Bartosz Dziewoński 69e8e948b2 Remove now redundant PHPDoc blocks
MediaWiki's PHPCS plugin requires documentation comments on all
methods, unless those methods are fully typed (all parameters and
return value).

It turns out that almost all of our methods are fully typed already.


1. Find: \*(\s*\*\s*(@param \??[\w\\]+(\|null)? &?\$\w+|@return \??[\w\\]+(\|null)?)\n)+\s*\*/
   Replace with: */
   This deletes type annotations, except those not representable
   as PHP type hints such as union types `a|b` or typed arrays `a[]`,
   or those with documentation beyond type hints, or those on
   functions with any other annotations.

2. Find: /\*\*/\n\s*
   Replace with nothing
   This deletes the remaining comments on methods that had no prose

3. Undo all changes that PHPCS complains about (those comments
   were not redundant)

4. Review the diff carefully, these regexps are imprecise :)

Change-Id: Ic82e8b23f2996f44951208dbd9cfb4c8e0738dac
2024-03-10 23:53:04 +00:00

231 lines
7.7 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Tests;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ImmutableRange;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentCommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentHeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentThreadItem;
use RuntimeException;
use stdClass;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Node;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Text;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
* @group DiscussionTools
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser
* @covers \MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentUtils
class CommentParserTest extends IntegrationTestCase {
* Get the offset path from ancestor to offset in descendant
* Convert Unicode codepoint offsets to UTF-16 code unit offsets.
private static function getOffsetPath(
Element $ancestor, Node $node, int $nodeOffset
): string {
if ( $node instanceof Text ) {
$str = mb_substr( $node->nodeValue, 0, $nodeOffset );
// Count characters that require two code units to encode in UTF-16
$count = preg_match_all( '/[\x{010000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $str );
$nodeOffset += $count;
$path = [ $nodeOffset ];
while ( $node !== $ancestor ) {
if ( !$node->parentNode ) {
throw new RuntimeException( 'Not a descendant' );
array_unshift( $path, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $node ) );
$node = $node->parentNode;
return implode( '/', $path );
private static function getPathsFromRange( ImmutableRange $range, Element $root ): array {
return [
static::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ),
static::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )
private static function serializeComments( ContentThreadItem $threadItem, Element $root ): stdClass {
$serialized = new stdClass();
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem ) {
$serialized->placeholderHeading = $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading();
$serialized->type = $threadItem->getType();
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentCommentItem ) {
$serialized->timestamp = $threadItem->getTimestampString();
$serialized->author = $threadItem->getAuthor();
if ( $threadItem->getDisplayName() ) {
$serialized->displayName = $threadItem->getDisplayName();
// Can't serialize the DOM nodes involved in the range,
// instead use their offsets within their parent nodes
$range = $threadItem->getRange();
$serialized->range = static::getPathsFromRange( $range, $root );
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentCommentItem ) {
$serialized->signatureRanges = array_map( function ( ImmutableRange $range ) use ( $root ) {
return static::getPathsFromRange( $range, $root );
}, $threadItem->getSignatureRanges() );
$serialized->timestampRanges = array_map( function ( ImmutableRange $range ) use ( $root ) {
return static::getPathsFromRange( $range, $root );
}, $threadItem->getTimestampRanges() );
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem ) {
$serialized->headingLevel = $threadItem->getHeadingLevel();
$serialized->level = $threadItem->getLevel();
$serialized->name = $threadItem->getName();
$serialized->id = $threadItem->getId();
$serialized->warnings = $threadItem->getWarnings();
$serialized->replies = [];
foreach ( $threadItem->getReplies() as $reply ) {
$serialized->replies[] = static::serializeComments( $reply, $root );
return $serialized;
* @dataProvider provideTimestampRegexps
public function testGetTimestampRegexp(
string $format, string $expected, string $message
): void {
$config = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-config.json" );
$data = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-data.json" );
/** @var CommentParser $parser */
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
$this->createParser( $config, $data )
// HACK: Fix differences between JS & PHP regexes
// TODO: We may just have to have two version in the test data
$expected = preg_replace( '/\\\\u([0-9A-F]+)/', '\\\\x{$1}', $expected );
$expected = str_replace( ':', '\:', $expected );
$expected = '/' . $expected . '/u';
$result = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( 'en', $format, '\\d', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
static::assertSame( $expected, $result, $message );
public static function provideTimestampRegexps(): array {
return static::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-regex.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParser
public function testGetTimestampParser(
string $format, ?array $digits, array $matchData, string $expected, string $message
): void {
$config = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-config.json" );
$data = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-data.json" );
/** @var CommentParser $parser */
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
$this->createParser( $config, $data )
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( 'en', $format, $digits, 'UTC', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
static::assertEquals( $expected, $tsParser( $matchData )['date'], $message );
public static function provideTimestampParser(): array {
return static::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParserDST
public function testGetTimestampParserDST(
string $sample, string $expected, string $expectedUtc, string $format,
string $timezone, array $timezoneAbbrs, string $message
): void {
$config = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-config.json" );
$data = static::getJson( "../data/enwiki-data.json" );
/** @var CommentParser $parser */
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
$this->createParser( $config, $data )
$regexp = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( 'en', $format, '\\d', $timezoneAbbrs );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( 'en', $format, null, $timezone, $timezoneAbbrs );
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$expectedUtc = new DateTimeImmutable( $expectedUtc );
preg_match( $regexp, $sample, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$date = $tsParser( $match )['date'];
static::assertEquals( $expected, $date, $message );
static::assertEquals( $expectedUtc, $date, $message );
public static function provideTimestampParserDST(): array {
return static::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser-dst.json' );
* @dataProvider provideComments
public function testGetThreads(
string $name, string $title, string $dom, string $expected, string $config, string $data
): void {
$dom = static::getHtml( $dom );
$expectedPath = $expected;
$expected = static::getJson( $expected );
$config = static::getJson( $config );
$data = static::getJson( $data );
$doc = static::createDocument( $dom );
$container = static::getThreadContainer( $doc );
$title = $this->createTitleParser( $config )->parseTitle( $title );
$threadItemSet = $this->createParser( $config, $data )->parse( $container, $title );
$threads = $threadItemSet->getThreads();
$processedThreads = [];
foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) {
$thread = static::serializeComments( $thread, $container );
$thread = json_decode( json_encode( $thread ), true );
$processedThreads[] = $thread;
// Optionally write updated content to the JSON files
static::overwriteJsonFile( $expectedPath, $processedThreads );
foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) {
static::assertEquals( $expected[$i], $processedThreads[$i], $name . ' section ' . $i );
public static function provideComments(): array {
return static::getJson( '../cases/comments.json' );