true, 'insertId' => 1 ], 1 ], [ 'successful insert with insert id = 2', [ 'insert' => true, 'insertId' => 2 ], 2 ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideDataTestInsert */ public function testInsert( $message, $dbResult, $result ) { $event = $this->mockEvent(); $eventMapper = new EventMapper( $this->mockDbFactory( $dbResult ) ); $this->assertEquals( $result, $eventMapper->insert( $event ), $message ); } /** * Successful fetchById() */ public function testSuccessfulFetchById() { $eventMapper = new EventMapper( $this->mockDbFactory( [ 'selectRow' => (object)[ 'event_id' => 1, 'event_type' => 'test', 'event_variant' => '', 'event_extra' => '', 'event_page_id' => '', 'event_agent_id' => '', 'event_agent_ip' => '', 'event_deleted' => 0, ] ] ) ); $res = $eventMapper->fetchById( 1 ); $this->assertInstanceOf( Event::class, $res ); } public function testUnsuccessfulFetchById() { $eventMapper = new EventMapper( $this->mockDbFactory( [ 'selectRow' => false ] ) ); $this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); $eventMapper->fetchById( 1 ); } /** * @return Event */ protected function mockEvent() { $event = $this->createMock( Event::class ); $event->method( 'toDbArray' ) ->willReturn( [] ); return $event; } /** * @param array $dbResult * @return DbFactory */ protected function mockDbFactory( $dbResult ) { $dbFactory = $this->createMock( DbFactory::class ); $dbFactory->method( 'getEchoDb' ) ->willReturn( $this->mockDb( $dbResult ) ); return $dbFactory; } /** * @param array $dbResult * @return IDatabase */ protected function mockDb( array $dbResult ) { $dbResult += [ 'insert' => '', 'insertId' => '', 'select' => '', 'selectRow' => '' ]; $db = $this->createMock( IDatabase::class ); $db->method( 'insert' ) ->willReturn( $dbResult['insert'] ); $db->method( 'insertId' ) ->willReturn( $dbResult['insertId'] ); $db->method( 'select' ) ->willReturn( $dbResult['select'] ); $db->method( 'selectRow' ) ->willReturn( $dbResult['selectRow'] ); return $db; } public function testFetchByPage() { $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); // Do not create a notification for the edit made by getExistingTestPage. $this->clearHook( 'PageSaveComplete' ); $page = $this->getExistingTestPage(); // Create a notification that is not associated with any page Event::create( [ 'type' => 'welcome', 'agent' => $user, ] ); // Create a notification with a title $eventWithTitle = Event::create( [ 'type' => 'welcome', 'agent' => $user, 'title' => $page->getTitle() ] ); // Create a notification with a target-page $eventWithTargetPage = Event::create( [ 'type' => 'welcome', 'agent' => $user, 'extra' => [ 'target-page' => $page->getId() ] ] ); $eventMapper = new EventMapper(); $this->assertArrayEquals( [ $eventWithTitle->getId(), $eventWithTargetPage->getId() ], $eventMapper->fetchIdsByPage( $page->getId() ) ); } }