Bartosz Dziewoński ccd9e411d2 Allow updating the expected results when running PHP tests
This is similar to the code we already have in JS tests, but instead
of printing to the console where you have to copy-paste from, it just
overwrites the files.

Also, update all of the expected results by this method.

Changes in the expected outputs:
* In JSON files, the "warnings" are now always in the same place
  regardless of the type of the warning.
* In all HTML files, self-closing tags now include the trailing slash,
  some characters are no longer encoded as entities when not necessary,
  and attributes may be single-quoted when that makes them shorter.
* In Parsoid HTML files, the header is no longer terribly mangled.

Other notes:
* CommentParserTest.php: Change the output of serializeComments()
  to be in similar order as in JS, to reduce the diffs in this commit
  and because it's a better order for humans.
* modifier.test.js: Remove some hacks that were working around small
  inconsistencies between the previous expected outputs and the actual

Change-Id: I9f764640dae823321c0ac35898fa4db03f1ca364
2020-08-04 03:05:28 +02:00

249 lines
7.6 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Tests;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use DOMElement;
use DOMNode;
use Error;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\HeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ImmutableRange;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem;
use stdClass;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
* @coversDefaultClass \MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser
* @group DiscussionTools
class CommentParserTest extends CommentTestCase {
* Convert UTF-8 byte offsets to UTF-16 code unit offsets.
* @param DOMElement $ancestor
* @param DOMNode $node
* @param int $nodeOffset
* @return string
private static function getOffsetPath(
DOMElement $ancestor, DOMNode $node, int $nodeOffset
) : string {
if ( $node->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE ) {
$startNode = $node;
$nodeText = '';
while ( $node ) {
$nodeText .= $node->nodeValue;
// In Parsoid HTML, entities are represented as a 'mw:Entity' node, rather than normal HTML
// entities. On Arabic Wikipedia, the "UTC" timezone name contains some non-breaking spaces,
// which apparently are often turned into &nbsp; entities by buggy editing tools. To handle
// this, we must piece together the text, so that our regexp can match those timestamps.
if (
$node->nextSibling &&
$node->nextSibling->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
$node->nextSibling->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) === 'mw:Entity'
) {
$nodeText .= $node->nextSibling->firstChild->nodeValue;
// If the entity is followed by more text, do this again
if (
$node->nextSibling->nextSibling &&
$node->nextSibling->nextSibling->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE
) {
$node = $node->nextSibling->nextSibling;
} else {
$node = null;
} else {
$node = null;
$str = substr( $nodeText, 0, $nodeOffset );
// Count characters that require two code units to encode in UTF-16
$count = preg_match_all( '/[\x{010000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $str );
$nodeOffset = mb_strlen( $str ) + $count;
$node = $startNode;
$path = [ $nodeOffset ];
while ( $node !== $ancestor ) {
if ( !$node->parentNode ) {
throw new Error( 'Not a descendant' );
array_unshift( $path, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $node ) );
$node = $node->parentNode;
return implode( '/', $path );
private static function serializeComments( ThreadItem &$threadItem, DOMElement $root ) : stdClass {
$serialized = new stdClass();
if ( $threadItem instanceof HeadingItem && $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading() ) {
$serialized->placeholderHeading = $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading();
$serialized->type = $threadItem->getType();
if ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$serialized->timestamp = $threadItem->getTimestamp();
$serialized->author = $threadItem->getAuthor();
// Can't serialize the DOM nodes involved in the range,
// instead use their offsets within their parent nodes
$range = $threadItem->getRange();
$serialized->range = [
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ),
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )
if ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$serialized->signatureRanges = array_map( function ( ImmutableRange $range ) use ( $root ) {
return [
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ),
self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )
}, $threadItem->getSignatureRanges() );
$serialized->level = $threadItem->getLevel();
$serialized->id = $threadItem->getId();
if ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$warnings = $threadItem->getWarnings();
if ( count( $warnings ) ) {
$serialized->warnings = $threadItem->getWarnings();
$serialized->replies = [];
foreach ( $threadItem->getReplies() as $reply ) {
$serialized->replies[] = self::serializeComments( $reply, $root );
return $serialized;
* @dataProvider provideTimestampRegexps
* @covers ::getTimestampRegexp
public function testGetTimestampRegexp(
string $format, string $expected, string $message
) : void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new DOMElement( 'div' ) )
// HACK: Fix differences between JS & PHP regexes
// TODO: We may just have to have two version in the test data
$expected = preg_replace( '/\\\\u([0-9A-F]+)/', '\\\\x{$1}', $expected );
$expected = str_replace( ':', '\:', $expected );
$expected = '/' . $expected . '/u';
$result = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( $format, '\\d', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
self::assertSame( $expected, $result, $message );
public function provideTimestampRegexps() : array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-regex.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParser
* @covers ::getTimestampParser
public function testGetTimestampParser(
string $format, array $data, string $expected, string $message
) : void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new DOMELement( 'div' ) )
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( $format, null, 'UTC', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $tsParser( $data ), $message );
public function provideTimestampParser() : array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser.json' );
* @dataProvider provideTimestampParserDST
* @covers ::getTimestampParser
public function testGetTimestampParserDST(
string $sample, string $expected, string $expectedUtc, string $format,
string $timezone, array $timezoneAbbrs, string $message
) : void {
$parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject(
CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( new DOMELement( 'div' ) )
$regexp = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( $format, '\\d', $timezoneAbbrs );
$tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( $format, null, $timezone, $timezoneAbbrs );
$expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected );
$expectedUtc = new DateTimeImmutable( $expectedUtc );
preg_match( $regexp, $sample, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
$date = $tsParser( $match );
self::assertEquals( $expected, $date, $message );
self::assertEquals( $expectedUtc, $date, $message );
public function provideTimestampParserDST() : array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/timestamp-parser-dst.json' );
* @dataProvider provideComments
* @covers ::getThreads
public function testGetThreads(
string $name, string $dom, string $expected, string $config, string $data
) : void {
$dom = self::getHtml( $dom );
$expectedPath = $expected;
$expected = self::getJson( $expected );
$config = self::getJson( $config );
$data = self::getJson( $data );
$doc = self::createDocument( $dom );
$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
$this->setupEnv( $config, $data );
$parser = self::createParser( $body, $data );
$threads = $parser->getThreads();
$processedThreads = [];
foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) {
$thread = self::serializeComments( $thread, $body );
$thread = json_decode( json_encode( $thread ), true );
$processedThreads[] = $thread;
self::assertEquals( $expected[$i], $processedThreads[$i], $name . ' section ' . $i );
// Uncomment this to write updated content to the JSON files:
// self::overwriteJsonFile( $expectedPath, $processedThreads );
public function provideComments() : array {
return self::getJson( '../cases/comments.json' );