dbw = $dbw; $this->dbr = $dbr; $this->pushProviderStore = $pushProviderStore; $this->pushTopicStore = $pushTopicStore; $this->maxSubscriptionsPerUser = $maxSubscriptionsPerUser; } /** * Store push subscription information for a central user ID. * @param string $provider Provider name string (validated by presence in the PARAM_TYPE array) * @param string $token Subscriber token provided by the push provider * @param int $centralId * @param string|null $topic APNS topic string * @return bool true if the subscription was created; false if the token already exists */ public function create( string $provider, string $token, int $centralId, ?string $topic = null ): bool { $subscriptions = $this->getSubscriptionsForUser( $centralId ); if ( count( $subscriptions ) >= $this->maxSubscriptionsPerUser ) { // If we exceed the number of subscriptions for this user, then delete the oldest subscription // before inserting the new one, making it behave like a circular buffer. // (Find the oldest subscription by iterating, since their order in the DB is not guaranteed.) $oldest = $subscriptions[0]; foreach ( $subscriptions as $subscription ) { if ( $subscription->getUpdated() < $oldest->getUpdated() ) { $oldest = $subscription; } } $this->delete( [ $oldest->getToken() ], $centralId ); } $topicId = $topic ? $this->pushTopicStore->acquireId( $topic ) : null; $this->dbw->newInsertQueryBuilder() ->insertInto( 'echo_push_subscription' ) ->ignore() ->row( [ 'eps_user' => $centralId, 'eps_provider' => $this->pushProviderStore->acquireId( $provider ), 'eps_token' => $token, 'eps_token_sha256' => hash( 'sha256', $token ), 'eps_data' => null, 'eps_topic' => $topicId, 'eps_updated' => $this->dbw->timestamp() ] ) ->caller( __METHOD__ ) ->execute(); return (bool)$this->dbw->affectedRows(); } /** * Get full data for all registered subscriptions for a user (by central ID). * @param int $centralId * @return array array of Subscription objects */ public function getSubscriptionsForUser( int $centralId ) { $res = $this->dbr->select( [ 'echo_push_subscription', 'echo_push_provider', 'echo_push_topic' ], '*', [ 'eps_user' => $centralId ], __METHOD__, [], [ 'echo_push_provider' => [ 'INNER JOIN', [ 'eps_provider = epp_id' ] ], 'echo_push_topic' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', [ 'eps_topic = ept_id' ] ], ] ); $result = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $result[] = Subscription::newFromRow( $row ); } return $result; } /** * Delete one or more push subscriptions by token. Unless the current user is a push * subscription manager, the query will also include the current central user ID as a condition. * @param array $tokens Delete the subscription with these tokens * @param int|null $centralId * @return int number of rows deleted * @throws DBError */ public function delete( array $tokens, int $centralId = null ): int { $cond = [ 'eps_token' => $tokens ]; if ( $centralId ) { $cond['eps_user'] = $centralId; } $this->dbw->delete( 'echo_push_subscription', $cond, __METHOD__ ); return $this->dbw->affectedRows(); } }