addDescription( 'Recompute notification counts for all users.' ); $this->addOption( 'user-ids', 'Comma-separated list of users to recompute notification counts for', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'notif-types', 'Recompute counts for all users who have unread notifications of one of these types (comma-separated)', false, true ); $this->setBatchSize( 500 ); $this->requireExtension( 'Echo' ); } public function execute() { $dbFactory = MWEchoDbFactory::newFromDefault(); $dbwEcho = $dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_PRIMARY ); $dbrEcho = $dbFactory->getEchoDb( DB_REPLICA ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $userIDs = $this->getOption( 'user-ids' ); $userIDs = $userIDs ? explode( ',', $userIDs ) : null; $notifTypes = $this->getOption( 'notif-types' ); $notifTypes = $notifTypes ? explode( ',', $notifTypes ) : null; if ( $userIDs ) { $userIterator = array_chunk( $userIDs, $this->getBatchSize() ); } elseif ( $notifTypes ) { $userIterator = new BatchRowIterator( $dbrEcho, [ 'echo_event', 'echo_notification' ], 'notification_user', $this->getBatchSize() ); $userIterator->addJoinConditions( [ 'echo_notification' => [ 'INNER JOIN', 'notification_event=event_id' ] ] ); $userIterator->addConditions( [ 'event_type' => $notifTypes, 'notification_read_timestamp' => null ] ); $userIterator->addOptions( [ 'GROUP BY' => 'notification_user' ] ); $userIterator->setCaller( __METHOD__ ); } else { $userQuery = User::getQueryInfo(); $userIterator = new BatchRowIterator( $dbr, $userQuery['tables'], 'user_id', $this->getBatchSize() ); $userIterator->setFetchColumns( $userQuery['fields'] ); $userIterator->addJoinConditions( $userQuery['joins'] ); $userIterator->setCaller( __METHOD__ ); } $count = 0; foreach ( $userIterator as $batch ) { foreach ( $batch as $rowOrID ) { if ( is_object( $rowOrID ) && isset( $rowOrID->user_id ) ) { $user = User::newFromRow( $rowOrID ); } else { $user = User::newFromId( is_object( $rowOrID ) ? $rowOrID->notification_user : $rowOrID ); } $notifUser = MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user ); $notifUser->resetNotificationCount(); } $count += count( $batch ); $this->output( "$count users' counts recomputed.\n" ); $dbFactory->waitForReplicas(); } } } $maintClass = RecomputeNotifCounts::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;