Bartosz Dziewoński 6bf128cf2d Use setExtensionData() instead of marker comments where possible (3/3)
We started using marker comments (HTML comments with special content
inserted into the page) for the reply buttons back in the day, because
we needed to indicate their location in the HTML. Later we used the
same idea for things which aren't actually tied to a specific location
in the HTML, such as boolean data like __DTEMPTYTALKPAGE__. There is a
better way to do this.

This commit stop writing the HTML comments, which are no longer used,
and cleans up the tests.

Bug: T328980
Change-Id: I37541356830945cc9abcc79d4c445ff6f2449759
(cherry picked from commit ab40ef62c0)
2023-03-21 00:13:01 +01:00

829 lines
27 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools;
use Html;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Hooks\HookUtils;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentCommentItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentHeadingItem;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ThreadItem\ContentThreadItem;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use MWExceptionHandler;
use MWTimestamp;
use Parser;
use ParserOutput;
use Sanitizer;
use Throwable;
use Title;
use WebRequest;
use Wikimedia\Assert\Assert;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Element;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMCompat;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Utils\DOMUtils;
use Wikimedia\Parsoid\Wt2Html\XMLSerializer;
use Wikimedia\Timestamp\TimestampException;
class CommentFormatter {
// List of features which, when enabled, cause the comment formatter to run
public const USE_WITH_FEATURES = [
* Get a comment parser object for a DOM element
* This method exists so it can mocked in tests.
* @return CommentParser
protected static function getParser(): CommentParser {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.CommentParser' );
* Add discussion tools to some HTML
* @param string &$text Parser text output (modified by reference)
* @param ParserOutput $pout ParserOutput object for metadata, e.g. parser limit report
* @param Parser $parser
public static function addDiscussionTools( string &$text, ParserOutput $pout, Parser $parser ): void {
$title = $parser->getTitle();
$start = microtime( true );
$requestId = null;
try {
$text = static::addDiscussionToolsInternal( $text, $pout, $title );
} catch ( Throwable $e ) {
// Catch errors, so that they don't cause the entire page to not display.
// Log it and report the request ID to make it easier to find in the logs.
MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e );
$requestId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
$duration = microtime( true ) - $start;
$stats = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsdDataFactory();
$stats->timing( 'discussiontools.addReplyLinks', $duration * 1000 );
// How long this method took, in seconds
sprintf( '%.3f', $duration )
if ( $requestId ) {
// Request ID where errors were logged (only if an error occurred)
* Add a topic container around a heading element
* @param Element $headingElement Heading element
* @param ContentHeadingItem|null $headingItem Heading item
* @param array|null &$tocInfo TOC info
* @return Element Wrapper element (either found or newly added)
protected static function addTopicContainer(
Element $headingElement,
?ContentHeadingItem $headingItem = null,
&$tocInfo = null
): Element {
$doc = $headingElement->ownerDocument;
$wrapperNode = $headingElement->parentNode;
if ( !(
$wrapperNode instanceof Element &&
DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->contains( 'mw-heading' )
) ) {
$wrapperNode = $doc->createElement( 'div' );
$wrapperNode->setAttribute( 'class', 'mw-heading mw-heading2' );
$headingElement->parentNode->insertBefore( $wrapperNode, $headingElement );
$wrapperNode->appendChild( $headingElement );
DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->add( 'ext-discussiontools-init-section' );
if ( !$headingItem ) {
return $wrapperNode;
$headingNameEscaped = htmlspecialchars( $headingItem->getName(), ENT_NOQUOTES );
// Replaced in ::postprocessTopicSubscription() as the text depends on user state
if ( $headingItem->isSubscribable() ) {
$subscribeLink = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBELINK__' . $headingNameEscaped );
$headingElement->insertBefore( $subscribeLink, $headingElement->firstChild );
$subscribeButton = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__' . $headingNameEscaped );
$wrapperNode->insertBefore( $subscribeButton, $wrapperNode->firstChild );
$ellipsisButton = $doc->createComment( '__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__' );
$wrapperNode->appendChild( $ellipsisButton );
// Visual enhancements: topic containers
$latestReplyItem = $headingItem->getLatestReply();
if ( $latestReplyItem ) {
$latestReplyJSON = json_encode( static::getJsonArrayForCommentMarker( $latestReplyItem ) );
$latestReply = $doc->createComment(
// Timestamp output varies by user timezone, so is formatted later
'__DTLATESTCOMMENTTHREAD__' . htmlspecialchars( $latestReplyJSON, ENT_NOQUOTES ) . '__'
$commentCount = $doc->createComment(
'__DTCOMMENTCOUNT__' . $headingItem->getCommentCount() . '__'
$authorCount = $doc->createComment(
'__DTAUTHORCOUNT__' . count( $headingItem->getAuthorsBelow() ) . '__'
// Topic subscriptions
$metadata = $doc->createElement( 'div' );
$metadata->appendChild( $latestReply );
$metadata->appendChild( $commentCount );
$metadata->appendChild( $authorCount );
$actions = $doc->createElement( 'div' );
if ( $headingItem->isSubscribable() ) {
$subscribeButton = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__' . $headingNameEscaped );
$actions->appendChild( $subscribeButton );
$bar = $doc->createElement( 'div' );
$bar->appendChild( $metadata );
$bar->appendChild( $actions );
$wrapperNode->appendChild( $bar );
$tocInfo[ $headingItem->getLinkableTitle() ] = [
'commentCount' => $headingItem->getCommentCount(),
return $wrapperNode;
* Add discussion tools to some HTML
* @param string $html HTML
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @param Title $title
* @return string HTML with discussion tools
protected static function addDiscussionToolsInternal( string $html, ParserOutput $pout, Title $title ): string {
// The output of this method can end up in the HTTP cache (Varnish). Avoid changing it;
// and when doing so, ensure that frontend code can handle both the old and new outputs.
// See controller#init in JS.
$doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html );
$container = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc );
$threadItemSet = static::getParser()->parse( $container, $title->getTitleValue() );
$threadItems = $threadItemSet->getThreadItems();
$tocInfo = [];
$newestComment = null;
$newestCommentData = null;
// Iterate in reverse order, because adding the range markers for a thread item
// can invalidate the ranges of subsequent thread items (T298096)
foreach ( array_reverse( $threadItems ) as $threadItem ) {
// Create a dummy node to attach data to.
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem && $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading() ) {
$node = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$container->insertBefore( $node, $container->firstChild );
$threadItem->setRange( new ImmutableRange( $node, 0, $node, 0 ) );
// Add start and end markers to range
$id = $threadItem->getId();
$range = $threadItem->getRange();
$startMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$startMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start', '' );
$startMarker->setAttribute( 'id', $id );
$endMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$endMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-end', $id );
// Extend the range if the start or end is inside an element which can't have element children.
// (There may be other problematic elements... but this seems like a good start.)
while ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->startContainer ) ) {
$range = $range->setStart(
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->startContainer )
while ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->endContainer ) ) {
$range = $range->setEnd(
CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->endContainer ) + 1
$range->setStart( $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )->insertNode( $endMarker );
$range->insertNode( $startMarker );
if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem ) {
// <span class="mw-headline" …>, or <hN …> in Parsoid HTML
$headline = $threadItem->getRange()->endContainer;
Assert::precondition( $headline instanceof Element, 'HeadingItem refers to an element node' );
$headline->setAttribute( 'data-mw-thread-id', $threadItem->getId() );
if ( $threadItem->getHeadingLevel() === 2 ) {
$headingElement = CommentUtils::closestElement( $headline, [ 'h2' ] );
if ( $headingElement ) {
static::addTopicContainer( $headingElement, $threadItem, $tocInfo );
} elseif ( $threadItem instanceof ContentCommentItem ) {
$replyButtons = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$replyButtons->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-buttons' );
$replyButtons->setAttribute( 'data-mw-thread-id', $threadItem->getId() );
$replyButtons->appendChild( $doc->createComment( '__DTREPLYBUTTONSCONTENT__' ) );
if ( !$newestComment || $threadItem->getTimestamp() > $newestComment->getTimestamp() ) {
$newestComment = $threadItem;
// Needs to calculated before DOM modifications change ranges
$newestCommentData = static::getJsonArrayForCommentMarker( $threadItem, true );
CommentModifier::addReplyLink( $threadItem, $replyButtons );
$pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-tocInfo', $tocInfo );
if ( $newestCommentData ) {
$pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-newestComment', $newestCommentData );
$startOfSections = DOMCompat::querySelector( $container, 'meta[property="mw:PageProp/toc"]' );
// Enhance other <h2>'s which aren't part of a thread
$headings = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( $container, 'h2' );
foreach ( $headings as $headingElement ) {
$wrapper = $headingElement->parentNode;
if ( $wrapper instanceof Element && DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapper )->contains( 'toctitle' ) ) {
$headingElement = static::addTopicContainer( $headingElement );
if ( !$startOfSections ) {
$startOfSections = $headingElement;
if (
// Page has no headings but some content
( !$startOfSections && $container->childNodes->length ) ||
// Page has content before the first heading / TOC
( $startOfSections && $startOfSections->previousSibling !== null )
) {
$pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasLedeContent', true );
if (
// Placeholder heading indicates that there are comments in the lede section (T324139).
// We can't really separate them from the lede content.
isset( $threadItems[0] ) &&
$threadItems[0] instanceof ContentHeadingItem &&
) {
$pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasCommentsInLedeContent', true );
if ( count( $threadItems ) === 0 ) {
$pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-isEmptyTalkPage', true );
$threadsJSON = array_map( static function ( ContentThreadItem $item ) {
return $item->jsonSerialize( true );
}, $threadItemSet->getThreadsStructured() );
$pout->setJsConfigVar( 'wgDiscussionToolsPageThreads', $threadsJSON );
// Like DOMCompat::getInnerHTML(), but disable 'smartQuote' for compatibility with
// ParserOutput::EDITSECTION_REGEX matching 'mw:editsection' tags (T274709)
$html = XMLSerializer::serialize( $container, [ 'innerXML' => true, 'smartQuote' => false ] )['html'];
return $html;
* Replace placeholders for all interactive tools with nothing. This is intended for cases where
* interaction is unexpected, e.g. reply links while previewing an edit.
* @param string $text
* @return string
public static function removeInteractiveTools( string $text ) {
$text = strtr( $text, [
'<!--__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__-->' => '',
] );
$text = preg_replace( '/<!--__DTSUBSCRIBELINK__(.*?)-->/', '', $text );
$text = preg_replace( '/<!--__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTON(DESKTOP|MOBILE)__(.*?)-->/', '', $text );
return $text;
* Replace placeholders for topic subscription buttons with the real thing.
* @param string $text
* @param Language $lang
* @param SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore
* @param UserIdentity $user
* @param bool $isMobile
* @return string
public static function postprocessTopicSubscription(
string $text, Language $lang, SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore, UserIdentity $user, bool $isMobile
): string {
$doc = DOMCompat::newDocument( true );
$matches = [];
preg_match_all( '/<!--__DTSUBSCRIBELINK__(.*?)-->/', $text, $matches );
$itemNames = array_map(
static function ( string $itemName ): string {
return htmlspecialchars_decode( $itemName );
$items = $subscriptionStore->getSubscriptionItemsForUser(
$itemsByName = [];
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$itemsByName[ $item->getItemName() ] = $item;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $itemsByName, $lang ) {
$itemName = htmlspecialchars_decode( $matches[1] );
$isSubscribed = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) && !$itemsByName[ $itemName ]->isMuted();
$subscribedState = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) ? $itemsByName[ $itemName ]->getState() : null;
$subscribe = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe mw-editsection-like'
$subscribeLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' );
// Set empty 'href' to avoid a:not([href]) selector in MobileFrontend
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'href', '' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-link' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' );
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'title', wfMessage(
$isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text() );
$subscribeLink->nodeValue = wfMessage(
$isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
if ( $subscribedState !== null ) {
$subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'data-mw-subscribed', (string)$subscribedState );
$bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-bracket' );
$bracketOpen = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketOpen->nodeValue = '[';
$bracketClose = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketClose->nodeValue = ']';
$subscribe->appendChild( $bracketOpen );
$subscribe->appendChild( $subscribeLink );
$subscribe->appendChild( $bracketClose );
return DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $subscribe );
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $itemsByName, $lang, $isMobile ) {
$buttonIsMobile = $matches[1] === 'MOBILE';
if ( $buttonIsMobile !== $isMobile ) {
return '';
$itemName = htmlspecialchars_decode( $matches[2] );
$isSubscribed = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) && !$itemsByName[ $itemName ]->isMuted();
$subscribedState = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) ? $itemsByName[ $itemName ]->getState() : null;
$subscribe = new \OOUI\ButtonWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribeButton' ],
'framed' => false,
'icon' => $isSubscribed ? 'bell' : 'bellOutline',
'flags' => [ 'progressive' ],
'label' => wfMessage( $isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-label' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text(),
'title' => wfMessage( $isSubscribed ?
'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip' :
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text(),
'infusable' => true,
] );
if ( $subscribedState !== null ) {
$subscribe->setAttributes( [ 'data-mw-subscribed' => (string)$subscribedState ] );
return $subscribe->toString();
return $text;
* Replace placeholders for reply links with the real thing.
* @param string $text
* @param Language $lang
* @param bool $isMobile
* @return string
public static function postprocessReplyTool(
string $text, Language $lang, bool $isMobile
): string {
$doc = DOMCompat::newDocument( true );
$replyLinkText = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-replylink' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
$replyButtonText = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-replybutton' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $replyLinkText, $replyButtonText, $isMobile, $lang ) {
$replyLinkButtons = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
// Reply
$replyLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-reply' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' );
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' );
// Set empty 'href' to avoid a:not([href]) selector in MobileFrontend
$replyLink->setAttribute( 'href', '' );
$replyLink->textContent = $replyLinkText;
$bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' );
$bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-bracket' );
$bracketOpen = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketClose = $bracket->cloneNode( false );
$bracketOpen->textContent = '[';
$bracketClose->textContent = ']';
// Visual enhancements button
$useIcon = $isMobile || static::isLanguageRequiringReplyIcon( $lang );
$replyLinkButton = new \OOUI\ButtonWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-replybutton' ],
'framed' => false,
'label' => $replyButtonText,
'icon' => $useIcon ? 'share' : null,
'flags' => [ 'progressive' ],
'infusable' => true,
] );
DOMCompat::setInnerHTML( $replyLinkButtons, $replyLinkButton->toString() );
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketOpen );
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $replyLink );
$replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketClose );
return DOMCompat::getInnerHTML( $replyLinkButtons );
return $text;
* Create a meta item label
* @param string $className
* @param string|\OOUI\HtmlSnippet $label Label
* @return \OOUI\Tag
private static function metaLabel( string $className, $label ): \OOUI\Tag {
return ( new \OOUI\Tag( 'span' ) )
->addClasses( [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-metaitem', $className ] )
->appendContent( $label );
* Get JSON data for a commentItem that can be inserted into a comment marker
* @param ContentCommentItem $commentItem Comment item
* @param bool $includeTopicAndAuthor Include metadata about topic and author
* @return array
private static function getJsonArrayForCommentMarker(
ContentCommentItem $commentItem,
bool $includeTopicAndAuthor = false
): array {
$JSON = [
'id' => $commentItem->getId(),
'timestamp' => $commentItem->getTimestampString()
if ( $includeTopicAndAuthor ) {
$JSON['author'] = $commentItem->getAuthor();
$heading = $commentItem->getSubscribableHeading();
if ( $heading ) {
$JSON['heading'] = $heading->jsonSerialize();
$JSON['heading']['text'] = $heading->getText();
$JSON['heading']['linkableTitle'] = $heading->getLinkableTitle();
return $JSON;
* Get a relative timestamp from a signature timestamp.
* Signature timestamps don't have seconds-level accuracy, so any
* time difference of less than 120 seconds is treated as being
* posted "just now".
* @param MWTimestamp $timestamp
* @param Language $lang
* @param UserIdentity $user
* @return string
public static function getSignatureRelativeTime(
MWTimestamp $timestamp, Language $lang, UserIdentity $user
): string {
try {
$diff = time() - intval( $timestamp->getTimestamp() );
} catch ( TimestampException $ex ) {
// Can't happen
$diff = 0;
if ( $diff < 120 ) {
$timestamp = new MWTimestamp();
return $lang->getHumanTimestamp( $timestamp, null, $user );
* Post-process visual enhancements features (topic containers)
* @param string $text
* @param Language $lang
* @param UserIdentity $user
* @param bool $isMobile
* @return string
public static function postprocessVisualEnhancements(
string $text, Language $lang, UserIdentity $user, bool $isMobile
): string {
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) {
$itemData = json_decode( htmlspecialchars_decode( $matches[1] ), true );
if ( $itemData && $itemData['timestamp'] && $itemData['id'] ) {
$relativeTime = static::getSignatureRelativeTime(
new MWTimestamp( $itemData['timestamp'] ),
$commentLink = Html::element( 'a', [
'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['id'] )
], $relativeTime );
$label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-topicheader-latestcomment' )
->rawParams( $commentLink )
->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
return CommentFormatter::metaLabel(
new \OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $label )
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) {
$count = $lang->formatNum( $matches[1] );
$label = wfMessage(
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
return CommentFormatter::metaLabel(
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) {
$count = $lang->formatNum( $matches[1] );
$label = wfMessage(
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
return CommentFormatter::metaLabel(
if ( $isMobile ) {
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $matches ) {
$ellipsis = new ButtonMenuSelectWidget( [
'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-ellipsisButton' ],
'framed' => false,
'icon' => 'ellipsis',
'infusable' => true,
] );
return $ellipsis->toString();
} else {
$text = preg_replace(
return $text;
* Post-process visual enhancements features for page subtitle
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @param Language $lang
* @param UserIdentity $user
* @return ?string
public static function postprocessVisualEnhancementsSubtitle(
ParserOutput $pout, Language $lang, UserIdentity $user
): ?string {
$itemData = $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-newestComment' );
if ( $itemData && $itemData['timestamp'] && $itemData['id'] ) {
$relativeTime = static::getSignatureRelativeTime(
new MWTimestamp( $itemData['timestamp'] ),
$commentLink = Html::element( 'a', [
'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['id'] )
], $relativeTime );
if ( isset( $itemData['heading'] ) ) {
$headingLink = Html::element( 'a', [
'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['heading']['linkableTitle'] )
], $itemData['heading']['text'] );
$label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment' )
->rawParams( $commentLink )
->params( $itemData['author'] )
->rawParams( $headingLink )
->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
} else {
$label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment-notopic' )
->rawParams( $commentLink )
->params( $itemData['author'] )
->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped();
return Html::rawElement(
[ 'class' => 'ext-discussiontools-init-pageframe-latestcomment' ],
return null;
* Post-process visual enhancements features for table of contents
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @param Language $lang
public static function postprocessTableOfContents(
ParserOutput $pout, Language $lang
): void {
$tocInfo = $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-tocInfo' );
if ( $tocInfo && $pout->getTOCData() ) {
$sections = $pout->getTOCData()->getSections();
foreach ( $sections as $item ) {
$key = str_replace( '_', ' ', $item->anchor );
// Unset if we did not format this section as a topic container
if ( isset( $tocInfo[$key] ) ) {
$count = $lang->formatNum( $tocInfo[$key]['commentCount'] );
$commentCount = wfMessage(
)->inLanguage( $lang )->text();
$summary = Html::element( 'span', [
'class' => 'ext-discussiontools-init-sidebar-meta'
], $commentCount );
} else {
$summary = '';
// This also shows up in API action=parse&prop=sections output.
$item->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-html-summary', $summary );
* Check if the talk page had no comments or headings.
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @return bool
public static function isEmptyTalkPage( ParserOutput $pout ): bool {
return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-isEmptyTalkPage' ) === true;
* Append content to an empty talk page
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @param string $content
public static function appendToEmptyTalkPage( ParserOutput $pout, string $content ): void {
$text = $pout->getRawText();
$text .= $content;
$pout->setText( $text );
* Check if the talk page has content above the first heading, in the lede section.
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @return bool
public static function hasLedeContent( ParserOutput $pout ): bool {
return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasLedeContent' ) === true;
* Check if the talk page has comments above the first heading, in the lede section.
* @param ParserOutput $pout
* @return bool
public static function hasCommentsInLedeContent( ParserOutput $pout ): bool {
return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasCommentsInLedeContent' ) === true;
public static function isLanguageRequiringReplyIcon( Language $lang ): bool {
$dtConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' );
$languages = $dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionTools_visualenhancements_reply_icon_languages' );
return in_array( $lang->getCode(), $languages );