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var registries = require( './dt.ui.registries.js' );
* DiscussionTools-specific target, inheriting from the stand-alone target
* @class
* @extends ve.init.mw.Target
* @param {mw.dt.ReplyWidgetVisual} replyWidget
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
function CommentTarget( replyWidget, config ) {
config = config || {};
this.replyWidget = replyWidget;
// Parent constructor
CommentTarget.super.call( this, ve.extendObject( {
toolbarConfig: { position: 'top' }
}, config ) );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( CommentTarget, ve.init.mw.Target );
/* Static methods */
CommentTarget.static.name = 'discussionTools';
CommentTarget.static.modes = [ 'visual', 'source' ];
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
// Mobile currently expects one tool per group
CommentTarget.static.toolbarGroups = [
name: 'history',
include: [ 'undo' ]
name: 'style',
classes: [ 've-test-toolbar-style' ],
type: 'list',
icon: 'textStyle',
title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-style-tooltip' ),
label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-style-tooltip' ),
invisibleLabel: true,
include: [ { group: 'textStyle' }, 'language', 'clear' ],
forceExpand: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'clear' ],
promote: [ 'bold', 'italic' ],
demote: [ 'strikethrough', 'code', 'underline', 'language', 'clear' ]
name: 'link',
include: [ 'link' ]
name: 'other',
include: [ 'usernameCompletion' ]
name: 'editMode',
type: 'list',
icon: 'edit',
title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-mweditmode-tooltip' ),
label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-mweditmode-tooltip' ),
invisibleLabel: true,
include: [ 'editModeVisual', 'editModeSource' ]
} else {
CommentTarget.static.toolbarGroups = [
name: 'style',
title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-style-tooltip' ),
include: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'moreTextStyle' ]
name: 'link',
include: [ 'link' ]
name: 'specialCharacter',
include: [ 'specialCharacter' ]
name: 'other',
include: [ 'usernameCompletion' ]
CommentTarget.static.importRules = ve.copy( CommentTarget.static.importRules );
CommentTarget.static.importRules.external.blacklist = ve.extendObject(
// Annotations
// Allow pasting external links
'link/mwExternal': false
CommentTarget.static.importRulesForReplyTool = ve.copy( CommentTarget.static.importRules );
CommentTarget.static.importRulesForReplyTool.external.conversions = ve.extendObject(
mwHeading: 'paragraph'
CommentTarget.static.importRulesForReplyTool.external.blacklist = ve.extendObject(
// Strip all table structure
mwTable: true,
tableSection: true,
tableRow: true,
tableCell: true
CommentTarget.prototype.attachToolbar = function () {
this.getToolbar().$element.append( this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect ? this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect.$element : null )
this.getToolbar().$element.prepend( this.getSurface().getToolbarDialogs().$element );
CommentTarget.prototype.getSurfaceConfig = function ( config ) {
config = ve.extendObject( { mode: this.defaultMode }, config );
return CommentTarget.super.prototype.getSurfaceConfig.call( this, ve.extendObject( {
commandRegistry: config.mode === 'source' ? registries.wikitextCommandRegistry : registries.commandRegistry,
sequenceRegistry: config.mode === 'source' ? registries.wikitextSequenceRegistry :
this.replyWidget.isNewTopic ? registries.sequenceRegistry : registries.sequenceRegistryForReplyTool,
dataTransferHandlerFactory: config.mode === 'source' ? ve.ui.wikitextDataTransferHandlerFactory : ve.ui.dataTransferHandlerFactory,
importRules: this.replyWidget.isNewTopic ? this.constructor.static.importRules : this.constructor.static.importRulesForReplyTool,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$overlayContainer: $( '#content' )
}, config ) );
CommentTarget.prototype.editSource = function () {
this.replyWidget.switch( 'source' );
CommentTarget.prototype.switchToVisualEditor = function () {
this.replyWidget.switch( 'visual' );
/* Registration */
ve.init.mw.targetFactory.register( CommentTarget );
module.exports = CommentTarget;