( function () { /** * Notification API handler * * @class * @extends mw.echo.api.APIHandler * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration object */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler = function MwEchoApiLocalAPIHandler( config ) { // Parent constructor mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.super.call( this, new mw.Api( { ajax: { cache: false } } ), config ); }; /* Setup */ OO.inheritClass( mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler, mw.echo.api.APIHandler ); /** * @inheritdoc */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.fetchNotifications = function ( type, source, isForced, overrideParams ) { if ( overrideParams ) { return this.createNewFetchNotificationPromise( type, source, overrideParams ); } else if ( isForced || this.isFetchingErrorState( type, source ) ) { // Force new promise return this.createNewFetchNotificationPromise( type, source, overrideParams ); } return this.getFetchNotificationPromise( type, source, overrideParams ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.updateSeenTime = function ( type ) { type = Array.isArray( type ) ? type : [ type ]; // This is a GET request, not a POST request, for multi-DC support (see T222851) return this.api.get( { action: 'echomarkseen', type: type.length === 1 ? type[ 0 ] : 'all', timestampFormat: 'ISO_8601' } ) .then( ( data ) => data.query.echomarkseen.timestamp ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.markAllRead = function ( source, type ) { const data = { action: 'echomarkread' }; type = Array.isArray( type ) ? type : [ type ]; if ( type.indexOf( 'all' ) !== -1 ) { // As specified in the documentation of the parent function, the type parameter can be // 'all'. We especially handle that case here to match the PHP API. Note: Other values // of the array will be ignored. data.all = true; } else { data.sections = type; } if ( !this.isSourceLocal( source ) ) { data.wikis = source; } return this.api.postWithToken( 'csrf', data ) .then( ( result ) => OO.getProp( result.query, 'echomarkread', type, 'rawcount' ) || 0 ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.markItemsRead = function ( source, itemIdArray, isRead ) { const data = { action: 'echomarkread' }; if ( !this.isSourceLocal( source ) ) { data.wikis = source; } if ( isRead ) { data.list = itemIdArray; } else { data.unreadlist = itemIdArray; } return this.api.postWithToken( 'csrf', data ); }; /** * Fetch the number of unread notifications. * * @param {string} type Notification type, 'alert', 'message' or 'all' * @param {boolean} [ignoreCrossWiki] Ignore cross-wiki notifications when fetching the count. * If set to false (by default) it counts notifications across all wikis. * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves with the unread count */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.fetchUnreadCount = function ( type, ignoreCrossWiki ) { const normalizedType = this.normalizedType[ type ], apiData = { action: 'query', meta: 'notifications', notsections: normalizedType, notgroupbysection: 1, notmessageunreadfirst: 1, notlimit: this.limit, notprop: 'count', uselang: this.userLang }; if ( !ignoreCrossWiki ) { apiData.notcrosswikisummary = 1; } return this.api.get( apiData ) .then( ( result ) => { if ( type === 'message' || type === 'alert' ) { return OO.getProp( result.query, 'notifications', normalizedType, 'rawcount' ) || 0; } else { return OO.getProp( result.query, 'notifications', 'rawcount' ) || 0; } } ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ mw.echo.api.LocalAPIHandler.prototype.getTypeParams = function ( type ) { return Object.assign( {}, this.typeParams[ type ], { notcrosswikisummary: 1 } ); }; }() );