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featuresEnabled = mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsFeaturesEnabled' ) || {},
CommentItem = require( './CommentItem.js' ),
HeadingItem = require( './HeadingItem.js' ),
utils = require( './utils.js' );
let lastHighlightedPublishedComment = null;
* Draw a semi-transparent rectangle on the page to highlight the given thread item.
* @class
* @param {ThreadItem|ThreadItem[]} items Thread item(s) to highlight
function Highlight( items ) {
const highlightNodes = [];
const ranges = [];
this.topmostElement = null;
items = Array.isArray( items ) ? items : [ items ];
this.rootNode = items[ 0 ] ? items[ 0 ].rootNode : null;
items.forEach( ( item ) => {
const $highlight = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-highlight' );
// We insert the highlight in the DOM near the thead item, so that it remains positioned correctly
// when it shifts (e.g. collapsing the table of contents), and disappears when it is hidden (e.g.
// opening visual editor).
const range = item.getRange();
// Support: Firefox
// The highlight node must be inserted after the start marker node (data-mw-comment-start), not
// before, otherwise Node#getBoundingClientRect() returns wrong results.
range.insertNode( $highlight[ 0 ] );
// If the item is a top-level comment wrapped in a frame, highlight outside that frame
if ( item.level === 1 ) {
const coveredSiblings = utils.getFullyCoveredSiblings( item, item.rootNode );
if ( coveredSiblings ) {
range.setStartBefore( coveredSiblings[ 0 ] );
range.setEndAfter( coveredSiblings[ coveredSiblings.length - 1 ] );
// If the item is a heading, highlight the full extent of it (not only the text)
if ( item instanceof HeadingItem && !item.placeholderHeading ) {
$highlight.closest( '.mw-heading' )[ 0 ] ||
$highlight.closest( 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6' )[ 0 ]
ranges.push( range );
highlightNodes.push( $highlight[ 0 ] );
} );
this.ranges = ranges;
this.$element = $( highlightNodes );
// Events
this.updateDebounced = OO.ui.debounce( this.update.bind( this ), 500 );
window.addEventListener( 'resize', this.updateDebounced );
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
// In MobileFrontend, ensure the section we are highlighting within is expanded. This is
// often the case as we add the hash fragment to our notification URLs, but not when we highlight
// comments across multiple threads.
// HACK: Ideally MF would expose Toggler as a public API, but for now just find the correct DOM
// node and trigger a fake click.
this.$element.parents( '.collapsible-block' ).prev( '.collapsible-heading:not( .open-block )' ).trigger( 'click' );
OO.initClass( Highlight );
* Update position of highlights, e.g. after window resize
Highlight.prototype.update = function () {
this.$element.css( {
'margin-top': '',
'margin-left': '',
'margin-right': '',
width: '',
height: ''
} );
const rootRect = this.rootNode.getBoundingClientRect();
this.topmostElement = null;
let topmostTop = Infinity;
this.ranges.forEach( ( range, i ) => {
const $element = this.$element.eq( i );
const baseRect = $element[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect();
const rect = RangeFix.getBoundingClientRect( range );
// rect may be null if the range is in a detached or hidden node
if ( rect ) {
// Draw the highlight over the full width of the page, except for very short comments
// (less than 1/3 of the available width).
// This lets the far edges of almost all comments align nicely (T309444#7968858),
// while still accurately highlighting comments in narrow floating boxes, such as
// image captions or {{archive top}}.
// It seems difficult to distinguish the floating boxes from comments that are just
// very short or very deeply indented, and this seems to work well enough in practice.
const useFullWidth = rect.width > rootRect.width / 3;
let headingTopAdj = 0;
if (
featuresEnabled.visualenhancements &&
$element.closest( '.ext-discussiontools-init-section' ).length
) {
// Shift the highlight a little to avoid drawing over the separator border at the top,
// and to cover the gap to the first comment at the bottom.
headingTopAdj = 10;
const top = rect.top - baseRect.top;
let width = rect.width;
const height = rect.height;
let left, right;
if ( $element.css( 'direction' ) === 'ltr' ) {
left = rect.left - baseRect.left;
if ( useFullWidth ) {
width = rootRect.width - ( rect.left - rootRect.left );
} else {
right = ( baseRect.left + baseRect.width ) - ( rect.left + rect.width );
if ( useFullWidth ) {
width = rootRect.width - ( ( rootRect.left + rootRect.width ) - ( rect.left + rect.width ) );
const padding = 5;
$element.css( {
'margin-top': top - padding + headingTopAdj,
'margin-left': left !== undefined ? left - padding : '',
'margin-right': right !== undefined ? right - padding : '',
width: width + ( padding * 2 ),
height: height + ( padding * 2 )
} );
if ( rect.top < topmostTop ) {
this.topmostElement = $element[ 0 ];
topmostTop = rect.top;
} );
* Scroll the topmost highlight into view
Highlight.prototype.scrollIntoView = function () {
if ( this.topmostElement ) {
* Destroy the highlight
Highlight.prototype.destroy = function () {
window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this.updateDebounced );
let highlightedTarget = null;
* Highlight the thread item(s) on the page associated with the URL hash or query string
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet
* @param {boolean} [noScroll] Don't scroll to the topmost highlight, e.g. on popstate
* @return {Object} Object containing 'requested' IDs, 'requestedSince' ID, and successfully 'highligted' IDs
function highlightTargetComment( threadItemSet, noScroll ) {
if ( highlightedTarget ) {
highlightedTarget = null;
const targetElement = mw.util.getTargetFromFragment();
if ( targetElement && targetElement.hasAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start' ) ) {
const threadItemId = targetElement.getAttribute( 'id' );
const threadItem = threadItemSet.findCommentById( targetElement.getAttribute( 'id' ) );
if ( threadItem ) {
highlightedTarget = new Highlight( threadItem );
highlightedTarget.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-targetcomment' );
highlightedTarget.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-highlight-fadein' );
return {
requested: [ threadItemId ],
highlighted: [ threadItemId ]
// Single thread item not highlighted yet
if ( location.hash.match( /^#(c|h)-/ ) ) {
return {
requested: [ location.hash.slice( 1 ) ],
highlighted: []
const url = new URL( location.href );
return highlightNewComments(
url.searchParams.get( 'dtnewcomments' ) && url.searchParams.get( 'dtnewcomments' ).split( '|' ),
newCommentsSinceId: url.searchParams.get( 'dtnewcommentssince' ),
inThread: url.searchParams.get( 'dtinthread' ),
sinceThread: url.searchParams.get( 'dtsincethread' )
* Highlight a just-published comment/topic
* These highlights show for a short period of time then tear themselves down.
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet Thread item set
* @param {string} threadItemId Thread item ID (NEW_TOPIC_COMMENT_ID for the a new topic)
function highlightPublishedComment( threadItemSet, threadItemId ) {
const highlightComments = [];
if ( threadItemId === utils.NEW_TOPIC_COMMENT_ID ) {
// Highlight the last comment on the page
const lastComment = threadItemSet.threadItems[ threadItemSet.threadItems.length - 1 ];
lastHighlightedPublishedComment = lastComment;
highlightComments.push( lastComment );
// If it's the only comment under its heading, highlight the heading too.
// (It might not be if the new discussion topic was posted without a title: T272666.)
if (
lastComment.parent &&
lastComment.parent.type === 'heading' &&
lastComment.parent.replies.length === 1
) {
highlightComments.push( lastComment.parent );
lastHighlightedPublishedComment = lastComment.parent;
// Change URL to point to this section, like the old section=new wikitext editor does.
// This also expands collapsed sections on mobile (T301840).
const sectionTitle = lastHighlightedPublishedComment.getLinkableTitle();
const urlFragment = mw.util.escapeIdForLink( sectionTitle );
// Navigate to fragment without scrolling
location.hash = '#' + urlFragment + '-DoesNotExist-DiscussionToolsHack';
history.replaceState( null, '', '#' + urlFragment );
} else {
// Find the comment we replied to, then highlight the last reply
const repliedToComment = threadItemSet.threadItemsById[ threadItemId ];
highlightComments.push( repliedToComment.replies[ repliedToComment.replies.length - 1 ] );
lastHighlightedPublishedComment = highlightComments[ 0 ];
// We may have changed the location hash on mobile, so wait for that to cause
// the section to expand before drawing the highlight.
setTimeout( () => {
const highlight = new Highlight( highlightComments );
highlight.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-publishedcomment' );
// Show a highlight with the same timing as the post-edit message (mediawiki.action.view.postEdit):
// show for 3000ms, fade out for 250ms (animation duration is defined in CSS).
padding: {
// Add padding to avoid overlapping the post-edit notification (above on desktop, below on mobile)
top: OO.ui.isMobile() ? 10 : 60,
bottom: OO.ui.isMobile() ? 85 : 10
// Specify scrollContainer for compatibility with MobileFrontend.
// Apparently it makes `<dd>` elements scrollable and OOUI tried to scroll them instead of body.
scrollContainer: OO.ui.Element.static.getRootScrollableElement( highlight.topmostElement )
).then( () => {
highlight.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-highlight-fadein' );
setTimeout( () => {
highlight.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-highlight-fadeout' );
setTimeout( () => {
// Remove the node when no longer needed, because it's using CSS 'mix-blend-mode', which
// affects the text rendering of the whole page, disabling subpixel antialiasing on Windows
}, 250 );
}, 3000 );
} );
} );
* Highlight the new comments on the page associated with the query string
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet
* @param {boolean} [noScroll] Don't scroll to the topmost highlighted comment, e.g. on popstate
* @param {string[]} [newCommentIds] A list of comment IDs to highlight
* @param {Object} [options] Extra options
* @param {string} [options.newCommentsSinceId] Highlight all comments after the comment with this ID
* @param {boolean} [options.inThread] When using newCommentsSinceId, only highlight comments in the same thread
* @param {boolean} [options.sinceThread] When using newCommentsSinceId, only highlight comments in threads
* created since that comment was posted.
* @return {Object} Object containing 'requested' comment IDs, 'requestedSince' ID, and successfully 'highligted' IDs
function highlightNewComments( threadItemSet, noScroll, newCommentIds, options ) {
if ( highlightedTarget ) {
highlightedTarget = null;
newCommentIds = newCommentIds || [];
options = options || {};
if ( options.newCommentsSinceId ) {
const newCommentsSince = threadItemSet.findCommentById( options.newCommentsSinceId );
if ( newCommentsSince && newCommentsSince instanceof CommentItem ) {
const sinceTimestamp = newCommentsSince.timestamp;
let threadItems;
if ( options.inThread ) {
const heading = newCommentsSince.getSubscribableHeading() || newCommentsSince.getHeading();
threadItems = heading.getThreadItemsBelow();
} else {
threadItems = threadItemSet.getCommentItems();
threadItems.forEach( ( threadItem ) => {
if (
threadItem instanceof CommentItem &&
threadItem.timestamp >= sinceTimestamp
) {
if ( options.sinceThread ) {
// Check that we are in a thread that is newer than `sinceTimestamp`.
// Thread age is determined by looking at getOldestReply.
const itemHeading = threadItem.getSubscribableHeading() || threadItem.getHeading();
const oldestReply = itemHeading.getOldestReply();
if ( !( oldestReply && oldestReply.timestamp >= sinceTimestamp ) ) {
newCommentIds.push( threadItem.id );
} );
let comments;
if ( newCommentIds.length ) {
comments = newCommentIds
.map( ( id ) => threadItemSet.findCommentById( id ) )
.filter( ( cmt ) => !!cmt );
if ( comments.length ) {
highlightedTarget = new Highlight( comments );
highlightedTarget.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-targetcomment' );
highlightedTarget.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-highlight-fadein' );
if ( !noScroll ) {
return {
requested: newCommentIds,
requestedSince: options.newCommentsSinceId,
highlighted: comments || []
* Clear the highlighting of the comment in the URL hash
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet
function clearHighlightTargetComment( threadItemSet ) {
const url = new URL( location.href );
const targetElement = mw.util.getTargetFromFragment();
if ( targetElement && targetElement.hasAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start' ) ) {
// Clear the hash from the URL, triggering the 'hashchange' event and updating the :target
// selector (so that our code to clear our highlight works), but without scrolling anywhere.
// This is tricky because:
// * Using history.pushState() does not trigger 'hashchange' or update the :target selector.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History/pushState#description
// https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/639
// * Using location.hash does, but it also scrolls to the target, which is the top of the
// page for the empty hash.
// Instead, we first use location.hash to navigate to a *different* hash (whose target
// doesn't exist on the page, hopefully), and then use history.pushState() to clear it.
location.hash += '-DoesNotExist-DiscussionToolsHack';
url.hash = '';
history.replaceState( null, '', url );
} else if (
url.searchParams.has( 'dtnewcomments' ) ||
url.searchParams.has( 'dtnewcommentssince' )
) {
url.searchParams.delete( 'dtnewcomments' );
url.searchParams.delete( 'dtnewcommentssince' );
url.searchParams.delete( 'dtinthread' );
url.searchParams.delete( 'dtsincethread' );
history.pushState( null, '', url );
highlightTargetComment( threadItemSet );
} else if ( highlightedTarget ) {
// Highlights were applied without changing the URL, e.g. when showing
// new comments while drafting. Just clear the highlights.
highlightedTarget = null;
* Get the last highlighted just-published comment, if any
* Used to show an auto-subscription popup to first-time users
* @return {ThreadItem|null}
function getLastHighlightedPublishedComment() {
return lastHighlightedPublishedComment;
module.exports = {
highlightTargetComment: highlightTargetComment,
highlightPublishedComment: highlightPublishedComment,
highlightNewComments: highlightNewComments,
clearHighlightTargetComment: clearHighlightTargetComment,
getLastHighlightedPublishedComment: getLastHighlightedPublishedComment