Bartosz Dziewoński 14d9652a78 Backend changes related to topic subjects in message body
Our edit API now recognizes topic subjects in the message body,
generates edit summaries from them, and optionally returns an error
if no subject is provided.

Bug: T334163
Bug: T338390
Change-Id: Iac3778a4a88a4def234be9d10b80d9796d35bceb
2023-06-22 10:35:04 +02:00

39 lines
3.5 KiB

"@metadata": {
"authors": []
"apierror-discussiontools-commentid-notfound": "Comment with the ID '$1' not found.",
"apierror-discussiontools-commentname-ambiguous": "Multiple comments with the name '$1' found, <var>commentid</var> is required.",
"apierror-discussiontools-commentname-notfound": "Comment with the name '$1' not found.",
"apierror-discussiontools-formtoken-used": "Comment already posted. Reload the page to see it.",
"apierror-discussiontools-subscription-failed-add": "Could not subscribe to this topic.",
"apierror-discussiontools-subscription-failed-remove": "Could not unsubscribe from this topic.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolscompare-summary": "Get information about comment changes between two page revisions.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-commentid": "ID of the comment to reply to. Only used when <var>paction</var> is <var>addcomment</var>. Overrides <var>commentname</var>.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-commentname": "Name of the comment to reply to. Only used when <var>paction</var> is <var>addcomment</var>.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-formtoken": "An optional unique ID generated in the client to prevent double-posting.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-html": "Content to post, as HTML. Cannot be used together with <var>wikitext</var>.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-sectiontitle": "{{int:apihelp-edit-param-sectiontitle}} Only used when <var>paction</var> is <var>addtopic</var>.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-allownosectiontitle": "Allow posting a new section without a title.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-wikitext": "Content to post, as wikitext. Cannot be used together with <var>html</var>.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-paramvalue-paction-addcomment": "Add a new comment as a reply to an existing comment.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-paramvalue-paction-addtopic": "Add a new discussion section and the first comment in it.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-summary": "Post a message on a discussion page.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsfindcomment-summary": "Find a comment by its ID or name.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsfindcomment-param-idorname": "Comment ID or name",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsgetsubscriptions-param-commentname": "Names of the topics to check",
"apihelp-discussiontoolsgetsubscriptions-summary": "Get the subscription statuses of given topics.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspageinfo-param-oldid": "The revision number to use (defaults to latest revision).",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspageinfo-param-prop": "Which properties to get:",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspageinfo-paramvalue-prop-threaditemshtml": "Representation of the comment threads parsed from the page",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspageinfo-paramvalue-prop-transcludedfrom": "Which other pages comments have been transcluded from",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspageinfo-summary": "Returns metadata required to initialize the discussion tools.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspreview-param-type": "Type of message to preview",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspreview-param-wikitext": "Content to preview, as wikitext.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolspreview-summary": "Preview a message on a discussion page.",
"apihelp-discussiontoolssubscribe-param-commentname": "Name of the topic to subscribe to (or unsubscribe from)",
"apihelp-discussiontoolssubscribe-param-page": "A page on which the topic appears",
"apihelp-discussiontoolssubscribe-param-subscribe": "True to subscribe, false to unsubscribe",
"apihelp-discussiontoolssubscribe-summary": "Subscribe (or unsubscribe) to receive notifications about a topic."