emailMode = $emailMode; } /** * Abstract method for formatting email * @return string */ abstract public function formatEmail(); } /** * Formatter class for formatting text email notification */ class EchoTextEmailFormatter extends EchoEmailFormatter { /** * @param $emailMode EchoEmailMode */ public function __construct( EchoEmailMode $emailMode ) { parent::__construct( $emailMode ); $this->emailMode->attachDecorator( new EchoTextEmailDecorator() ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function formatEmail() { $template = $this->emailMode->getTextTemplate(); foreach ( $this->emailMode->getComponent() as $val ) { $func = 'build' . ucfirst( $val ); $template = str_replace( "%%$val%%", $this->emailMode->$func(), $template ); } // Remove redundant newline characters return $this->removeExtraNewLine( $template ); } /** * Remove extra newline from a text content * @param $text string * @return string */ protected function removeExtraNewLine( $text ) { return preg_replace( "/\n{3,}/", "\n\n", $text ); } } /** * Formatter class for formatting HTML email notification */ class EchoHTMLEmailFormatter extends EchoEmailFormatter { /** * @param $emailMode EchoEmailMode */ public function __construct( EchoEmailMode $emailMode ) { parent::__construct( $emailMode ); $this->emailMode->attachDecorator( new EchoHTMLEmailDecorator() ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function formatEmail() { $template = $this->emailMode->getHTMLTemplate(); foreach ( $this->emailMode->getComponent() as $val ) { $func = 'build' . ucfirst( $val ); $template = str_replace( "%%$val%%", $this->emailMode->$func(), $template ); } return $template; } } /** * Abstract entity that represents an email delivery mode */ abstract class EchoEmailMode { /** * @var array * Email components */ protected $component; /** * @var User * The user who receives email notifications */ protected $user; /** * @var EchoEmailDecorator * Email decorator */ protected $decorator; /** * @var Language * The language object for the user language */ protected $lang; /** * @param $user User * @param $component array */ public function __construct( User $user, array $component ) { $this->user = $user; // All email delivery mode share the same footer $this->component = array_merge( $component, array( 'footer' ) ); // Initialize with a text decorator, the decorator can be altered // via attacheDecorator() based on text/html emails $this->decorator = new EchoTextEmailDecorator(); $this->lang = Language::factory( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ); } /** * Get text email template * @return string */ abstract public function getTextTemplate(); /** * Get html email template * @return string */ abstract public function getHTMLTemplate(); /** * Get the footer component * @return string */ public function buildFooter() { global $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress; return $this->decorator->decorateFooter( $wgEchoEmailFooterAddress, $this->user ); } /** * Getter method for email template component * @return array */ public function getComponent() { return $this->component; } /** * Get the notification icon path * @param $icon string * @return string */ public static function getNotifIcon( $icon ) { global $wgEchoNotificationIcons, $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgLang; $iconInfo = $wgEchoNotificationIcons[$icon]; if ( isset( $iconInfo['url'] ) && $iconInfo['url'] ) { $iconUrl = $iconInfo['url']; } else { if ( !isset( $iconInfo['path'] ) || !$iconInfo['path'] ) { $iconInfo = $wgEchoNotificationIcons['placeholder']; } if ( is_array( $iconInfo['path'] ) ) { $dir = $wgLang->getDir(); if ( isset( $iconInfo['path'][$dir] ) ) { $path = $iconInfo['path'][$dir]; } else { wfDebugLog( 'Echo', "The \"$icon\" icon does not have anything set for $dir direction." ); $path = $wgEchoNotificationIcons['placeholder']['path']; // Fallback } } else { $path = $iconInfo['path']; } $iconUrl = "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/$path"; } // Use http for image path, there is no need for https return wfExpandUrl( $iconUrl, PROTO_HTTP ); } /** * Attach an email decorator to the email mode object * @param $decorator EchoEmailDecorator */ public function attachDecorator( EchoEmailDecorator $decorator ) { $this->decorator = $decorator; } /** * Format the message in the user's language * @param $message string * @param $user User * @return Message */ public static function message( $message, $user ) { return wfMessage( $message )->inLanguage( $user->getOption( 'language' ) ); } } /** * Entity that represents a single email delivery mode */ class EchoEmailSingle extends EchoEmailMode { /** * @var EchoBasicFormatter */ protected $notifFormatter; /** * @var EchoEvent */ protected $event; /** * @param $notifFormatter EchoBasicFormatter * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User */ public function __construct( EchoBasicFormatter $notifFormatter, EchoEvent $event, User $user ) { parent::__construct( $user, array ( 'emailIcon', 'intro', 'summary', 'action' ) ); $this->notifFormatter = $notifFormatter; $this->event = $event; } /** * Build the intro component * @return string */ public function buildIntro() { $bundle = $this->notifFormatter->getValue( 'bundleData' ); $email = $this->notifFormatter->getValue( 'email' ); if ( $bundle['use-bundle'] && $email['batch-bundle-body']['message'] ) { $detail = $email['batch-bundle-body']; } else { $detail = $email['batch-body']; } $message = $this->notifFormatter->formatFragment( $detail, $this->event, $this->user ); return $this->decorator->decorateIntro( $message ); } /** * Build the summary component * @return string */ public function buildSummary() { return $this->decorator->decorateRevisionSnippet( $this->notifFormatter->getRevisionSnippet( $this->event, $this->user ) ); } /** * Build the action component * @return string */ public function buildAction() { $link = array(); $ranks = array( 'primary', 'secondary' ); foreach ( $ranks as $rank ) { $message = $this->event->getLinkMessage( $rank ); // Valid call to action should have link text if ( !$message ) { continue; } $link[] = $this->decorator->decorateSingleAction( $this->notifFormatter, $this->event, $this->user, $rank, $message ); } // Add some spacing between the two action links $spacing = $this->decorator->getActionLinkSeparator(); return implode( $spacing . $spacing, $link ); } /** * Build the email icon component * @return string */ public function buildEmailIcon() { return EchoEmailMode::getNotifIcon( $this->notifFormatter->getValue( 'icon' ) ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getTextTemplate() { return <<< EOF %%intro%% %%summary%% %%action%% %%footer%% EOF; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getHTMLTemplate() { $alignStart = $this->lang->alignStart(); return <<< EOF



EOF; } } /** * Class that represents email digest delivery mode */ class EchoEmailDigest extends EchoEmailMode { /** * @var string * The mode of email digest, 'weekly' or 'daily' */ protected $digestMode; /** * @var array * Raw email digest list */ protected $rawDigestList; /** * @param $user User * @param $rawDigestList array the raw notification event list * @param $digestMode string 'daily'/'weekly' */ public function __construct( User $user, array $rawDigestList, $digestMode = 'daily' ) { parent::__construct( $user, array( 'intro', 'digestList', 'action' ) ); // Some data validation if ( !in_array( $digestMode, array( 'daily', 'weekly' ) ) ) { $digestMode = 'daily'; } $this->digestMode = $digestMode; $this->rawDigestList = $rawDigestList; } /** * Build the intro component * @return string */ public function buildIntro() { // Give grep a chance to find the usages: // echo-email-batch-body-intro-daily, echo-email-batch-body-intro-weekly $message = EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-body-intro-' . $this->digestMode, $this->user )->params( $this->user->getName() ); return $this->decorator->decorateIntro( $message ); } /** * Build the digestList component * @return string */ public function buildDigestList() { if ( !$this->rawDigestList ) { return ''; } return $this->decorator->decorateDigestList( $this->rawDigestList, $this->user ); } /** * Build the action component * @return string */ public function buildAction() { $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Notifications' ); return $this->decorator->decorateDigestAction( $title, $this->user ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getTextTemplate() { return <<< EOF %%intro%% %%digestList%% %%action%% %%footer%% EOF; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getHTMLTemplate() { $alignStart = $this->lang->alignStart(); return <<< EOF




EOF; } } /** * Email decorator interface */ interface EchoEmailDecorator { /** * Decorate the intro for all modes * @param $message Message the intro message object * @return string */ public function decorateIntro( $message ); /** * Decorate the digest list for digest mode * @param $digestList array * @param $user User * @return string */ public function decorateDigestList( $digestList, $user ); /** * Decorate the primary action for digest mode * @param $title Title * @param $user User * @return string */ public function decorateDigestAction( $title, $user ); /** * Decorate the footer for all mode * @param $address string * @param $user User * @return string */ public function decorateFooter( $address, $user ); /** * Decorate the actions for single mode * @param $notifFormatter EchoBasicFormatter * @param $event EchoEvent * @param $user User * @param $rank string * @param $message string * @return string */ public function decorateSingleAction( $notifFormatter, $event, $user, $rank, $message ); /** * Decorate a revision snippet * @param string $snippet the raw revision snippet * @return string */ public function decorateRevisionSnippet( $snippet ); /** * Get the spacing for between action links * @return string */ public function getActionLinkSeparator(); } /** * Text email decorator */ class EchoTextEmailDecorator implements EchoEmailDecorator { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateIntro( $message ) { return $message->text(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateDigestList( $digestList, $user ) { $result = array(); // build the text section for each category foreach( $digestList as $category => $notifs ) { $output = EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-category-title-' . $category, $user )->numParams( count( $notifs ) )->text() . EchoEmailMode::message( 'colon-separator', $user )->text() . "\n"; foreach( $notifs as $notif ) { $output .= "\n " . EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-bullet', $user )->text() . ' ' . $notif['batch-body']; } $result[] = $output; } // for prepending and appending 'echo-email-batch-separator' $result = array_merge( array( '' ), $result, array( '' ) ); return trim( implode( "\n\n" . EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-separator', $user )->text() . "\n\n", $result ) ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateDigestAction( $title, $user ) { return EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-link-text-view-all-notifications', $user )->text() . EchoEmailMode::message( 'colon-separator', $user )->text() . '<' . $title->getFullURL( '', false, PROTO_HTTPS ) . '>'; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateFooter( $address, $user ) { return EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-footer-default', $user ) ->params( $address, EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-separator', $user )->text() ) ->text(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateSingleAction( $notifFormatter, $event, $user, $rank, $message ) { $url = $notifFormatter->getLink( $event, $user, $rank, false, true ); return EchoEmailMode::message( $message, $user )->text() . EchoEmailMode::message( 'colon-separator', $user )->text() . '<' . $notifFormatter->sanitizeEmailLink( $url ) . '>'; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateRevisionSnippet( $snippet ) { // Doing nothing now, but there is a potential to wrap the text // around snippet with quote in plain text email return $snippet; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getActionLinkSeparator() { return "\n"; } } /** * HTML email decorator */ class EchoHTMLEmailDecorator implements EchoEmailDecorator { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateIntro( $message ) { return nl2br( $message->parse() ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateDigestList( $digestList, $user ) { $result = array(); // build the html section for each category foreach( $digestList as $category => $notifs ) { $output = $this->applyStyleToCategory( EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-category-title-' . $category, $user ) ->numParams( count( $notifs ) ) ->escaped() ); foreach( $notifs as $notif ) { $output .= "\n" . $this->applyStyleToEvent( $notif ); } $result[] = '' . $output . '
'; } return trim( implode( "\n", $result ) ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateDigestAction( $title, $user ) { return Linker::link( $title, EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-batch-link-text-view-all-notifications', $user )->escaped(), array( 'style' => $this->getPrimaryLinkCSS() ), array(), array( 'https' ) ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateFooter( $address, $user ) { $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' ); $title->setFragment( "#mw-prefsection-echo" ); return EchoEmailMode::message( 'echo-email-footer-default-html', $user ) ->params( $address ) ->rawParams( $title->getFullURL( '', false, PROTO_HTTPS ) ) ->text(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateSingleAction( $notifFormatter, $event, $user, $rank, $message ) { if ( $rank === 'primary' ) { $style = $this->getPrimaryLinkCSS(); } else { $style = $this->getSecondaryLinkCSS(); } return $notifFormatter->getLink( $event, $user, $rank, false, false, $style ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decorateRevisionSnippet( $snippet ) { return htmlspecialchars( $snippet ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getActionLinkSeparator() { return " "; } /** * The style for primary link * @return string */ protected function getPrimaryLinkCSS() { return 'cursor:pointer; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; padding:.45em 1.2em .45em; color:#D9EEF7; background:#3366BB; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 13px;'; } /** * The style for secondary link * @return string */ protected function getSecondaryLinkCSS() { return 'text-decoration: none;font-size: 10px;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #808184'; } /** * Apply style to notification category header * @param $category string * @return string */ protected function applyStyleToCategory( $category ) { return <<< EOF $category

EOF; } /** * Apply style to individual notification event * @param $notif array an array containts keys: icon, batch-body, batch-body-html * @return string */ protected function applyStyletoEvent( $notif ) { // notification icon $icon = EchoEmailMode::getNotifIcon( $notif['icon'] ); // notification text $text = $notif['batch-body-html']; return <<< EOF $text EOF; } }