section = new EchoPresentationModelSection( $event, $user, $language ); } public function canRender() { return (bool)$this->event->getTitle(); } public function getIconType() { return 'edit-user-talk'; } public function getPrimaryLink() { return [ // Need FullURL so the section is included 'url' => $this->section->getTitleWithSection()->getFullURL(), 'label' => $this->msg( 'notification-link-text-view-message' )->text() ]; } public function getSecondaryLinks() { $diffLink = [ 'url' => $this->getDiffLinkUrl(), 'label' => $this->msg( 'notification-link-text-view-changes', $this->getViewingUserForGender() )->text(), 'description' => '', 'icon' => 'changes', 'prioritized' => true ]; if ( $this->isBundled() ) { return [ $diffLink ]; } else { return [ $this->getAgentLink(), $diffLink ]; } } public function getHeaderMessage() { if ( $this->isBundled() ) { $msg = $this->msg( 'notification-bundle-header-edit-user-talk-v2' ); $count = $this->getNotificationCountForOutput(); // Repeat is B/C until unused parameter is removed from translations $msg->numParams( $count, $count ); $msg->params( $this->getViewingUserForGender() ); return $msg; } elseif ( $this->section->exists() ) { $msg = $this->getMessageWithAgent( 'notification-header-edit-user-talk-with-section' ); $msg->params( $this->getViewingUserForGender() ); $msg->plaintextParams( $this->section->getTruncatedSectionTitle() ); return $msg; } else { $msg = parent::getHeaderMessage(); $msg->params( $this->getViewingUserForGender() ); return $msg; } } public function getCompactHeaderMessage() { $hasSection = $this->section->exists(); $key = $hasSection ? 'notification-compact-header-edit-user-talk-with-section' : 'notification-compact-header-edit-user-talk'; $msg = $this->getMessageWithAgent( $key ); $msg->params( $this->getViewingUserForGender() ); if ( $hasSection ) { $msg->params( $this->section->getTruncatedSectionTitle() ); } return $msg; } public function getBodyMessage() { $sectionText = $this->event->getExtraParam( 'section-text' ); if ( !$this->isBundled() && $this->section->exists() && is_string( $sectionText ) ) { $msg = $this->msg( 'notification-body-edit-user-talk-with-section' ); // section-text is safe to use here, because section->exists() returns false if the revision is deleted $msg->plaintextParams( $sectionText ); return $msg; } else { return false; } } private function getDiffLinkUrl() { $revId = $this->event->getExtraParam( 'revid' ); $oldId = $this->isBundled() ? $this->getRevBeforeFirstNotification() : 'prev'; $query = [ 'oldid' => $oldId, 'diff' => $revId, ]; return $this->event->getTitle()->getFullURL( $query ); } private function getRevBeforeFirstNotification() { $events = $this->getBundledEvents(); $firstNotificationRevId = end( $events )->getExtraParam( 'revid' ); $revisionLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionLookup(); $revisionRecord = $revisionLookup->getRevisionById( $firstNotificationRevId ); $previousRevision = $revisionRecord ? $revisionLookup->getPreviousRevision( $revisionRecord ) : null; return $previousRevision ? $previousRevision->getId() : 0; } protected function getSubjectMessageKey() { return 'notification-edit-talk-page-email-subject2'; } } class_alias( EchoEditUserTalkPresentationModel::class, 'EchoEditUserTalkPresentationModel' );