Bartosz Dziewoński 3cffe1190e Clean up handling of <span class="mw-headline">
The PHP code should never see a `<span class="mw-headline">` node
since MediaWiki change If04d72f427ec3c3730e757cbb3ade8840c09f7d3,
but we have to support it for our old integration tests (T363031).

Improve code comments to explain this and move the handling to
one place, so that it can be deleted more easily in the future.

Follow-up to 08f61b2609.

Change-Id: I5ab9d3373a6911c1456c30d844b66576b278a1b5
2024-04-20 00:16:45 +00:00

777 lines
24 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools;
use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentCommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentThreadItem;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Comment;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Node;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Text;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
class CommentUtils {
private function __construct() {
private const BLOCK_ELEMENT_TYPES = [
'div', 'p',
// Tables
'table', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'caption', 'th', 'tr', 'td',
// Lists
'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd',
// HTML5 heading content
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hgroup',
// HTML5 sectioning content
'article', 'aside', 'body', 'nav', 'section', 'footer', 'header', 'figure',
'figcaption', 'fieldset', 'details', 'blockquote',
// Other
'hr', 'button', 'canvas', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'embed',
'map', 'object', 'pre', 'progress', 'video'
* @param Node $node
* @return bool Node is a block element
public static function isBlockElement( Node $node ): bool {
return $node instanceof Element &&
in_array( strtolower( $node->tagName ), static::BLOCK_ELEMENT_TYPES, true );
* @param Node $node
* @return bool Node is considered a rendering-transparent node in Parsoid
public static function isRenderingTransparentNode( Node $node ): bool {
$nextSibling = $node->nextSibling;
return (
$node instanceof Comment ||
( $node instanceof Element && (
strtolower( $node->tagName ) === 'meta' ||
strtolower( $node->tagName ) === 'link' &&
preg_match( static::SOL_TRANSPARENT_LINK_REGEX, $node->getAttribute( 'rel' ) ?? '' )
) ||
// Empty inline templates, e.g. tracking templates. (T269036)
// But not empty nodes that are just the start of a non-empty template about-group. (T290940)
strtolower( $node->tagName ) === 'span' &&
in_array( 'mw:Transclusion', explode( ' ', $node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ?? '' ), true ) &&
!static::htmlTrim( DOMCompat::getInnerHTML( $node ) ) &&
!$nextSibling || !( $nextSibling instanceof Element ) ||
// Maybe we should be checking all of the about-grouped nodes to see if they're empty,
// but that's prooobably not needed in practice, and it leads to a quadratic worst case.
$nextSibling->getAttribute( 'about' ) !== $node->getAttribute( 'about' )
) )
* @param Node $node
* @return bool Node was added to the page by DiscussionTools
public static function isOurGeneratedNode( Node $node ): bool {
return $node instanceof Element && (
DOMCompat::getClassList( $node )->contains( 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-buttons' ) ||
$node->hasAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start' ) ||
$node->hasAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-end' )
* Elements which can't have element children (but some may have text content).
// Void elements
'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input',
'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr',
// Raw text elements
'script', 'style',
// Escapable raw text elements
'textarea', 'title',
// Foreign elements
'math', 'svg',
// Treated like text when scripting is enabled in the parser
// Replaced elements (that aren't already included above)
// They might allow element children, but they aren't rendered on the page.
'audio', 'canvas', 'iframe', 'object', 'video',
* @param Node $node
* @return bool If true, node can't have element children. If false, it's complicated.
public static function cantHaveElementChildren( Node $node ): bool {
return (
$node instanceof Comment ||
( $node instanceof Element && (
in_array( strtolower( $node->tagName ), static::NO_ELEMENT_CHILDREN_ELEMENT_TYPES, true ) ||
// Thumbnail wrappers generated by MediaTransformOutput::linkWrap (T301427),
// for compatibility with TimedMediaHandler.
// There is no better way to detect them, and we can't insert markers here,
// because the media DOM CSS depends on specific tag names and their order :(
// TODO See if we can remove this condition when wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM=false
// is enabled everywhere.
in_array( strtolower( $node->tagName ), [ 'a', 'span' ], true ) &&
$node->firstChild &&
// We always step inside a child node so this can't be infinite, silly Phan
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanInfiniteRecursion
static::cantHaveElementChildren( $node->firstChild )
) ||
// Do not insert anything inside figures when using wgParserEnableLegacyMediaDOM=false,
// because their CSS can't handle it (T320285).
strtolower( $node->tagName ) === 'figure'
) )
* Check whether the node is a comment separator (instead of a part of the comment).
public static function isCommentSeparator( Node $node ): bool {
if ( !( $node instanceof Element ) ) {
return false;
$tagName = strtolower( $node->tagName );
if ( $tagName === 'br' || $tagName === 'hr' ) {
return true;
// TemplateStyles followed by any of the others
if ( $node->nextSibling &&
( $tagName === 'link' || $tagName === 'style' ) &&
self::isCommentSeparator( $node->nextSibling )
) {
return true;
$classList = DOMCompat::getClassList( $node );
if (
// Anything marked as not containing comments
$classList->contains( 'mw-notalk' ) ||
// {{outdent}} templates
$classList->contains( 'outdent-template' ) ||
// {{tracked}} templates (T313097)
$classList->contains( 'mw-trackedTemplate' )
) {
return true;
// Wikitext definition list term markup (`;`) when used as a fake heading (T265964)
if ( $tagName === 'dl' &&
count( $node->childNodes ) === 1 &&
$node->firstChild instanceof Element &&
strtolower( $node->firstChild->nodeName ) === 'dt'
) {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether the node is a comment content. It's a little vague what this means…
* @param Node $node Node, should be a leaf node (a node with no children)
* @return bool
public static function isCommentContent( Node $node ): bool {
return (
$node instanceof Text &&
static::htmlTrim( $node->nodeValue ?? '' ) !== ''
) ||
static::cantHaveElementChildren( $node )
* Get the index of $child in its parent
public static function childIndexOf( Node $child ): int {
$i = 0;
while ( ( $child = $child->previousSibling ) ) {
return $i;
* Check whether a Node contains (is an ancestor of) another Node (or is the same node)
public static function contains( Node $ancestor, Node $descendant ): bool {
// TODO can we use Node->compareDocumentPosition() here maybe?
$node = $descendant;
while ( $node && $node !== $ancestor ) {
$node = $node->parentNode;
return $node === $ancestor;
* Find closest ancestor element using one of the given tag names.
* @param Node $node
* @param string[] $tagNames
* @return Element|null
public static function closestElement( Node $node, array $tagNames ): ?Element {
do {
if (
$node instanceof Element &&
in_array( strtolower( $node->tagName ), $tagNames, true )
) {
return $node;
$node = $node->parentNode;
} while ( $node );
return null;
* Find closest ancestor element that has sibling nodes
* @param Node $node
* @param string $direction Can be 'next', 'previous', or 'either'
* @return Element|null
public static function closestElementWithSibling( Node $node, string $direction ): ?Element {
do {
if (
$node instanceof Element && (
( $node->nextSibling && ( $direction === 'next' || $direction === 'either' ) ) ||
( $node->previousSibling && ( $direction === 'previous' || $direction === 'either' ) )
) {
return $node;
$node = $node->parentNode;
} while ( $node );
return null;
* Find the transclusion node which rendered the current node, if it exists.
* 1. Find the closest ancestor with an 'about' attribute
* 2. Find the main node of the about-group (first sibling with the same 'about' attribute)
* 3. If this is an mw:Transclusion node, return it; otherwise, go to step 1
* @param Node $node
* @return Element|null Transclusion node, null if not found
public static function getTranscludedFromElement( Node $node ): ?Element {
while ( $node ) {
// 1.
if (
$node instanceof Element &&
$node->getAttribute( 'about' ) &&
preg_match( '/^#mwt\d+$/', $node->getAttribute( 'about' ) ?? '' )
) {
$about = $node->getAttribute( 'about' );
// 2.
while (
( $previousSibling = $node->previousSibling ) &&
$previousSibling instanceof Element &&
$previousSibling->getAttribute( 'about' ) === $about
) {
$node = $previousSibling;
// 3.
if (
$node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) &&
in_array( 'mw:Transclusion', explode( ' ', $node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ?? '' ), true )
) {
$node = $node->parentNode;
return $node;
* Given a heading node, return the node on which the ID attribute is set.
* @param Element $heading Heading node (`<h1>`-`<h6>`)
* @return Element Headline node, normally also a `<h1>`-`<h6>` element.
* In integration tests and in JS, it can be a `<span class="mw-headline">` (see T363031).
public static function getHeadlineNode( Element $heading ): Element {
// This code assumes that $wgFragmentMode is [ 'html5', 'legacy' ] or [ 'html5' ]
$headline = $heading;
if ( $headline->hasAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start' ) ) {
// HACK: For contaminated integration tests only (see T363031)
$headline = $headline->parentNode;
Assert::precondition( $headline !== null, 'data-mw-comment-start was attached to a heading' );
if ( !$headline->getAttribute( 'id' ) && !$headline->getAttribute( 'data-mw-anchor' ) ) {
// HACK: For outdated integration tests only (see T363031)
$headline = DOMCompat::querySelector( $headline, '.mw-headline' );
if ( !$headline ) {
$headline = $heading;
return $headline;
* Trim ASCII whitespace, as defined in the HTML spec.
public static function htmlTrim( string $str ): string {
return trim( $str, "\t\n\f\r " );
* Get the indent level of $node, relative to $rootNode.
* The indent level is the number of lists inside of which it is nested.
public static function getIndentLevel( Node $node, Element $rootNode ): int {
$indent = 0;
while ( $node ) {
if ( $node === $rootNode ) {
$tagName = $node instanceof Element ? strtolower( $node->tagName ) : null;
if ( $tagName === 'li' || $tagName === 'dd' ) {
$node = $node->parentNode;
return $indent;
* Get an array of sibling nodes that contain parts of the given range.
* @param ImmutableRange $range
* @return Node[]
public static function getCoveredSiblings( ImmutableRange $range ): array {
$ancestor = $range->commonAncestorContainer;
// Convert to array early because apparently NodeList acts like a linked list
// and accessing items by index is slow
$siblings = iterator_to_array( $ancestor->childNodes );
$start = 0;
$end = count( $siblings ) - 1;
// Find first of the siblings that contains the item
if ( $ancestor === $range->startContainer ) {
$start = $range->startOffset;
} else {
while ( !static::contains( $siblings[ $start ], $range->startContainer ) ) {
// Find last of the siblings that contains the item
if ( $ancestor === $range->endContainer ) {
$end = $range->endOffset - 1;
} else {
while ( !static::contains( $siblings[ $end ], $range->endContainer ) ) {
return array_slice( $siblings, $start, $end - $start + 1 );
* Get the nodes (if any) that contain the given thread item, and nothing else.
* @param ContentThreadItem $item
* @param ?Node $excludedAncestorNode Node that shouldn't be included in the result, even if it
* contains the item and nothing else. This is intended to avoid traversing outside of a node
* which is a container for all the thread items.
* @return Node[]|null
public static function getFullyCoveredSiblings(
ContentThreadItem $item, ?Node $excludedAncestorNode = null
): ?array {
$siblings = static::getCoveredSiblings( $item->getRange() );
$makeRange = static function ( $siblings ) {
return new ImmutableRange(
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $siblings[0] ),
end( $siblings )->parentNode,
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( end( $siblings ) ) + 1
$matches = static::compareRanges( $makeRange( $siblings ), $item->getRange() ) === 'equal';
if ( $matches ) {
// If these are all of the children (or the only child), go up one more level
while (
( $parent = $siblings[ 0 ]->parentNode ) &&
$parent !== $excludedAncestorNode &&
static::compareRanges( $makeRange( [ $parent ] ), $item->getRange() ) === 'equal'
) {
$siblings = [ $parent ];
return $siblings;
return null;
* Unwrap Parsoid sections
* @param Element $element Parent element, e.g. document body
public static function unwrapParsoidSections( Element $element ): void {
$sections = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( $element, 'section[data-mw-section-id]' );
foreach ( $sections as $section ) {
$parent = $section->parentNode;
while ( $section->firstChild ) {
$parent->insertBefore( $section->firstChild, $section );
$parent->removeChild( $section );
* Get a MediaWiki page title from a URL
* @param string $url Relative URL (from a `href` attribute)
* @param Config $config Config settings needed to resolve the relative URL
* @return string|null
public static function getTitleFromUrl( string $url, Config $config ): ?string {
// Protocol-relative URLs are handled really badly by parse_url()
if ( str_starts_with( $url, '//' ) ) {
$url = "http:$url";
$bits = parse_url( $url );
$query = wfCgiToArray( $bits['query'] ?? '' );
if ( isset( $query['title'] ) ) {
return $query['title'];
// TODO: Set the correct base in the document?
$articlePath = $config->get( MainConfigNames::ArticlePath );
if ( str_starts_with( $url, './' ) ) {
// Assume this is URL in the format used by Parsoid documents
$url = substr( $url, 2 );
$path = str_replace( '$1', $url, $articlePath );
} elseif ( !str_contains( $url, '://' ) ) {
// Assume this is URL in the format used by legacy parser documents
$path = $url;
} else {
// External link
$path = $bits['path'] ?? '';
$articlePathRegexp = '/^' . str_replace(
preg_quote( $articlePath, '/' )
) . '/';
$matches = null;
if ( preg_match( $articlePathRegexp, $path, $matches ) ) {
return urldecode( $matches[1] );
return null;
* Traverse the document in depth-first order, calling the callback whenever entering and leaving
* a node. The walk starts before the given node and ends when callback returns a truthy value, or
* after reaching the end of the document.
* You might also think about this as processing XML token stream linearly (rather than XML
* nodes), as if we were parsing the document.
* @param Node $node Node to start at
* @param callable $callback Function accepting two arguments: $event ('enter' or 'leave') and
* $node (Node)
* @return mixed Final return value of the callback
public static function linearWalk( Node $node, callable $callback ) {
$result = null;
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $node->parentNode, $node ];
while ( $beforeNode || $withinNode ) {
if ( $beforeNode ) {
$result = $callback( 'enter', $beforeNode );
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $beforeNode, $beforeNode->firstChild ];
} else {
$result = $callback( 'leave', $withinNode );
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $withinNode->parentNode, $withinNode->nextSibling ];
if ( $result ) {
return $result;
return $result;
* Like #linearWalk, but it goes backwards.
* @inheritDoc ::linearWalk()
public static function linearWalkBackwards( Node $node, callable $callback ) {
$result = null;
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $node->parentNode, $node ];
while ( $beforeNode || $withinNode ) {
if ( $beforeNode ) {
$result = $callback( 'enter', $beforeNode );
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $beforeNode, $beforeNode->lastChild ];
} else {
$result = $callback( 'leave', $withinNode );
[ $withinNode, $beforeNode ] = [ $withinNode->parentNode, $withinNode->previousSibling ];
if ( $result ) {
return $result;
return $result;
* @param ImmutableRange $range (must not be collapsed)
* @return Node
public static function getRangeFirstNode( ImmutableRange $range ): Node {
Assert::precondition( !$range->collapsed, 'Range is not collapsed' );
// PHP bug: childNodes can be null
return $range->startContainer->childNodes && $range->startContainer->childNodes->length ?
$range->startContainer->childNodes[ $range->startOffset ] :
* @param ImmutableRange $range (must not be collapsed)
* @return Node
public static function getRangeLastNode( ImmutableRange $range ): Node {
Assert::precondition( !$range->collapsed, 'Range is not collapsed' );
// PHP bug: childNodes can be null
return $range->endContainer->childNodes && $range->endContainer->childNodes->length ?
$range->endContainer->childNodes[ $range->endOffset - 1 ] :
* Check whether two ranges overlap, and how.
* Includes a hack to check for "almost equal" ranges (whose start/end boundaries only differ by
* "uninteresting" nodes that we ignore when detecting comments), and treat them as equal.
* Illustration of return values:
* [ equal ]
* |[ contained ]|
* [ | contains | ]
* [overlap|start] |
* | [overlap|end]
* [before] | |
* | | [after]
* @param ImmutableRange $a
* @param ImmutableRange $b
* @return string One of:
* - 'equal': Ranges A and B are equal
* - 'contains': Range A contains range B
* - 'contained': Range A is contained within range B
* - 'after': Range A is before range B
* - 'before': Range A is after range B
* - 'overlapstart': Start of range A overlaps range B
* - 'overlapend': End of range A overlaps range B
public static function compareRanges( ImmutableRange $a, ImmutableRange $b ): string {
// Compare the positions of: start of A to start of B, start of A to end of B, and so on.
// Watch out, the constant names are the opposite of what they should be.
$startToStart = $a->compareBoundaryPoints( ImmutableRange::START_TO_START, $b );
$startToEnd = $a->compareBoundaryPoints( ImmutableRange::END_TO_START, $b );
$endToStart = $a->compareBoundaryPoints( ImmutableRange::START_TO_END, $b );
$endToEnd = $a->compareBoundaryPoints( ImmutableRange::END_TO_END, $b );
// Handle almost equal ranges: When start or end boundary points of the two ranges are different,
// but only differ by "uninteresting" nodes, treat them as equal instead.
if (
( $startToStart < 0 && static::compareRangesAlmostEqualBoundaries( $a, $b, 'start' ) ) ||
( $startToStart > 0 && static::compareRangesAlmostEqualBoundaries( $b, $a, 'start' ) )
) {
$startToStart = 0;
if (
( $endToEnd < 0 && static::compareRangesAlmostEqualBoundaries( $a, $b, 'end' ) ) ||
( $endToEnd > 0 && static::compareRangesAlmostEqualBoundaries( $b, $a, 'end' ) )
) {
$endToEnd = 0;
if ( $startToStart === 0 && $endToEnd === 0 ) {
return 'equal';
if ( $startToStart <= 0 && $endToEnd >= 0 ) {
return 'contains';
if ( $startToStart >= 0 && $endToEnd <= 0 ) {
return 'contained';
if ( $startToEnd >= 0 ) {
return 'after';
if ( $endToStart <= 0 ) {
return 'before';
if ( $startToStart > 0 && $startToEnd < 0 && $endToEnd >= 0 ) {
return 'overlapstart';
if ( $endToEnd < 0 && $endToStart > 0 && $startToStart <= 0 ) {
return 'overlapend';
throw new LogicException( 'Unreachable' );
* Check if the given boundary points of ranges A and B are almost equal (only differing by
* uninteresting nodes).
* Boundary of A must be before the boundary of B in the tree.
* @param ImmutableRange $a
* @param ImmutableRange $b
* @param string $boundary 'start' or 'end'
* @return bool
private static function compareRangesAlmostEqualBoundaries(
ImmutableRange $a, ImmutableRange $b, string $boundary
): bool {
// This code is awful, but several attempts to rewrite it made it even worse.
// You're welcome to give it a try.
$from = $boundary === 'end' ? static::getRangeLastNode( $a ) : static::getRangeFirstNode( $a );
$to = $boundary === 'end' ? static::getRangeLastNode( $b ) : static::getRangeFirstNode( $b );
$skipNode = null;
if ( $boundary === 'end' ) {
$skipNode = $from;
$foundContent = false;
static function ( string $event, Node $n ) use (
$from, $to, $boundary, &$skipNode, &$foundContent
) {
if ( $n === $to && $event === ( $boundary === 'end' ? 'leave' : 'enter' ) ) {
return true;
if ( $skipNode ) {
if ( $n === $skipNode && $event === 'leave' ) {
$skipNode = null;
if ( $event === 'enter' ) {
if (
CommentUtils::isCommentSeparator( $n ) ||
CommentUtils::isRenderingTransparentNode( $n ) ||
CommentUtils::isOurGeneratedNode( $n )
) {
$skipNode = $n;
} elseif (
CommentUtils::isCommentContent( $n )
) {
$foundContent = true;
return true;
return !$foundContent;
* Assuming that the thread item set contains exactly one comment (or multiple comments with
* identical signatures, plus optional heading), check whether that comment is properly signed by
* the expected author (that is: there is a signature, and either there's nothing following the
* signature, or there's some text within the same paragraph that was detected as part of the same
* comment).
public static function isSingleCommentSignedBy(
ContentThreadItemSet $itemSet,
string $author,
Element $rootNode
): bool {
$items = $itemSet->getThreadItems();
if ( $items ) {
$lastItem = end( $items );
// Check that we've detected a comment first, not just headings (T304377)
if ( !( $lastItem instanceof ContentCommentItem && $lastItem->getAuthor() === $author ) ) {
return false;
// Range covering all of the detected items (to account for a heading, and for multiple
// signatures resulting in multiple comments)
$commentsRange = new ImmutableRange(
$bodyRange = new ImmutableRange(
$rootNode, 0, $rootNode, count( $rootNode->childNodes )
if ( static::compareRanges( $commentsRange, $bodyRange ) === 'equal' ) {
// New comment includes a signature in the proper place
return true;
return false;
* Get the ID for a new topics subscription from a page title
* @param Title $title Page title
* @return string ID for a new topics subscription
public static function getNewTopicsSubscriptionId( Title $title ) {
return "p-topics-{$title->getNamespace()}:{$title->getDBkey()}";