
235 lines
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Raw Normal View History

class EchoSubscription {
private $user = null;
private $event = null;
private $title = null;
private $notificationTypes = null;
private $dirty = false;
private $loaded = false;
* Main constructor
* Creates an EchoSubscription object representing the subscription by
* a user to an event (on a page if applicable).
* @param $user User object for the user whose subscription we're talking about.
* @param $event String identifier for the event type of interest
* @param $title Title|null Optional Title of interest for events, if applicable.
public function __construct( $user, $event, $title = null) {
if( !($user instanceof User || $user instanceof StubObject) ) {
throw new MWException("Invalid user parameter");
if ( $title && !$title instanceof Title ) {
throw new MWException("Invalid Title parameter");
if (!$event || is_object($event) || strlen($event) > 63 ) {
throw new MWException("Invalid event parameter");
$this->user = $user;
$this->event = $event;
$this->title = $title;
$this->loaded = false;
$this->dirty = null;
* Load subscription data from pre-selected echo_subscription rows.
* Will throw an exception rather than reconfigure the object if
* the rows are not matched to this object's setup.
* @param $rows Array of row objects from echo_subscription table.
public function loadFromRows( $rows ) {
global $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes;
$this->notificationTypes = $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes['all'];
if ( isset( $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes[$this->event] ) ) {
$this->notificationTypes = array_merge(
foreach( $rows as $row ) {
if ( $this->title ) {
$correctNS = $this->title->getNamespace();
$correctTitle = $this->title->getDBkey();
} else {
$correctNS = null;
$correctTitle = '';
if (
$row->sub_user != $this->user->getId() ||
$row->sub_event_type != $this->event ||
$row->sub_page_namespace != $correctNS ||
$row->sub_page_title != $correctTitle
) {
throw new MWException( "Invalid parameter: mismatched rows" );
if ( $row->sub_enabled ) {
$this->notificationTypes[$row->sub_notify_type] = true;
} else {
$this->notificationTypes[$row->sub_notify_type] = false;
$this->loaded = true;
$this->dirty = false;
* Creates an EchoSubscription object for an array of echo_notification rows.
* Obviously, the rows must be from a single subscription
* (their user/event/title must match)
* @param $rows Array of row objects from echo_subscription table.
public static function newFromRows( $rows ) {
$firstRow = $rows[0];
$user = User::newFromId( $firstRow->sub_user );
$event = $firstRow->sub_event_type;
if (
!is_null($firstRow->sub_page_namespace) &&
) {
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe(
} else {
$title = null;
$obj = new EchoSubscription( $user, $event, $title );
return $obj;
protected function getConds() {
$conds = array(
'sub_user' => $this->user->getId(),
'sub_event_type' => $this->event,
if ( $this->title ) {
$conds['sub_page_namespace'] = $this->title->getNamespace();
$conds['sub_page_title'] = $this->title->getDBkey();
return $conds;
* Loads data from the database
protected function load() {
if ( $this->loaded ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$conds = $this->getConds();
$res = $dbr->select( 'echo_subscription', '*', $conds, __METHOD__ );
$this->loadFromRows( $res );
* @return User
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
public function getEventType() {
return $this->event;
* @return Title
public function getTitle() {
return $this->title;
public function getNotificationTypes() {
return $this->notificationTypes;
* @param $type
* @return bool
public function isNotificationEnabled($type) {
$types = $this->getNotificationTypes();
return !empty($types[$type]);
public function enableNotification($type) {
$this->notificationTypes[$type] = true;
$this->dirty = true;
public function disableNotification($type) {
$this->notificationTypes[$type] = false;
$this->dirty = true;
public function save() {
if ( ! $this->dirty ) {
$conds = $this->getConds();
$dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
$dbw->delete( 'echo_subscription', $conds, __METHOD__ );
global $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes;
if ( isset($wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes[$this->event]) ) {
$defaultState = array_merge(
} else {
$defaultState = $wgEchoDefaultNotificationTypes['all'];
$rows = array();
$allDefault = count( array_diff(
) ) === 0;
foreach( $this->getNotificationTypes() as $type => $state ) {
if ( !isset($defaultState[$type]) || $state != $defaultState[$type] || $allDefault ) {
$rows[] = $conds + array(
'sub_enabled' => $state,
'sub_notify_type' => $type,
if ( count($rows) ) {
$dbw->insert( 'echo_subscription', $rows, __METHOD__ );