Bartosz Dziewoński c1f4668806 Change CommentParser and ImmutableRange to use offsets in codepoints instead of bytes
The PHP DOM extension measures lengths and offsets in Unicode codepoints.
Our PHP code used UTF-8 bytes, causing some offsets to be slightly off.
Now it mostly uses Unicode codepoints as well (we're forced to use bytes
in a few places, because preg_match returns offsets in bytes).

In practice, this had no visible effect to the user. It caused the
markers `<span data-mw-comment-end="..."></span>` to be placed at
the end of their container instead of the correct position when the
timestamp contained multibyte characters (e.g. "ź" in Polish); but
the correct position is usually at the end of the container anyway.

In the test cases, the only difference is placing these markers before
a trailing line break inside `<p>...</p>` tags rather than before it.

The patch also accidentally fixes another bug, where element nodes
with no children (mostly <img>) were incorrectly excluded when calling
cloneContents(), because they were treated as if they were text nodes.

Change-Id: Iccdccf1078598f4b62cab96225e9c85a4c0e93ee
2021-09-27 19:04:16 +00:00

225 lines
7 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Tests;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use Error;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\HeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ImmutableRange;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem;
use stdClass;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Node;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
* @coversDefaultClass \MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser
* @group DiscussionTools
class CommentParserTest extends IntegrationTestCase {
* Get the offset path from ancestor to offset in descendant
* Convert Unicode codepoint offsets to UTF-16 code unit offsets.
* @param Element $ancestor
* @param Node $node
* @param int $nodeOffset
* @return string
private static function getOffsetPath(
Element $ancestor, Node $node, int $nodeOffset
): string {
if ( $node->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
$str = mb_substr( $node->nodeValue, 0, $nodeOffset );
// Count characters that require two code units to encode in UTF-16
$count = preg_match_all( '/[\x{010000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $str );
$nodeOffset += $count;
$path = [ $nodeOffset ];
while ( $node !== $ancestor ) {
if ( !$node->parentNode ) {
throw new Error( 'Not a descendant' );
array_unshift( $path, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $node ) );
$node = $node->parentNode;
return implode( '/', $path );
private static function serializeComments( ThreadItem &$threadItem, Element $root ): stdClass {
$serialized = new stdClass();
if ( $threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) {
$serialized->placeholderHeading = $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading();
$serialized->type = $threadItem->getType();
if ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$serialized->timestamp = $threadItem->getTimestamp();
$serialized->author = $threadItem->getAuthor();
// Can't serialize the DOM nodes involved in the range,
// instead use their offsets within their parent nodes
$range = $threadItem->getRange();
$serialized->range = [
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ),
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )
if ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$serialized->signatureRanges = array_map( function ( ImmutableRange $range ) use ( $root ) {
return [
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ),
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )
}, $threadItem->getSignatureRanges() );
if ( $threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) {
$serialized->headingLevel = $threadItem->getHeadingLevel();
$serialized->level = $threadItem->getLevel();
$serialized->name = $threadItem->getName();
$serialized->id = $threadItem->getId();
$serialized->warnings = $threadItem->getWarnings();
// Ignore warnings about legacy IDs (we don't have them in JS)
$serialized->warnings = array_values( array_diff( $serialized->warnings, [ 'Duplicate comment legacy ID' ] ) );
$serialized->replies = [];
foreach ( $threadItem->getReplies() as $reply ) {
$serialized->replies[] = self::serializeComments( $reply, $root );
return $serialized;
* @dataProvider provideTimestampRegexps
* @covers ::getTimestampRegexp
public function testGetTimestampRegexp(
string $format, string $expected, string $message
): void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new Element( 'div' ) )
// HACK: Fix differences between JS & PHP regexes
// TODO: We may just have to have two version in the test data
$expected = preg_replace( '/\\\\u([0-9A-F]+)/', '\\\\x{$1}', $expected );
$expected = str_replace( ':', '\:', $expected );
$expected = '/' . $expected . '/u';
$result = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( 'en', $format, '\\d', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
self::assertSame( $expected, $result, $message );
public function provideTimestampRegexps(): array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-regex.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParser
* @covers ::getTimestampParser
public function testGetTimestampParser(
string $format, array $data, string $expected, string $message
): void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new Element( 'div' ) )
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( 'en', $format, null, 'UTC', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $tsParser( $data ), $message );
public function provideTimestampParser(): array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParserDST
* @covers ::getTimestampParser
public function testGetTimestampParserDST(
string $sample, string $expected, string $expectedUtc, string $format,
string $timezone, array $timezoneAbbrs, string $message
): void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new Element( 'div' ) )
$regexp = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( 'en', $format, '\\d', $timezoneAbbrs );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( 'en', $format, null, $timezone, $timezoneAbbrs );
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$expectedUtc = new DateTimeImmutable( $expectedUtc );
preg_match( $regexp, $sample, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$date = $tsParser( $match );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $date, $message );
self::assertEquals( $expectedUtc, $date, $message );
public function provideTimestampParserDST(): array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser-dst.json' );
* @dataProvider provideComments
* @covers ::getThreads
public function testGetThreads(
string $name, string $dom, string $expected, string $config, string $data
): void {
$dom = self::getHtml( $dom );
$expectedPath = $expected;
$expected = self::getJson( $expected );
$config = self::getJson( $config );
$data = self::getJson( $data );
$doc = self::createDocument( $dom );
$body = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc );
$this->setupEnv( $config, $data );
$parser = self::createParser( $body, $data );
$threads = $parser->getThreads();
$processedThreads = [];
foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) {
$thread = self::serializeComments( $thread, $body );
$thread = json_decode( json_encode( $thread ), true );
$processedThreads[] = $thread;
// Optionally write updated content to the JSON files
self::overwriteJsonFile( $expectedPath, $processedThreads );
foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) {
self::assertEquals( $expected[$i], $processedThreads[$i], $name . ' section ' . $i );
public function provideComments(): array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/comments.json' );