mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 11:32:16 +00:00

Remove the replyWidget property so users always have to use the replyWidgetPromise. Assume that the controller is setup immediately and so the replyWidgetPromise will always be available. Change-Id: Ib63952d745033721cac448feda9310e691c60090
882 lines
29 KiB
882 lines
29 KiB
controller = require( './controller.js' ),
modifier = require( './modifier.js' ),
dtConf = require( './config.json' ),
CommentItem = require( './CommentItem.js' ),
scrollPadding = {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
top: 10 + ( $( document.documentElement ).hasClass( 'vector-feature-sticky-header-enabled' ) ? 50 : 0 ),
bottom: 10
defaultVisual = controller.defaultVisual,
enable2017Wikitext = controller.enable2017Wikitext;
* Handles setup, save and teardown of commenting widgets
* @param {jQuery} $pageContainer Page container
* @param {ThreadItem} threadItem Thread item to attach new comment to
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet
* @param {MemoryStorage} storage Storage object for autosave
function CommentController( $pageContainer, threadItem, threadItemSet, storage ) {
// Mixin constructors
OO.EventEmitter.call( this );
this.isTornDown = false;
this.$pageContainer = $pageContainer;
this.threadItem = threadItem;
this.threadItemSet = threadItemSet;
this.storage = storage;
this.newListItem = null;
this.replyWidgetPromise = null;
this.newComments = [];
this.parentRemoved = false;
this.oldId = mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' );
this.pollTimeout = null;
this.onVisibilityChangeHandler = this.onVisibilityChange.bind( this );
OO.initClass( CommentController );
OO.mixinClass( CommentController, OO.EventEmitter );
/* CommentController private utilities */
* Get the latest revision ID of the page.
* @param {string} pageName
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function getLatestRevId( pageName ) {
return controller.getApi().get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'ids',
rvlimit: 1,
titles: pageName
} ).then( ( resp ) => resp.query.pages[ 0 ].revisions[ 0 ].revid );
* Like #checkThreadItemOnPage, but assumes the comment was found on the current page,
* and then follows transclusions to determine the source page where it is written.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves with a CommentDetails object, or rejects with an error
CommentController.prototype.getTranscludedFromSource = function () {
const pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ),
oldId = mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ),
threadItem = this.getThreadItem();
function followTransclusion( recursionLimit, code, data ) {
let errorData;
if ( recursionLimit > 0 && code === 'comment-is-transcluded' ) {
errorData = data.errors[ 0 ].data;
if ( errorData.follow && typeof errorData.transcludedFrom === 'string' ) {
return getLatestRevId( errorData.transcludedFrom ).then(
// Fetch the transcluded page, until we cross the recursion limit
( latestRevId ) => controller.checkThreadItemOnPage( errorData.transcludedFrom, latestRevId, threadItem )
.catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, recursionLimit - 1 ) )
return $.Deferred().reject( code, data );
// Arbitrary limit of 10 steps, which should be more than anyone could ever need
// (there are reasonable use cases for at least 2)
const promise = controller.checkThreadItemOnPage( pageName, oldId, threadItem )
.catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, 10 ) );
return promise;
/* Static properties */
CommentController.static.initType = 'page';
/* Events */
* The current widget has been torn down
* @event teardown
* @param string mode Teardown mode. See dt.ui.ReplyWidget#teardown.
/* Methods */
* Create and setup the reply widget
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {string} [options.mode] Optionally force a mode, 'visual' or 'source'
* @param {boolean} [options.hideErrors] Suppress errors, e.g. when restoring auto-save
* @param {boolean} [options.suppressNotifications] Don't notify the user if recovering auto-save
CommentController.prototype.setup = function ( options ) {
const threadItem = this.getThreadItem();
options = options || {};
if ( options.mode === undefined ) {
options.mode = mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-editmode' ) ||
( defaultVisual ? 'visual' : 'source' );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'init',
type: this.constructor.static.initType || 'page',
mechanism: 'click',
integration: 'discussiontools',
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
editor_interface: options.mode === 'visual' ? 'visualeditor' :
( enable2017Wikitext ? 'wikitext-2017' : 'wikitext' )
} );
if ( !this.replyWidgetPromise ) {
this.replyWidgetPromise = this.getTranscludedFromSource().then(
( commentDetails ) => this.createReplyWidget( commentDetails, { mode: options.mode } ),
( code, data ) => {
if ( !options.hideErrors ) {
code instanceof Error ? code.toString() : controller.getApi().getErrorMessage( data ),
{ size: 'medium' }
mw.track( 'dt.commentSetupError', code );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'abort',
type: 'preinit'
} );
return $.Deferred().reject();
// On first load, add a placeholder list item
this.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( threadItem, dtConf.replyIndentation );
if ( this.newListItem.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li' ) {
// When using bullet syntax, hide the marker. (T259864#7634107)
$( this.newListItem ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-noMarker' );
$( this.newListItem ).append(
// Microsoft Edge's built-in translation feature replaces the entire element when it finishes
// translating it, which often happens after our interface has loaded, clobbering it, unless
// we wrap this loading message in another element.
$( '<span>' ).text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-loading' ) )
const scrollPaddingCollapsed = OO.copy( scrollPadding );
// We don't know exactly how tall the widge will be, but leave room for one line
// of preview in source mode (~270px). Visual mode is ~250px.
scrollPaddingCollapsed.bottom += 270;
OO.ui.Element.static.scrollIntoView( this.newListItem, {
padding: scrollPaddingCollapsed
} );
// Disable section collapsing on mobile. If the section were collapsed it would be hard to
// find your comment again. The "Return to reply" tool is broken by section collapsing as
// the reply widget is hidden and therefore not measureable. It's also possible the page is
// not long enough to trigger the "Return to reply" tool.
$( this.newListItem ).parents( '.collapsible-block' ).prev().addClass( 'collapsible-heading-disabled' );
if (
this.threadItem instanceof CommentItem &&
) {
// Use the revision ID of the content on the page, not wgCurRevisionId
// This means you will more likely get a refresh warning when deliberately
// viewing old revisions, which is helpful.
$( document ).on( 'visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityChangeHandler );
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
if ( !this.newListItem ) {
// On subsequent loads, there's no list item yet, so create one now
this.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( threadItem, dtConf.replyIndentation );
if ( this.newListItem.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li' ) {
// When using bullet syntax, hide the marker. (T259864#7634107)
$( this.newListItem ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-noMarker' );
$( this.newListItem ).empty().append( replyWidget.$element );
this.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget, {}, options.suppressNotifications );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'ready' } );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'loaded' } );
} );
* Handle document visibilitychange events
* This allows us to pause polling when the user switches to another tab
CommentController.prototype.onVisibilityChange = function () {
if ( document.hidden ) {
} else if ( !this.pollTimeout ) {
this.pollTimeout = setTimeout( this.startPoll.bind( this ), 5000 );
CommentController.prototype.startPoll = function ( nextDelay ) {
nextDelay = nextDelay || 5000;
if ( !(
this.threadItem instanceof CommentItem &&
) ) {
const threadItemId = this.threadItem.id;
const subscribableHeadingId = this.threadItem.getSubscribableHeading().id;
let aborted = false;
this.pollApiRequest = controller.getApi().get( {
action: 'discussiontoolscompare',
fromrev: this.oldId,
totitle: mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' )
} );
this.pollApiRequest.then( ( response ) => {
function relevantCommentFilter( cmt ) {
return cmt.subscribableHeadingId === subscribableHeadingId &&
// Ignore posts by yourself, if logged in
cmt.author !== mw.user.getName();
const result = OO.getProp( response, 'discussiontoolscompare' ) || {};
const addedComments = result.addedcomments.filter( relevantCommentFilter );
const removedComments = result.removedcomments.filter( relevantCommentFilter );
if ( addedComments.length || removedComments.length ) {
this.updateNewCommentsWarning( addedComments, removedComments );
// Parent comment was deleted
const isParentRemoved = result.removedcomments.some( ( cmt ) => cmt.id === threadItemId );
// Parent comment was deleted then added back (e.g. reverted vandalism)
const isParentAdded = result.addedcomments.some( ( cmt ) => cmt.id === threadItemId );
if ( isParentAdded ) {
this.setParentRemoved( false );
} else if ( isParentRemoved ) {
this.setParentRemoved( true );
this.oldId = result.torevid;
nextDelay = 5000;
}, ( code, data ) => {
if ( code === 'http' && data.textStatus === 'abort' ) {
aborted = true;
} else {
// Wait longer next time in case of error
nextDelay = nextDelay * 1.5;
} ).always( () => {
if ( this.isTornDown || aborted ) {
// Stop polling after too many errors
if ( nextDelay < 1000 * 60 * 60 ) {
this.pollTimeout = setTimeout( this.startPoll.bind( this, nextDelay ), nextDelay );
} );
CommentController.prototype.stopPoll = function () {
if ( this.pollTimeout ) {
clearTimeout( this.pollTimeout );
this.pollTimeout = null;
if ( this.pollApiRequest ) {
this.pollApiRequest = null;
* Get thread item this controller is attached to
* @return {ThreadItem} Thread item
CommentController.prototype.getThreadItem = function () {
return this.threadItem;
* Get the reply widget class to use in this controller
* @param {boolean} visual Prefer the VE-based class
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves with a Function: the reply widget class
CommentController.prototype.getReplyWidgetClass = function ( visual ) {
// If 2017WTE mode is enabled, always use ReplyWidgetVisual.
visual = visual || enable2017Wikitext;
return mw.loader.using( controller.getReplyWidgetModules() )
.then( () => require( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidget' )[ visual ? 'ReplyWidgetVisual' : 'ReplyWidgetPlain' ] );
* Create a reply widget
* @param {CommentDetails} commentDetails
* @param {Object} config
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved with a ReplyWidget
CommentController.prototype.createReplyWidget = function ( commentDetails, config ) {
return this.getReplyWidgetClass( config.mode === 'visual' )
.then( ( ReplyWidget ) => new ReplyWidget( this, commentDetails, config ) );
CommentController.prototype.setupReplyWidget = function ( replyWidget, data, suppressNotifications ) {
replyWidget.connect( this, {
teardown: 'onReplyWidgetTeardown',
reloadPage: this.emit.bind( this, 'reloadPage' )
} );
replyWidget.setup( data, suppressNotifications );
replyWidget.updateNewCommentsWarning( this.newComments );
replyWidget.updateParentRemovedError( this.parentRemoved );
replyWidget.connect( this, { submit: [ 'onReplySubmit', replyWidget ] } );
CommentController.prototype.storeEditSummary = function () {
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
replyWidget.storage.set( 'summary', replyWidget.getEditSummary() );
} );
* Focus the first input field inside the controller.
CommentController.prototype.focus = function () {
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
} );
* Scroll the widget into view and focus it
CommentController.prototype.showAndFocus = function () {
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
replyWidget.scrollElementIntoView( { padding: scrollPadding } )
.then( () => {
} );
} );
* Try to tear down the reply widget, if it is setup
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolves when the widget is torn down, rejects if it fails.
CommentController.prototype.tryTeardown = function () {
return this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => replyWidget.tryTeardown() );
* Handle teardown events from the reply widget
* @param {string} mode Teardown mode. See dt.ui.ReplyWidget#teardown
CommentController.prototype.onReplyWidgetTeardown = function ( mode ) {
$( this.newListItem ).parents( '.collapsible-block' ).prev().removeClass( 'collapsible-heading-disabled' );
if ( mode === 'refresh' ) {
$( this.newListItem ).empty().append(
$( '<span>' ).text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-loading' ) )
} else {
modifier.removeAddedListItem( this.newListItem );
this.newListItem = null;
$( document ).off( 'visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityChangeHandler );
this.isTornDown = true;
this.emit( 'teardown', mode );
* Get the parameters of the API query that can be used to post this comment.
* @param {ReplyWidget} replyWidget Reply widget
* @param {string} pageName Title of the page to post on
* @param {Object} checkboxes Value of the promise returned by controller#getCheckboxesPromise
* @param {Object} extraParams Extra params to pass to the API
* @return {Object.<string,string>} API query data
CommentController.prototype.getApiQuery = function ( replyWidget, pageName, checkboxes, extraParams ) {
const threadItem = this.getThreadItem();
const sameNameComments = this.threadItemSet.findCommentsByName( threadItem.name );
const mode = replyWidget.getMode();
const tags = [
'discussiontools-' + mode
if ( mode === 'source' && enable2017Wikitext ) {
tags.push( 'discussiontools-source-enhanced' );
const data = Object.assign( {
action: 'discussiontoolsedit',
paction: 'addcomment',
page: pageName,
commentname: threadItem.name,
// Only specify this if necessary to disambiguate, to avoid errors if the parent changes
commentid: sameNameComments.length > 1 ? threadItem.id : undefined,
summary: replyWidget.getEditSummary(),
formtoken: replyWidget.getFormToken(),
assert: mw.user.isAnon() ? 'anon' : 'user',
assertuser: mw.user.getName() || undefined,
uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
// Pass through dtenable query string param from original request
dtenable: new URLSearchParams( location.search ).get( 'dtenable' ) ? '1' : undefined,
dttags: tags.join( ',' )
}, extraParams );
if ( replyWidget.getMode() === 'source' ) {
data.wikitext = replyWidget.getValue();
} else {
data.html = replyWidget.getValue();
const captchaInput = replyWidget.captchaInput;
if ( captchaInput ) {
data.captchaid = captchaInput.getCaptchaId();
data.captchaword = captchaInput.getCaptchaWord();
if ( checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis ) {
data.watchlist = checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis.isSelected() ?
'watch' :
return data;
* Handle the reply widget being submitted
* @param {ReplyWidget} replyWidget Reply widget
* @param {Object} extraParams Extra params to pass to the API
CommentController.prototype.onReplySubmit = function ( replyWidget, extraParams ) {
this.saveInitiated = mw.now();
replyWidget.setPending( true );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'saveIntent' } );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'saveAttempt' } );
// TODO: When editing a transcluded page, VE API returning the page HTML is a waste, since we won't use it
this.save( replyWidget, replyWidget.pageName, extraParams )
.then( null, ( code, data ) => {
this.saveFail( replyWidget, code, data );
} )
.always( () => {
replyWidget.setPending( false );
} );
* Handle save failures from the API
* @param {ReplyWidget} replyWidget Reply widget
* @param {string} code Error code
* @param {Object} data Error data
CommentController.prototype.saveFail = function ( replyWidget, code, data ) {
const captchaData = OO.getProp( data, 'discussiontoolsedit', 'edit', 'captcha' );
if ( captchaData ) {
code = 'captcha';
replyWidget.setCaptcha( captchaData );
} else {
replyWidget.setSaveErrorMessage( code, data );
if ( code instanceof Error ) {
code = 'exception';
// Log more precise error codes, mw.Api just gives us 'http' in all of these cases
if ( data ) {
if ( data.textStatus === 'timeout' || data.textStatus === 'abort' || data.textStatus === 'parsererror' ) {
code = data.textStatus;
} else if ( data.xhr ) {
code = 'http-' + ( data.xhr.status || 0 );
// Compare to ve.init.mw.ArticleTargetEvents.js in VisualEditor.
const typeMap = {
badtoken: 'userBadToken',
assertanonfailed: 'userNewUser',
assertuserfailed: 'userNewUser',
assertnameduserfailed: 'userNewUser',
'abusefilter-disallowed': 'extensionAbuseFilter',
'abusefilter-warning': 'extensionAbuseFilter',
captcha: 'extensionCaptcha',
spamblacklist: 'extensionSpamBlacklist',
'titleblacklist-forbidden': 'extensionTitleBlacklist',
pagedeleted: 'editPageDeleted',
editconflict: 'editConflict'
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'saveFailure',
timing: mw.now() - this.saveInitiated,
message: code,
type: typeMap[ code ] || 'responseUnknown'
} );
* Save the comment in the comment controller
* @param {ReplyWidget} replyWidget Reply widget
* @param {string} pageName Page title
* @param {Object} extraParams Extra params to pass to the API
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when the save is complete
CommentController.prototype.save = function ( replyWidget, pageName, extraParams ) {
const threadItem = this.getThreadItem();
return replyWidget.checkboxesPromise.then( ( checkboxes ) => {
const data = this.getApiQuery( replyWidget, pageName, checkboxes, extraParams );
if (
// We're saving the first comment on a page that previously didn't exist.
// Don't fetch the new revision's HTML content, because we will reload the whole page.
!mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantArticleId' ) ||
// We're saving a comment on a different page than the one being viewed.
// Don't fetch the new revision's HTML content, because we can't use it anyway.
pageName !== mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' )
) {
data.nocontent = true;
if ( replyWidget.commentDetails.wouldAutoCreate ) {
// This means that we might need to redirect to an opaque URL,
// so we must set up query parameters we want ahead of time.
data.returnto = pageName;
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set( 'dtrepliedto', this.getThreadItem().id );
params.set( 'dttempusercreated', '1' );
data.returntoquery = params.toString();
// No timeout. Huge talk pages can take a long time to save, and falsely reporting an error
// could result in duplicate messages if the user retries. (T249071)
const defaults = OO.copy( controller.getApi().defaults );
defaults.ajax.timeout = 0;
const noTimeoutApi = new mw.Api( defaults );
return mw.libs.ve.targetSaver.postContent(
data, { api: noTimeoutApi }
).catch( ( code, responseData ) => {
if ( code === 'assertanonfailed' ) {
// Reattempt the save when something already created a temporary account (T368263)
return controller.getApi().get( {
meta: 'userinfo'
} ).then( ( resp ) => {
if ( !resp.query.userinfo.temp ) {
// Return the original error response
return $.Deferred().reject( code, responseData ).promise();
// Set new parameters and retry
data.assert = 'user';
data.assertuser = resp.query.userinfo.name;
return mw.libs.ve.targetSaver.postContent(
data, { api: noTimeoutApi }
} );
return $.Deferred().reject( code, responseData ).promise();
} ).catch( ( code, responseData ) => {
// Better user-facing error messages
if ( code === 'editconflict' ) {
return $.Deferred().reject( code, { errors: [ {
code: code,
html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-conflict' ).parse()
} ] } ).promise();
if (
code === 'discussiontools-commentid-notfound' ||
code === 'discussiontools-commentname-ambiguous' ||
code === 'discussiontools-commentname-notfound'
) {
return $.Deferred().reject( code, { errors: [ {
code: code,
html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared' ).parse()
} ] } ).promise();
return $.Deferred().reject( code, responseData ).promise();
} ).then( ( responseData ) => {
controller.update( responseData, threadItem, pageName, replyWidget );
} );
} );
* Add a list of comment objects that are new on the page since it was last refreshed
* @param {Object[]} addedComments Array of JSON-serialized CommentItem's
* @param {Object[]} removedComments Array of JSON-serialized CommentItem's
CommentController.prototype.updateNewCommentsWarning = function ( addedComments, removedComments ) {
// Add new comments
this.newComments.push.apply( this.newComments, addedComments );
// Delete any comments which have since been deleted (e.g. posted then reverted)
const removedCommentIds = removedComments.filter( ( cmt ) => cmt.id );
this.newComments = this.newComments.filter(
// If comment ID is not in removedCommentIds, keep it
( cmt ) => removedCommentIds.indexOf( cmt.id ) === -1
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
replyWidget.updateNewCommentsWarning( this.newComments );
} );
* Record whether the parent thread item has been removed
* @param {boolean} parentRemoved
CommentController.prototype.setParentRemoved = function ( parentRemoved ) {
this.parentRemoved = parentRemoved;
this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( replyWidget ) => {
replyWidget.updateParentRemovedError( this.parentRemoved );
} );
* Switch reply widget to wikitext input
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when switch is complete
CommentController.prototype.switchToWikitext = function () {
return this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( oldWidget ) => {
const target = oldWidget.replyBodyWidget.target,
oldShowAdvanced = oldWidget.showAdvanced,
oldEditSummary = oldWidget.getEditSummary(),
previewDeferred = $.Deferred();
// TODO: We may need to pass oldid/etag when editing is supported
const wikitextPromise = target.getWikitextFragment( target.getSurface().getModel().getDocument() );
this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget(
{ mode: 'source' }
return $.when( wikitextPromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( ( wikitext, newWidget ) => {
// To prevent the "Reply" / "Cancel" buttons from shifting when the preview loads,
// wait for the preview (but no longer than 500 ms) before swithing the editors.
newWidget.preparePreview( wikitext ).then( previewDeferred.resolve );
setTimeout( previewDeferred.resolve, 500 );
return previewDeferred.then( () => {
// Teardown the old widget
oldWidget.disconnect( this );
// Swap out the DOM nodes
oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( newWidget.$element );
this.setupReplyWidget( newWidget, {
value: wikitext,
showAdvanced: oldShowAdvanced,
editSummary: oldEditSummary
} );
// Focus the editor
} );
} );
} );
* Remove empty lines and add indent characters to convert the paragraphs in given wikitext to
* definition list items, as customary in discussions.
* @param {string} wikitext
* @param {string} indent Indent character, ':' or '*'
* @return {string}
CommentController.prototype.doIndentReplacements = function ( wikitext, indent ) {
wikitext = modifier.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext );
wikitext = wikitext.split( '\n' ).map( ( line ) => indent + line ).join( '\n' );
return wikitext;
* Turn definition list items, customary in discussions, back into normal paragraphs, suitable for
* the editing interface.
* @param {Node} rootNode Node potentially containing definition lists (modified in-place)
CommentController.prototype.undoIndentReplacements = function ( rootNode ) {
const children = Array.prototype.slice.call( rootNode.childNodes );
// There may be multiple lists when some lines are template generated
children.forEach( ( child ) => {
if ( child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// Unwrap list
modifier.unwrapList( child );
} );
* Get the list of selectors that match nodes that can't be inserted in the comment. (We disallow
* things that generate wikitext syntax that may conflict with list item syntax.)
* @return {Object.<string,string>} Map of type used for error messages (string) to CSS selector (string)
CommentController.prototype.getUnsupportedNodeSelectors = function () {
return {
// Tables are almost always multi-line
table: 'table',
// Headings are converted to plain text before we can detect them:
// `:==h2==` -> `<p>==h2==</p>`
// heading: 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6',
// Templates can be multiline
template: '[typeof*="mw:Transclusion"]',
// Extensions (includes references) can be multiline, could be supported later (T251633)
extension: '[typeof*="mw:Extension"]'
// Images are probably fine unless a multi-line caption was used (rare)
// image: 'figure, figure-inline'
* Switch reply widget to visual input
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when switch is complete
CommentController.prototype.switchToVisual = function () {
return this.replyWidgetPromise.then( ( oldWidget ) => {
const oldShowAdvanced = oldWidget.showAdvanced,
oldEditSummary = oldWidget.getEditSummary();
let wikitext = oldWidget.getValue();
// Replace wikitext signatures with a special marker recognized by DtDmMWSignatureNode
// to render them as signature nodes in visual mode.
wikitext = wikitext.replace(
// Replace ~~~~ (four tildes), but not ~~~~~ (five tildes)
'$1<span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span>$2'
let parsePromise;
if ( wikitext ) {
wikitext = this.doIndentReplacements( wikitext, dtConf.replyIndentation === 'invisible' ? ':' : '*' );
// Based on ve.init.mw.Target#parseWikitextFragment
parsePromise = controller.getApi().post( {
action: 'visualeditor',
paction: 'parsefragment',
page: oldWidget.pageName,
wikitext: wikitext,
pst: true
} ).then( ( response ) => response && response.visualeditor.content );
} else {
parsePromise = $.Deferred().resolve( '' ).promise();
this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget(
{ mode: 'visual' }
return $.when( parsePromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( ( html, newWidget ) => {
const unsupportedSelectors = this.getUnsupportedNodeSelectors();
let doc;
if ( html ) {
doc = newWidget.replyBodyWidget.target.parseDocument( html );
// Remove RESTBase IDs (T253584)
mw.libs.ve.stripRestbaseIds( doc );
// Check for tables, headings, images, templates
for ( const type in unsupportedSelectors ) {
if ( doc.querySelector( unsupportedSelectors[ type ] ) ) {
const $msg = $( '<div>' ).html(
// The following messages are used here:
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-extension
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-table
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-template
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-' + type )
$msg.find( 'a' ).attr( {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
} );
title: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-title' ),
size: 'medium'
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'editor-switch',
action: 'dialog-prevent-show'
} );
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
this.undoIndentReplacements( doc.body );
// Teardown the old widget
oldWidget.disconnect( this );
// Swap out the DOM nodes
oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( newWidget.$element );
this.setupReplyWidget( newWidget, {
value: doc,
showAdvanced: oldShowAdvanced,
editSummary: oldEditSummary
} );
// Focus the editor
} );
} );
module.exports = CommentController;