Bartosz Dziewoński 9ee0fd69f5 Allow headings to have IDs
Previously, only comments could have IDs, because we only needed IDs
for replying. But we might also use them for notifications soon.

Bug: T264478
Change-Id: I1bcad02bf17ab54bc5028a959543c10f0430836b
2020-10-22 02:04:28 +02:00

281 lines
7.8 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools;
use ApiBase;
use ApiMain;
use ApiParsoidTrait;
use DerivativeRequest;
use DOMElement;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use Title;
use Wikimedia\ParamValidator\ParamValidator;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMUtils;
class ApiDiscussionToolsEdit extends ApiBase {
use ApiParsoidTrait;
* @inheritDoc
public function __construct( ApiMain $main, string $name ) {
parent::__construct( $main, $name );
$this->setLogger( LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DiscussionTools' ) );
* @inheritDoc
public function execute() {
$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
$title = Title::newFromText( $params['page'] );
$result = null;
if ( !$title ) {
$this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-invalidtitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['page'] ) ] );
switch ( $params['paction'] ) {
case 'addtopic':
$this->requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params, 'sectiontitle' );
$this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'wikitext', 'html' );
$wikitext = $params['wikitext'];
$html = $params['html'];
if ( $wikitext !== null ) {
$wikitext = trim( $wikitext );
if ( !CommentModifier::isWikitextSigned( $wikitext ) ) {
$wikitext .=
$this->msg( 'discussiontools-signature-prefix' )->inContentLanguage()->text() . '~~~~';
} else {
$doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html );
$container = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
'@phan-var DOMElement $container';
if ( !CommentModifier::isHtmlSigned( $container ) ) {
CommentModifier::appendSignature( $container );
$html = DOMCompat::getInnerHTML( $container );
$wikitext = $this->transformHTML( $title, $html )[ 'body' ];
// As section=new this is append only so we don't need to
// worry about edit-conflict params such as oldid/baserevid/etag.
// Edit summary is also automatically generated when section=new
$api = new ApiMain(
new DerivativeRequest(
'action' => 'visualeditoredit',
'paction' => 'save',
'page' => $params['page'],
'token' => $params['token'],
'wikitext' => $wikitext,
// A default is provided automatically by the Edit API
// for new sections when the summary is empty.
'summary' => $params['summary'],
'section' => 'new',
'sectiontitle' => $params['sectiontitle'],
'starttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
'watchlist' => $params['watchlist'],
'captchaid' => $params['captchaid'],
'captchaword' => $params['captchaword']
/* was posted? */ true
/* enable write? */ true
$data = $api->getResult()->getResultData();
$result = $data['visualeditoredit'];
case 'addcomment':
// Fetch the latest revision
$requestedRevision = $this->getLatestRevision( $title );
$response = $this->requestRestbasePageHtml( $requestedRevision );
$headers = $response['headers'];
$doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $response['body'] );
// Don't trust RESTBase to always give us the revision we requested,
// instead get the revision ID from the document and use that.
// Ported from
$docRevId = null;
$aboutDoc = $doc->documentElement->getAttribute( 'about' );
if ( $aboutDoc ) {
preg_match( '/revision\\/([0-9]+)$/', $aboutDoc, $docRevIdMatches );
if ( $docRevIdMatches ) {
$docRevId = (int)$docRevIdMatches[ 1 ];
if ( !$docRevId ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-docserver', 'docserver' );
if ( $docRevId !== $requestedRevision->getId() ) {
// TODO: If this never triggers, consider removing the check.
"Requested revision {$requestedRevision->getId()} " .
"but received {$docRevId}."
$container = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 );
'@phan-var DOMElement $container';
$commentId = $params['commentid'] ?? null;
if ( !$commentId ) {
$this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-missingparam', 'commentid' ] );
$parser = CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( $container );
$comment = $parser->findCommentById( $commentId );
if ( !$comment || !( $comment instanceof CommentItem ) ) {
$this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentid-notfound', $commentId ] );
$this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'wikitext', 'html' );
if ( $params['wikitext'] !== null ) {
CommentModifier::addWikitextReply( $comment, $params['wikitext'] );
} else {
CommentModifier::addHtmlReply( $comment, $params['html'] );
if ( isset( $params['summary'] ) ) {
$summary = $params['summary'];
} else {
$heading = $comment->getHeading();
if ( $heading->isPlaceholderHeading() ) {
// This comment is in 0th section, there's no section title for the edit summary
$summaryPrefix = '';
} else {
$summaryPrefix = '/* ' . $heading->getRange()->startContainer->textContent . ' */ ';
$summary = $summaryPrefix .
$this->msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' )->inContentLanguage()->text();
$api = new ApiMain(
new DerivativeRequest(
'action' => 'visualeditoredit',
'paction' => 'save',
'page' => $params['page'],
'token' => $params['token'],
'oldid' => $docRevId,
'html' => DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $doc->documentElement ),
'summary' => $summary,
'baserevid' => $docRevId,
'starttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
'etag' => $headers['etag'],
'watchlist' => $params['watchlist'],
'captchaid' => $params['captchaid'],
'captchaword' => $params['captchaword']
/* was posted? */ true
/* enable write? */ true
// TODO: Tags are only added by 'dttags' existing on the original request
// context (see Hook::onRecentChangeSave). What tags (if any) should be
// added in this API?
$data = $api->getResult()->getResultData();
$result = $data['visualeditoredit'];
$this->getResult()->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), $result );
* @inheritDoc
public function getAllowedParams() {
return [
'paction' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => [
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-paction',
'page' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-page',
'token' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
'commentid' => null,
'wikitext' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'text',
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null,
'html' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'text',
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null,
'summary' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string',
ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null,
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-summary',
'sectiontitle' => [
ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string',
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-edit-param-sectiontitle',
'watchlist' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-edit-param-watchlist',
'captchaid' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaid',
'captchaword' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaword',
* @inheritDoc
public function needsToken() {
return 'csrf';
* @inheritDoc
public function isInternal() {
return true;
* @inheritDoc
public function isWriteMode() {
return true;