mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 11:32:16 +00:00

Follow-up to 3d9585acbe
* Avoid deprecated method StatusValue::getErrors()
* Don't use exceptions for control flow
* Don't re-use Parsoid's ResourceLimitExceededException,
it seems unexpected to me and might limit future refactoring
* Use dieStatus() instead of dieWithException(), which will produce
better localised error messages
* Add missing error handling in ApiDiscussionToolsThank
Change-Id: Ia032025f92f1c3cc0d62a0f45925dddba93fb42f
512 lines
19 KiB
512 lines
19 KiB
* DiscussionTools event dispatcher
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* @license MIT
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Notifications;
use DateInterval;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use Iterator;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\Deferred\DeferredUpdates;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ContentThreadItemSet;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Hooks\HookUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\SubscriptionItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\SubscriptionStore;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\CommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentCommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentHeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentThreadItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\HeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\EventLogging\EventLogging;
use MediaWiki\Extension\EventLogging\Libs\UserBucketProvider\UserBucketProvider;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Notifications\Model\Event;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageIdentity;
use MediaWiki\Registration\ExtensionRegistry;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMUtils;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDBAccessObject;
class EventDispatcher {
private static function getParsedRevision( RevisionRecord $revRecord ): ContentThreadItemSet {
return HookUtils::parseRevisionParsoidHtml( $revRecord, __METHOD__ )->getValueOrThrow();
public static function generateEventsForRevision( array &$events, RevisionRecord $newRevRecord ): void {
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$title = Title::newFromLinkTarget(
if ( !HookUtils::isAvailableForTitle( $title ) ) {
// Not a talk page
$user = $newRevRecord->getUser();
if ( !$user ) {
// User can be null if the user is deleted, but this is unlikely
// to be the case if the user just made an edit
$revisionStore = $services->getRevisionStore();
$oldRevRecord = $revisionStore->getPreviousRevision( $newRevRecord, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
if ( $oldRevRecord !== null ) {
$oldItemSet = static::getParsedRevision( $oldRevRecord );
} else {
// Page creation
$doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( '' );
$container = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc );
$oldItemSet = $services->getService( 'DiscussionTools.CommentParser' )
->parse( $container, $title->getTitleValue() );
$newItemSet = static::getParsedRevision( $newRevRecord );
static::generateEventsFromItemSets( $events, $oldItemSet, $newItemSet, $newRevRecord, $title, $user );
* For each level 2 heading, get a list of comments in the thread grouped by names, then IDs.
* (Compare by name first, as ID could be changed by a parent comment being moved/deleted.)
* Comments in level 3+ sub-threads are grouped together with the parent thread.
* For any other headings (including level 3+ before the first level 2 heading, level 1, and
* section zero placeholder headings), ignore comments in those threads.
* @param ContentThreadItem[] $items
* @return ContentCommentItem[][][]
private static function groupCommentsByThreadAndName( array $items ): array {
$comments = [];
$threadName = null;
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
if ( $item instanceof HeadingItem && ( $item->getHeadingLevel() < 2 || $item->isPlaceholderHeading() ) ) {
$threadName = null;
} elseif ( $item instanceof HeadingItem && $item->getHeadingLevel() === 2 ) {
$threadName = $item->getName();
} elseif ( $item instanceof CommentItem && $threadName !== null ) {
$comments[ $threadName ][ $item->getName() ][ $item->getId() ] = $item;
return $comments;
* Get a list of all subscribable headings, grouped by name in case there are duplicates.
* @param ContentHeadingItem[] $items
* @return ContentHeadingItem[][]
private static function groupSubscribableHeadings( array $items ): array {
$headings = [];
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
if ( $item->isSubscribable() ) {
$headings[ $item->getName() ][ $item->getId() ] = $item;
return $headings;
* Compare two lists of thread items, return those in $new but not $old.
* @param ContentThreadItem[][] $old
* @param ContentThreadItem[][] $new
* @return iterable<ContentThreadItem>
private static function findAddedItems( array $old, array $new ) {
foreach ( $new as $itemName => $nameNewItems ) {
// Usually, there will be 0 or 1 $nameNewItems, and 0 $nameOldItems,
// and $addedCount will be 0 or 1.
// But when multiple replies are added in one edit, or in multiple edits within the same
// minute, there may be more, and the complex logic below tries to make the best guess
// as to which items are actually new. See the 'multiple' and 'sametime' test cases.
$nameOldItems = $old[ $itemName ] ?? [];
$addedCount = count( $nameNewItems ) - count( $nameOldItems );
if ( $addedCount > 0 ) {
// For any name that occurs more times in new than old, report that many new items,
// preferring IDs that did not occur in old, then preferring items lower on the page.
foreach ( array_reverse( $nameNewItems ) as $itemId => $newItem ) {
if ( $addedCount > 0 && !isset( $nameOldItems[ $itemId ] ) ) {
yield $newItem;
foreach ( array_reverse( $nameNewItems ) as $itemId => $newItem ) {
if ( $addedCount > 0 ) {
yield $newItem;
Assert::postcondition( $addedCount === 0, 'Reported expected number of items' );
* Helper for generateEventsForRevision(), separated out for easier testing.
protected static function generateEventsFromItemSets(
array &$events,
ContentThreadItemSet $oldItemSet,
ContentThreadItemSet $newItemSet,
RevisionRecord $newRevRecord,
PageIdentity $title,
UserIdentity $user
): void {
$newComments = static::groupCommentsByThreadAndName( $newItemSet->getThreadItems() );
$oldComments = static::groupCommentsByThreadAndName( $oldItemSet->getThreadItems() );
$addedComments = [];
foreach ( $newComments as $threadName => $threadNewComments ) {
$threadOldComments = $oldComments[ $threadName ] ?? [];
foreach ( static::findAddedItems( $threadOldComments, $threadNewComments ) as $newComment ) {
Assert::precondition( $newComment instanceof ContentCommentItem, 'Must be ContentCommentItem' );
$addedComments[] = $newComment;
$newHeadings = static::groupSubscribableHeadings( $newItemSet->getThreads() );
$oldHeadings = static::groupSubscribableHeadings( $oldItemSet->getThreads() );
$addedHeadings = [];
foreach ( static::findAddedItems( $oldHeadings, $newHeadings ) as $newHeading ) {
Assert::precondition( $newHeading instanceof ContentHeadingItem, 'Must be ContentHeadingItem' );
$addedHeadings[] = $newHeading;
$removedHeadings = [];
// Pass swapped parameters to findAddedItems() to find *removed* items
foreach ( static::findAddedItems( $newHeadings, $oldHeadings ) as $oldHeading ) {
Assert::precondition( $oldHeading instanceof ContentHeadingItem, 'Must be ContentHeadingItem' );
$removedHeadings[] = $oldHeading;
$mentionedUsers = [];
foreach ( $events as &$event ) {
if ( $event['type'] === 'mention' || $event['type'] === 'mention-summary' ) {
// Save mentioned users in our events, so that we can exclude them from our notification,
// to avoid duplicate notifications for a single comment.
// Array is keyed by user id so we can do a simple array merge.
$mentionedUsers += $event['extra']['mentioned-users'];
if ( count( $addedComments ) === 1 ) {
// If this edit was a new user talk message according to Echo,
// and we also found exactly one new comment,
// add some extra information to the edit-user-talk event.
if ( $event['type'] === 'edit-user-talk' ) {
$event['extra'] += [
'comment-id' => $addedComments[0]->getId(),
'comment-name' => $addedComments[0]->getName(),
'content' => $addedComments[0]->getBodyText( true ),
// Similarly for mentions.
// We don't handle 'content' in this case, as Echo makes its own snippets.
if ( $event['type'] === 'mention' ) {
$event['extra'] += [
'comment-id' => $addedComments[0]->getId(),
'comment-name' => $addedComments[0]->getName(),
if ( $addedComments ) {
// It's a bit weird to do this here, in the middle of the hook handler for Echo. However:
// * Echo calls this from a PageSaveComplete hook handler as a DeferredUpdate,
// which is exactly how we would do this otherwise
// * It allows us to reuse the generated comment trees without any annoying caching
static::addCommentChangeTag( $newRevRecord );
// For very similar reasons, we do logging here
static::logAddedComments( $addedComments, $newRevRecord, $title, $user );
foreach ( $addedComments as $newComment ) {
// Ignore comments by other users, e.g. in case of reverts or a discussion being moved.
// TODO: But what about someone signing another's comment?
if ( $newComment->getAuthor() !== $user->getName() ) {
// Ignore comments which are more than 10 minutes old, as this may be a user archiving
// their own comment. (T290803)
$revTimestamp = new DateTimeImmutable( $newRevRecord->getTimestamp() );
$threshold = $revTimestamp->sub( new DateInterval( 'PT10M' ) );
if ( $newComment->getTimestamp() <= $threshold ) {
$heading = $newComment->getSubscribableHeading();
if ( !$heading ) {
$events[] = [
// This probably should've been called "dt-new-comment": this code is
// unaware if there are any subscriptions to the containing topic and
// an event is generated for every comment posted.
// However, changing this would require a complex migration.
'type' => 'dt-subscribed-new-comment',
'title' => $title,
'extra' => [
'subscribed-comment-name' => $heading->getName(),
'comment-id' => $newComment->getId(),
'comment-name' => $newComment->getName(),
'content' => $newComment->getBodyText( true ),
'section-title' => $heading->getLinkableTitle(),
'revid' => $newRevRecord->getId(),
'mentioned-users' => $mentionedUsers,
'agent' => $user,
$titleForSubscriptions = Title::castFromPageIdentity( $title )->createFragmentTarget( $heading->getText() );
static::addAutoSubscription( $user, $titleForSubscriptions, $heading->getName() );
foreach ( $removedHeadings as $oldHeading ) {
$events[] = [
'type' => 'dt-removed-topic',
'title' => $title,
'extra' => [
'subscribed-comment-name' => $oldHeading->getName(),
'heading-id' => $oldHeading->getId(),
'heading-name' => $oldHeading->getName(),
'section-title' => $oldHeading->getLinkableTitle(),
'revid' => $newRevRecord->getId(),
'agent' => $user,
$titleObj = Title::castFromPageIdentity( $title );
if ( $titleObj ) {
foreach ( $addedHeadings as $newHeading ) {
// Don't use $event here as that already exists as a reference from above
$addTopicEvent = [
'type' => 'dt-added-topic',
'title' => $title,
'extra' => [
// As no one can be subscribed to a topic before it has been created,
// we will notify users who have subscribed to the whole page.
'subscribed-comment-name' => CommentUtils::getNewTopicsSubscriptionId( $titleObj ),
'heading-id' => $newHeading->getId(),
'heading-name' => $newHeading->getName(),
'section-title' => $newHeading->getLinkableTitle(),
'revid' => $newRevRecord->getId(),
'agent' => $user,
// Add metadata about the accompanying comment
$firstComment = $newHeading->getOldestReply();
if ( $firstComment ) {
$addTopicEvent['extra']['comment-id'] = $firstComment->getId();
$addTopicEvent['extra']['comment-name'] = $firstComment->getName();
$addTopicEvent['extra']['content'] = $firstComment->getBodyText( true );
$events[] = $addTopicEvent;
* Add our change tag for a revision that adds new comments.
protected static function addCommentChangeTag( RevisionRecord $newRevRecord ): void {
// Unclear if DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate() is needed,
// but every extension does it that way.
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( static function () use ( $newRevRecord ) {
->addTags( [ 'discussiontools-added-comment' ], null, $newRevRecord->getId() );
} );
* Add an automatic subscription to the given item, assuming the user has automatic subscriptions
* enabled.
protected static function addAutoSubscription( UserIdentity $user, Title $title, string $itemName ): void {
$dtConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' );
if (
$dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionToolsAutoTopicSubEditor' ) === 'any' &&
HookUtils::shouldAddAutoSubscription( $user, $title )
) {
/** @var SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore */
$subscriptionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.SubscriptionStore' );
$subscriptionStore->addAutoSubscriptionForUser( $user, $title, $itemName );
* Return all users subscribed to a comment
* @param Event $event
* @param int $batchSize
* @return UserIdentity[]|Iterator<UserIdentity>
public static function locateSubscribedUsers( Event $event, $batchSize = 500 ) {
$commentName = $event->getExtraParam( 'subscribed-comment-name' );
/** @var SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore */
$subscriptionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.SubscriptionStore' );
$subscriptionItems = $subscriptionStore->getSubscriptionItemsForTopic(
[ SubscriptionStore::STATE_SUBSCRIBED, SubscriptionStore::STATE_AUTOSUBSCRIBED ]
// Update notified timestamps
// TODD: Have this return an Iterator instead?
$users = array_map( static function ( SubscriptionItem $item ) {
return $item->getUserIdentity();
}, $subscriptionItems );
return $users;
* Log stuff to EventLogging's Schema:TalkPageEvent
* If you don't have EventLogging installed, does nothing.
* @param array $addedComments
* @param RevisionRecord $newRevRecord
* @param PageIdentity $title
* @param UserIdentity $identity
* @return bool Whether events were logged
protected static function logAddedComments(
array $addedComments,
RevisionRecord $newRevRecord,
PageIdentity $title,
UserIdentity $identity
): bool {
global $wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepOversample, $wgDBname;
$context = RequestContext::getMain();
$request = $context->getRequest();
// We've reached here through Echo's post-save deferredupdate, which
// might either be after an API request from DiscussionTools or a
// regular POST from WikiEditor. Both should have this value snuck
// into their request if their session is being logged.
if ( !$request->getCheck( 'editingStatsId' ) ) {
return false;
$editingStatsId = $request->getVal( 'editingStatsId' );
$isDiscussionTools = $request->getCheck( 'dttags' );
$extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance();
if ( !$extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'EventLogging' ) ) {
return false;
if ( !$extensionRegistry->isLoaded( 'WikimediaEvents' ) ) {
return false;
$inSample = static::inEventSample( $editingStatsId );
$shouldOversample = ( $isDiscussionTools && $wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepOversample ) || (
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
\WikimediaEvents\WikimediaEventsHooks::shouldSchemaEditAttemptStepOversample( $context )
if ( !$inSample && !$shouldOversample ) {
return false;
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$editTracker = $services->getUserEditTracker();
$userIdentityUtils = $services->getUserIdentityUtils();
$commonData = [
'$schema' => '/analytics/mediawiki/talk_page_edit/1.2.0',
'action' => 'publish',
'session_id' => $editingStatsId,
'page_id' => $newRevRecord->getPageId(),
'page_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(),
'revision_id' => $newRevRecord->getId() ?: 0,
'performer' => [
// Note: we're logging the user who made the edit, not the user who's signed on the comment
'user_id' => $identity->getId(),
'user_edit_count' => $editTracker->getUserEditCount( $identity ) ?: 0,
// Retention-safe values:
'user_is_anonymous' => !$identity->isRegistered(),
'user_is_temp' => $userIdentityUtils->isTemp( $identity ),
'user_edit_count_bucket' => UserBucketProvider::getUserEditCountBucket( $identity ) ?: 'N/A',
'database' => $wgDBname,
// This is unreliable, but sufficient for our purposes; we
// mostly just want to see the difference between DT and
// everything-else:
'integration' => $isDiscussionTools ? 'discussiontools' : 'page',
foreach ( $addedComments as $comment ) {
$heading = $comment->getSubscribableHeading();
$parent = $comment->getParent();
if ( !$heading || !$parent ) {
if ( $parent->getType() === 'heading' ) {
if ( count( $heading->getReplies() ) === 1 ) {
// A new heading was added when this comment was created
$component_type = 'topic';
} else {
$component_type = 'comment';
} else {
$component_type = 'response';
EventLogging::submit( 'mediawiki.talk_page_edit', array_merge( $commonData, [
'component_type' => $component_type,
'topic_id' => $heading->getId(),
'comment_id' => $comment->getId(),
'comment_parent_id' => $parent->getId(),
] ) );
return true;
* Should the current session be sampled for EventLogging?
* @param string $sessionId
* @return bool Whether to sample the session
protected static function inEventSample( string $sessionId ): bool {
global $wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate, $wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate;
// Sample 6.25%
$samplingRate = 0.0625;
if ( isset( $wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate ) ) {
$samplingRate = $wgDTSchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate;
if ( isset( $wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate ) ) {
$samplingRate = $wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate;
if ( $samplingRate === 0 ) {
return false;
$inSample = EventLogging::sessionInSample(
(int)( 1 / $samplingRate ), $sessionId
return $inSample;