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240 lines
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Tests;
use MediaWiki\Cache\GenderCache;
use MediaWiki\Config\HashConfig;
use MediaWiki\Config\MultiConfig;
use MediaWiki\Config\ServiceOptions;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\CommentParser;
use MediaWiki\Interwiki\NullInterwikiLookup;
use MediaWiki\Json\FormatJson;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageConverterFactory;
use MediaWiki\Languages\LanguageFactory;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Title\MediaWikiTitleCodec;
use MediaWiki\Title\NamespaceInfo;
use MediaWiki\User\Options\StaticUserOptionsLookup;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Document;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMUtils;
trait TestUtils {
* Create a Document from a string.
protected static function createDocument( string $html ): Document {
return DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html );
* Return the node that is expected to contain thread items.
protected static function getThreadContainer( Document $doc ): Element {
// In tests created from Parsoid output, comments are contained directly in <body>.
// In tests created from old parser output, comments are contained in <div class="mw-parser-output">.
$body = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc );
$wrapper = DOMCompat::querySelector( $body, 'div.mw-parser-output' );
return $wrapper ?: $body;
* Get text from path
protected static function getText( string $relativePath ): string {
return file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/../' . $relativePath );
* Write text to path
protected static function overwriteTextFile( string $relativePath, string $text ): void {
file_put_contents( __DIR__ . '/../' . $relativePath, $text );
* Get parsed JSON from path
* @param string $relativePath
* @param bool $assoc See json_decode()
* @return array
protected static function getJson( string $relativePath, bool $assoc = true ): array {
$json = json_decode(
file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/' . $relativePath ),
return $json;
* Write JSON to path
protected static function overwriteJsonFile( string $relativePath, array $data ): void {
$json = FormatJson::encode( $data, "\t", FormatJson::ALL_OK );
file_put_contents( __DIR__ . '/' . $relativePath, $json . "\n" );
* Get HTML from path
protected static function getHtml( string $relativePath ): string {
return file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/../' . $relativePath );
* Write HTML to path
protected static function overwriteHtmlFile( string $relPath, Element $container, string $origRelPath ): void {
// Do not use $doc->saveHtml(), it outputs an awful soup of HTML entities for documents with
// non-ASCII characters
$html = file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/../' . $origRelPath );
$newInnerHtml = DOMCompat::getInnerHTML( $container );
if ( strtolower( $container->tagName ) === 'body' ) {
// Apparently <body> innerHTML always has a trailing newline, even if the source HTML did not,
// and we need to preserve whatever whitespace was there to avoid test failures
preg_match( '`(\s*)(</body>|\z)`s', $html, $matches );
$newInnerHtml = rtrim( $newInnerHtml ) . $matches[1];
// Quote \ and $ in the replacement text
$quotedNewInnerHtml = strtr( $newInnerHtml, [ '\\' => '\\\\', '$' => '\\$' ] );
if ( strtolower( $container->tagName ) === 'body' ) {
if ( str_contains( $html, '<body' ) ) {
$html = preg_replace(
'$1' . $quotedNewInnerHtml . '$3',
} else {
$html = $newInnerHtml;
} else {
$html = preg_replace(
'`(<div class="mw-parser-output">)(.*)(</div>)`s',
'$1' . $quotedNewInnerHtml . '$3',
file_put_contents( __DIR__ . '/../' . $relPath, $html );
private static function prepareConfig( array $config, array $data ): array {
return [
MainConfigNames::LanguageCode => $config['wgContentLanguage'],
MainConfigNames::ArticlePath => $config['wgArticlePath'],
// TODO: Move this to $config
MainConfigNames::Localtimezone => $data['localTimezone'],
// Defaults for NamespaceInfo
MainConfigNames::CanonicalNamespaceNames => NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES,
MainConfigNames::CapitalLinkOverrides => [],
MainConfigNames::CapitalLinks => true,
MainConfigNames::ContentNamespaces => [ NS_MAIN ],
MainConfigNames::ExtraSignatureNamespaces => [],
MainConfigNames::NamespaceContentModels => [],
MainConfigNames::NamespacesWithSubpages => [
NS_TALK => true,
NS_USER => true,
NS_USER_TALK => true,
NS_PROJECT => true,
NS_FILE_TALK => true,
NS_TEMPLATE => true,
NS_HELP => true,
NS_HELP_TALK => true,
MainConfigNames::NonincludableNamespaces => [],
// Defaults for LanguageFactory
MainConfigNames::DummyLanguageCodes => [],
// Defaults for LanguageConverterFactory
MainConfigNames::UsePigLatinVariant => false,
MainConfigNames::DisableLangConversion => false,
MainConfigNames::DisableTitleConversion => false,
// Defaults for Language
MainConfigNames::ExtraGenderNamespaces => [],
// Overrides
MainConfigNames::ExtraNamespaces => array_diff_key(
$config['wgFormattedNamespaces'], NamespaceInfo::CANONICAL_NAMES ),
MainConfigNames::MetaNamespace => strtr( $config['wgFormattedNamespaces'][NS_PROJECT], ' ', '_' ),
MainConfigNames::MetaNamespaceTalk => strtr( $config['wgFormattedNamespaces'][NS_PROJECT_TALK], ' ', '_' ),
MainConfigNames::NamespaceAliases => $config['wgNamespaceIds'],
public function createParser( array $config, array $data ): CommentParser {
// TODO: Derive everything from $config and $data without using global services
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
$config = self::prepareConfig( $config, $data );
$langConvFactory = new LanguageConverterFactory(
new ServiceOptions( LanguageConverterFactory::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $config ),
static function () use ( $services ) {
return $services->getLanguageFactory()->getLanguage( $config['LanguageCode'] );
return new CommentParser(
new HashConfig( $config ),
$services->getLanguageFactory()->getLanguage( $config['LanguageCode'] ),
new MockLanguageData( $data ),
$this->createTitleParser( $config )
public function createTitleParser( array $config ): MediaWikiTitleCodec {
// TODO: Derive everything from $config and $data without using global services
$services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
if ( isset( $config['wgArticlePath'] ) ) {
$config = self::prepareConfig( $config, [ 'localTimezone' => '' ] );
$nsInfo = new NamespaceInfo(
new ServiceOptions( NamespaceInfo::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $config ),
$langFactory = new LanguageFactory(
new ServiceOptions( LanguageFactory::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $config ),
new MultiConfig( [ new HashConfig( $config ), $services->getMainConfig() ] )
$contLang = $langFactory->getLanguage( $config['LanguageCode'] );
return new MediaWikiTitleCodec(
new GenderCache( $nsInfo, null, new StaticUserOptionsLookup( [] ) ),
new NullInterwikiLookup(),