"apihelp-echomarkseen-param-timestampFormat":"Timestamp format to use for output, 'ISO_8601' or 'MW'. 'MW' is deprecated here, so all clients should switch to 'ISO_8601'. This parameter will be removed, and 'ISO_8601' will become the only output format.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-paramvalue-format-special":"Formatted for Special:Notifications page (and only that!) Do not rely on the HTML as it may change at any given time.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-paramvalue-format-flyout":"<span class=\"apihelp-deprecated\">Deprecated</span>. Use <kbd>$1format=model</kbd> for raw data",
"apihelp-query+notifications-paramvalue-format-html":"<span class=\"apihelp-deprecated\">Deprecated</span>. Use <kbd>$1format=model</kbd> for raw data",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-limit":"The maximum number of notifications to return.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-wikis":"List of wikis to fetch notifications from (defaults to only current wiki).",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-crosswikisummary":"True to opt in to a summary notification of notifications on foreign wikis.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-alertcontinue":"When more alert results are available, use this to continue.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-unreadfirst":"Whether to show unread notifications first (only used if groupbysection is not set).",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-alertunreadfirst":"Whether to show unread message notifications first (only used if groupbysection is set).",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-messagecontinue":"When more message results are available, use this to continue.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-messageunreadfirst":"Whether to show unread alert notifications first (only used if groupbysection is set).",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-titles":"Only return notifications for these pages. To get notifications not associated with any page, use [] as a title.",
"apihelp-query+notifications-param-bundle":"Whether to show bundle compatible unread notifications according to notification types bundling rules.",
"apihelp-query+unreadnotificationpages-param-grouppages":"Group talk pages together with their subject page, and group notifications not associated with a page together with the current user's user page.",
"apihelp-query+unreadnotificationpages-param-limit":"The maximum number of pages to return.",
"apihelp-query+unreadnotificationpages-param-wikis":"List of wikis to fetch pages with unread notifications from (defaults to only current wiki).",
"apihelp-query+unreadnotificationpages-example-1":"List pages with (their amount of) unread notifications",
"apiwarn-echo-deprecation-timestampformat":"The MW timestamp output format is deprecated here. In the future, ISO 8601 will always be used for the output timestamp format. Adjust your client and set <var>timestampFormat</var> to <kbd>ISO_8601</kbd>.",
"apiwarn-echo-deprecation-flyout":"<kbd>notformat=flyout</kbd> has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Use <kbd>notformat=model</kbd> to get the raw data or <kbd>notformat=special</kbd> for pre-rendered HTML.",