( function ( mw, $ ) { var echoApi, mockCounter, noop = function () {}; QUnit.module( 'ext.echo.dm mw.echo.dm.NotificationsModel' ); function runPreparation( model, testPrepare ) { var j, jlen; for ( j = 0, jlen = testPrepare.length; j < jlen; j++ ) { model[ testPrepare[ j ].method ].apply( model, testPrepare[ j ].params ); } } // Helper method to get an array of item ids for testing function getIdArray( arr ) { return arr.map( function ( item ) { return item.getId(); } ); } // Set up a dummy API handler to avoid sending requests to the API during tests function TestApiHandler() { // Parent constructor TestApiHandler.parent.call( this ); } /* Setup */ OO.inheritClass( TestApiHandler, mw.echo.api.APIHandler ); // Override api call TestApiHandler.prototype.markItemsRead = function () { return $.Deferred().resolve( 0 ); }; mockCounter = { estimateChange: noop, update: noop }; // Create an Echo API instance echoApi = new mw.echo.api.EchoApi(); // HACK: Reach into the EchoAPI to create a test handler echoApi.network.addCustomApiHandler( 'test', new TestApiHandler() ); QUnit.test( 'Adding notifications', function ( assert ) { var initialItems = [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { timestamp: '20150828173000', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { timestamp: '20150828173100', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { timestamp: '20150828173200', read: false } ) ], cases = [ { items: initialItems, expected: [ 2, 1, 0 ], msg: 'Inserting items in timestamp order.' }, { items: [ initialItems[ 0 ], initialItems[ 1 ], initialItems[ 2 ], initialItems[ 0 ] ], expected: [ 2, 1, 0 ], msg: 'Reinserting an item to its rightful position.' }, { items: [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { timestamp: '20150828173000', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { timestamp: '20150828173100', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { timestamp: '20150828173200', read: false } ) ], run: [ { item: 0, method: 'setTimestamp', args: [ '20150830173000' ] // Newer timestamp } ], expected: [ 0, 2, 1 ], msg: 'Changing timestamp on an item.' }, { items: [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { timestamp: '20150828173000', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { timestamp: '20150828173100', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { timestamp: '20150828173200', read: false } ) ], run: [ { item: 1, method: 'toggleRead', args: [ true ] // Item is read } ], expected: [ 2, 0, 1 ], msg: 'Changing read status of an item.' } ]; QUnit.expect( cases.length ); cases.forEach( function ( test ) { var r, runCase, runItem, model = new mw.echo.dm.NotificationsModel( echoApi, mockCounter, { type: 'alert', source: 'test', limit: 25, userLang: 'en' } ); model.addItems( test.items ); if ( test.add ) { model.addItems( test.add.items ); } if ( test.run ) { for ( r = 0; r < test.run.length; r++ ) { runCase = test.run[ r ]; runItem = test.items[ runCase.item ]; runItem[ runCase.method ].apply( runItem, runCase.args ); } } assert.deepEqual( getIdArray( model.getItems() ), test.expected, test.msg ); }, this ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Deleting notifications', 2, function ( assert ) { var model = new mw.echo.dm.NotificationsModel( echoApi, mockCounter, { type: 'alert', source: 'test', limit: 25, userLang: 'en' } ), items = [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { content: '1', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { content: '2', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 3, { content: '3', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 4, { content: '4', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 5, { content: '5', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 6, { content: '6', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 7, { content: '7', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 8, { content: '8', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 9, { content: '9', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 10, { content: '10', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ) ]; // Add initial notifications model.addItems( items ); // Verify we have the correct number initially assert.equal( model.getItemCount(), 10, 'Added initial number of notifications' ); // Remove notifications model.removeItems( [ items[ 0 ], items[ 1 ], items[ 5 ] ] ); // Test assert.equal( model.getItemCount(), 7, 'Successfully deleted notifications' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Clearing notifications', function ( assert ) { var i, ilen, model, actual, test, cases = [ { prepare: [ { method: 'addItems', params: [ [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { content: '1', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { content: '2', timestamp: '20150828172900' } ) ] ] }, { method: 'clearItems' } ], run: { method: 'getItemCount' }, expect: 0, message: 'Clearing notifications' } ]; assert.expect( cases.length ); for ( i = 0, ilen = cases.length; i < ilen; i++ ) { model = new mw.echo.dm.NotificationsModel( echoApi, mockCounter, { type: 'alert', source: 'test', limit: 25, userLang: 'en' } ); test = cases[ i ]; // Run preparation runPreparation( model, test.prepare ); // Test actual = model[ test.run.method ].apply( model, cases[ i ].run.params ); assert.equal( actual, cases[ i ].expect, cases[ i ].message ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'Changing read/unread status', function ( assert ) { var i, initialItems = [ new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 0, { timestamp: '20150828173000', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 1, { timestamp: '20150828173100', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 2, { timestamp: '20150828173200', read: false } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 3, { timestamp: '20150828173300', read: false } ), // Notice that in item 4 the timestamp is earlier new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 4, { timestamp: '20150828172900', read: true } ), new mw.echo.dm.NotificationItem( 5, { timestamp: '20150828173500', read: true } ) ], cases = [ { items: initialItems, expected: [ 3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 4 ], msg: 'Items organized by read/unread groups' }, { items: initialItems, markRead: [ initialItems[ 1 ], initialItems[ 3 ] ], expected: [ 2, 0, 5, 3, 1, 4 ], msg: 'Items marked as read are pushed to the end' } ]; QUnit.expect( cases.length ); cases.forEach( function ( test ) { var model = new mw.echo.dm.NotificationsModel( echoApi, mockCounter, { type: 'alert', source: 'test', limit: 25, userLang: 'en' } ); model.addItems( test.items ); if ( test.markRead ) { for ( i = 0; i < test.markRead.length; i++ ) { test.markRead[ i ].toggleRead( true ); } } assert.deepEqual( getIdArray( model.getItems() ), test.expected, test.msg ); }, this ); } ); } )( mediaWiki, jQuery );