Bartosz Dziewoński ffd680ee7f Fix adding comments in lists containing <dt> tags
The issue occurred when replying to a comment consisting of multiple
list items, starting with a <dt> (instead of the expected <dd>), so
that the comment is considered to be unindented.

Modifier tried to add the reply directly inside the list (<dl>) rather
than inside the last list item (<dt>), which caused it to be confused
about indentation levels and try to un-indent more times than there
were indentations.

The simplest solution, given the existing code, is to add the reply
outside the list instead, in a new list. This results in a "list gap"
(<dl><dt>...</dt><dd>...</dd></dl><dl><dd>...</dd></dl>), but I think
it's acceptable for this rare case.

There are separate tests cases for old Parser and for Parsoid HTML,
because they parse the original wikitext differently (with the old
Parser producing HTML with a list gap too).

Bug: T279445
Change-Id: Ie0ee960e7090cf051ee547b480c980e9530eda51
2021-04-21 16:00:07 +02:00

560 lines
18 KiB

'use strict';
/* global $:off */
* @external CommentItem
utils = require( './utils.js' );
* Add an attribute to a list item to remove pre-whitespace in Parsoid
* @param {HTMLElement} listItem List item element
function whitespaceParsoidHack( listItem ) {
// HACK: Setting data-parsoid removes the whitespace after the list item,
// which makes nested lists work.
// This is undocumented behaviour and probably very fragile.
listItem.setAttribute( 'data-parsoid', '{}' );
* Remove extra linebreaks from a wikitext string
* @param {string} wikitext Wikitext
* @return {string}
function sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext ) {
return utils.htmlTrim( wikitext )
.replace( /\r/g, '\n' )
.replace( /\n+/g, '\n' );
* Given a comment and a reply link, add the reply link to its document's DOM tree, at the end of
* the comment.
* @param {CommentItem} comment Comment item
* @param {HTMLElement} linkNode Reply link
function addReplyLink( comment, linkNode ) {
var target = comment.range.endContainer;
// Insert the link before trailing whitespace.
// In the MediaWiki parser output, <ul>/<dl> nodes are preceded by a newline. Normally it isn't
// visible on the page. But if we insert an inline element (the reply link) after it, it becomes
// meaningful and gets rendered, which results in additional spacing before some reply links.
// Split the text node, so that we can insert the link before the trailing whitespace.
if ( target.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
target.splitText( target.textContent.match( /\s*$/ ).index );
target.parentNode.insertBefore( linkNode, target.nextSibling );
* Given a comment, add a list item to its document's DOM tree, inside of which a reply to said
* comment can be added.
* The DOM tree is suitably rearranged to ensure correct indentation level of the reply (wrapper
* nodes are added, and other nodes may be moved around).
* @param {CommentItem} comment Comment item
* @return {HTMLElement}
function addListItem( comment ) {
curComment, curLevel, desiredLevel, itemType, listType,
target, pointer, parent, covered, list, item, newNode,
listTypeMap = {
li: 'ul',
dd: 'dl'
// 1. Start at given comment
// 2. Skip past all comments with level greater than the given
// (or in other words, all replies, and replies to replies, and so on)
// 3. Add comment with level of the given comment plus 1
curComment = comment;
while ( curComment.replies.length ) {
curComment = curComment.replies[ curComment.replies.length - 1 ];
// Tag names for lists and items we're going to insert
// TODO Add an option to prefer bulleted lists (ul/li)
itemType = 'dd';
listType = listTypeMap[ itemType ];
desiredLevel = comment.level + 1;
target = curComment.range.endContainer;
// target is a text node or an inline element at the end of a "paragraph" (not necessarily paragraph node).
// First, we need to find a block-level parent that we can mess with.
// If we can't find a surrounding list item or paragraph (e.g. maybe we're inside a table cell
// or something), take the parent node and hope for the best.
parent = utils.closestElement( target, [ 'li', 'dd', 'p' ] ) || target.parentNode;
while ( target.parentNode !== parent ) {
target = target.parentNode;
// parent is a list item or paragraph (hopefully)
// target is an inline node within it
// If the comment is fully covered by some wrapper element, insert replies outside that wrapper.
// This will often just be a paragraph node (<p>), but it can be a <div> or <table> that serves
// as some kind of a fancy frame, which are often used for barnstars and announcements.
covered = utils.getFullyCoveredSiblings( curComment );
if ( curComment.level === 1 && covered ) {
target = covered[ covered.length - 1 ];
parent = target.parentNode;
// If we can't insert a list directly inside this element, insert after it.
// The covered wrapper check above handles most cases, but we still need this sometimes, such as:
// * If the comment starts in the middle of a list, then ends with an unindented p/pre, the
// wrapper check doesn't adjust the parent
// * If the comment consists of multiple list items (starting with a <dt>, so that the comment is
// considered to be unindented, that is level === 1), but not all of them, the wrapper check
// adjusts the parent to be the list, and the rest of the algorithm doesn't handle that well
if (
parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'p' ||
parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'pre' ||
parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul' ||
parent.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'dl'
) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
target = target.parentNode;
// HACK: Skip past our own reply buttons
// TODO: Use ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-buttons once dt-init HTML has cleared the caches
if ( target.nextSibling && target.nextSibling.className && target.nextSibling.className.indexOf( '-init-replylink-buttons' ) !== -1 ) {
target = target.nextSibling;
// Instead of just using curComment.level, consider indentation of lists within the
// comment (T252702)
curLevel = utils.getIndentLevel( target, curComment.rootNode ) + 1;
if ( desiredLevel === 1 ) {
// Special handling for top-level comments
item = target.ownerDocument.createElement( 'div' );
item.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
parent.insertBefore( item, target.nextSibling );
// TODO: We should not insert a <div>, instead we need a function that returns parent and target,
// so that we can insert nodes in this place in other code
} else if ( curLevel < desiredLevel ) {
// Insert more lists after the target to increase nesting.
// Parsoid puts HTML comments (and other "rendering-transparent nodes", e.g. category links)
// which appear at the end of the line in wikitext outside the paragraph,
// but we usually shouldn't insert replies between the paragraph and such comments. (T257651)
// Skip over comments and whitespace, but only update target when skipping past comments.
pointer = target;
while (
pointer.nextSibling && (
utils.isRenderingTransparentNode( pointer.nextSibling ) ||
pointer.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE &&
utils.htmlTrim( pointer.nextSibling.textContent ) === '' &&
// If more that two lines of whitespace are detected, the following HTML
// comments are not considered to be part of the reply (T264026)
!/(\r?\n){2,}/.test( pointer.nextSibling.textContent )
) {
pointer = pointer.nextSibling;
if ( utils.isRenderingTransparentNode( pointer ) ) {
target = pointer;
// Insert required number of wrappers
while ( curLevel < desiredLevel ) {
list = target.ownerDocument.createElement( listType );
list.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
item = target.ownerDocument.createElement( itemType );
item.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
whitespaceParsoidHack( item );
parent.insertBefore( list, target.nextSibling );
list.appendChild( item );
target = item;
parent = list;
} else {
// Split the ancestor nodes after the target to decrease nesting.
do {
if ( !target || !parent ) {
throw new Error( 'Can not decrease nesting any more' );
// If target is the last child of its parent, no need to split it
if ( target.nextSibling ) {
// Create new identical node after the parent
newNode = parent.cloneNode( false );
parent.discussionToolsModified = 'split';
parent.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, parent.nextSibling );
// Move nodes following target to the new node
while ( target.nextSibling ) {
newNode.appendChild( target.nextSibling );
target = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
// Decrease nesting level if we escaped outside of a list
if ( listTypeMap[ target.tagName.toLowerCase() ] ) {
} while ( curLevel >= desiredLevel );
// parent is now a list, target is a list item
if ( itemType === target.tagName.toLowerCase() ) {
item = target.ownerDocument.createElement( itemType );
item.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
whitespaceParsoidHack( item );
parent.insertBefore( item, target.nextSibling );
} else {
// This is the wrong type of list, split it one more time
// If target is the last child of its parent, no need to split it
if ( target.nextSibling ) {
// Create new identical node after the parent
newNode = parent.cloneNode( false );
parent.discussionToolsModified = 'split';
parent.parentNode.insertBefore( newNode, parent.nextSibling );
// Move nodes following target to the new node
while ( target.nextSibling ) {
newNode.appendChild( target.nextSibling );
target = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
// Insert a list of the right type in the middle
list = target.ownerDocument.createElement( listType );
list.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
item = target.ownerDocument.createElement( itemType );
item.discussionToolsModified = 'new';
whitespaceParsoidHack( item );
parent.insertBefore( list, target.nextSibling );
list.appendChild( item );
return item;
* Undo the effects of #addListItem, also removing or merging any affected parent nodes.
* @param {HTMLElement} node
function removeAddedListItem( node ) {
var nextNode;
while ( node && node.discussionToolsModified ) {
if ( node.discussionToolsModified === 'new' ) {
nextNode = node.previousSibling || node.parentNode;
// Remove this node
delete node.discussionToolsModified;
node.parentNode.removeChild( node );
} else if ( node.discussionToolsModified === 'split' ) {
// Children might be split too, if so, descend into them afterwards
if ( node.lastChild && node.lastChild.discussionToolsModified === 'split' ) {
node.discussionToolsModified = 'done';
nextNode = node.lastChild;
} else {
delete node.discussionToolsModified;
nextNode = node.parentNode;
// Merge the following sibling node back into this one
while ( node.nextSibling.firstChild ) {
node.appendChild( node.nextSibling.firstChild );
node.parentNode.removeChild( node.nextSibling );
} else {
nextNode = node.parentNode;
node = nextNode;
* Unwrap a top level list, converting list item text to paragraphs
* Assumes that the list has a parent node.
* @param {Node} list DOM node, will be wrapepd if it is a list element (dl/ol/ul)
* @param {DocumentFragment|null} fragment Containing document fragment if list has no parent
function unwrapList( list, fragment ) {
var p, insertBefore,
doc = list.ownerDocument,
container = fragment || list.parentNode,
referenceNode = list;
if ( !(
list.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (
list.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'dl' ||
list.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ol' ||
list.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul'
) ) {
// Not a list, leave alone (e.g. auto-generated ref block)
// If the whole list is a template return it unmodified (T253150)
if ( utils.getTranscludedFromElement( list ) ) {
while ( list.firstChild ) {
if ( list.firstChild.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// Move <dd> contents to <p>
p = doc.createElement( 'p' );
while ( list.firstChild.firstChild ) {
// If contents is a block element, place outside the paragraph
// and start a new paragraph after
if ( utils.isBlockElement( list.firstChild.firstChild ) ) {
if ( p.firstChild ) {
insertBefore = referenceNode.nextSibling;
referenceNode = p;
container.insertBefore( p, insertBefore );
insertBefore = referenceNode.nextSibling;
referenceNode = list.firstChild.firstChild;
container.insertBefore( list.firstChild.firstChild, insertBefore );
p = doc.createElement( 'p' );
} else {
p.appendChild( list.firstChild.firstChild );
if ( p.firstChild ) {
insertBefore = referenceNode.nextSibling;
referenceNode = p;
container.insertBefore( p, insertBefore );
list.removeChild( list.firstChild );
} else {
// Text node / comment node, probably empty
insertBefore = referenceNode.nextSibling;
referenceNode = list.firstChild;
container.insertBefore( list.firstChild, insertBefore );
container.removeChild( list );
* Add another list item after the given one.
* @param {HTMLElement} previousItem
* @return {HTMLElement}
function addSiblingListItem( previousItem ) {
var listItem = previousItem.ownerDocument.createElement( previousItem.tagName );
whitespaceParsoidHack( listItem );
previousItem.parentNode.insertBefore( listItem, previousItem.nextSibling );
return listItem;
// TODO: No longer used in the client
function createWikitextNode( doc, wt ) {
var span = doc.createElement( 'span' );
span.setAttribute( 'typeof', 'mw:Transclusion' );
span.setAttribute( 'data-mw', JSON.stringify( { parts: [ wt ] } ) );
return span;
* Check whether wikitext contains a user signature.
* @param {string} wikitext
* @return {boolean}
function isWikitextSigned( wikitext ) {
wikitext = utils.htmlTrim( wikitext );
// Contains ~~~~ (four tildes), but not ~~~~~ (five tildes), at the end.
return /([^~]|^)~~~~$/.test( wikitext );
* Check whether HTML node contains a user signature.
* @param {HTMLElement} container
* @return {boolean}
function isHtmlSigned( container ) {
var matches, lastSig, node;
// Good enough?…
matches = container.querySelectorAll( 'span[typeof="mw:Transclusion"][data-mw*="~~~~"]' );
if ( matches.length === 0 ) {
return false;
lastSig = matches[ matches.length - 1 ];
// Signature must be at the end of the comment - there must be no sibling following this node, or its parents
node = lastSig;
while ( node ) {
// Skip over whitespace nodes
while (
node.nextSibling &&
node.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE &&
utils.htmlTrim( node.nextSibling.textContent ) === ''
) {
node = node.nextSibling;
if ( node.nextSibling ) {
return false;
node = node.parentNode;
return true;
* Append a user signature to the comment in the container.
* @param {HTMLElement} container
function appendSignature( container ) {
var doc = container.ownerDocument,
signature = mw.msg( 'discussiontools-signature-prefix' ) + '~~~~';
// If the last node isn't a paragraph (e.g. it's a list created in visual mode), then
// add another paragraph to contain the signature.
if ( container.lastChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'p' ) {
container.appendChild( doc.createElement( 'p' ) );
// If the last node is empty, trim the signature to prevent leading whitespace triggering
// preformatted text (T269188, T276612)
if ( !container.lastChild.firstChild ) {
signature = signature.replace( /^ +/, '' );
// Sign the last line
createWikitextNode( doc, signature )
* Add a reply to a specific comment
* TODO: No longer used in the client
* @param {CommentItem} comment Comment being replied to
* @param {HTMLElement} container Container of comment DOM nodes
function addReply( comment, container ) {
var newParsoidItem;
// Transfer comment DOM to Parsoid DOM
// Wrap every root node of the document in a new list item (dd/li).
// In wikitext mode every root node is a paragraph.
// In visual mode the editor takes care of preventing problematic nodes
// like <table> or <h2> from ever occurring in the comment.
while ( container.childNodes.length ) {
if ( !newParsoidItem ) {
newParsoidItem = addListItem( comment );
} else {
newParsoidItem = addSiblingListItem( newParsoidItem );
newParsoidItem.appendChild( container.firstChild );
* Create a container of comment DOM nodes from wikitext
* TODO: No longer used in the client
* @param {CommentItem} comment Comment being replied to
* @param {string} wikitext Wikitext
function addWikitextReply( comment, wikitext ) {
var doc = comment.range.endContainer.ownerDocument,
container = doc.createElement( 'div' );
wikitext = sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext );
wikitext.split( '\n' ).forEach( function ( line ) {
var p = doc.createElement( 'p' );
p.appendChild( createWikitextNode( doc, line ) );
container.appendChild( p );
} );
if ( !isWikitextSigned( wikitext ) ) {
appendSignature( container );
addReply( comment, container );
* Create a container of comment DOM nodes from HTML
* TODO: No longer used in the client
* @param {CommentItem} comment Comment being replied to
* @param {string} html HTML
function addHtmlReply( comment, html ) {
var doc = comment.range.endContainer.ownerDocument,
container = doc.createElement( 'div' );
container.innerHTML = html;
// Remove empty lines
// This should really be anything that serializes to empty string in wikitext,
// (e.g. <h2></h2>) but this will catch most cases
// Create a non-live child node list, so we don't have to worry about it changing
// as nodes are removed.
childNodeList = container.childNodes );
childNodeList.forEach( function ( node ) {
if ( node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'p' && !utils.htmlTrim( node.innerHTML ) ) {
container.removeChild( node );
} );
if ( !isHtmlSigned( container ) ) {
appendSignature( container );
addReply( comment, container );
module.exports = {
addReplyLink: addReplyLink,
addListItem: addListItem,
removeAddedListItem: removeAddedListItem,
addSiblingListItem: addSiblingListItem,
unwrapList: unwrapList,
createWikitextNode: createWikitextNode,
addWikitextReply: addWikitextReply,
addHtmlReply: addHtmlReply,
isWikitextSigned: isWikitextSigned,
isHtmlSigned: isHtmlSigned,
appendSignature: appendSignature,
sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks: sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks