mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 02:51:26 +00:00
I think the issues in T329299 are caused by partially autosaved comments. We store data in multiple localStorage keys, and if some of them are stored but others are not (due to exceeding storage quota), our code can't handle the inconsistent state. We already have a wrapper around localStorage that tries to cover up these issues. Change it so that all values specific to an instance of a reply tool are stored under one localStorage key. This ensures that all updates consistently succeed or fail, with no partially stored state. One of the reasons we haven't done this is because this requires the whole data to be serialized to JSON every time, but our experience with VE change 4355d697aa shows that this is fast enough. Extra changes: * Remove storagePrefix, now redundant * Remove use of createConflictableStorage, now redundant * Prefix the key with 'mw' as advised by mw.storage documentation * Use ES6 syntax for the new code (just for fun) * Use consistent expiry (T339042) Bug: T329299 Change-Id: I347115f7187fd7d6afd9c6f368441e262154233b
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1114 lines
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var controller = require( 'ext.discussionTools.init' ).controller,
utils = require( 'ext.discussionTools.init' ).utils,
ModeTabSelectWidget = require( './ModeTabSelectWidget.js' ),
ModeTabOptionWidget = require( './ModeTabOptionWidget.js' ),
contLangMessages = require( './contLangMessages.json' ),
licenseMessages = require( './licenseMessages.json' ),
featuresEnabled = mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsFeaturesEnabled' ) || {},
enable2017Wikitext = featuresEnabled.sourcemodetoolbar,
dtConf = require( 'ext.discussionTools.init' ).config;
require( './AbandonCommentDialog.js' );
require( './AbandonTopicDialog.js' );
* DiscussionTools ReplyWidget class
* @class mw.dt.ReplyWidget
* @extends OO.ui.Widget
* @constructor
* @param {CommentController} commentController Comment controller
* @param {CommentDetails} commentDetails
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {Object} [config.input] Configuration options for the comment input widget
function ReplyWidget( commentController, commentDetails, config ) {
var widget = this;
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor
ReplyWidget.super.call( this, config );
this.pending = false;
this.isTornDown = false;
this.commentController = commentController;
var threadItem = commentController.getThreadItem();
this.commentDetails = commentDetails;
this.isNewTopic = !!threadItem.isNewTopic;
this.pageName = commentDetails.pageName;
this.oldId = commentDetails.oldId;
// pageExists can only be false for the new comment tool, so we
// don't need to worry about transcluded replies.
this.pageExists = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantArticleId', 0 ) !== 0;
var contextNode = utils.closestElement( threadItem.range.endContainer, [ 'dl', 'ul', 'ol' ] );
this.context = contextNode ? contextNode.tagName.toLowerCase() : 'dl';
this.storage = commentController.storage;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
this.contentDir = $( '#mw-content-text' ).css( 'direction' );
this.hideNewCommentsWarning = false;
// Floating position for scroll back buttons: 'top', 'bottom', or null
this.floating = null;
this.$window = $( this.getElementWindow() );
this.onWindowScrollThrottled = OO.ui.throttle( this.onWindowScroll.bind( this ), 100 );
var inputConfig = $.extend(
placeholder: this.isNewTopic ?
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-placeholder-newtopic' ) :
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-placeholder-reply', threadItem.author ),
authors: this.isNewTopic ?
// No suggestions in new topic tool yet (T277357)
[] :
// threadItem is a CommentItem when replying
this.replyBodyWidget = this.createReplyBodyWidget( inputConfig );
this.replyButtonLabel = this.isNewTopic ?
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-newtopic' ) :
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-reply' );
this.replyButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ],
label: this.replyButtonLabel,
title: this.replyButtonLabel + ' [' +
// TODO: Use VE keyboard shortcut generating code
( $.client.profile().platform === 'mac' ?
'⌘⏎' :
mw.msg( 'visualeditor-key-ctrl' ) + '+' + mw.msg( 'visualeditor-key-enter' )
) + ']',
accessKey: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-publish-accesskey' )
} );
this.cancelButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
flags: [ 'destructive' ],
label: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-cancel' ),
framed: false,
title: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-cancel' ) + ' [' +
// TODO: Use VE keyboard shortcut generating code
( $.client.profile().platform === 'mac' ?
'⎋' :
mw.msg( 'visualeditor-key-escape' )
) + ']'
} );
this.$headerWrapper = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-headerWrapper' );
if ( !OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
this.modeTabSelect = new ModeTabSelectWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-modeTabs' ],
items: [
new ModeTabOptionWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-mode-visual' ),
data: 'visual'
} ),
new ModeTabOptionWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-mode-source' ),
data: 'source'
} )
framed: false
} );
this.modeTabSelect.$element.attr( 'aria-label', mw.msg( 'visualeditor-mweditmode-tooltip' ) );
// Make the option for the current mode disabled, to make it un-interactable
// (we override the styles to make it look as if it was selected)
this.modeTabSelect.findItemFromData( this.getMode() ).setDisabled( true );
this.modeTabSelect.connect( this, {
choose: 'onModeTabSelectChoose'
} );
// Visual mode toolbar attached here by CommentTarget#attachToolbar
this.$bodyWrapper = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-bodyWrapper' ).append(
this.$preview = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-preview' )
.attr( 'data-label', mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-preview' ) )
// Set preview direction to content direction
.attr( 'dir', this.contentDir );
this.$actionsWrapper = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-actionsWrapper' );
this.$actions = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-actions' ).append(
this.editSummaryInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-editSummary' ]
} );
mw.widgets.visibleCodePointLimit( this.editSummaryInput, mw.config.get( 'wgCommentCodePointLimit' ) );
this.editSummaryField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
align: 'top',
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-editSummaryField' ],
label: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-summary' )
this.advancedToggle = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-advanced' ),
indicator: 'down',
framed: false,
flags: [ 'progressive' ],
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-advancedToggle' ]
} );
this.advanced = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'message',
$content: this.editSummaryField.$element,
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-advanced' ]
} ).toggle( false ).setIcon( '' );
this.$footer = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-footer' );
if ( this.pageName !== mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ) {
this.$footer.append( $( '<p>' ).append(
mw.message( 'discussiontools-replywidget-transcluded', this.pageName ).parseDom()
) );
var $footerLinks = $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-footer-links' );
if ( mw.user.isNamed() ) {
$( '<li>' ).append(
$( '<a>' )
.attr( {
href: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion' ),
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
} )
.text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-preferences' ) )
if ( dtConf.showFeedbackLinks ) {
$( '<li>' ).append(
$( '<a>' )
.attr( {
href: this.isNewTopic ?
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-feedback-link-newtopic' ) :
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-feedback-link' ),
target: '_blank',
rel: 'noopener'
} )
.text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-feedback' ) )
$( '<p>' ).addClass( 'plainlinks' ).html(
this.isNewTopic ? licenseMessages.newtopic : licenseMessages.reply
this.$actionsWrapper.append( this.$footer, this.$actions );
this.viewportScrollContainer = OO.ui.Element.static.getClosestScrollableContainer( document.body );
this.scrollBackTopButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-scrollback-top mw-sticky-header-element' ],
icon: 'collapse',
label: mw.msg(
this.isNewTopic ?
'discussiontools-replywidget-return-to-newtopic' :
flags: [ 'progressive' ]
} );
this.scrollBackBottomButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-scrollback-bottom' ],
icon: 'expand',
label: mw.msg(
this.isNewTopic ?
'discussiontools-replywidget-return-to-newtopic' :
flags: [ 'progressive' ]
} );
// Events
this.replyButton.connect( this, { click: 'onReplyClick' } );
this.cancelButton.connect( this, { click: 'tryTeardown' } );
this.$element.on( 'keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind( this, true ) );
this.beforeUnloadHandler = this.onBeforeUnload.bind( this );
this.unloadHandler = this.onUnload.bind( this );
this.onWatchToggleHandler = this.onWatchToggle.bind( this );
this.advancedToggle.connect( this, { click: 'onAdvancedToggleClick' } );
this.editSummaryInput.connect( this, { change: 'onEditSummaryChange' } );
this.editSummaryInput.$input.on( 'keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind( this, false ) );
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
this.commentController.sectionTitle.$input.on( 'keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind( this, false ) );
this.scrollBackTopButton.connect( this, { click: 'onScrollBackButtonClick' } );
this.scrollBackBottomButton.connect( this, { click: 'onScrollBackButtonClick' } );
this.onInputChangeThrottled = OO.ui.throttle( this.onInputChange.bind( this ), 1000 );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget' ).append(
// Set direction to interface direction
this.$element.attr( 'dir', $( document.body ).css( 'direction' ) );
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
this.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-newTopic' );
if ( mw.user.isAnon() ) {
var msg = this.commentDetails.wouldAutoCreate ?
'discussiontools-replywidget-autocreate-warning' :
var returnTo = {
returntoquery: window.location.search.slice( 1 ),
returnto: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' )
this.anonWarning = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-anonWarning' ],
type: 'warning',
// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc
label: mw.message( msg )
.params( [
mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Userlogin', returnTo ),
mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Userlogin/signup', returnTo ),
contLangMessages[ 'tempuser-helppage' ]
] )
} );
this.anonWarning.$element.append( this.$actions );
this.anonWarning.$label.addClass( 'plainlinks' );
this.$element.append( this.anonWarning.$element, this.$footer );
this.checkboxesPromise = controller.getCheckboxesPromise( this.pageName, this.oldId );
this.checkboxesPromise.then( function ( checkboxes ) {
function trackCheckbox( n ) {
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'dtReply',
action: 'checkbox-' + n
} );
if ( checkboxes.checkboxFields ) {
widget.$checkboxes = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-checkboxes' );
checkboxes.checkboxFields.forEach( function ( field ) {
widget.$checkboxes.append( field.$element );
} );
widget.editSummaryField.$body.append( widget.$checkboxes );
// bind logging:
for ( var name in checkboxes.checkboxesByName ) {
checkboxes.checkboxesByName[ name ].$element.off( '.dtReply' ).on( 'click.dtReply', trackCheckbox.bind( this, name ) );
} );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ReplyWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
/* Methods */
* Create the widget for the reply body
* The body widget should implement #setReadOnly, #pushPending and #popPending
* @method
* @return {OO.ui.Widget}
ReplyWidget.prototype.createReplyBodyWidget = null;
* Focus the widget
* @method
* @chainable
* @return {ReplyWidget}
ReplyWidget.prototype.focus = null;
* Get value of reply body, HTML or wikitext
* @method
* @return {string}
ReplyWidget.prototype.getValue = null;
* Check if the reply widget is empty
* @method
* @return {boolean}
ReplyWidget.prototype.isEmpty = null;
* Get the current input mode of the reply widget, 'source' or 'visual'
* @method
* @return {string}
ReplyWidget.prototype.getMode = null;
* Restore the widget to its original state
* Clear any widget values, reset UI states, and clear
* any (optional) auto-save values.
* @param {boolean} [preserveStorage] Preserve auto-save storage
ReplyWidget.prototype.clear = function ( preserveStorage ) {
if ( this.saveErrorMessage ) {
this.saveErrorMessage = null;
if ( this.previewRequest ) {
this.previewRequest = null;
this.previewWikitext = null;
this.previewTitle = null;
this.toggleAdvanced( false );
if ( !preserveStorage ) {
} else {
this.storage.set( 'saveable', '1' );
this.emit( 'clear' );
* Remove any storage that the widget is using
ReplyWidget.prototype.clearStorage = function () {
this.emit( 'clearStorage' );
* Handle window scroll events
ReplyWidget.prototype.onWindowScroll = function () {
var rect = this.$element[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect();
var viewportHeight = window.visualViewport ? visualViewport.height : this.viewportScrollContainer.clientHeight;
var floating = rect.bottom < 0 ? 'top' :
( rect.top > viewportHeight ? 'bottom' : null );
if ( floating !== this.floating ) {
this.floating = floating;
// Always remove classes as we have switched directly from top to bottom with a fast scroll
.removeClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-floating-top ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-floating-bottom' );
if ( this.floating ) {
// The following classes are used here:
// * ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-floating-top
// * ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-floating-bottom
this.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-floating-' + this.floating );
ReplyWidget.prototype.setPending = function ( pending ) {
this.pending = pending;
if ( pending ) {
this.replyButton.setDisabled( true );
this.cancelButton.setDisabled( true );
this.replyBodyWidget.setReadOnly( true );
} else {
this.replyButton.setDisabled( false );
this.cancelButton.setDisabled( false );
this.replyBodyWidget.setReadOnly( false );
ReplyWidget.prototype.saveEditMode = function ( mode ) {
controller.getApi().saveOption( 'discussiontools-editmode', mode ).then( function () {
mw.user.options.set( 'discussiontools-editmode', mode );
} );
ReplyWidget.prototype.onAdvancedToggleClick = function () {
var showAdvanced = !this.showAdvanced;
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'dtReply',
action: 'advanced-' + ( showAdvanced ? 'show' : 'hide' )
} );
controller.getApi().saveOption( 'discussiontools-showadvanced', +showAdvanced ).then( function () {
mw.user.options.set( 'discussiontools-showadvanced', +showAdvanced );
} );
this.toggleAdvanced( showAdvanced );
if ( showAdvanced ) {
var summary = this.editSummaryInput.getValue();
// If the current summary has not been edited yet, select the text following the autocomment to
// make it easier to change. Otherwise, move cursor to end.
var selectFromIndex = summary.length;
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
var titleText = this.commentController.sectionTitle.getValue();
if ( summary === this.commentController.generateSummary( titleText ) ) {
selectFromIndex = titleText.length + '/* '.length + ' */ '.length;
} else {
// Same as summary.endsWith( defaultReplyTrail )
var defaultReplyTrail = '*/ ' + mw.msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' );
var endCommentIndex = summary.indexOf( defaultReplyTrail );
if ( endCommentIndex + defaultReplyTrail.length === summary.length ) {
selectFromIndex = endCommentIndex + 3;
this.editSummaryInput.selectRange( selectFromIndex, summary.length );
} else {
ReplyWidget.prototype.toggleAdvanced = function ( showAdvanced ) {
this.showAdvanced = showAdvanced === undefined ? !this.showAdvanced : showAdvanced;
this.advanced.toggle( !!this.showAdvanced );
this.advancedToggle.setIndicator( this.showAdvanced ? 'up' : 'down' );
this.storage.set( 'showAdvanced', this.showAdvanced ? '1' : '' );
ReplyWidget.prototype.onEditSummaryChange = function () {
ReplyWidget.prototype.getEditSummary = function () {
return this.editSummaryInput.getValue();
ReplyWidget.prototype.onModeTabSelectChoose = function ( option ) {
var mode = option.getData(),
widget = this;
if ( mode === this.getMode() ) {
this.modeTabSelect.setDisabled( true );
this.switch( mode ).then(
function () {
// Switch failed, clear the tab selection
widget.modeTabSelect.selectItem( null );
).always( function () {
widget.modeTabSelect.setDisabled( false );
} );
ReplyWidget.prototype.switch = function ( mode ) {
var widget = this;
if ( mode === this.getMode() ) {
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
var promise;
this.setPending( true );
switch ( mode ) {
case 'source':
promise = this.commentController.switchToWikitext();
case 'visual':
promise = this.commentController.switchToVisual();
// TODO: We rely on #setup to call #saveEditMode, so when we have 2017WTE
// we will need to save the new preference here as switching will not
// reload the editor.
return promise.then( function () {
// Switch succeeded
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'editor-switch',
action: (
mode === 'visual' ?
'visual' :
( enable2017Wikitext ? 'source-nwe' : 'source' )
) + '-desktop'
} );
} ).always( function () {
widget.setPending( false );
} );
* Setup the widget
* @param {Object} [data] Initial data
* @param {Mixed} [data.value] Initial value
* @param {string} [data.showAdvanced] Whether the "Advanced" menu is initially visible
* @param {string} [data.editSummary] Initial edit summary
* @chainable
* @return {ReplyWidget}
ReplyWidget.prototype.setup = function ( data ) {
data = data || {};
if ( this.modeTabSelect ) {
// Make the option for the current mode disabled, to make it un-interactable
// (we override the styles to make it look as if it was selected)
this.modeTabSelect.findItemFromData( this.getMode() ).setDisabled( true );
this.saveEditMode( this.getMode() );
var summary = this.storage.get( 'summary' ) || data.editSummary;
if ( !summary ) {
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
// Edit summary is filled in when the user inputs the topic title,
// in NewTopicController#onSectionTitleChange
summary = '';
} else {
var title = this.commentController.getThreadItem().getHeading().getLinkableTitle();
summary = ( title ? '/* ' + title + ' */ ' : '' ) +
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' );
!!this.storage.get( 'showAdvanced' ) ||
!!+mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-showadvanced' ) ||
this.editSummaryInput.setValue( summary );
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
this.commentController.sectionTitle.connect( this, { change: 'onInputChangeThrottled' } );
} else {
// De-indent replies on mobile
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
this.$element.css( 'margin-left', -this.$element.position().left );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.watchlistChange' ).add( this.onWatchToggleHandler );
// TODO: Use ve.addPassiveEventListener
this.$window.on( 'scroll', this.onWindowScrollThrottled );
return this;
* Perform additional actions once the widget has been setup and is ready for input
ReplyWidget.prototype.afterSetup = function () {
// Init preview and button state
// Autosave
this.storage.set( 'mode', this.getMode() );
* Get a random token that is unique to this reply instance
* @return {string} Form token
ReplyWidget.prototype.getFormToken = function () {
var formToken = this.storage.get( 'formToken' );
if ( !formToken ) {
// See ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS in ApiDiscussionToolsEdit.php
var maxLength = 16;
formToken = Math.random().toString( 36 ).slice( 2, maxLength + 2 );
this.storage.set( 'formToken', formToken );
return formToken;
* Try to teardown the widget, prompting the user if unsaved changes will be lost.
* @chainable
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Resolves if widget was torn down, rejects if it wasn't
ReplyWidget.prototype.tryTeardown = function () {
var promise,
widget = this;
if ( !this.isEmpty() || ( this.isNewTopic && this.commentController.sectionTitle.getValue() ) ) {
promise = OO.ui.getWindowManager().openWindow( this.isNewTopic ? 'abandontopic' : 'abandoncomment' )
.closed.then( function ( data ) {
if ( !( data && data.action === 'discard' ) ) {
return $.Deferred().reject().promise();
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'abort',
mechanism: 'cancel',
type: 'abandon'
} );
} );
} else {
promise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'abort',
mechanism: 'cancel',
type: 'nochange'
} );
promise = promise.then( function () {
widget.teardown( 'abandoned' );
} );
return promise;
* Teardown the widget
* @param {string} [mode] Teardown mode:
* - 'default': The reply was saved and can be discarded
* - 'abandoned': The reply was abandoned and discarded
* - 'refresh': The page is being refreshed, preserve auto-save
* @chainable
* @return {ReplyWidget}
ReplyWidget.prototype.teardown = function ( mode ) {
// Call the change handler to save the current value in auto-save
if ( this.isNewTopic ) {
this.commentController.sectionTitle.disconnect( this );
// Make sure that the selector is blurred before it gets removed from the document, otherwise
// event handlers for arrow keys are not removed, and it keeps trying to switch modes (T274423)
if ( this.modeTabSelect ) {
this.$window.off( 'scroll', this.onWindowScrollThrottled );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.watchlistChange' ).remove( this.onWatchToggleHandler );
this.isTornDown = true;
this.clear( mode === 'refresh' );
this.emit( 'teardown', mode );
return this;
* Handle changes to the watch state of the page
* @param {boolean} isWatched
* @param {string} expiry
* @param {string} expirySelected
ReplyWidget.prototype.onWatchToggle = function ( isWatched ) {
var widget = this;
if ( this.pageName === mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) ) {
this.checkboxesPromise.then( function ( checkboxes ) {
if ( checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis ) {
!!mw.user.options.get( 'watchdefault' ) ||
( !!mw.user.options.get( 'watchcreations' ) && !widget.pageExists ) ||
} );
* Handle key down events anywhere in the reply widget
* @param {boolean} isMultiline The current input is multiline
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
* @return {boolean} Return false to prevent default event
ReplyWidget.prototype.onKeyDown = function ( isMultiline, e ) {
if ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ESCAPE ) {
return false;
// VE surfaces already handle CTRL+Enter, but this will catch
// the plain surface, and the edit summary input.
if ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ENTER && ( !isMultiline || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) ) {
return false;
* Handle input change events anywhere in the reply widget
ReplyWidget.prototype.onInputChange = function () {
if ( this.isTornDown ) {
// Ignore calls after teardown, which would clear the auto-save or crash
this.storage.set( 'saveable', this.isEmpty() ? '' : '1' );
* Update the interface with the preview of the given wikitext.
* @param {string} [wikitext] Wikitext to preview, defaults to current value
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when we're done
ReplyWidget.prototype.preparePreview = function ( wikitext ) {
var widget = this;
if ( this.getMode() !== 'source' ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
wikitext = wikitext !== undefined ? wikitext : this.getValue();
wikitext = utils.htmlTrim( wikitext );
var title = this.isNewTopic && this.commentController.sectionTitle.getValue();
if ( this.previewWikitext === wikitext && this.previewTitle === title ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
this.previewWikitext = wikitext;
this.previewTitle = title;
if ( this.previewRequest ) {
this.previewRequest = null;
var parsePromise;
if ( !wikitext ) {
parsePromise = $.Deferred().resolve( null ).promise();
} else {
this.previewRequest = parsePromise = controller.getApi().post( {
action: 'discussiontoolspreview',
type: this.isNewTopic ? 'topic' : 'reply',
page: this.pageName,
wikitext: wikitext,
sectiontitle: title,
useskin: mw.config.get( 'skin' ),
mobileformat: OO.ui.isMobile()
} );
return parsePromise.then( function ( response ) {
widget.$preview.html( response ? response.discussiontoolspreview.parse.text : '' );
if ( response ) {
mw.config.set( response.discussiontoolspreview.parse.jsconfigvars );
mw.loader.load( response.discussiontoolspreview.parse.modulestyles );
mw.loader.load( response.discussiontoolspreview.parse.modules );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( widget.$preview );
} );
* Update buttons when widget state has changed
ReplyWidget.prototype.updateButtons = function () {
this.replyButton.setDisabled( this.isEmpty() );
* Handle the first change in the reply widget
* Currently only the first change in the body, used for logging.
ReplyWidget.prototype.onFirstChange = function () {
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'firstChange' } );
* Bind the beforeunload handler, if needed and if not already bound.
* @private
ReplyWidget.prototype.bindBeforeUnloadHandler = function () {
$( window ).on( 'beforeunload', this.beforeUnloadHandler );
$( window ).on( 'unload', this.unloadHandler );
* Unbind the beforeunload handler if it is bound.
* @private
ReplyWidget.prototype.unbindBeforeUnloadHandler = function () {
$( window ).off( 'beforeunload', this.beforeUnloadHandler );
$( window ).off( 'unload', this.unloadHandler );
* Respond to beforeunload event.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Event
* @return {string|undefined}
ReplyWidget.prototype.onBeforeUnload = function ( e ) {
if ( !this.isEmpty() ) {
return '';
* Respond to unload event.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Event
ReplyWidget.prototype.onUnload = function () {
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'abort',
type: this.isEmpty() ? 'nochange' : 'abandon',
mechanism: 'navigate'
} );
ReplyWidget.prototype.updateParentRemovedError = function ( parentRemoved ) {
if ( !parentRemoved ) {
if ( this.parentRemovedErrorMessage ) {
this.parentRemovedErrorMessage = null;
if ( !this.parentRemovedErrorMessage ) {
this.parentRemovedErrorMessage = this.createErrorMessage( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared' ) );
// Don't show the reload prompt if there is nothing to reply to
this.updateNewCommentsWarning( [] );
* Update "new comments" warning based on list of new comments found
* @param {Object[]} comments Array of JSON-serialized CommentItem's
ReplyWidget.prototype.updateNewCommentsWarning = function ( comments ) {
var widget = this;
if ( !comments.length ) {
if ( this.newCommentsWarning ) {
this.newCommentsWarning.toggle( false );
// Don't show the reload prompt if there is nothing to reply to
if ( this.parentRemovedErrorMessage ) {
if ( !this.newCommentsWarning ) {
this.newCommentsShow = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
flags: [ 'progressive' ]
} );
this.newCommentsClose = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
icon: 'close',
label: mw.msg( 'ooui-popup-widget-close-button-aria-label' ),
invisibleLabel: true
} );
this.newCommentsWarning = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-newComments' ],
items: [
} );
this.newCommentsShow.connect( this, { click: 'onNewCommentsShowClick' } );
this.newCommentsClose.connect( this, { click: 'onNewCommentsCloseClick' } );
this.$bodyWrapper.append( this.newCommentsWarning.$element );
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-newcomments-button', mw.language.convertNumber( comments.length ) )
if ( !this.hideNewCommentsWarning ) {
this.newCommentsWarning.toggle( true );
setTimeout( function () {
widget.newCommentsWarning.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-newComments-open' );
} );
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'notificationNewComments',
action: 'show'
} );
* Handle click events on the new comments show button
ReplyWidget.prototype.onNewCommentsShowClick = function () {
this.emit( 'reloadPage' );
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'notificationNewComments',
action: 'page-update'
} );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'abort',
mechanism: 'navigate',
type: 'pageupdate'
} );
* Handle click events on the new comments close button
ReplyWidget.prototype.onNewCommentsCloseClick = function () {
this.newCommentsWarning.toggle( false );
// Hide the warning for the rest of the lifetime of the widget
this.hideNewCommentsWarning = true;
mw.track( 'visualEditorFeatureUse', {
feature: 'notificationNewComments',
action: 'close'
} );
* Create an error message widget and attach it to the DOM
* @param {string} message Message string
* @return {OO.ui.MessageWidget} Message widget
ReplyWidget.prototype.createErrorMessage = function ( message ) {
var errorMessage = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'error',
label: message,
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-error' ]
} );
errorMessage.$element.insertBefore( this.replyBodyWidget.$element );
return errorMessage;
* Handle clicks on the reply button
ReplyWidget.prototype.onReplyClick = function () {
var widget = this;
if ( this.pending || this.isEmpty() ) {
if ( this.saveErrorMessage ) {
this.saveErrorMessage = null;
this.saveInitiated = mw.now();
this.setPending( true );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'saveIntent' } );
// TODO: When editing a transcluded page, VE API returning the page HTML is a waste, since we won't use it
var pageName = this.pageName;
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', { action: 'saveAttempt' } );
widget.commentController.save( pageName ).fail( function ( code, data ) {
// Compare to ve.init.mw.ArticleTargetEvents.js in VisualEditor.
var typeMap = {
badtoken: 'userBadToken',
assertanonfailed: 'userNewUser',
assertuserfailed: 'userNewUser',
assertnameduserfailed: 'userNewUser',
'abusefilter-disallowed': 'extensionAbuseFilter',
'abusefilter-warning': 'extensionAbuseFilter',
captcha: 'extensionCaptcha',
spamblacklist: 'extensionSpamBlacklist',
'titleblacklist-forbidden': 'extensionTitleBlacklist',
pagedeleted: 'editPageDeleted',
editconflict: 'editConflict'
if ( widget.captchaMessage ) {
widget.captchaInput = undefined;
if ( OO.getProp( data, 'discussiontoolsedit', 'edit', 'captcha' ) ) {
code = 'captcha';
widget.captchaInput = new mw.libs.confirmEdit.CaptchaInputWidget(
OO.getProp( data, 'discussiontoolsedit', 'edit', 'captcha' )
// Save when pressing 'Enter' in captcha field as it is single line.
widget.captchaInput.on( 'enter', function () {
} );
widget.captchaMessage = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
type: 'notice',
label: widget.captchaInput.$element,
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-captcha' ]
} );
widget.captchaMessage.$element.insertAfter( widget.$preview );
} else {
if ( !(
// Don't duplicate the parentRemovedErrorMessage
code === 'discussiontools-commentname-notfound' && widget.parentRemovedErrorMessage
) ) {
widget.saveErrorMessage = widget.createErrorMessage(
code instanceof Error ? code.toString() : controller.getApi().getErrorMessage( data )
if ( code instanceof Error ) {
code = 'exception';
// Log more precise error codes, mw.Api just gives us 'http' in all of these cases
if ( data ) {
if ( data.textStatus === 'timeout' || data.textStatus === 'abort' || data.textStatus === 'parsererror' ) {
code = data.textStatus;
} else if ( data.xhr ) {
code = 'http-' + ( data.xhr.status || 0 );
mw.track( 'editAttemptStep', {
action: 'saveFailure',
timing: mw.now() - widget.saveInitiated,
message: code,
type: typeMap[ code ] || 'responseUnknown'
} );
} ).always( function () {
widget.setPending( false );
} );
* Handle click events on one of the scroll back buttons
ReplyWidget.prototype.onScrollBackButtonClick = function () {
module.exports = ReplyWidget;