createNoOpMock( UserGroupManager::class, [ 'getUserGroups' ] ); $userGroupManager->method( 'getUserGroups' )->willReturn( [ 'echo_group' ] ); $userOptionsLookup = $this->createNoOpMock( UserOptionsLookup::class, [ 'getOption' ] ); $userOptionsLookup->method( 'getOption' )->willReturn( true ); return new EchoAttributeManager( $notifications, $categories, $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability, $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory, $userGroupManager, $userOptionsLookup ); } public static function getUserLocatorsProvider() { return [ [ 'No errors when requesting unknown type', // expected result [], // event type 'foo', // notification configuration [], ], [ 'Returns selected notification configuration', // expected result [ 'woot!' ], // event type 'magic', // notification configuration [ 'foo' => [ EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS => [ 'frown' ], ], 'magic' => [ EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS => [ 'woot!' ], ], ], ], [ 'Accepts user-locators as string and returns array', // expected result [ 'sagen' ], // event type 'challah', // notification configuration [ 'challah' => [ EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS => 'sagen', ], ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getUserLocatorsProvider */ public function testGetUserLocators( $message, $expect, $type, $notifications ) { $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notifications ); $result = $manager->getUserCallable( $type, EchoAttributeManager::ATTR_LOCATORS ); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $result, $message ); } public function testGetCategoryEligibility() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one' ], ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10 ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertTrue( $manager->getCategoryEligibility( $this->getUser(), 'category_one' ) ); $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10, 'usergroups' => [ 'sysop' ] ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertFalse( $manager->getCategoryEligibility( $this->getUser(), 'category_one' ) ); } public function testGetNotificationCategory() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one' ], ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10 ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertEquals( $manager->getNotificationCategory( 'event_one' ), 'category_one' ); $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif ); $this->assertEquals( $manager->getNotificationCategory( 'event_one' ), 'other' ); $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_two' ], ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10 ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertEquals( $manager->getNotificationCategory( 'event_one' ), 'other' ); } public function testGetCategoryPriority() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_two' ], ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 6 ], 'category_two' => [ 'priority' => 100 ], 'category_three' => [ 'priority' => -10 ], 'category_four' => [] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertSame( 6, $manager->getCategoryPriority( 'category_one' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getCategoryPriority( 'category_two' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getCategoryPriority( 'category_three' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getCategoryPriority( 'category_four' ) ); } public function testGetNotificationPriority() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one' ], 'event_two' => [ 'category' => 'category_two' ], 'event_three' => [ 'category' => 'category_three' ], 'event_four' => [ 'category' => 'category_four' ] ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 6 ], 'category_two' => [ 'priority' => 100 ], 'category_three' => [ 'priority' => -10 ], 'category_four' => [] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category ); $this->assertSame( 6, $manager->getNotificationPriority( 'event_one' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getNotificationPriority( 'event_two' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getNotificationPriority( 'event_three' ) ); $this->assertSame( 10, $manager->getNotificationPriority( 'event_four' ) ); } public static function getEventsForSectionProvider() { $notifications = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one', 'section' => 'message', ], 'event_two' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', 'section' => 'invalid', ], 'event_three' => [ 'category' => 'category_three', 'section' => 'message', ], 'event_four' => [ 'category' => 'category_four', // Omitted ], 'event_five' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', 'section' => 'alert', ], ]; return [ [ [ 'event_one', 'event_three' ], $notifications, 'message', 'Messages', ], [ [ 'event_two', 'event_four', 'event_five' ], $notifications, 'alert', 'Alerts', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider getEventsForSectionProvider */ public function testGetEventsForSection( $expected, $notificationTypes, $section, $message ) { $am = $this->getAttributeManager( $notificationTypes ); $actual = $am->getEventsForSection( $section ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $message ); } public function testGetUserEnabledEvents() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one' ], 'event_two' => [ 'category' => 'category_two' ], 'event_three' => [ 'category' => 'category_three' ], 'event_four' => [ 'category' => 'category_four' ] ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10, 'usergroups' => [ 'sysop' ] ], 'category_two' => [ 'priority' => 10, 'usergroups' => [ 'echo_group' ] ], 'category_three' => [ 'priority' => 10, ], 'category_four' => [ 'priority' => 10, ] ]; $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability = [ 'web' => true, 'email' => true, ]; $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory = [ 'category_three' => [ 'web' => false, 'email' => true, ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category, $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability, $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'event_two', 'event_four' ], $manager->getUserEnabledEvents( $this->getUser(), 'web' ) ); } public function testGetUserEnabledEventsbySections() { $notif = [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_one' ], 'event_two' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', 'section' => 'message' ], 'event_three' => [ 'category' => 'category_three', 'section' => 'alert' ], 'event_four' => [ 'category' => 'category_three', ], 'event_five' => [ 'category' => 'category_five' ] ]; $category = [ 'category_one' => [ 'priority' => 10, ], 'category_two' => [ 'priority' => 10, ], 'category_three' => [ 'priority' => 10 ], 'category_five' => [ 'priority' => 10 ] ]; $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability = [ 'web' => true, 'email' => true, ]; $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory = [ 'category_five' => [ 'web' => false, 'email' => true, ] ]; $manager = $this->getAttributeManager( $notif, $category, $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability, $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory ); $expected = [ 'event_one', 'event_three', 'event_four' ]; $actual = $manager->getUserEnabledEventsbySections( $this->getUser(), 'web', [ 'alert' ] ); sort( $expected ); sort( $actual ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); $expected = [ 'event_two' ]; $actual = $manager->getUserEnabledEventsbySections( $this->getUser(), 'web', [ 'message' ] ); sort( $expected ); sort( $actual ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); $expected = [ 'event_one', 'event_two', 'event_three', 'event_four' ]; $actual = $manager->getUserEnabledEventsbySections( $this->getUser(), 'web', [ 'message', 'alert' ] ); sort( $expected ); sort( $actual ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } public static function getEventsByCategoryProvider() { return [ [ 'Mix of populated and empty categories handled appropriately', [ 'category_one' => [ 'event_two', 'event_five', ], 'category_two' => [ 'event_one', 'event_three', 'event_four', ], 'category_three' => [], ], [ 'category_one' => [], 'category_two' => [], 'category_three' => [], ], [ 'event_one' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', ], 'event_two' => [ 'category' => 'category_one', ], 'event_three' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', ], 'event_four' => [ 'category' => 'category_two', ], 'event_five' => [ 'category' => 'category_one', ], ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider getEventsByCategoryProvider */ public function testGetEventsByCategory( $message, $expectedMapping, $categories, $notifications ) { $am = $this->getAttributeManager( $notifications, $categories ); $actualMapping = $am->getEventsByCategory(); $this->assertEquals( $expectedMapping, $actualMapping, $message ); } public static function isNotifyTypeAvailableForCategoryProvider() { return [ [ 'Fallback to default entirely', true, 'category_one', 'web', [ 'web' => true, 'email' => true ], [] ], [ 'Fallback to default for single type', false, 'category_two', 'email', [ 'web' => true, 'email' => false ], [ 'category_two' => [ 'web' => true, ], ] ], [ 'Use override', false, 'category_three', 'web', [ 'web' => true, 'email' => true ], [ 'category_three' => [ 'web' => false, ], ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider isNotifyTypeAvailableForCategoryProvider */ public function testIsNotifyTypeAvailableForCategory( $message, $expected, $categoryName, $notifyType, $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability, $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory ) { $am = $this->getAttributeManager( [], [], $defaultNotifyTypeAvailability, $notifyTypeAvailabilityByCategory ); $actual = $am->isNotifyTypeAvailableForCategory( $categoryName, $notifyType ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $message ); } public static function isNotifyTypeDismissableForCategoryProvider() { return [ [ 'Not dismissable because of all', false, [ 'category_one' => [ 'no-dismiss' => [ 'all' ], ] ], 'category_one', 'web', ], [ 'Not dismissable because of specific notify type', false, [ 'category_two' => [ 'no-dismiss' => [ 'email' ], ] ], 'category_two', 'email', ], [ 'Dismissable because of different affected notify type', true, [ 'category_three' => [ 'no-dismiss' => [ 'web' ], ] ], 'category_three', 'email', ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider isNotifyTypeDismissableForCategoryProvider */ public function testIsNotifyTypeDismissableForCategory( $message, $expected, $categories, $categoryName, $notifyType ) { $am = $this->getAttributeManager( [], $categories ); $actual = $am->isNotifyTypeDismissableForCategory( $categoryName, $notifyType ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $message ); } /** * @return UserIdentity */ protected function getUser() { return new UserIdentityValue( 1, 'ExampleUserName' ); } }