Bartosz Dziewoński 8de8d80cde Deal with document body consistently
Use `DOMCompat::getBody( ... )` as a nicer getter than
`->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 )`.

Remove overly defensive checks and redundant annotations on its
return value. Since we're dealing with HTML documents throughout,
the document body is guaranteed to exist.

We previously needed some of them to convince Phan when it thought
the body may be null, but this seems to no longer be needed.

Change-Id: If7aee7b6adbfa78269c7ba28b26a6eaa21fe935b
2021-08-03 15:12:55 +02:00

290 lines
10 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Hooks\HookUtils;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use MWExceptionHandler;
use Throwable;
use WebRequest;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMUtils;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\XMLSerializer;
class CommentFormatter {
// List of features which, when enabled, cause the comment formatter to run
public const USE_WITH_FEATURES = [
protected const MARKER_COMMENT = '<!-- DiscussionTools addDiscussionTools called -->';
* Get a comment parser object for a DOM element
* This method exists so it can mocked in tests.
* @param Element $container
* @return CommentParser
protected static function getParser( Element $container ): CommentParser {
return CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( $container );
* Add discussion tools to some HTML
* @param string &$text Parser text output
public static function addDiscussionTools( string &$text ): void {
$start = microtime( true );
// Never add tools twice.
// This is required because we try again to add tools to cached content
// to support query string or cookie enabling
if ( strpos( $text, static::MARKER_COMMENT ) !== false ) {
$text = $text . "\n" . static::MARKER_COMMENT;
try {
$newText = static::addDiscussionToolsInternal( $text );
} catch ( Throwable $e ) {
// Catch errors, so that they don't cause the entire page to not display.
// Log it and add the request ID in a comment to make it easier to find in the logs.
MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e );
$requestId = htmlspecialchars( WebRequest::getRequestId() );
$info = "<!-- [$requestId] DiscussionTools could not process this page -->";
$text .= "\n" . $info;
$text = $newText;
$duration = microtime( true ) - $start;
$stats = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory();
$stats->timing( 'discussiontools.addReplyLinks', $duration * 1000 );
* Add discussion tools to some HTML
* @param string $html HTML
* @return string HTML with discussion tools
protected static function addDiscussionToolsInternal( string $html ): string {
// The output of this method can end up in the HTTP cache (Varnish). Avoid changing it;
// and when doing so, ensure that frontend code can handle both the old and new outputs.
// See controller#init in JS.
$doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html );
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty Nonstandard DOM prop
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$container = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc );
$parser = static::getParser( $container );
$threadItems = $parser->getThreadItems();
foreach ( $threadItems as $threadItem ) {
// TODO: Consider not attaching JSON data to the DOM.
// Create a dummy node to attach data to.
if ( $threadItem instanceof HeadingItem && $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading() ) {
$node = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$container->insertBefore( $node, $container->firstChild );
$threadItem->setRange( new ImmutableRange( $node, 0, $node, 0 ) );
// And start and end markers to range
$id = $threadItem->getId();
$range = $threadItem->getRange();
$startMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$startMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start', '' );
$startMarker->setAttribute( 'id', $id );
$endMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$endMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-end', $id );
// Extend the range if the start or end is inside an element which can't have element children.
// (There may be other problematic elements... but this seems like a good start.)
if ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->startContainer ) ) {
$range = $range->setStart(
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->startContainer )
if ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->endContainer ) ) {
$range = $range->setEnd(
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->endContainer ) + 1
$range->setStart( $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )->insertNode( $endMarker );
$range->insertNode( $startMarker );
$itemData = $threadItem->jsonSerialize();
$itemJSON = json_encode( $itemData );
if ( $threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) {
$threadItem->getRange()->endContainer->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment', $itemJSON );
if (
!$threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading() &&
$threadItem->getHeadingLevel() === 2 &&
// Don't show [subscribe] links if the thread doesn't have a useful name, because we won't be able
// to send notifications anyway. This happens for sections that contain no comments. (T285796)
$threadItem->getName() !== 'h-'
) {
$headingNode = CommentUtils::closestElement( $threadItem->getRange()->endContainer, [ 'h2' ] );
if ( $headingNode ) {
$existingClass = $headingNode->getAttribute( 'class' );
( $existingClass ? $existingClass . ' ' : '' ) . 'ext-discussiontools-init-section'
// Replaced in ::postprocessTopicSubscription() as the icon depends on user state
$subscribe = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBE__' . $threadItem->getName() );
$headingNode->appendChild( $subscribe );
} elseif ( $threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) {
$replyLinkButtons = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$replyLinkButtons->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-buttons' );
// Reply
$replyLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-reply' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment', $itemJSON );
// Set empty 'href' to avoid a:not([href]) selector in MobileFrontend
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'href', '' );
// Replaced in ::postprocessReplyTool() as the label depends on user language
$replyText = $doc->createComment( '__DTREPLY__' );
$replyLink->appendChild( $replyText );
$bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-bracket' );
$bracketLeft = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketLeft->nodeValue = '[';
$bracketRight = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketRight->nodeValue = ']';
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketLeft );
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $replyLink );
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketRight );
CommentModifier::addReplyLink( $threadItem, $replyLinkButtons );
// Like DOMCompat::getInnerHTML(), but disable 'smartQuote' for compatibility with
// ParserOutput::EDITSECTION_REGEX matching 'mw:editsection' tags (T274709)
return XMLSerializer::serialize( $container, [ 'innerXML' => true, 'smartQuote' => false ] )['html'];
* Replace placeholders for topic subscription buttons with the real thing.
* @param string $text
* @param Language $lang
* @param SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore
* @param UserIdentity $user
* @return string
public static function postprocessTopicSubscription(
string $text, Language $lang, SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore, UserIdentity $user
): string {
$doc = DOMCompat::newDocument( true );
$matches = [];
preg_match_all( '/<!--__DTSUBSCRIBE__(.*?)-->/', $text, $matches );
$itemNames = $matches[1];
$items = $subscriptionStore->getSubscriptionItemsForUser(
$itemsByName = [];
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$itemsByName[ $item->getItemName() ] = $item;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $itemsByName, $lang ) {
$itemName = $matches[1];
$isSubscribed = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) && !$itemsByName[ $itemName ]->isMuted();
$subscribe = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe mw-editsection-like'
$subscribeLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' );
// Set empty 'href' to avoid a:not([href]) selector in MobileFrontend
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'href', '' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-link' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-name', $itemName );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'title', wfMessage(
$isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text() );
$subscribeLink->nodeValue = wfMessage(
$isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
if ( $isSubscribed ) {
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'data-mw-subscribed', '' );
$bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-bracket' );
$bracketLeft = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketLeft->nodeValue = '[';
$bracketRight = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketRight->nodeValue = ']';
$subscribe->appendChild( $bracketLeft );
$subscribe->appendChild( $subscribeLink );
$subscribe->appendChild( $bracketRight );
return DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $subscribe );
return $text;
* Replace placeholders for reply links with the real thing.
* @param string $text
* @param Language $lang
* @return string
public static function postprocessReplyTool(
string $text, Language $lang
) {
$replyText = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-replylink' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
$text = str_replace( '<!--__DTREPLY__-->', $replyText, $text );
return $text;