Bartosz Dziewoński 2d038af705 CommentController: Remove remains of client-side edit conflict handling
In commit 8829a1a412 we kept this code
when adding the reply API, but on second thought it doesn't actually
make sense.

The reply API should never fail with an edit conflict normally, since
it makes the edit on the latest version of the page. If it does fail,
I think it's better to just show the error message. Current behavior
is to retry, and if that doesn't actually solve the problem, this ends
up in an infinite loop.

Bug: T252558
Change-Id: I5e0dcb2c42e5de4f18e99b8a761ca048a430b31e
2020-08-10 20:27:57 +02:00

470 lines
15 KiB

api = new mw.Api( { parameters: { formatversion: 2 } } ),
controller = require( './controller.js' ),
modifier = require( './modifier.js' ),
logger = require( './logger.js' ),
storage =,
scrollPadding = { top: 10, bottom: 10 },
defaultEditMode = mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-editmode' ) || mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsFallbackEditMode' ),
defaultVisual = defaultEditMode === 'visual',
conf = mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ),
visualModules = [ 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' ]
.concat( conf.pluginModules.filter( mw.loader.getState ) ),
plainModules = [ 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain' ];
// Start loading reply widget code
if ( defaultVisual ) {
mw.loader.using( visualModules );
} else {
mw.loader.using( plainModules );
function CommentController( $pageContainer, comment ) {
var mode;
this.$pageContainer = $pageContainer;
this.comment = comment;
this.newListItem = null;
this.replyWidgetPromise = null;
this.$replyLinkButtons = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-buttons' );
// Reply
this.$replyLink = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-reply' )
.text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replylink' ) )
.attr( {
role: 'button',
tabindex: '0'
} )
.on( 'click keypress', this.onReplyLinkClick.bind( this ) );
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-bracket' ).text( '[' ),
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-bracket' ).text( ']' )
modifier.addReplyLink( comment, this.$replyLinkButtons[ 0 ] );
if ( storage.get( 'reply/' + + '/saveable' ) ) {
mode = storage.get( 'reply/' + + '/mode' );
this.setup( mode );
OO.initClass( CommentController );
/* CommentController private utilities */
* Get the latest revision ID of the page.
* @param {string} pageName
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function getLatestRevId( pageName ) {
return api.get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'ids',
rvlimit: 1,
titles: pageName
} ).then( function ( resp ) {
return resp.query.pages[ 0 ].revisions[ 0 ].revid;
} );
* Like #checkCommentOnPage, but assumes the comment was found on the current page,
* and then follows transclusions to determine the source page where it is written.
* @param {string} commentId Comment ID
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves with pageName+oldId, or rejects with an error
function getTranscludedFromSource( commentId ) {
var promise,
pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ),
oldId = mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' );
function followTransclusion( recursionLimit, code, data ) {
var errorData;
if ( recursionLimit > 0 && code === 'comment-is-transcluded' ) {
errorData = data.errors[ 0 ].data;
if ( errorData.follow && typeof errorData.transcludedFrom === 'string' ) {
return getLatestRevId( errorData.transcludedFrom ).then( function ( latestRevId ) {
// Fetch the transcluded page, until we cross the recursion limit
return controller.checkCommentOnPage( errorData.transcludedFrom, latestRevId, commentId )
.catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, recursionLimit - 1 ) );
} );
return $.Deferred().reject( code, data );
// Arbitrary limit of 10 steps, which should be more than anyone could ever need
// (there are reasonable use cases for at least 2)
promise = controller.checkCommentOnPage( pageName, oldId, commentId )
.catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, 10 ) );
return promise;
/* Methods */
CommentController.prototype.onReplyLinkClick = function ( e ) {
if ( e.type === 'keypress' && e.which !== OO.ui.Keys.ENTER && e.which !== OO.ui.Keys.SPACE ) {
// Only handle keypresses on the "Enter" or "Space" keys
* Create and setup the reply widget
* @param {string} [mode] Optionally force a mode, 'visual' or 'source'
CommentController.prototype.setup = function ( mode ) {
var comment = this.comment,
commentController = this;
if ( mode === undefined ) {
mode = mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-editmode' ) ||
( defaultVisual ? 'visual' : 'source' );
// TODO: Allow users to use multiple reply widgets simultaneously.
// Currently submitting a reply from one widget would also destroy the other ones.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
if ( this.$pageContainer.hasClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ) ) {
// Support: IE 11
// On other browsers, the link is made unclickable using 'pointer-events' in CSS
this.$pageContainer.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '.dt-init-replylink-reply' ).attr( {
tabindex: '-1'
} );
// Suppress page takeover behavior for VE editing so that our unload
// handler can warn of data loss.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '#ca-edit, #ca-ve-edit, .mw-editsection a, #ca-addsection' ).off( '.ve-target' );
logger( {
action: 'init',
type: 'page',
mechanism: 'click',
// TODO: Use 'wikitext-2017' when config.enable2017Wikitext is set
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
editor_interface: mode === 'visual' ? 'visualeditor' : 'wikitext'
} );
this.$replyLinkButtons.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' );
if ( !this.replyWidgetPromise ) {
this.replyWidgetPromise = getTranscludedFromSource( ).then( function ( pageData ) {
return commentController.createReplyWidget( comment, pageData.pageName, pageData.oldId, mode === 'visual' );
}, function ( code, data ) {
code instanceof Error ? code.toString() : api.getErrorMessage( data ),
{ size: 'medium' }
logger( {
action: 'abort',
type: 'preinit'
} );
commentController.replyWidgetPromise = null;
return $.Deferred().reject();
} );
// On first load, add a placeholder list item
commentController.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( comment );
$( commentController.newListItem ).text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-loading' ) );
commentController.replyWidgetPromise.then( function ( replyWidget ) {
if ( !commentController.newListItem ) {
// On subsequent loads, there's no list item yet, so create one now
commentController.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( comment );
$( commentController.newListItem ).empty().append( replyWidget.$element );
commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget, null, true );
logger( { action: 'ready' } );
logger( { action: 'loaded' } );
} );
CommentController.prototype.getReplyWidgetClass = function ( visual ) {
if ( visual === undefined ) {
visual = defaultVisual;
return mw.loader.using( visual ? visualModules : plainModules ).then( function () {
return require( visual ? 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' : 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain' );
} );
CommentController.prototype.createReplyWidget = function ( comment, pageName, oldId, visual ) {
var commentController = this;
return this.getReplyWidgetClass( visual ).then( function ( ReplyWidget ) {
return new ReplyWidget( commentController, comment, pageName, oldId );
} );
CommentController.prototype.setupReplyWidget = function ( replyWidget, initialValue, scrollIntoView ) {
replyWidget.connect( this, { teardown: 'teardown' } );
replyWidget.setup( initialValue );
if ( scrollIntoView ) {
replyWidget.scrollElementIntoView( { padding: scrollPadding } );
this.replyWidget = replyWidget;
CommentController.prototype.teardown = function ( abandoned ) {
this.$replyLinkButtons.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' );
this.$pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '.dt-init-replylink-reply' ).attr( {
tabindex: '0'
} );
// We deliberately mangled edit links earlier so VE can't steal our page;
// have it redo setup to fix those.
if ( && ) {;
modifier.removeAddedListItem( this.newListItem );
this.newListItem = null;
if ( abandoned ) {
this.$replyLink.trigger( 'focus' );
}; = function ( comment, pageName ) {
var savePromise,
replyWidget = this.replyWidget,
commentController = this;
return this.replyWidget.checkboxesPromise.then( function ( checkboxes ) {
var captchaInput = commentController.replyWidget.captchaInput,
data = {
action: 'discussiontoolsedit',
paction: 'addcomment',
page: pageName,
assert: mw.user.isAnon() ? 'anon' : 'user',
assertuser: mw.user.getName() || undefined,
dttags: [
'discussiontools-' + replyWidget.getMode()
].join( ',' )
if ( replyWidget.getMode() === 'source' ) {
data.wikitext = replyWidget.getValue();
} else {
data.html = replyWidget.getValue();
if ( captchaInput ) {
data.captchaid = captchaInput.getCaptchaId();
data.captchaword = captchaInput.getCaptchaWord();
if ( checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis ) {
data.watchlist = checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis.isSelected() ?
'watch' :
savePromise =
// No timeout. Huge talk pages take a long time to save, and falsely reporting an error can
// result in duplicate messages when the user retries. (T249071)
api: new mw.Api( { ajax: { timeout: 0 }, parameters: { formatversion: 2 } } )
).catch( function ( code, data ) {
// Better user-facing error message
if ( code === 'discussiontools-commentid-notfound' ) {
return $.Deferred().reject( 'discussiontools-commentid-notfound', { errors: [ {
code: 'discussiontools-commentid-notfound',
html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared' ).parse()
} ] } ).promise();
return $.Deferred().reject( code, data ).promise();
} );
savePromise.then( function () {
var watch;
// Update watch link to match 'watch checkbox' in save dialog.
// User logged in if module loaded.
if ( mw.loader.getState( '' ) === 'ready' ) {
watch = require( '' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( '#ca-watch a, #ca-unwatch a' ),
data.watchlist === 'watch' ? 'unwatch' : 'watch'
} );
return savePromise;
} );
CommentController.prototype.switchToWikitext = function () {
var wikitextPromise,
oldWidget = this.replyWidget,
target =,
previewDeferred = $.Deferred(),
commentController = this;
// TODO: We may need to pass oldid/etag when editing is supported
wikitextPromise = target.getWikitextFragment( target.getSurface().getModel().getDocument() );
this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget( oldWidget.comment, oldWidget.pageName, oldWidget.oldId, false );
return $.when( wikitextPromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( function ( wikitext, replyWidget ) {
wikitext = modifier.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext );
// To prevent the "Reply" / "Cancel" buttons from shifting when the preview loads,
// wait for the preview (but no longer than 500 ms) before swithing the editors.
replyWidget.preparePreview( wikitext ).then( previewDeferred.resolve );
setTimeout( previewDeferred.resolve, 500 );
return previewDeferred.then( function () {
// Swap out the DOM nodes
oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( replyWidget.$element );
// Teardown the old widget
oldWidget.disconnect( commentController );
commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget, wikitext );
} );
} );
CommentController.prototype.switchToVisual = function () {
var parsePromise,
oldWidget = this.replyWidget,
wikitext = oldWidget.getValue(),
commentController = this;
wikitext = modifier.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext );
// Replace wikitext signatures with a special marker recognized by DtDmMWSignatureNode
// to render them as signature nodes in visual mode.
wikitext = wikitext.replace(
// Replace ~~~~ (four tildes), but not ~~~~~ (five tildes)
'$1<span data-dtsignatureforswitching="1"></span>$2'
if ( wikitext ) {
wikitext = wikitext.split( '\n' ).map( function ( line ) {
return ':' + line;
} ).join( '\n' );
// Based on
parsePromise = {
action: 'visualeditor',
paction: 'parsefragment',
page: oldWidget.pageName,
wikitext: wikitext,
pst: true
} ).then( function ( response ) {
return response && response.visualeditor.content;
} );
} else {
parsePromise = $.Deferred().resolve( '' ).promise();
this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget( oldWidget.comment, oldWidget.pageName, oldWidget.oldId, true );
return $.when( parsePromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( function ( html, replyWidget ) {
var doc, bodyChildren, type, $msg,
unsupportedSelectors = {
// Tables are almost always multi-line
table: 'table',
// Headings are converted to plain text before we can detect them:
// `:==h2==` -> `<p>==h2==</p>`
// heading: 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6',
// Templates can be multiline
template: '[typeof*="mw:Transclusion"]',
// Extensions (includes references) can be multiline, could be supported later (T251633)
extension: '[typeof*="mw:Extension"]'
// Images are probably fine unless a multi-line caption was used (rare)
// image: 'figure, figure-inline'
if ( html ) {
doc = html );
// Remove RESTBase IDs (T253584) doc );
for ( type in unsupportedSelectors ) {
if ( doc.querySelector( unsupportedSelectors[ type ] ) ) {
$msg = $( '<div>' ).html(
// The following messages are used here:
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-extension
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-table
// * discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-template
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-' + type )
$msg.find( 'a' ).attr( {
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
} );
title: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-title' ),
size: 'medium'
mw.track( 'dt.schemaVisualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'editor-switch',
action: 'dialog-prevent-' + type + '-show'
} );
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
// Check for tables, headings, images, templates
bodyChildren = doc.body.childNodes );
// There may be multiple lists when some lines are template generated
bodyChildren.forEach( function ( child ) {
if ( child.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
// Unwrap list
modifier.unwrapList( child );
} );
// Swap out the DOM nodes
oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( replyWidget.$element );
// Teardown the old widget
oldWidget.disconnect( commentController );
commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget, doc );
} );
module.exports = CommentController;