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synced 2024-11-30 19:16:39 +00:00
Change-Id: I2712ad0fecab605b66d113d0e7bfb56b5ab731d4
150 lines
15 KiB
150 lines
15 KiB
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Abdul Fatawu 352",
"Azoure latif 2",
"discussiontools-autotopicsubpopup-dismiss": "M paama-a lame.",
"discussiontools-autotopicsubpopup-preferences": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"discussiontools-autotopicsubpopup-title": "{{GENDER:|F}} yeese f menga.",
"discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply": "Leoke",
"discussiontoolsdebug-title": "Sõssã tʋʋm-teedã sõssã",
"discussiontoolsdebug-pagetitle": "Pagã yʋy",
"discussiontoolsdebug-intro": "Seb-kãngã wilgda [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:DiscussionTools DiscussionTool extension] sẽn maand to-to n bãngd sõssã la sõssã sẽn be seb-kãngã zugu. Y tõe n yãa tɩ yaa sõma tɩ y tõog n welg zu-loees ne y [[$1]]paasgã, wall y bãng a sẽn tʋmd to-to wã. Sõsg ning b sẽn kõ-dã bee [[$2 ]] diskɩs-tokrspageinfo API wã pʋgẽ.",
"discussiontools-desc": "Sõsg sõsg sɛb sẽn tõe n sõng tɩ d maneg sõsg sɛbã.",
"discussiontools-emptystate-button": "Sɩngd sõsgã",
"discussiontools-emptystate-desc": "[[{{MediaWiki:discussiontools-emptystate-link-talkpages}} wã yaa sõsg seb-neng sẽn wilgd nebã sẽn tõe n maan bũmb ning sẽn yaa sõma n yɩɩd. {{GENDER:You}} tõe n tũnug ne seb-kãngã n sɩng sõsg ne neb a taab sẽn na yɩl n maneg b sẽn tõe n maan to-to.}}]]",
"discussiontools-emptystate-desc-self": "Neb nins sẽn be {{SITENAME}} wã tõe [[{{Mediawiki: discussiontools-emptystate-link-userpage}}|talk page]] n seb- kãnggã n ning sõssã ne{{ GENDER:|you}} ,ēnnna n sõng-y lame .",
"discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-extension": "dbm/dbm",
"discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-table": "tablã sõssã",
"discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-template": "yel-bũudb sẽn yaa to-to",
"discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-title": "B sẽn pa tõe n yã bũmb ning fãa",
"discussiontools-findcomment-label-idorname": "Comment ID bɩ yʋʋr",
"discussiontools-findcomment-gotocomment": "Sã n yaa tɩ yaa seb-yẽnga pʋgẽ bal la a pukd seb-kãngã, {{GENDER:kãe}} tõe n kẽe seb-kãngã pʋgẽ.[[Special:Go To comment/$1|go directly to the comment using this link]]. Sã n ka rẽ, a na n leb n kẽnga baoobã pʋgẽ.",
"discussiontools-findcomment-label-search": "Bao",
"discussiontools-findcomment-noresults": "Pa le paamame ye",
"discussiontools-findcomment-results-notcurrent": "(Ka lebgd ne toeengã sasa)",
"discussiontools-findcomment-results-transcluded": "(Tõnd sẽn yi seb-yẽng a to wã pʋgẽ)",
"discussiontools-findcomment-title": "Bao-y sõsg ning sẽn be be wã",
"discussiontools-ledesection-button": "Wilg-y bũmb wʋsg sẽn be seb-kãngã zugu",
"discussiontools-ledesection-title": "Sõsg seb-kãngã wɛɛngẽ",
"discussiontools-limitreport-errorreqid": "DiskussionTools yel-wẽn-demdã kosg ID",
"discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage": "Sõsg Sõsg Sõngr sẽn pa tar sẽk",
"discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage-value": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}}",
"discussiontools-newtopic-placeholder-title": "Sõsg ning sẽn be wã",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-button-subscribe-label": "N naag f menga",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-button-subscribe-tooltip": "Y sã n dat tɩ b sɩng sõs-paalgã, y na n paama lɛta.",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-button-unsubscribe-label": "N yeese f menga",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip": "Yãk-y n da le paam-y lɛta, y sã n wa sɩng sõss nins sẽn be seb-kãngã zugã ye.",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-notify-subscribed-body": "{{GENDER:You}} na n paama lɛbg tɩ b sã n sɩng sõssã ne taab seb-kãngã zugu.",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-notify-subscribed-title": "{{GENDER:|F}} naag f menga",
"discussiontools-newtopicssubscription-notify-unsubscribed-title": "{{GENDER:|F}} yeese f menga.",
"discussiontools-notification-added-topic-header": "Sõsg ning \"<strong>$4</strong>\" sẽn naanã yaa <strong>$3</strong> ne $2.",
"discussiontools-notification-added-topic-header-bundled": "{{PLURAL:$1 on One new topic = $100 = 99+ new topics}} \"<strong>$2</strong>\".",
"discussiontools-notification-added-topic-view": "Ges-y sogsg ning sẽn be sorã",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header": "<strong>$4</strong> tall-a lame, wall b yiis-a lame.$3",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header-bundled": "{{PLURAL:$1 }} B sẽn yiisd sõssã n yiis sõssã pʋgẽ, b sẽn yiisd kʋssã n bas sõssã.$2",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-header-compact": "B sẽn tall \"<strong>$4</strong>\" yellã b sẽn tall n yiis-a wã.",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-view": "Seb-vão paalé",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disable": "Bas-y n deegd sõss wa woto",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disabled-body": "Y tõe n toeema woto y sẽn dat n maan bũmb ningã pʋgẽ[[Special: Preferences #mw-preferences-echo-echosubscriptions|your preferences]].",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-header": "{{GENDER:$2 replied}} ne \"<strong>$4</strong>\".",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-header-bundled": "{{PLURAL:$1 on One new topic = $100 = 99+ new topics}} \"<strong>$2</strong>\".",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-view": "Bao-y sõsg ning sẽn be be wã",
"discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment": "Sõsg a ye: $1 ne $2 yell a 3 pʋgẽ $3",
"discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment-notopic": "Yaoolem tagsgo: $1 ne $2",
"discussiontools-pagetitle-newtopic": "Sõsg ning b sẽn sɩng ne sõsg ning b yiisa wã $1",
"discussiontools-pagetitle-reply": "D sẽn leokd a woto wã yaa $1",
"discussiontools-permalink-comment-copied": "Sõng-y n ges-y bũmb ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã.",
"discussiontools-postedit-confirmation-published": "B publisga yãmb sõssã.",
"discussiontools-postedit-confirmation-topicadded": "B paasame tɩ y gomdã yaa yãmb n gomdã.",
"discussiontools-preference-autotopicsub": "Sõng-y tɩ y bãng bũmb nins sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã",
"discussiontools-preference-description": "Sõs-y ne taab n sõs ne taab. mos_Latnmos_Latnmos_Latn be ye Y tõe n toeema bõn-kãensã y [[Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion to preferences]] pʋgẽ. mos_Latnmos_Latnmos_Latn be ye B na n publisga kɩbayã [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk_pages_project/Updates talk pages project's updates page]. mos_Latnmos_Latnmos_Latn be ye Yιιιιs-y tɩ y bãng tɩ: * Wakat sẽn loog n loog n na n paasame tɩ b na n maana mak-sõng n ges b sẽn na n maan to-to. * Tõe tɩ bũmb kẽer sẽn be sorã pa be y wiki wã pʋgẽ ye.",
"discussiontools-preference-gadget-conflict": "Y sã n dat n leok y sẽn datã, y na n deng n bao [[$1|n kẽnga y Gadget ]]datem pʋgẽ.",
"discussiontools-preference-label": "Sõs-y-yã",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool": "Yãk-y n paas sogs-n-tɩrsã",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage": "Mam sã n wa ges sõsg seb-neng sẽn pa naanã:",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage-editor": "Wilg wiki text editorã",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage-newtopictool": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-help": "Rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ y yãe sɛb sẽn tõe n paas yel-paals paalmã.",
"discussiontools-preference-replytool": "Yɩl-y tɩ b leok-y tao-tao",
"discussiontools-preference-replytool-help": "Rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ y paam link n na n leok sõsg ning y sẽn gomdã ne klik a ye.",
"discussiontools-preference-sourcemodetoolbar": "Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"discussiontools-preference-sourcemodetoolbar-help": "Woto na n kɩtame tɩ b paas tʋʋm-teed bar sẽn na yɩl n leok tao-tao la b paas sogs-kãsems sẽn na n yɩ tao-tao wã sor sor sorã sẽn tar sor n na n sõng-b tɩ b tall sor n paas sogs nins b sẽn dat n tall n paasã.",
"discussiontools-preference-summary": "Y tõe n bãnga bõn-kãensã yell n paas n karem [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Talk_pages_project/Feature_summary feature summary].",
"discussiontools-preference-topicsubscription": "Sõng-y tɩ y paam sogsg sẽn yaa sõma",
"discussiontools-preference-topicsubscription-help": "Woto na n kɩtame tɩ y tõe n sak n deeg sõsg sẽn gomd zu-loees kẽer yelle.",
"discussiontools-preference-visualenhancements": "Wilg-y sõsgã tʋʋmde",
"discussiontools-preference-visualenhancements-help": "Woto na n kɩtame tɩ sõs-kãngã pʋgẽ, b na n paama sõsg a ye.",
"discussiontools-replybutton": "{{GENDER:|Leoke}}",
"discussiontools-replylink": "{{GENDER:|loke}}",
"discussiontools-replywidget-abandon-keep": "Ket n gʋls-y",
"discussiontools-replywidget-abandontopic-discard": "Bãng-y tɩ b pa le tar yell ye",
"discussiontools-replywidget-abandontopic-keep": "Ket n gʋls-y",
"discussiontools-replywidget-advanced": "Taoore",
"discussiontools-replywidget-anon-warning": "<strong>Yãmb pa kẽed ye.</strong> Y sã n dat n bãng ned sã n leok-y la y paam tɩ b gʋls y yʋʋr n yaool n gʋls y IP-dresã, y tõe n paama [$1 log in] bɩ [$2 create an account].",
"discussiontools-replywidget-autocreate-warning": "<strong>Yãmb pa kẽed ye.</strong> Y sã n wa maand bũmb n maandẽ, b na n kɩtame tɩ y paam sẽk n paas y pʋɩtbã. [$3 |Learn more]]Bɩ y bãng n paase. [[$1 Log in] bɩ [$2 create an account] sẽn na yɩl n bãng ned sã n leok sõsg ning sõsg ning sẽn be sõsg ning pʋgẽ wã sẽn wa n sa wã, la n paam n kẽed ne bũmb a taab.",
"discussiontools-replywidget-cancel": "Base",
"discussiontools-replywidget-feedback": "{{GENDER:|Share feedback}} ne woto",
"discussiontools-replywidget-keyboard-shortcut-submit": "Y tõe n basa $1 n tʋm y sõssã",
"discussiontools-replywidget-loading": "B sẽn da tʋkdã...",
"discussiontools-replywidget-mention-tool-header": "Bao-y sõsdba: $1",
"discussiontools-replywidget-mention-tool-title": "Wilg-y sõssã",
"discussiontools-replywidget-mode-source": "Suurs",
"discussiontools-replywidget-mode-visual": "Yãabo",
"discussiontools-replywidget-newcomments-button": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|f tagsgo|tagse}}",
"discussiontools-replywidget-newtopic": "{{GENDER:|Add}} sõsg",
"discussiontools-replywidget-placeholder-newtopic": "Bilsi",
"discussiontools-replywidget-placeholder-reply": "{{GENDER:|Leoke}} {{BIDI:$1}}",
"discussiontools-replywidget-preferences": "Sõndb sẽn be",
"discussiontools-replywidget-preview": "N gese",
"discussiontools-replywidget-reply": "{{GENDER:|Leoke}}",
"discussiontools-replywidget-return-to-newtopic": "D leb n kẽnda sõs-paalgã zugu",
"discussiontools-replywidget-signature-body": "$1 wã lebgame n lebg {{GENDER:dẽn-yãkr}} sigtɛɛrã. Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n welg rẽ, gʋls-y $2. Tẽeg-y tɩ y pa segd n gʋls y sõssã ne tool-kãngã ye. Y sẽn gʋlsd n gʋlsã na n paama y nug-bilã.",
"discussiontools-replywidget-signature-title": "B yãee sigtɛɛrã sẽn tar yʋ-peelemã",
"discussiontools-replywidget-summary": "Kʋmbgo",
"discussiontools-replywidget-transcluded": "Y sẽn gomdã na n paama b sẽn kõ-a wã n be [[$1]].",
"discussiontools-replywidget-watchthis": "Paas ni neng kada f [[Special:Watchlist|gese-sõdgre]] pʋga",
"discussiontools-target-comment-missing": "B pa yã gom-kãngã ye. Tõe tɩ b basa-a lame, wall b kɩtame t'a lebg n zĩnd a to.",
"discussiontools-target-comments-missing": "B pa tõog n paam gom-biis a taab ye. Tõe tɩ b basa-b lame, wall b kɩtame tɩ b lɛɛg n kẽng zĩig a to.",
"discussiontools-target-heading-missing": "B pa tõog n yã gom-kãngã ye. Tõe tɩ b basa-a lame, wall b kɩtame t'a lebg n zĩnd a to.",
"discussiontools-topicheader-authorcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|neda|neba}} sõasg pʋga",
"discussiontools-topicheader-commentcount": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|f tagsgo|tagse}}",
"discussiontools-topicheader-latestcomment": "Yaoolem tagsgo: $1",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-subscribe-button": "N naag f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-subscribe-prompt": "Yãmb na n saka sõs-kãngã bɩ?",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-subscribe-prompt-newtopics": "Y sã n dat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn pa wõnd a soabã, y na n paama kosg bɩ?",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-unsubscribe-button": "N yeese f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-unsubscribe-prompt": "Yãmb na n saka sõs-kãngã bɩ?",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-action-unsubscribe-prompt-newtopics": "Y sã n dat n bãng bũmb ning sẽn pa wõnd a soabã, y na n paama kosg bɩ?",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe": "n naag f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-label": "N naag f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-tooltip": "{{GENDER:Yãk-y n tool-y neda}} n paam sõss sẽn gomd sõssã yelle.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe": "n yeese f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-label": "N yeese f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip": "{{GENDER:Unsubscribe}} sẽn na yɩl n bas n paam lɛbg sẽn gomd kom-bɩɩse.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-error-not-found-body": "B pa yãend sõsg ning b sẽn wilg URL- wã pʋgẽ ye.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-error-not-found-title": "Pa yãend sõsgã ye",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-subscribed-body": "{{GENDER:|F}} na n paama kibay sẽn kẽed ne kõ-m-meng tags paal ye sẽn kẽed ne sõasg gom-zu-raoog kãnga ye.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-subscribed-title": "{{GENDER:|F}} naag f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-unsubscribed-body": "{{GENDER:|F}} ka na n le paam kibay sẽn kẽed ne kõ-m-meng tags paal ye sẽn kẽed ne sõasg gom-zu-raoog kãnga ye.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-unsubscribed-title": "{{GENDER:|F}} yeese f menga.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-actions": "Actions",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-created": "{{GENDER:|}}Premier abonnement",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-newtopics-label": "Sõsg ning b sẽn gomdã",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-notified": "Sõsg ning sẽn pa kaoos",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-notified-never": "Abada",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-page": "Seb-vão",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-topic": "Gom-zugu",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-pager-unsubscribe-button": "N yeese f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-preferences-editsubscriptions": "Sõng-y n paam n gʋls-yã",
"minerva-talk-full-page": "Kareng-y-yã wiki wã zugu",
"discussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-category-desc": "Sõsg ning b sẽn yiisdã pʋgẽ, b sõsdame tɩ b na n paama sagls sẽn be sull ning b sẽn boond tɩ lede wã pʋgẽ (kãnga sẽn deng pipi sõsg ning sẽn be wã). Woto tõe n kɩtame tɩ b wilg b sẽn dat n deeg bũmb ningã, wall b wilg b sõssã ne b sẽn da tags-bã tɩ pa sõma, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, b sẽn yiis-b ne mobilã la b sẽn yiisd-b ne appã.",
"tag-discussiontools-added-comment-description": "Sõsg seb-kãngã pʋgẽ, b paasame sõsg seb-kãng pʋgẽ",
"tag-discussiontools-description": "D sẽn maand n tũ DiscussionTools wã"