData() { return $this->bundleData; } /** * Convert the parameters into real values and pass them into the message * * @param $params array * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $message Message * @param $user User */ protected function processParams( $params, $event, $message, $user ) { foreach ( $params as $param ) { $this->processParam( $event, $param, $message, $user ); } } /** * Helper function for processParams() * * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $param * @param $message Message * @param $user User * @throws MWException */ protected function processParam( $event, $param, $message, $user ) { if ( $param === 'agent' ) { if ( !$event->getAgent() ) { $message->params( wfMessage( 'echo-no-agent' )->text() ); } else { $message->params( $event->getAgent()->getName() ); } // example: {7} others, {99+} others } elseif ( $param === 'agent-other-display') { global $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount; if ( $this->bundleData['agent-other-count'] > $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount ) { $message->params( wfMessage( 'echo-notification-count' ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ) ->params( $wgEchoMaxNotificationCount ) ->text() ); } else { $message->params( $this->bundleData['agent-other-count'] ); } // the number used for plural support } elseif ( $param === 'agent-other-count') { $message->params( $this->bundleData['agent-other-count'] ); } elseif ( $param === 'user' ) { $message->params( $user->getName() ); } elseif ( $param === 'title' ) { if ( !$event->getTitle() ) { $message->params( wfMessage( 'echo-no-title' )->text() ); } else { $message->params( $this->formatTitle( $event->getTitle() ) ); } } elseif ( $param === 'titlelink' ) { $this->setTitleLink( $event, $message ); } elseif ( $param === 'text-notification' ) { $oldOutputFormat = $this->outputFormat; $this->setOutputFormat( 'text' ); // $type is ignored in this class $textNotification = $this->format( $event, $user, '' ); $this->setOutputFormat( $oldOutputFormat ); $message->params( $textNotification ); } elseif ( $param === 'email-intro' ) { if ( $this->bundleData['use-bundle'] && isset( $this->email['batch-bundle-body']['message'] ) ) { $detail = array( 'message' => $this->email['batch-bundle-body']['message'], 'params' => $this->email['batch-bundle-body']['params'] ); } else { $detail = array( 'message' => $this->email['batch-body']['message'], 'params' => $this->email['batch-body']['params'] ); } $message->params( $this->formatFragment( $detail, $event, $user )->text() ); } elseif ( $param === 'email-footer' ) { global $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress; $message->params( wfMessage( 'echo-email-footer-default' ) ->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ) ->params( $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress, wfMessage( 'echo-email-batch-separator' )->text() ) ->text() ); } else { throw new MWException( "Unrecognised parameter $param" ); } } }