mirror of
synced 2024-11-30 19:16:39 +00:00
273 lines
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273 lines
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'use strict';
parser = require( 'ext.discussionTools.parser' ),
modifier = require( 'ext.discussionTools.modifier' ),
pageDataCache = {},
scrollPadding = { top: 10, bottom: 10 },
config = require( './config.json' ),
replyWidgetPromise = config.useVisualEditor ?
mw.loader.using( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' ) :
mw.loader.using( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain' );
function setupComment( comment ) {
var $replyLink, widgetPromise, newListItem,
$tsNode = $( comment.range.endContainer );
// Is it possible to have a heading nested in a thread?
if ( comment.type !== 'comment' ) {
$replyLink = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink' )
.text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replylink' ) )
.on( 'click', function () {
var $link = $( this );
$link.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' );
// TODO: Allow users to use multiple reply widgets simlutaneously
// Currently as all widgets share the same Parsoid doc, this could
// cause problems.
$pageContainer.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
if ( !widgetPromise ) {
newListItem = modifier.addListItem( comment );
$( newListItem ).text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-loading' ) );
widgetPromise = replyWidgetPromise.then( function () {
ReplyWidget = config.useVisualEditor ?
require( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' ) :
require( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain' ),
replyWidget = new ReplyWidget(
replyWidget.on( 'teardown', function () {
$link.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' );
$pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
$( newListItem ).hide();
} );
$( newListItem ).empty().append( replyWidget.$element );
return replyWidget;
}, function () {
$link.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' );
$pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
} );
widgetPromise.then( function ( replyWidget ) {
$( newListItem ).show();
replyWidget.scrollElementIntoView( { padding: scrollPadding } );
} );
} );
$tsNode.after( $replyLink );
function traverseNode( parent ) {
parent.replies.forEach( function ( comment ) {
setupComment( comment );
traverseNode( comment );
} );
function autoSignWikitext( wikitext ) {
wikitext = wikitext.trim();
if ( wikitext.slice( -4 ) !== '~~~~' ) {
wikitext += ' ~~~~';
return wikitext;
function postReply( widget, parsoidData ) {
var root, summaryPrefix, summary,
comment = parsoidData.comment,
pageData = parsoidData.pageData,
newParsoidItem = modifier.addListItem( comment );
widget.insertNewNodes( newParsoidItem );
root = comment;
while ( root && root.type !== 'heading' ) {
root = root.parent;
if ( root.placeholderHeading ) {
// This comment is in 0th section, there's no section title for the edit summary
summaryPrefix = '';
} else {
summaryPrefix = '/* ' + root.range.startContainer.innerText + ' */ ';
summary = summaryPrefix + mw.msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' );
return mw.libs.ve.targetSaver.saveDoc(
page: pageData.pageName,
oldid: pageData.oldId,
summary: summary,
basetimestamp: pageData.baseTimeStamp,
starttimestamp: pageData.startTimeStamp,
etag: pageData.etag,
assert: mw.user.isAnon() ? 'anon' : 'user',
assertuser: mw.user.getName() || undefined,
// This appears redundant currently, but as editing / new-topics get added, we'll expand it
dttags: [ 'discussiontools', 'discussiontools-reply', 'discussiontools-' + widget.mode ].join( ',' )
function highlight( comment ) {
var padding = 5,
// $container must be position:relative/absolute
$container = OO.ui.getDefaultOverlay(),
containerRect = $container[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(),
nativeRange, rect,
$highlight = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'dt-init-highlight' );
nativeRange = document.createRange();
nativeRange.setStart( comment.range.startContainer, comment.range.startOffset );
nativeRange.setEnd( comment.range.endContainer, comment.range.endOffset );
rect = RangeFix.getBoundingClientRect( nativeRange );
$highlight.css( {
top: rect.top - containerRect.top - padding,
left: rect.left - containerRect.left - padding,
width: rect.width + ( padding * 2 ),
height: rect.height + ( padding * 2 )
} );
setTimeout( function () {
$highlight.addClass( 'dt-init-highlight-fade' );
setTimeout( function () {
}, 500 );
}, 500 );
$container.prepend( $highlight );
function commentsById( comments ) {
var byId = {};
comments.forEach( function ( comment ) {
byId[ comment.id ] = comment;
} );
return byId;
* Get the Parsoid document HTML and metadata needed to edit this page from the API.
* This method caches responses. If you call it again with the same parameters, you'll get the exact
* same Promise object, and no API request will be made.
* @param {string} pageName Page title
* @param {number} oldId Revision ID
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function getPageData( pageName, oldId ) {
pageDataCache[ pageName ] = pageDataCache[ pageName ] || {};
if ( pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] ) {
return pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ];
pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] = mw.loader.using( 'ext.visualEditor.targetLoader' ).then( function () {
return mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.requestPageData(
'visual', pageName, { oldId: oldId }
}, function () {
// Clear on failure
pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] = null;
} );
return pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ];
* Get the Parsoid document DOM, parse comments and threads, and find a specific comment in it.
* @param {string} pageName Page title
* @param {number} oldId Revision ID
* @param {string} commentId Comment ID, from a comment parsed in the local document
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
function getParsoidCommentData( pageName, oldId, commentId ) {
var parsoidPageData, parsoidDoc, parsoidComments, parsoidCommentsById;
return getPageData( pageName, oldId )
.then( function ( response ) {
var data = response.visualeditor;
// TODO: error handling
parsoidDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( data.content );
parsoidComments = parser.getComments( parsoidDoc.body );
parsoidPageData = {
pageName: pageName,
oldId: oldId
parsoidPageData.baseTimeStamp = data.basetimestamp;
parsoidPageData.startTimeStamp = data.starttimestamp;
parsoidPageData.etag = data.etag;
// getThreads build the tree structure, currently only
// used to set 'replies'
parser.groupThreads( parsoidComments );
parsoidCommentsById = commentsById( parsoidComments );
if ( !parsoidCommentsById[ commentId ] ) {
return $.Deferred().reject( 'comment-disappeared', { errors: [ {
code: 'comment-disappeared',
html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared' ).parse()
} ] } ).promise();
return {
comment: parsoidCommentsById[ commentId ],
doc: parsoidDoc,
pageData: parsoidPageData
} );
function init( $container, state ) {
pageComments, pageThreads, pageCommentsById,
state = state || {};
$pageContainer = $container;
pageComments = parser.getComments( $pageContainer[ 0 ] );
pageThreads = parser.groupThreads( pageComments );
pageCommentsById = commentsById( pageComments );
pageThreads.forEach( traverseNode );
$pageContainer.addClass( 'dt-init-done' );
$pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' );
// For debugging
mw.dt.pageThreads = pageThreads;
if ( state.repliedTo ) {
// Find the comment we replied to, then highlight the last reply
repliedToComment = pageCommentsById[ state.repliedTo ];
highlight( repliedToComment.replies[ repliedToComment.replies.length - 1 ] );
// Preload the Parsoid document.
// TODO: Isn't this too early to load it? We will only need it if the user tries replying...
mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ),
mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' )
module.exports = {
init: init,
getParsoidCommentData: getParsoidCommentData,
postReply: postReply,
autoSignWikitext: autoSignWikitext