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* EchoEventPresentationModel for removed subscribable section headings
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* @license MIT
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Notifications;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Formatters\EchoEventPresentationModel;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Model\Event;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use SpecialPage;
use User;
class RemovedTopicPresentationModel extends EchoEventPresentationModel {
protected PlaintextEchoPresentationModelSection $section;
* @inheritDoc
protected function __construct( Event $event, Language $language, User $user, $distributionType ) {
parent::__construct( $event, $language, $user, $distributionType );
$this->section = new PlaintextEchoPresentationModelSection( $event, $user, $language );
* @inheritDoc
public function getIconType() {
return 'placeholder';
* @inheritDoc
public function canRender() {
return (bool)$this->event->getTitle();
* @inheritDoc
public function getPrimaryLink() {
$rev = $this->event->getExtraParam( 'revid' );
if ( $this->isBundled() ) {
// No link, unless all of these events are from one edit
foreach ( $this->getBundledEvents() as $event ) {
if ( $event->getExtraParam( 'revid' ) !== $rev ) {
return false;
$title = $this->event->getTitle();
$url = $title->getLocalURL( [
'oldid' => 'prev',
'diff' => $rev
] );
return [
'url' => $url,
'label' => $this->msg( 'notification-link-text-view-changes', $this->getViewingUserForGender() )->text(),
* @inheritDoc
protected function getHeaderMessageKey() {
if ( $this->isBundled() ) {
return 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header-bundled';
} else {
return 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header';
* @inheritDoc
public function getHeaderMessage() {
if ( $this->isBundled() ) {
$msg = $this->msg( $this->getHeaderMessageKey() );
$msg->numParams( $this->getNotificationCountForOutput() );
$msg->params( $this->getTruncatedTitleText( $this->event->getTitle(), true ) );
return $msg;
} else {
$msg = parent::getHeaderMessage();
$msg->params( $this->getTruncatedTitleText( $this->event->getTitle(), true ) );
$msg->plaintextParams( $this->section->getTruncatedSectionTitle() );
return $msg;
* @inheritDoc
public function getCompactHeaderMessage() {
$msg = $this->getMessageWithAgent( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header-compact' );
$msg->params( $this->getTruncatedTitleText( $this->event->getTitle(), true ) );
$msg->plaintextParams( $this->section->getTruncatedSectionTitle() );
return $msg;
* @inheritDoc
public function getBodyMessage() {
return $this->msg( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-body' )
->numParams( $this->getNotificationCountForOutput() );
* @inheritDoc
public function getSecondaryLinks() {
global $wgEchoNotifiers;
$viewPageLink = [
'url' => $this->event->getTitle()->getFullURL(),
'label' => $this->msg( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-view' )->text(),
'description' => '',
'icon' => 'article',
'prioritized' => true,
$links = [
// Known preferences used below:
// echo-subscriptions-email-dt-subscription-archiving
// echo-subscriptions-push-dt-subscription-archiving
// echo-subscriptions-web-dt-subscription-archiving
$category = $this->getCategory();
$isDisabled = true;
$optionsLookup = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserOptionsLookup();
foreach ( $wgEchoNotifiers as $notifierType => $unused ) {
if ( $optionsLookup->getOption( $this->getUser(), "echo-subscriptions-$notifierType-$category" ) ) {
$isDisabled = false;
if ( !$isDisabled ) {
$setPrefs = [];
foreach ( $wgEchoNotifiers as $notifierType => $unused ) {
$setPrefs[] = "echo-subscriptions-$notifierType-$category=0";
$links[] = $this->getDynamicActionLink(
SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences', false, 'mw-prefsection-echo-echosubscriptions' ),
$this->msg( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disable' )->text(),
'tokenType' => 'csrf',
'params' => [
'action' => 'options',
'change' => implode( '|', $setPrefs ),
'messages' => [
'confirmation' => [
'title' => $this->msg( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disabled-title' ),
'description' => $this->msg( 'discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disabled-body' )
return $links;