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( function ( mw, $ ) {
/* global moment:false */
* Controller for Echo notifications
* @param {mw.echo.api.EchoApi} echoApi Echo API
* @param {} manager Model manager
mw.echo.Controller = function MwEchoController( echoApi, manager ) {
this.api = echoApi;
this.manager = manager;
/* Initialization */
OO.initClass( mw.echo.Controller );
* Update a filter value.
* The method accepts a filter name and as many arguments
* as needed.
* @param {string} filter Filter name
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.setFilter = function ( filter ) {
var filtersModel = this.manager.getFiltersModel(),
values = arguments );
if ( filter === 'readState' ) {
filtersModel.setReadState( values[ 0 ] );
} else if ( filter === 'sourcePage' ) {
filtersModel.setCurrentSourcePage( values[ 0 ], values[ 1 ] );
this.manager.getLocalCounter().setSource( filtersModel.getSourcePagesModel().getCurrentSource() );
// Reset pagination
* Fetch the next page by date
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an object where the keys are
* days and the items are item IDs.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchNextPageByDate = function () {
return this.fetchLocalNotificationsByDate();
* Fetch the previous page by date
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an object where the keys are
* days and the items are item IDs.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchPrevPageByDate = function () {
return this.fetchLocalNotificationsByDate();
* Fetch the first page by date
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an object where the keys are
* days and the items are item IDs.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchFirstPageByDate = function () {
this.manager.getPaginationModel().setCurrPageIndex( 0 );
return this.fetchLocalNotificationsByDate();
* Fetch unread pages in all wikis and create foreign API sources
* as needed.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves when the page filter
* model is updated with the unread notification count per page per wiki
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchUnreadPagesByWiki = function () {
var controller = this,
filterModel = this.manager.getFiltersModel(),
sourcePageModel = filterModel.getSourcePagesModel();
return this.api.fetchUnreadNotificationPages()
.then( function ( data ) {
var source,
result = {},
foreignSources = {};
for ( source in data ) {
if ( source !== mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ) ) {
// Collect sources for API
foreignSources[ source ] = data[ source ].source;
result[ source === mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ) ? 'local' : source ] = data[ source ];
// Register the foreign sources in the API
controller.api.registerForeignSources( foreignSources, false );
// Register pages
sourcePageModel.setAllSources( result );
} );
* Fetch notifications from the local API and sort them by date.
* This method ignores cross-wiki notifications and bundles.
* @param {number} [page] Page number. If not given, it defaults to the current
* page.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an object where the keys are
* days and the items are item IDs.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchLocalNotificationsByDate = function ( page ) {
var controller = this,
pagination = this.manager.getPaginationModel(),
filters = this.manager.getFiltersModel(),
currentSource = filters.getSourcePagesModel().getCurrentSource(),
continueValue = pagination.getPageContinue( page || pagination.getCurrPageIndex() );
pagination.setItemsPerPage( this.api.getLimit() );
return this.api.fetchFilteredNotifications(
'continue': continueValue,
readState: filters.getReadState(),
titles: filters.getSourcePagesModel().getGroupedPagesForCurrentTitle()
.then( function ( data ) {
var i, notifData, newNotifData, localizedDate, date, itemModel, symbolicName,
dateItemIds = {},
dateItems = {},
models = {};
data = data || { list: [] };
// Go over the data
for ( i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++ ) {
notifData = data.list[ i ];
// Set source's seenTime
// TODO: This query brings up mixed alert and message notifications.
// Regularly, each of those will have a different seenTime that is
// calculated for each badge, but for this page, both are fetched.
// For the moment, we are picking the max seenTime from
// either alert or notice and updating both, since the page gives
// us a mixed view which will update both seenTime to be the same
// anyways.
maxSeenTime = data.seenTime.alert < data.seenTime.notice ?
data.seenTime.notice : data.seenTime.alert;
// Collect common data
newNotifData = controller.createNotificationData( notifData );
if ( notifData.type !== 'foreign' ) {
localizedDate = moment.utc( newNotifData.timestamp ).local().format( 'YYYYMMDD' );
newNotifData.modelName = 'local_' + localizedDate;
newNotifData.source = currentSource;
// Single notifications
itemModel = new,
dateItems[ localizedDate ] = dateItems[ localizedDate ] || [];
dateItems[ localizedDate ].push( itemModel );
dateItemIds[ localizedDate ] = dateItemIds[ localizedDate ] || [];
dateItemIds[ localizedDate ].push( );
// Fill in the models
for ( date in dateItems ) {
symbolicName = 'local_' + date;
// Set up model
models[ symbolicName ] = new {
type: controller.manager.getTypes(),
name: symbolicName,
source: currentSource,
title: date,
Fix fade-in/out animation in sorting The fade in/out animation is asynchronous. This means that if we are sorting multiple items one after the other, by the time the item faded out, it will be reinserted back into the wrong position, breaking the sorting. This also broke the promise of OO.SortedEmitterList whereby all its items are always in order. The way to fix this was to force a better synchronization with the item order while we hide and show the item in its new place. To do that, a new widget is created as a fake clone of the old one, in the original position of the old one. The original item is then reinserted (while hidden) to the proper location -- preserving order. The fake clone is then faded out, and the real item is then faded in. For this to work properly, the cloned item had to preserve some of the original item's information, like timestamp, foreigness and id. However, since both the real item and the fake new clone have the same details, the clone fakes its ID by adding a fraction to it - promising that the fallback in case of equal timestamps (which happens on the real and cloned items) will still resolve with some decision about the placement of the items rather than (falsely but understandably) decide they are both the same. Since this whole animation is somewhat of a hack, the list now has a configuration parameter to turn the animation on. The animation is on in the popups, but off in the special page. Bug: T141419 Change-Id: Ic7c35e5ddefc51bf7fde497eab36414b4dddcd9e
2016-07-29 23:35:29 +00:00
timestamp: date,
sortingCallback: function ( a, b ) {
// Reverse sorting. In the special page we want the
// items sorted only by timestamp, regardless of
// read/unread state
if ( b.getTimestamp() < a.getTimestamp() ) {
return -1;
} else if ( b.getTimestamp() > a.getTimestamp() ) {
return 1;
// Fallback on IDs
return b.getId() - a.getId();
} );
models[ symbolicName ].setItems( dateItems[ date ] );
// Register local sources
controller.api.registerLocalSources( Object.keys( models ) );
// Update the manager
controller.manager.setNotificationModels( models );
// Update the pagination
pagination.setNextPageContinue( data.continue );
// Update the local counter
return dateItemIds;
} )
function ( errCode, errObj ) {
return {
errCode: errCode,
errInfo: OO.getProp( errObj, 'error', 'info' )
* Fetch notifications from the local API and update the notifications list.
* @param {boolean} [isForced] Force a renewed fetching promise. If set to false, the
* model will request the stored/cached fetching promise from the API. A 'true' value
* will force the API to re-request that information from the server and update the
* notifications.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that resolves with an array of notification IDs
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchLocalNotifications = function ( isForced ) {
var controller = this,
// Create a new local list model
localListModel = new {
type: this.manager.getTypes()
} ),
localItems = [],
idArray = [];
// Fetch the notifications from the database
// Initially, we're going to have to split the operation
// between local notifications and x-wiki notifications
// until the backend gives us the x-wiki notifications as
// part of the original response.
return this.api.fetchNotifications( this.manager.getTypeString(), 'local', !!isForced, { unreadFirst: true, bundle: true } /* filters */ )
// Success
function ( data ) {
var i, notifData, newNotifData,
foreignListModel, source, itemModel,
allModels = { local: localListModel },
createBundledNotification = function ( modelName, rawBundledNotifData ) {
var bundleNotifData = controller.createNotificationData( rawBundledNotifData );
bundleNotifData.bundled = true;
bundleNotifData.modelName = modelName;
return new,
data = data || { list: [] };
// Go over the data
for ( i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++ ) {
notifData = data.list[ i ];
// Set source's seenTime
controller.getTypes().length > 1 ?
data.seenTime.alert < data.seenTime.notice ?
data.seenTime.notice : data.seenTime.alert
) :
data.seenTime[ controller.getTypeString() ]
// Collect common data
newNotifData = controller.createNotificationData( notifData );
if ( notifData.type === 'foreign' ) {
// x-wiki notification multi-group
// We need to request a new list model = 'xwiki';
allModels.xwiki = foreignListModel = new, newNotifData );
foreignListModel.setForeign( true );
// Register foreign sources
controller.api.registerForeignSources( notifData.sources, true );
// Add the lists according to the sources
for ( source in notifData.sources ) {
notifData.sources[ source ]
} else if ( Array.isArray( newNotifData.bundledNotifications ) ) {
// local bundle
newNotifData.modelName = 'bundle_' +;
itemModel = new, createBundledNotification.bind( null, newNotifData.modelName ) ),
allModels[ newNotifData.modelName ] = itemModel;
} else {
// Local single notifications
itemModel = new,
idArray.push( );
localItems.push( itemModel );
if ( newNotifData.bundledNotifications ) {
// This means that bundledNotifications is truthy
// but is not an array. We should log this in the console
'newNotifData.bundledNotifications is expected to be an array,' +
'but instead received "' + $.type( newNotifData.bundledNotifications ) + '"'
// Refresh local items
localListModel.addItems( localItems );
// Update the controller
controller.manager.setNotificationModels( allModels );
return idArray;
// Failure
function ( errCode, errObj ) {
if ( !controller.manager.getNotificationModel( 'local' ) ) {
// Update the controller
controller.manager.setNotificationModels( { local: localListModel } );
return {
errCode: errCode,
errInfo: OO.getProp( errObj, 'error', 'info' )
* Create notification data config object for notification items from the
* given API data.
* @param {Object} apiData API data
* @return {Object} Notification config data object
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.createNotificationData = function ( apiData ) {
var utcTimestamp, utcIsoMoment,
content = apiData[ '*' ] || {};
if ( apiData.timestamp.utciso8601 ) {
utcTimestamp = apiData.timestamp.utciso8601;
} else {
// Temporary until c05133283af0486e08c9a97a468bc075e238f2d2 rolls out to the
// whole WMF cluster
utcIsoMoment = moment.utc( apiData.timestamp.utcunix * 1000 );
utcTimestamp = utcIsoMoment.format( 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss[Z]' );
return {
type: apiData.section,
foreign: false,
source: 'local',
count: apiData.count,
read: !!,
seen: (
!! ||
utcTimestamp <= this.manager.getSeenTime()
timestamp: utcTimestamp,
category: apiData.category,
content: {
header: content.header,
compactHeader: content.compactHeader,
body: content.body
iconURL: content.iconUrl,
iconType: content.icon,
primaryUrl: OO.getProp( content.links, 'primary', 'url' ),
secondaryUrls: OO.getProp( content.links, 'secondary' ) || [],
bundledIds: apiData.bundledIds,
bundledNotifications: apiData.bundledNotifications
* Mark all items within a given list model as read.
* NOTE: This method is strictly for list models, and will not work for
* group list models. To mark items as read in the xwiki model, whether
* it is pre-populated or not, please see #markEntireCrossWikiItemAsRead
* @param {string} [modelName] Symbolic name for the model
* @param {boolean} [isRead=true]
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when all items
* were marked as read.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markEntireListModelRead = function ( modelName, isRead ) {
var i, items, item,
itemIds = [],
model = this.manager.getNotificationModel( modelName || 'local' );
if ( !model ) {
// Model doesn't exist
return $.Deferred().reject();
// Default to true
isRead = isRead === undefined ? true : isRead;
items = model.getItems();
for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
item = items[ i ];
if ( item.isRead() !== isRead ) {
itemIds.push( item.getId() );
return this.markItemsRead( itemIds, model.getName(), isRead );
* Mark all notifications of a certain source as read, even those that
* are not currently displayed.
* @param {string} [source] Notification source. If not given, the currently
* selected source is used.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved after
* all notifications for the given source were marked as read
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markAllRead = function ( source ) {
var model,
controller = this,
itemIds = [],
readState = this.manager.getFiltersModel().getReadState(),
localCounter = this.manager.getLocalCounter();
source = source || this.manager.getFiltersModel().getSourcePagesModel().getCurrentSource();
this.manager.getNotificationsBySource( source ).forEach( function ( notification ) {
if ( !notification.isRead() ) {
itemIds = itemIds.concat( notification.getAllIds() );
notification.toggleRead( true );
if ( readState === 'unread' ) {
// Remove the items if we are in 'unread' filter state
model = controller.manager.getNotificationModel( notification.getModelName() );
model.discardItems( notification );
} );
// Update pagination count
localCounter.estimateChange( -itemIds.length );
return this.api.markAllRead(
this.refreshUnreadCount.bind( this )
localCounter.update.bind( localCounter, true )
* Mark all local notifications as read
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when all
* local notifications have been marked as read.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markLocalNotificationsRead = function () {
var modelName, model,
itemIds = [],
readState = this.manager.getFiltersModel().getReadState(),
modelItems = {};
this.manager.getLocalNotifications().forEach( function ( notification ) {
if ( !notification.isRead() ) {
itemIds = itemIds.concat( notification.getAllIds() );
notification.toggleRead( true );
modelName = notification.getModelName();
modelItems[ modelName ] = modelItems[ modelName ] || [];
modelItems[ modelName ].push( notification );
} );
// Remove the items if we are in 'unread' filter state
if ( readState === 'unread' ) {
for ( modelName in modelItems ) {
model = this.manager.getNotificationModel( modelName );
model.discardItems( modelItems[ modelName ] );
// Update pagination count
this.manager.getUnreadCounter().estimateChange( -itemIds.length );
this.manager.getLocalCounter().estimateChange( -itemIds.length );
return this.api.markItemsRead( itemIds, 'local', true ).then( this.refreshUnreadCount.bind( this ) );
* Fetch notifications from the cross-wiki sources.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when all items
* from the cross-wiki sources are populated into the cross-wiki
* model.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.fetchCrossWikiNotifications = function () {
var controller = this,
xwikiModel = this.manager.getNotificationModel( 'xwiki' );
if ( !xwikiModel ) {
// There is no xwiki notifications model, so we can't
// fetch into it
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
return this.api.fetchNotificationGroups( xwikiModel.getSourceNames(), this.manager.getTypeString(), true )
function ( groupList ) {
var i, notifData, listModel, group, groupItems,
items = [];
for ( group in groupList ) {
listModel = xwikiModel.getItemBySource( group );
groupItems = groupList[ group ];
items = [];
for ( i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++ ) {
notifData = controller.createNotificationData( groupItems[ i ] );
new groupItems[ i ].id, $.extend( notifData, {
modelName: 'xwiki',
source: group,
bundled: true,
foreign: true
} ) )
// Add items
listModel.setItems( items );
function ( errCode, errObj ) {
return {
errCode: errCode,
errInfo: errCode === 'http' ?
mw.msg( 'echo-api-failure-cross-wiki' ) :
OO.getProp( errObj, 'error', 'info' )
* Mark local items as read in the API.
* @param {string[]|string} itemIds An array of item IDs, or a single item ID, to mark as read
* @param {string} modelName The name of the model that these items belong to
* @param {boolean} [isRead=true] The read state of the item; true for marking the
* item as read, false for marking the item as unread
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the operation
* is complete, with the number of unread notifications still remaining
* for the set type of this controller, in the given source.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markItemsRead = function ( itemIds, modelName, isRead ) {
Relate read-state filter and mark read/unread action When we are viewing a certain read state filter ('read' or 'unread') the visibility of items should correspond to that state even when the user marks a specific item as read/unread. That means that the system should remove these items from view when the action is taken. In this commit: * The controller makes the judgment of whether to remove items when read/unread action is taken, based on whether a filter is set. * We clean up the terminology of discard - no more 'remove' - to make sure we have consistency in the code. * Related: The 'discard' event is now scoped within the hierarchy; meaning, lists emit 'discard' when an item is removed, grouplist emits 'discard' when a group is removed, and the manager emits 'discard' when an entire notification model is removed. This means we can actually have proper hierarchy and organization with a single event, and not worry about clashing between the intentional 'discard' action and the event 'remove' that is also used while resorting happens. * The model manager emits a discard event when a model is removed so that the general list can listen to the manager and remove an entire batch of items if needed. * The pagination model now updates the count for the current page rather than some vague notion of the last page. This is also updated when the controller removes items, so we can get an accurate count in the page for the number of notifications that are displayed. Bug: T136891 Change-Id: I247c618042ef256fadf09922f7b83bd1ad361f64
2016-07-14 00:03:57 +00:00
var items,
model = this.manager.getNotificationModel( modelName ),
readState = this.manager.getFiltersModel().getReadState(),
allIds = [];
itemIds = Array.isArray( itemIds ) ? itemIds : [ itemIds ];
// Default to true
isRead = isRead === undefined ? true : isRead;
Relate read-state filter and mark read/unread action When we are viewing a certain read state filter ('read' or 'unread') the visibility of items should correspond to that state even when the user marks a specific item as read/unread. That means that the system should remove these items from view when the action is taken. In this commit: * The controller makes the judgment of whether to remove items when read/unread action is taken, based on whether a filter is set. * We clean up the terminology of discard - no more 'remove' - to make sure we have consistency in the code. * Related: The 'discard' event is now scoped within the hierarchy; meaning, lists emit 'discard' when an item is removed, grouplist emits 'discard' when a group is removed, and the manager emits 'discard' when an entire notification model is removed. This means we can actually have proper hierarchy and organization with a single event, and not worry about clashing between the intentional 'discard' action and the event 'remove' that is also used while resorting happens. * The model manager emits a discard event when a model is removed so that the general list can listen to the manager and remove an entire batch of items if needed. * The pagination model now updates the count for the current page rather than some vague notion of the last page. This is also updated when the controller removes items, so we can get an accurate count in the page for the number of notifications that are displayed. Bug: T136891 Change-Id: I247c618042ef256fadf09922f7b83bd1ad361f64
2016-07-14 00:03:57 +00:00
items = model.findByIds( itemIds );
// If we are only looking at specific read state,
// then we need to make sure the items are removed
// from the visible list, because they no longer
// correspond with the chosen state filter
if ( readState === 'read' && !isRead ) {
model.discardItems( items );
} else if ( readState === 'unread' && isRead ) {
model.discardItems( items );
// TODO: We should also find a way to update the pagination
// here properly. Do we pull more items from the next page
// when items are cleared? Do we set some threshhold for
// removed items where if it is reached, we update the list
// to reflect the new pagination? etc.
items.forEach( function ( notification ) {
allIds = allIds.concat( notification.getAllIds() );
Relate read-state filter and mark read/unread action When we are viewing a certain read state filter ('read' or 'unread') the visibility of items should correspond to that state even when the user marks a specific item as read/unread. That means that the system should remove these items from view when the action is taken. In this commit: * The controller makes the judgment of whether to remove items when read/unread action is taken, based on whether a filter is set. * We clean up the terminology of discard - no more 'remove' - to make sure we have consistency in the code. * Related: The 'discard' event is now scoped within the hierarchy; meaning, lists emit 'discard' when an item is removed, grouplist emits 'discard' when a group is removed, and the manager emits 'discard' when an entire notification model is removed. This means we can actually have proper hierarchy and organization with a single event, and not worry about clashing between the intentional 'discard' action and the event 'remove' that is also used while resorting happens. * The model manager emits a discard event when a model is removed so that the general list can listen to the manager and remove an entire batch of items if needed. * The pagination model now updates the count for the current page rather than some vague notion of the last page. This is also updated when the controller removes items, so we can get an accurate count in the page for the number of notifications that are displayed. Bug: T136891 Change-Id: I247c618042ef256fadf09922f7b83bd1ad361f64
2016-07-14 00:03:57 +00:00
if ( readState === 'all' ) {
notification.toggleRead( isRead );
} );
Relate read-state filter and mark read/unread action When we are viewing a certain read state filter ('read' or 'unread') the visibility of items should correspond to that state even when the user marks a specific item as read/unread. That means that the system should remove these items from view when the action is taken. In this commit: * The controller makes the judgment of whether to remove items when read/unread action is taken, based on whether a filter is set. * We clean up the terminology of discard - no more 'remove' - to make sure we have consistency in the code. * Related: The 'discard' event is now scoped within the hierarchy; meaning, lists emit 'discard' when an item is removed, grouplist emits 'discard' when a group is removed, and the manager emits 'discard' when an entire notification model is removed. This means we can actually have proper hierarchy and organization with a single event, and not worry about clashing between the intentional 'discard' action and the event 'remove' that is also used while resorting happens. * The model manager emits a discard event when a model is removed so that the general list can listen to the manager and remove an entire batch of items if needed. * The pagination model now updates the count for the current page rather than some vague notion of the last page. This is also updated when the controller removes items, so we can get an accurate count in the page for the number of notifications that are displayed. Bug: T136891 Change-Id: I247c618042ef256fadf09922f7b83bd1ad361f64
2016-07-14 00:03:57 +00:00
// Update pagination count
this.manager.getUnreadCounter().estimateChange( isRead ? -allIds.length : allIds.length );
if ( modelName !== 'xwiki' ) {
// For the local counter, we should only estimate the change if the items
// are not cross-wiki
this.manager.getLocalCounter().estimateChange( isRead ? -allIds.length : allIds.length );
return this.api.markItemsRead( allIds, model.getSource(), isRead ).then( this.refreshUnreadCount.bind( this ) );
* Mark cross-wiki items as read in the API.
* @param {string[]|string} itemIds An array of item IDs, or a single item ID, to mark as read
* @param {string} source The name for the source list that these items belong to
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the operation
* is complete, with the number of unread notifications still remaining
* for the set type of this controller, in the given source.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markCrossWikiItemsRead = function ( itemIds, source ) {
var sourceModel,
allIds = [],
xwikiModel = this.manager.getNotificationModel( 'xwiki' );
if ( !xwikiModel ) {
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
itemIds = Array.isArray( itemIds ) ? itemIds : [ itemIds ];
Relate read-state filter and mark read/unread action When we are viewing a certain read state filter ('read' or 'unread') the visibility of items should correspond to that state even when the user marks a specific item as read/unread. That means that the system should remove these items from view when the action is taken. In this commit: * The controller makes the judgment of whether to remove items when read/unread action is taken, based on whether a filter is set. * We clean up the terminology of discard - no more 'remove' - to make sure we have consistency in the code. * Related: The 'discard' event is now scoped within the hierarchy; meaning, lists emit 'discard' when an item is removed, grouplist emits 'discard' when a group is removed, and the manager emits 'discard' when an entire notification model is removed. This means we can actually have proper hierarchy and organization with a single event, and not worry about clashing between the intentional 'discard' action and the event 'remove' that is also used while resorting happens. * The model manager emits a discard event when a model is removed so that the general list can listen to the manager and remove an entire batch of items if needed. * The pagination model now updates the count for the current page rather than some vague notion of the last page. This is also updated when the controller removes items, so we can get an accurate count in the page for the number of notifications that are displayed. Bug: T136891 Change-Id: I247c618042ef256fadf09922f7b83bd1ad361f64
2016-07-14 00:03:57 +00:00
sourceModel = xwikiModel.getList().getGroupByName( source );
notifs = sourceModel.findByIds( itemIds );
sourceModel.discardItems( notifs );
// Update pagination count
notifs.forEach( function ( notif ) {
allIds = allIds.concat( notif.getAllIds() );
} );
this.manager.getUnreadCounter().estimateChange( -allIds.length );
return this.api.markItemsRead( allIds, source, true )
.then( this.refreshUnreadCount.bind( this ) );
* Mark all cross-wiki notifications from all sources as read
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when all notifications
* are marked as read
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.markEntireCrossWikiItemAsRead = function () {
var controller = this,
xwikiModel = this.manager.getNotificationModel( 'xwiki' );
if ( !xwikiModel ) {
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
this.manager.getUnreadCounter().estimateChange( -xwikiModel.getCount() );
return this.api.fetchNotificationGroups( xwikiModel.getSourceNames(), this.manager.getTypeString() )
.then( function ( groupList ) {
var i, listModel, group, groupItems,
promises = [],
idArray = [];
for ( group in groupList ) {
listModel = xwikiModel.getItemBySource( group );
groupItems = groupList[ group ];
idArray = [];
for ( i = 0; i < groupItems.length; i++ ) {
idArray = idArray.concat( groupItems[ i ].id ).concat( groupItems[ i ].bundledIds || [] );
// Mark items as read in the API
controller.api.markItemsRead( idArray, listModel.getName(), true )
// Synchronously remove this model from the widget
return mw.echo.api.NetworkHandler.static.waitForAllPromises( promises ).then(
controller.refreshUnreadCount.bind( controller )
} );
* Remove the entire cross-wiki model.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.removeCrossWikiItem = function () {
this.manager.removeNotificationModel( 'xwiki' );
* Refresh the unread notifications counter
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the counter
* is updated with the actual unread count from the server.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.refreshUnreadCount = function () {
return this.manager.getUnreadCounter().update();
* Update global seenTime for all sources
* @return {jQuery.Promise} A promise that is resolved when the
* seenTime was updated for all the controller's types and sources.
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.updateSeenTime = function () {
var controller = this;
return this.api.updateSeenTime(
// For consistency, use current source, though seenTime
// will be updated globally
.then( function ( time ) {
controller.manager.getSeenTimeModel().setSeenTime( time );
} );
* Perform a dynamic action
* @param {Object} data Action data for the network
* @param {string} [source] Requested source to query. Defaults to currently
* selected source.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} jQuery promise that resolves when the action is done
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.performDynamicAction = function ( data, source ) {
source = source || this.manager.getFiltersModel().getSourcePagesModel().getCurrentSource();
return this.api.queryAPI( data, source );
* Get the types associated with the controller and model
* @return {string[]} Notification types
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.getTypes = function () {
return this.manager.getTypes();
* Return a string representation of the notification type.
* It could be 'alert', 'message' or, if both are set, 'all'
* @return {string} String representation of notifications type
mw.echo.Controller.prototype.getTypeString = function () {
return this.manager.getTypeString();
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );