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synced 2024-12-11 08:08:37 +00:00
It was useful when I was debugging those parts of the code, but now it's usually annoying. The warnings can still sometimes be useful for understanding how the tool parses some discussion, though. To keep that functionality, add displaying warnings for each comment in the debug mode. Change-Id: I2d218a8a394f179bcc0990ff988a0567c275ccf2
146 lines
4.9 KiB
146 lines
4.9 KiB
'use strict';
parser = require( 'ext.discussionTools.init' ).parser,
utils = require( 'ext.discussionTools.init' ).utils,
initialOffset, indentWidth;
function markTimestamp( node, match ) {
dfParser = parser.getLocalTimestampParser(),
newNode, wrapper, date;
newNode = node.splitText( match.index );
newNode.splitText( match[ 0 ].length );
wrapper = document.createElement( 'span' );
wrapper.className = 'detected-timestamp';
// We might need to actually port all the date formatting code from MediaWiki's PHP code
// if we want to support displaying dates in all the formats available in user preferences
// (which include formats in several non-Gregorian calendars).
date = dfParser( match );
wrapper.title = date.format() + ' / ' + date.fromNow();
wrapper.appendChild( newNode );
node.parentNode.insertBefore( wrapper, node.nextSibling );
function markSignature( sigNodes ) {
where = sigNodes[ 0 ],
wrapper = document.createElement( 'span' );
wrapper.className = 'detected-signature';
where.parentNode.insertBefore( wrapper, where );
while ( sigNodes.length ) {
wrapper.appendChild( sigNodes.pop() );
function getBoundingRect( comment ) {
return utils.getNativeRange( comment ).getBoundingClientRect();
function fixFakeFirstHeadingRect( rect, comment ) {
// If the page has comments before the first section heading, they are connected to a "fake"
// heading with an empty range. Visualize the page title as the heading for that section.
var node;
if ( rect.x === 0 && rect.y === 0 && comment.type === 'heading' ) {
node = document.getElementsByClassName( 'firstHeading' )[ 0 ];
return node.getBoundingClientRect();
return rect;
function calculateSizes() {
var $content, rect, $test, rtl;
if ( initialOffset !== undefined ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
rtl = $( 'html' ).attr( 'dir' ) === 'rtl';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$content = $( '#mw-content-text' );
$test = $( '<dd>' ).appendTo( $( '<dl>' ).appendTo( $content ) );
rect = $content[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect();
initialOffset = rtl ? document.body.scrollWidth - rect.left - rect.width : rect.left;
indentWidth = parseFloat( $test.css( rtl ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left' ) ) +
parseFloat( $test.parent().css( rtl ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-left' ) );
function markComment( comment ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
rtl = $( 'html' ).attr( 'dir' ) === 'rtl',
rect = getBoundingRect( comment ),
marker = document.createElement( 'div' ),
marker2 = document.createElement( 'div' ),
scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop,
scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
parentRect, i, markerWarnings;
rect = fixFakeFirstHeadingRect( rect, comment );
marker.className = 'detected-comment';
marker.style.top = ( rect.top + scrollTop ) + 'px';
marker.style.height = ( rect.height ) + 'px';
marker.style.left = ( rect.left + scrollLeft ) + 'px';
marker.style.width = ( rect.width ) + 'px';
if ( comment.warnings ) {
markerWarnings = marker.cloneNode( false );
markerWarnings.className = 'detected-comment-warnings';
markerWarnings.innerText = comment.warnings.join( '\n' );
document.body.appendChild( markerWarnings );
document.body.appendChild( marker );
if ( comment.parent ) {
parentRect = getBoundingRect( comment.parent );
parentRect = fixFakeFirstHeadingRect( parentRect, comment.parent );
if ( comment.parent.level === 0 ) {
// Twiddle so that it looks nice
parentRect = $.extend( {}, parentRect );
parentRect.height -= 10;
marker2.className = 'detected-comment-ruler';
marker2.style.top = ( parentRect.top + parentRect.height + scrollTop ) + 'px';
marker2.style.height = ( rect.top - ( parentRect.top + parentRect.height ) + 10 ) + 'px';
if ( rtl ) {
marker2.style.right = ( initialOffset - indentWidth / 2 + comment.parent.level * indentWidth ) + 'px';
marker2.style.width = ( ( comment.level - comment.parent.level ) * indentWidth - indentWidth / 2 ) + 'px';
} else {
marker2.style.left = ( initialOffset - indentWidth / 2 + comment.parent.level * indentWidth ) + 'px';
marker2.style.width = ( ( comment.level - comment.parent.level ) * indentWidth - indentWidth / 2 ) + 'px';
document.body.appendChild( marker2 );
for ( i = 0; i < comment.replies.length; i++ ) {
markComment( comment.replies[ i ] );
function markThreads( threads ) {
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < threads.length; i++ ) {
markComment( threads[ i ] );
// Reverse order so that box-shadows look right
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$( 'body' ).append( $( '.detected-comment-ruler' ).get().reverse() );
module.exports = {
markThreads: markThreads,
markTimestamp: markTimestamp,
markSignature: markSignature