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synced 2025-01-11 22:44:53 +00:00
Bug: T319133 Change-Id: I36efb9326a9bf0efc5ef646d49361b314fdd0b5a
386 lines
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386 lines
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utils = require( './utils.js' ),
logger = require( './logger.js' ),
controller = require( './controller.js' ),
CommentController = require( './CommentController.js' ),
HeadingItem = require( './HeadingItem.js' );
* Handles setup, save and teardown of new topic widget
* @param {jQuery} $pageContainer Page container
* @param {ThreadItemSet} threadItemSet
function NewTopicController( $pageContainer, threadItemSet ) {
this.container = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-newTopic' ],
expanded: false,
padded: true,
framed: true
} );
this.$notices = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-newTopic-notices' );
this.sectionTitle = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
// Wrap in a <h2> element to inherit heading font styles
$element: $( '<h2>' ),
classes: [ 'ext-discussiontools-ui-newTopic-sectionTitle' ],
placeholder: mw.msg( 'discussiontools-newtopic-placeholder-title' ),
spellcheck: true
} );
this.sectionTitle.$input.attr( 'aria-label', mw.msg( 'discussiontools-newtopic-placeholder-title' ) );
this.sectionTitleField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.sectionTitle, {
align: 'top'
} );
this.prevTitleText = '';
this.container.$element.append( this.$notices, this.sectionTitleField.$element );
// HeadingItem representing the heading being added, so that we can pretend we're replying to it
var threadItem = new HeadingItem( {
startContainer: this.sectionTitleField.$element[ 0 ],
startOffset: 0,
endContainer: this.sectionTitleField.$element[ 0 ],
endOffset: this.sectionTitleField.$element[ 0 ].childNodes.length
}, 2 );
threadItem.id = utils.NEW_TOPIC_COMMENT_ID;
threadItem.isNewTopic = true;
NewTopicController.super.call( this, $pageContainer, threadItem, threadItemSet );
OO.inheritClass( NewTopicController, CommentController );
/* Static properties */
NewTopicController.static.initType = 'section';
NewTopicController.static.suppressedEditNotices = [
// Our own notice, meant for the other interfaces only
// Ignored because we have a custom warning for non-logged-in users.
// Ignored because it contains mostly instructions for signing comments using tildes.
// (Does not appear in VE notices right now, but just in case.)
// Ignored because the empty state takeover has already explained
// that this is a new article.
/* Methods */
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.setup = function ( mode ) {
var rootScrollable = OO.ui.Element.static.getRootScrollableElement( document.body );
this.$pageContainer.append( this.container.$element );
NewTopicController.super.prototype.setup.call( this, mode );
// The section title field is added to the page immediately, we can scroll to the bottom and focus
// it while the content field is still loading.
rootScrollable.scrollTop = rootScrollable.scrollHeight;
var firstUse = !mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-opened' );
if (
( firstUse || mw.user.options.get( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-hint-shown' ) ) &&
mw.config.get( 'wgUserId' ) && mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount', 0 ) >= 500
) {
// Topic hint should be shown to logged in users who have more than
// 500 edits on their first use of the tool, and should persist until
// they deliberately close it.
if ( firstUse ) {
controller.getApi().saveOption( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-opened', '1' ).then( function () {
mw.user.options.set( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-opened', '1' );
} );
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.setupReplyWidget = function ( replyWidget ) {
NewTopicController.super.prototype.setupReplyWidget.apply( this, arguments );
for ( var noticeName in this.replyWidget.commentDetails.notices ) {
if ( this.constructor.static.suppressedEditNotices.indexOf( noticeName ) !== -1 ) {
var noticeItem = this.replyWidget.commentDetails.notices[ noticeName ];
var $noticeElement = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-replyWidget-notice' )
.html( typeof noticeItem === 'string' ? noticeItem : noticeItem.message );
this.$notices.append( $noticeElement );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( this.$notices );
var title = this.replyWidget.storage.get( this.replyWidget.storagePrefix + '/title' );
if ( title && !this.sectionTitle.getValue() ) {
// Don't overwrite if the user has already typed something in while the widget was loading.
// TODO This should happen immediately rather than waiting for the reply widget to load,
// then we wouldn't need this check, but the autosave code is in ReplyWidget.
this.sectionTitle.setValue( title );
if ( this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect ) {
// Start with the mode-select widget not-tabbable so focus will go from the title to the body
this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect.$element.attr( {
tabindex: '-1'
} );
this.sectionTitle.connect( this, { change: 'onSectionTitleChange' } );
this.replyWidget.connect( this, { bodyFocus: 'onBodyFocus' } );
replyWidget.connect( this, {
clear: 'clear',
clearStorage: 'clearStorage'
} );
* Create and display a hint dialog that redirects users to the non-DT version of this tool
NewTopicController.prototype.setupTopicHint = function () {
var topicController = this;
var legacyUrl = new URL( location.href );
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
legacyUrl.hash = '#/talk/new';
legacyUrl.searchParams.delete( 'action' );
legacyUrl.searchParams.delete( 'section' );
} else {
legacyUrl.searchParams.set( 'action', 'edit' );
legacyUrl.searchParams.set( 'section', 'new' );
legacyUrl.searchParams.set( 'dtenable', '0' );
// This is not a real valid value for 'editintro', but we look for it elsewhere to generate our own edit notice
legacyUrl.searchParams.set( 'editintro', 'mw-dt-topic-hint' );
// Avoid triggering code that disallows section editing while editing an old version of the page (T311665)
legacyUrl.searchParams.delete( 'oldid' );
legacyUrl.searchParams.delete( 'diff' );
this.topicHint = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
label: mw.message( 'discussiontools-newtopic-legacy-hint', legacyUrl.toString() ).parseDom(),
showClose: true,
icon: 'article'
} )
.connect( this, { close: 'onTopicHintClose' } );
this.topicHint.$element.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-ui-newTopic-hint' );
this.topicHint.$element.find( 'a' ).on( 'click', function () {
// Clicking to follow this link should immediately discard the
// autosave. We can do this before the onBeforeUnload handler asks
// them to confirm, because if they decide to cancel the navigation
// then the autosave will occur again.
} );
this.container.$element.before( this.topicHint.$element );
// This needs to persist once it's shown
controller.getApi().saveOption( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-hint-shown', 1 ).then( function () {
mw.user.options.set( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-hint-shown', 1 );
} );
* Handle clicks on the close button for the hint dialog
NewTopicController.prototype.onTopicHintClose = function () {
controller.getApi().saveOption( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-hint-shown', null ).then( function () {
mw.user.options.set( 'discussiontools-newtopictool-hint-shown', null );
} );
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.focus = function () {
* Restore the widget to its original state
NewTopicController.prototype.clear = function () {
// This is going to get called as part of the teardown chain from replywidget
this.sectionTitle.setValue( '' );
this.sectionTitleField.setWarnings( [] );
* Remove any storage that the widget is using
NewTopicController.prototype.clearStorage = function () {
// This is going to get called as part of the teardown chain from replywidget
if ( this.replyWidget ) {
this.replyWidget.storage.remove( this.replyWidget.storagePrefix + '/title' );
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.teardown = function ( abandoned ) {
NewTopicController.super.prototype.teardown.call( this, abandoned );
if ( this.topicHint ) {
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsStartNewTopicTool' ) ) {
var url = new URL( location.href );
url.searchParams.delete( 'action' );
url.searchParams.delete( 'veaction' );
url.searchParams.delete( 'section' );
history.replaceState( null, '', url );
mw.config.set( 'wgDiscussionToolsStartNewTopicTool', false );
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.doIndentReplacements = function ( wikitext ) {
// No indent replacements when posting new topics
return wikitext;
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.undoIndentReplacements = function ( wikitext ) {
// No indent replacements when posting new topics
return wikitext;
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.getUnsupportedNodeSelectors = function () {
// No unsupported nodes when posting new topics
return {};
* @inheritdoc
NewTopicController.prototype.getApiQuery = function ( pageName, checkboxes ) {
var data = NewTopicController.super.prototype.getApiQuery.call( this, pageName, checkboxes );
// Rebuild the tags array and remove the reply tag
var tags = ( data.dttags || '' ).split( ',' );
var replyTag = tags.indexOf( 'discussiontools-reply' );
if ( replyTag !== -1 ) {
tags.splice( replyTag, 1 );
// Add the newtopic tag
tags.push( 'discussiontools-newtopic' );
data = $.extend( {}, data, {
paction: 'addtopic',
sectiontitle: this.sectionTitle.getValue(),
dttags: tags.join( ',' ),
editingStatsId: logger.getSessionId()
} );
// Allow MediaWiki to generate the summary if it wasn't modified by the user. This avoids
// inconsistencies in how wiki markup is stripped from section titles when they're used in
// automatic summaries. (T275178)
if ( data.summary === this.generateSummary( this.sectionTitle.getValue() ) ) {
delete data.summary;
return data;
* Generate a default edit summary based on the section title.
* @param {string} titleText Section title
* @return {string}
NewTopicController.prototype.generateSummary = function ( titleText ) {
return titleText ? mw.msg( 'newsectionsummary', titleText ) : '';
* Handle 'change' events for the section title input.
* @private
NewTopicController.prototype.onSectionTitleChange = function () {
var titleText = this.sectionTitle.getValue();
var prevTitleText = this.prevTitleText;
if ( prevTitleText !== titleText ) {
this.replyWidget.storage.set( this.replyWidget.storagePrefix + '/title', titleText );
var generatedSummary = this.generateSummary( titleText );
var generatedPrevSummary = this.generateSummary( prevTitleText );
var currentSummary = this.replyWidget.editSummaryInput.getValue();
// Fill in edit summary if it was not modified by the user yet
if ( currentSummary === generatedPrevSummary ) {
this.replyWidget.editSummaryInput.setValue( generatedSummary );
this.prevTitleText = titleText;
* Handle 'focus' events for the description field (regardless of mode).
* @private
NewTopicController.prototype.onBodyFocus = function () {
var offsetBefore = this.replyWidget.$element.offset().top;
var rootScrollable = OO.ui.Element.static.getRootScrollableElement( document.body );
var scrollBefore = rootScrollable.scrollTop;
var offsetChange = this.replyWidget.$element.offset().top - offsetBefore;
// Ensure the rest of the widget doesn't move when the validation
// message is triggered by a focus. (T275923)
// Browsers sometimes also scroll in response to focus events,
// so use the old scrollTop value for consistent results.
rootScrollable.scrollTop = scrollBefore + offsetChange;
if ( this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect ) {
// Return normal tabbable status to the mode select widget so shift-tab will move focus to it
// (Similar to how the other toolbar elements only become tabbable once the body has focus)
this.replyWidget.modeTabSelect.$element.attr( {
tabindex: '0'
} );
* Check if the section title is valid, and display a warning message.
* @private
NewTopicController.prototype.checkSectionTitleValidity = function () {
if ( !this.sectionTitle.getValue() ) {
// Show warning about missing title
this.sectionTitleField.setWarnings( [
mw.msg( 'discussiontools-newtopic-missing-title' )
] );
} else {
this.sectionTitleField.setWarnings( [] );
module.exports = NewTopicController;