var mobile = mw.mobileFrontend.require( 'mobile.startup' ), View = mobile.View, Icon = mobile.Icon, notificationIcon = new Icon( { name: 'bellOutline-base20', glyphPrefix: 'wikimedia' } ); /** * A notification button for displaying a notifications overlay * * @class NotificationButton * @extends View * @param {Object} options Configuration options * @param {string} options.notificationIconClass e.g. mw-ui-icon for icon * @param {boolean} options.hasUnseenNotifications whether the user has unseen notifications * @param {number} options.notificationCountRaw number of unread notifications * @param {string} options.title tooltip for badge * @param {string} options.url to see all notifications * @param {boolean} options.hasNotifications whether the user has unseen notifications * @param {Function} options.onClick handler for when the badge is clicked * @memberof NotificationBadge * @instance */ function NotificationBadge( options ) { var $el, $notificationAnchor, count = options.notificationCountRaw || 0, el = options.el; if ( el ) { // Learn properties based on current element $el = $( el ); options.hasUnseenNotifications = $el.find( '.notification-unseen' ).length > 0; options.hasNotifications = options.hasUnseenNotifications; $notificationAnchor = $el.find( 'a' ); options.title = $notificationAnchor.attr( 'title' ); options.url = $notificationAnchor.attr( 'href' ); count = Number( $el.find( '[data-notification-count]' ).data( 'notification-count' ) ); } this, $.extend( { notificationIconClass: notificationIcon.getClassName(), hasNotifications: false, hasUnseenNotifications: false, notificationCountRaw: 0 }, options, { isBorderBox: false } ) ); this.url = options.url; this.setCount( count ); if ( options.onClick ) { this.$el.on( 'click', options.onClick ); } } OO.inheritClass( NotificationBadge, View ); NotificationBadge.prototype.template = mw.template.get( '', 'NotificationBadge.mustache' ); /** * Update the notification count * * @memberof NotificationBadge * @instance * @param {number} count */ NotificationBadge.prototype.setCount = function ( count ) { if ( count > 100 ) { count = 100; } this.options.notificationCountRaw = count; this.options.notificationCountString = mw.msg( 'echo-badge-count', mw.language.convertNumber( count ) ); this.render(); }; /** * Marks all notifications as seen * * @memberof NotificationBadge * @instance */ NotificationBadge.prototype.markAsSeen = function () { this.options.hasUnseenNotifications = false; this.render(); }; module.exports = NotificationBadge;